Bain SoP

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Statement of Purpose

I, Jeet Jhaveri, am a final year student of IIT Bombay from Mechanical Engineering applying to join Bain
& Company as an Associate Consultant.

I believe that in the initial years of one’s career, one should be objectively focused on learning and
developing skills over anything else. There are several factors of management consultancy that seem
immensely appealing to me for this reason. Primarily, it is an opportunity to work alongside the
brightest business minds in the country and to gain international exposure across different verticals.
The position offers a chance to bring in a fresh perspective to complex problems through structured
thinking where we can create tangible value. This, I believe, would not only foster my growth on a
professional level but also on a personal level. Besides, this role is the best suited to enhance like
leadership and interpersonal skills. In my opinion, the challenging nature of this job makes it the most

My stay in IIT and the activities I have undertaken during these 3 years have uniquely equipped me
with the skill set essential for the role. My experience as the Core Group Member of Marketing in
Mood Indigo has helped me gain exposure to the corporate world, become an effective communicator
and understand corporate decision making. The unhealthy economic situation during our tenure
(2013) meant that we had to come up with out-of-the-box solutions to raise the required revenue such
as customized integrations. I realized that to sustain our revenue, we had to look for a higher number
of tier-III sponsors. I was eventually successful in signing the highest number of cash sponsors (21 out
of 35). Besides, being part of a 24-member team responsible for taking all the decisions and leading a
large group of volunteers has honed my teamwork and leadership abilities. As a part of Mood Indigo,
we also tied up with the NGO Think Foundation to spread awareness about Thalassemia and blood
platelet donation.

My internship as a trader in Futures First helped me enhance my analytical skills. Besides, trading for
up to 8 hours every day, I had to work on developing an automated strategy in coordination with an
experienced trader. Trading has helped me gain a number of soft skills and inculcate in myself an
objective and structured outlook to analyse situations. My sound performance in the intern can be
further corroborated by the fact that I was offered a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO). Only two out of
twelve students from IIT Bombay who interned at that firm were offered PPOs.

What specifically appeals to me about Bain & Co. is the result-oriented atmosphere and a focus on
delivering pragmatic business solutions by aligning their interests with that of their clients. I believe
that working in a fast-paced environment in a firm with a growing Indian presence would lead to
opportunities that I would not get in any other firm with an equivalent amount of experience. Besides,
the vibrancy and comfort the Bainees felt with their colleagues was palpable during the pre-placement
talk. Contributing towards NGOs is another one of my passions, which is why Bain’s activities for the
social and public sector seemed very impressive from what I could gather from the website.

Best Regards,

Jeet Jhaveri

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