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From The Executive Branch

In 2010, DENR-EMB released their “Guidelines On The Use Of Alternative Fuels And Raw Materials In Cement Kilns”
that set the “registration and permitting requirements, standards and procedures on co-processing of alternative fuels
and raw materials (AFR) for clinker for cement production.” Unfortunately, this guidelines considered waste materials
– even mixed wastes – as source of “alternative fuels” that could provide thermal energy in the production of cement.
Here, AFRs are burnt as co-fuel absent strict regulatory standards applicable to waste incinerators. Simply put, the
guidelines allowed cement kilns to burn materials that the law prohibits waste incinerators to do so.

The NSWMC cites and echoes the above DENR-EMB Guidelines in endorsing energy recovery from waste through
co-processing in cement manufacture in its strategic plan for 2012-16. And not content with that, the NSWMC has
adopted in June 9, 2016 the guidelines for WTE operations.

Various national executives including the late DILG Secretary Jessie Robredo, DENR Secretary Ramon Paje and
MMDA Chairman Francis Tolentino followed suit, from 2011 to present, with endorsements of WTE’s and seeing in the
technology a quick way out of lack of landfill sites and perpetually mounting garbage in the cities. The mayors and city
councils cannot be far behind in this stampede, among the most vocal of which are QC Mayor Herbert Bautista and
the QC council led by Vice-mayor Joy Belmonte.

Just recently, in his first State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Rodrigo Duterte announced: “To have adequate
disposal facilities for the Metro Manila garbage, the final closure and rehabilitation of the Carmona Sanitary Landfill
shall be pursued while the adoption of appropriate waste-to-energy facilities will be explored.” With this endorsement,
the threat of “waste-to-energy” or WtE technologies to deal with the country’s waste becomes even more real and

To date, RA 9003 has not yet fully implemented.

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