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Instructions :
1. Students registered for both MTE-04 & MTE-05
courses should answer both the question papers
in two separate answer books entering their
enrolment number, course code and course title
clearly on both the answer books.
2. Students who have registered for MTE-04 or
MTE-05 should answer the relevant question
paper after entering their enrolment number,
course code and course title on the answer book.

tiilflet) 441 14)1 5114.1

71.t.t.-04 : 5n t1 eh a1Ailpt i

711.t.t.-05 : ch ,reu
1. * 77i.e.1.-04 ark7-Air.e.f.-05 cil-
ralTu- ff, 047 517-
4 47
T- 37( arov-arev
5P1W.WY 3FRT 373- A-7:17*.; 1/wow Ida err
zugebty 717:T iv'-ffich Ik4W I
2. oa 7.27.e.-614 TIT
F.e.e.-05 /# kkt
3F/4 Yggrff J- dr dri(--SPIWT
ART 315-1 1/W, zifietow m1,5 ffen- westif 7PT
1155-61Y, ikgq5<

MTE-04/05 1 P.T.O.
Term-End Examination
June, 2014


Time : 1 —
1 hours Maximum Marks : 25
(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Question no. 5 is compulsory. Do any 3 questions

from Questions no. 1 to 4. Calculators are not

1. (a) Find a, b so that the system

x + 2y + 3z = 10
x + 2y + az = b
has a unique solution. 3

(b) Plot in the Argand diagram 1 + 3i, 3 + i. 2

2. Solve the equation

3x4 — 25x3 + 50x2 — 50x + 12 = 0

given that the product of two of its roots is 2. 5

MTE-04 2
3. (a) Check if the following system of equations
can be solved by Cramer's rule. If so, apply
it for solving the system. Otherwise, solve it
by the method of Gaussian elimination. 3
x — y + 2z = 3
2x + 3y — z = 6

(b) Show that for any n E N, 2n > n. 2

4. (a) Prove by the principle of mathematical

induction that 32n + 7 is divisible by 8 for
all n E N. 3
(b) A shop sells two kinds of packs, Pack A
containing 2 pencils and 3 pens and Pack B
containing 4 pencils and 2 pens. Formulate
as a set of linear equations the problem of
finding the number of packs of each type you
have to buy to get 14 pencils and 9 pens. 2

5. Which of the following statements are true and

which are false ? Justify your answer with a
short proof or a counter example. 10
(i) If A, B, C are three sets such that A B,
B C, then A C.
(ii) All the roots of the equation x3 + px + q = 0
can be positive.
MTE-04 3 P.T.O.
(iii) lx—yl < I xj — I yl for all x,ye R.

(iv) The geometric representation of an

inconsistent set of equations is a point.
(v) If all the coefficients in a linear system of
equations are positive, the solution set will
also consist of positive numbers.

MTE-04 4
trl 1 CM 4411 1 chi Shil



711.t.t.-04 : mtiNch in

/— uu2 arrw-dv aiw: 25

(pci WT: 70%)
4iZ : 37P. F. 5 ch<41 .944-4"fri / WI Ft. 1 4
3 WV ; / 40/35e-?e< 57-477 Teto‹.i, g

1. (ni) a, b* 79. t1D7 frt* c T i4*Tzf

x + 2y + 3z = 10
x + 2y + az = b
n4i 1/c t I 3

(13) 1 + 3i * 3 + i 3TT kilicm aiiltrd

W-4I 2

2. ki4flchtu1 3x4 — 25x3 + 50x2 — 50x + 12 = 0

rctil iv) !_tul-itho 2

MTE-04 5 P.T.O.
3. (*) z1111 Arr-
4R -ft1R. 4-11,:nku wr -Wrzt
)1-R CV-14.1 71- zfr rie I zit
ti l t, ct)k * iMr
104 11 ANR I 3T- f2TF 111\idiel ritIchtul f4R-T
C-A-R I 3
x — y + 2z = 3
2x + 3y — z = 6
n E N* R'R tUFIR .k2n > n 2

4. (*) Trrurtzr aTrrri:R * 11 clIk;. 7 fp-4

n EN 32n + 7, 8 A
tI 3
SichR t, th-di- A
142 44ra atIT 3 tai Ilh#M3 4 ift0
afIT 2 4q t I ZIR aTrcr 14 4W * 9 4q
wft-4-41 aTrq skT mew 1*--dt
ifteezrt Tgft- 4, r Trm:Err tru- cnkui
Awr-zr*q Tkri - -d A=rr-4R I 2
5 cl gci *24-4 fir4 2.rr ci.)1-14
? aTET4 drR Tiff 31:FAerr -IcgWuI gRI aR.
Atr7R I 10
(i) eir4A,B,C4k#1(.1 -ccleltft AZB,BC,

(ii) (i41chtul x3 + px + q = 0 * Ito '4974**

Tr*-4 t I

MTE-04 6
Rtx,yeR*R-R lx—YI < lx1-13r1.

(iv) 1Rsich (-14114)kul . 31141M eiltaq \Tell H

f4F:Tor •RW 6)di t I

(v) ire 164, tii-114)kul Awrzt TrIft Tr*

t.FTT-gr t, err kt-coel 141 tRiT-Tm ki(s.e4

MT E-04 7


Term-End Examination
June, 2014



Time : 1 1 hours Maximum Marks : 25

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Question no. 5 is compulsory. Do any 3 questions

from Questions no. 1 to 4. Calculators are not

1. (a) Identify the conic

9x2 — 6xy + y2 + 60x — 20y + 75 = 0
and trace it. 3
(b) Find the radius and the centre of the circle
x2 +y2 +z2 —x+z-2=0, x+2y—z=4. 2

2. (a) Show that the sum of focal distances of any

point on an ellipse is equal to the length of
its major axis. 2

(b) Find the angle between the lines of

intersection of
x + y — z = 0 and yz + 6zx — 12xy = O.

MTE-05 8
3. (a) Find the centre of the conicoid
3x2 + 5y2 + 3z2 + 2yz + 2zx + 2xy — 4x — 8z + 5 = 0.
What will be its new equation, if the origin
is shifted to this point ? 3
(b) Find the equation of the cylinder whose base
is the circle x2 + y2 = 9, z = 0 and the axis
is x y z
4 3 5
4. (a) Trace roughly the conicoid
3 (x — 1)2 + 2 (y + 1)2 + 6 (z + 2)2 = 6.
What is the section of this conicoid by the
plane z = — 2 ? 3
(b) Find the equations of tangents to the conic
x2 + 4xy + 3y2 — 5x — 6y + 3 = 0
which are parallel to the line x + 4y = 0. 2
5. Which of the following statements are true and
which are false ? Give reasons for your answers. 10
(i) The line y = x is a tangent to the conic
x2 y2 =
9 4
(ii) The angle between the planes x + 2y + 2z = 5
and 2x + 2y + 3 = 0 is 60°.
(iii) Every section of a paraboloid by a plane is a
central conic.
(iv) S = {(x, y, z) E R3 I y2 + z2 = 1} represents a
(v) The projection of the line segment joining
(1, 5, 0) and (-2, 4, 1) on the line with
direction ratios 3, —1, 8 is 0.

MTE-05 9
k-imen Twit!. chi stoi

4 I t:ti Sh41-1 : 1J1 I CI

TT . -05 : cr) 4f-11

.twit : 1- wu2 31RW-d7:1 37 : 25
(25ei : 70%)

7iF .C/•?..1 5 9W•1/ arf4-472f # 3777 T. 1 4 # .b?./

9 UP' Ace417 I 1PT)77 7' if ;Aix #

1. () -4ticha 9x2 — 6xy + y2 + 60x — 20y + 75 = 0

3tr( 31-ritra. *=07 I 3
No v. x2 +y2 4. z2 _ x z 2 =0, x+2y—z=4
wrff A'tf77 I 2

2. () tUr4R i 1 -*711tEi-19- 1-*711 A:1

R-riftzt 71-1-7t Fe 3141 34ki
loth -1(11 t I 2

(W) x + y — z = 0 yz + 6zx — 12xy = 0

cl Zt5ii34*tq w Qui vci I 3

MTE-05 10
3. (•) iii i

3x2 +5y2 +3z2 +2yz+2zx+2xy-4x-8z+5=0

TTcl A7 I eirq*tr-
P.TTRT- ft-ff Ren \AR, c cITzrT
choi f 611 ? 3
NO ZIT chtui quo *IftR 171:W aTrtw
Tx2 +y2 =9,z=oatItalv:==it I 2

4. klichciA 3 (x —1)2 + 2 (y + 1)2 + 6 (z + 2)2 = 6

*1 3-111trd WA7 I wicid z = — 2 -grtf
TEF iict)ci,31 1:fit ? 3
-41icha x2 + 4xy + 3y2 — 5x — 6y + 3 = 0 tr
34 1
ti-nchtuiTa. *'■
x + 4y = 0* ii1-11-clt t I
5 tsid 4 4 4-1-4 kicel --
0 1 14 aRTF:f ?
31tr-4 \ilk* cr)Ruf %ft A--dr-47I 10
2 2
(1) y = x Ylighq x Y4 = 1 tr t-44f IN!
(ii) Tfird-01 x + 2y + 2z = 5 AT 2x + 2y + 3 = 0*
Alq. *T chiul 60° t I
wacieizi 3rA- trfk-Qq *4t-4
@II t I
(iv) S = {(x, y, z) E R3 Iy2 + z2 = 1} cr
-ftecr-d alkot 4
(v) Rch, 31-50 3, —1, 8 awn" 1131F TR (1, 5, 0)
aTIT (- 2, 4, 1) *1 iirdi4 Itgitgus 3f44ti
MTE-05 11 5,000

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