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of Printed Pages : 15 MTE-04

Term-End Examination
December, 2012


Time : 11/2 hours Maximum Marks : 25

Instructions : Weightage : 70%
1. Students registered for both MTE-4 & MTE-5 courses should
answer both the question papers in two separate answer
books entering their enrolment no. course code and course
title clearly on both the answer books.
2. Students who have registered for MTE-4 or MTE-5 should
answer the relevant question paper after entering their
enrolment number, course code and course title on the answer

Note : Answer any three questions from question Nos. 2 to 5.

Question No. 1 is compulsory. Calculators are not

1. Which of the following statements are true and 10

which are false ? Justify your answers.
(a) { , IGNOU, algebra} is a set.
(b) All roots of the equation 32x +81 =30 x ax
are real.

MTE-04 1 P.T.O.
(c) The arithmetic mean of 3 non - zero real
numbers is greater than their harmonic
(d) Moivre was the mathematician who first
popularised the name, 'complex number'.
(e) Any pair of linear equations in two variables
is consistent.

2. (a) Can we solve the following by Cramer's 21/2

rule ? If yes, solve it. If no, then find
solutions by any other method.
x + 2y + 3z = 3
4x + y — 4
2x + 4v + 6z = 6
(b) Show, by induction, that y n 1, 21/

12 + 32 52 + + (2n — 1)2 = (4n2 — 1)


3. (a) Let A and B be sets of natural numbers N 2

given by
A = {3x xEN}, B = (5x x€N).
Find AnB. Is AuB = N ? Why ?
(b) Let x l , x2, xn be positive real numbers
and s = x1 + x2 + + x n . Apply the
Cauchy - Schwarz inequality to prove that

s — xi n—1

MTE-04 2
4. (a) If a is a negative real number and n = 2m,
with mENI, then prove that there is no nth -
root of a.

(b) Give a direct proof, and a proof by

contradiction, of the following statement :
The equations 3x =y and 3y = x are

Find the polar form of —1+i. 1

If the sum of two roots of the equation 4
3x4 — 28.x3 — 3x2 + 112x — 36 = 0 is zero, find
all its roots.

MTE-04 3 P.T.O.
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7. W)•E9/W7T.27'4`-4 ql.(//datsb41•k
4,F7 qi-d 30,-/colY
C/k1 71- dri< 37-077-37F7T ,Jrf<
yr.??73# airRT ardwrifw, RTIT r17-7:1"
3174" Rvoch<
2. *u-Iv7zie.e.-471T7T.e.1.-5chk1C-N ri-47F7
37-74 dq? sR1`01 dri‹, Sat -YrT,V7 3.7TRT
37-- wcs4;5q 9h?5 721T El/creishH T qt(h-qiY)
fCvoch( I

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.wtqt7 ti men,' ardrr iel t/

1. flqt .4 T t 10
4i-4i .4 am-Ff ? aTcrk -afq --1F77
(a) {if, IGNOU, \Tvinim} ti
(b) .H4-nchtui 32x +81 =30 x 3x Tr%ft aR.ciract)

MTE-04 5 P.T.O.
3 !1,,--17-17 4.11-111-[ 141V4

4.1c-4-1T Ti-F-Ta:R4 .q7s7 cIE t

(d) ,91f- 711 ti--4 1T- r7r

4-1-1•1 :l
ct; I MI

i fl EThF HUI1 51TU5ft TR


Arm 1

-44 oh'f obJ, 21/2

2. (a) :z[T

? Trf t '- .-t-i9-74T3 oh

24±, ,37R `91. ' fTTfr 31- J f--q-N -ot


x+ 2y+ 32


2x + 4y + 6z 6

(b) 347[149 f9R414 A zIT f-q- 5-r7 -ft V fl ?;1, 21/2

12 + 32 + 52 ±...+ (211 -- 1)2 = 11

,1(4112 — 1).

3. (a) 4-11-1 c4MTR A 3-117. B,

A = t3x I xENI, B —15x I x€N}.

TT[IiTTb 4,&413 N

AnB '\71 1 I AuB=N ?

MTE-04 6
(b) x i , x,„ ?,-FT riNki 4,--1 ,.2-111- , 3
S = X + X2+ !1%:•-1 3-1",r,={Thq-7174
ft:F.1- ql"Ir\31 )

Xj 11
i=1 S n—1

4. (a) r, a -137 ak-ci cich n —2m, 2

rn€N, a -wr 14.1 n

(b) -Vc1 r 3- RT Li It aiR 3

F47)---T TTI q11-,itj, I
,k-14__11,4,01 3x = 3i)J. 3y = x, Tfl-TU

5. (a) —1+1 chf -A01 ,tr\- 1-1 ;-1Id Thr717,1

(b) k71T-11-*-1771 3x4 --28x3 -3x2 +112x —36 = 0
1,1 t 7=1* -m-ft tc.1 TIN
cri77 I

MTE-04 7 P.T.O.


Term-End Examination

December, 2012



Time : 11/2 hours Maximum Marks : 25

Weightage : 70%

Note : Question No. 5 is compulsory. Do any three questions

from questions numbers.. 1 to 4. Calculators are not

1. (a) In a parabola show that the tangent at any 3

point makes equal angles with the focal
radius of the point and the line parallel to
the axis through the point.
(b) Show that the plane x + 2y + 2z = 9 touches 2
the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 9. Find the point
of contact.

2. (a) Find the length of the major axis of the ellipse

1 + e cos()

9 P.T.O.
(b) Find the equation of right circular cone 3
whose axis is the y - axis, vertex is the origin
and semi vertical angle is / 6 .

3. (a) Prove that the equations of line of 2

intersection of planes 4x 4y — 5z =12 and
8x +12y —13z =32 can be written as :

x—1 1/-2
3 4•

(b) Check whether the conicoid. 3

x2 + y2 + z2 — 6yz — 2ry —6x —2y-2z +1=- 0
has a centre or not. If so find the centre.

4. (a) Find the equation of tangent planes to 3

7x2 — 3y2 — z2 + 21 = 0
which pass through the line
7x — 6y + 9 = 0, z =3.
(b) For the hyperbola 9x2 — 4y2 = 36, find the 2
vertices eccentricity, foci and equations of

5. Are the following statements true or false ? Give 10

reasons in support of your answers.
(a) All planar sections of an ellipsoid are
(b) 5x —2y = 5 +2z represents a line.

MTE-05 10
(c) The projection of the line segment joining
the points P(1, 2, 3) and Q(— 2, 1, 4) on
x- axis is 5.
(d) The length of the perpendicular from any
point on the cylinder X2 + y2 =9 to its axis
is 4.
(e) The equation.

2 Tr
r =3 cos( 0 +2 sin( 0 + —

represents a straight line.

MTE-05 11 P.T.O.
..-tIctch Gil 141) 4-1 ( 't tft )
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37"fiTTI 3fT • 25
Tr1217 : V/2
TOTh7 : 70%

d-Rit/ 777 i-ise-1/ 1 44 4. 4

MT-q- ‘(-1&3e.// 5 31- fg-
dl-H 01-'4 j Tf 2t7T ch?

1. (a) tRciriq f Fch 1-ft TO 3

tur f-- 1-r f-q t
t-{=n9-1 01'0(11k .47 Wdf %
(b) f-qT§m- x + 2y +2z =9 ft1 2
x2 + y2 + z2 = 9 ch) TcRi WTdl t I T1*-1

f gild off A- I
2e (1-1 2
2. (a) t7:*r — 1 + e cos0 W ch1

11C1 4FA7 I
(b) .11 (-14-4'01 71Id NTI-WE 31U
- 3
y-31 t 7114-1-0 f41 t 3-1-

Tr/6 t I

MTE-05 13 P.T.O.
3. (a) ft , :
" 1-fq7, fc
-T TTIT-171'1. 4x + 4y —
=12 2
8x +12y-132=32=t U-T3ft: :47
ch't Tq 4 Four :
x—1 y 2 z
2 3 4•

(b) AT,=I f 111-)ci 3

7 —6yz —22:x — —6x —2y - - 2z + 1=0
cfd Turief t

4. (a) 7x2 — 3y2 — z2 + 21 = 0 1-,1t4 PTO

cl-q 3
uc 'f7
Lr t -tur
7x — 6y + 9 = 0, z 3 qz.R-

(b) 31-R-TE17c7.21. 9x2 — 4 y2 = 36 tfi

fTlf, 2
,115-71-T 3fR

ci-V\317 I

5. rrr t` 3---rc74 10

(a) ?Th#ff.
. .-14-1(1c1 1 1:1-R--
t I

(b) 5x 2y =5 + 2z 'fT fThfcM chtdi t I

MTE-05 14
_ 3IP,T -crT P(i, 2, 3) AT Q( — 2, 1, 4) on')

d, rft kJ._11 et: TA 5 t-

si c1-1 x2 + ti2 = 9

1-'ff 31-fiTri.q 4 t- I

(e) tuf

= 3 cos(u — — 1 ±2 sin 0 1-

F-RcTLI,c-1 (4- c-11 t- I

MTE-05 15

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