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ENG5811 S.


Core readings and weekly focus questions

ENG5811 Critical and Systems Thinking

Week 1 Topic: Introduction to Critical and Systems Thinking in Project Management

Required Reading (= essential reading)

Tran, M. (2015). Critical Thinking for Engineers, retrieved June 16, 2017 from

O’Connor, J. & McDermott I. (1997). What is a system? In: The art of systems thinking: essential
skills for creativity and problem solving, London, Thorsons.

Recommended readings (= optional)

Dewey, J. (1910). Chapter 2: What is thought? In: How we think, Heath, London.

Loo, R. & Thorpe K.( 2002). Using reflective learning journals to improve individual and team
performance, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 5,134-139.

Flood, R. & Jackson, M.C. (1991). The nature of systems thinking. In: Creative problem solving:
total systems intervention, Canada, Wiley, chapter 1.

Focus question on week 1:

Online students to submit response to submission link in week 1 module on Canvas by 4 March
On-campus students to write answer on a piece of paper and bring to tutorial in week 1

Who are the critical thinkers we know and what is it about them that leads us to consider them to be
the best?

Two focus questions in preparation of week 2 due by 9 am 4 March:

Online and on-campus students to submit response to submission link in week 1 Module on Canvas.

1. Is the behavioural focus of project management a coherent, useful approach or is a rational

view more helpful? Explain your answer by contrasting both views and drawing on examples
from within the field of Project Management.

2. What is the difference between a belief and a value according to Kath Fisher’s paper and give
one example for each of your personal belief and value.

Online students only: Discussion board (DB) - Personal introduction by the end of week 1

Topic: Why do projects fail? Understanding through self-reflection

Week 2
Required readings:
Shore, B. (2008). Systemic biases and culture in project failures, Project Management Journal.
Retrieved June 2017 from

Fisher, K. (2004). Critical self-reflection: what is it and how do you do it?Southern Cross
University, Lismore.

Case study: Kahnemann, D., Lovallo D. & Sibony O. (2011). Before you make that big decision,
Harvard Business Review, 89 (6), 50 – 60

Focus on week 3:
Explain your understanding of the term ‘transformative learning’ Wilner uses in his paper
and describe how you feel about this concept
ENG5811 S. Ludewig

DB – online students only:

 What are your thoughts on the relevance of 'critical-self reflection' as defined by Fisher in
relation to your professional practice or personal experience?
 Respond to at least one comment from a fellow student

Week 3 Topic: Becoming a reflective practitioner - Journaling for project success

Required reading:
Wilner, K. (2012) Transformative learning for better resource management: the role of critical
reflection, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 10, 1331-1347.

Goffe, R. & Jones, G. (2000). Why should anyone be led by you? Harvard Business Review, 78

Focus on week 4: Which key issues do you identify in Facione’s article and how do they relate to
you personally?

DB – online students only:

 Refer to Goffe and Jone’s paper and reflect on the question why anyone should be led by
 Respond to at least one comment from a fellow student

Week 4 Topic: Critical thinking in PM using self-reflection, logic, reasoning & volition Part 1

Required reading:
Facione, P.A. (2010). Critical thinking: What is it and why it counts, Insight Assessment, Measured
Reasons and the California Academic Press, Millbrae. Retrieved March 2016 from pp 1-12

Further reading:
Elder, L. (1996) Critical Thinking across the disciplines, Inquiry, 16, 2

Focus on week 5: Critical thinking is associated with arguments; either shaping arguments to form
new knowledge or challenging existing arguments. Arguments are based on reasoning. Reasoning
involves analysing evidence and drawing conclusions based on the evidence.

Is it possible to prove the claim below and how would you go about proving or disproving it?
Careful: You are not asked to discuss whether you agree or disagree with this claim!

 Mankind will find a solution to the problem of global warming before it is too late

DB – online only:
 Share your thoughts on Facione’s claim that critical thinking is ‘pervasive’ and support
your view with evidence for your own experience.
 Respond to at least one comment from a fellow student in the discussion board

Week 5 Topic: Critical thinking in PM using self-reflection, logic, reasoning & volition Part 2
pp 12-end

Required reading:
Facione, P.A. (2010). Critical thinking: What is it and why it counts, Insight Assessment, Measured
Reasons and the California Academic Press, Millbrae. Retrieved March 2016 from PPPP?
ENG5811 S. Ludewig

Focus on week 6: Explain the meaning of hard and soft approaches to project management
according Crawford L. & Pollock J. (2004) ’ Hard and soft projects: a framework for analysis’ as
well as the possible problems this view entails.

DB – online only:
 Comment on a particular aspect of your choice from this week's readings and explain how
this aspect relates to your personal experience.
 Respond to at least one comment from a fellow student

Week 6 Topic: Soft Skills

Required readings:
Crawford L. & Pollock J. (2004) Hard and soft projects: a framework for
analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 22, 645-653.

Karrbom Gustavsson T. & Hallin A. (2013) Rethinking dichotomization: A critical perpective on

the use of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ in project management research. ScienceDirect, International Journal of
Project Management, 32, 568-577

Focus on week 7:
How does one determine whether an explanation is true or false?

DB – online only:
 Based on the two readings of this weed, how should PM education change in your view to
adequately prepare future project managers for the complexities of the profession? Support
with reasons.
 Respond to at least one comment from a fellow student

Topic: Hard skills

Week 7
Required reading:
Neuman, W.L., 2010, chapter 4, The meanings of methodology, in Social research methods:
qualitative and quantitative approaches , Boston, Mass, Allyn and Bacon

Focus on week 8:
Evaluate and critique Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

DB – online only:
 Comment on a particular aspect of your choice from this week's readings and explain why
you think it is relevant
 Respond to at least one comment from a fellow student in the discussion board week 3

Week 8 Topic: Managing cross-cultural teams successfully

Required reading:
Low S. P. & Shi Y. (2002). An exploratory study of Hofstede’s cross-cultural dimensions in
construction projects, Management Decision, 40, 7-17.

Further reading – Case Study

Low S.P. & Leong Ch.H.Y. (2000). Cross-cultural project management for international
construction in China, International Journal of Project Management, 18, 307-316.

Sarros, J.C. & Santora, J.C. (2001).Leaders and values: a cross-cultural study, Leadership &
Organisation Development Journal, 22/5, 243-248
ENG5811 S. Ludewig

Week 9 Topic: Rethinking project management

Required reading:
Svejvig, P.& Andersen, P.(2015) Rethinking project management: A structured review with a
critical look at the brave new world, International Journal of Project Management, 33, 278

Week 10 Communicating effectively - workshop week

Week 11 Poster presentations & peer review & defence

Week 12 Poster presentations & peer review & defence

Week 13 Course review & UoS evaluation

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