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Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Research Involving Human Subjects

A) College of Arts Research Ethics Checklist

This checklist is used to identify whether a full application for ethics approval needs to be submitted. Before
completing this form, please refer to the College of Arts Ethics policy and procedures
The principal investigator (PI) or supervisor (where the PI is a student) is responsible for exercising
appropriate professional judgment in this review. This checklist must be completed before potential
participants are approached to take part in any research.

Please answer each question by ticking the appropriate box: YES NO

Does the research involve human participants?
Does the research involve data not in the public domain? (i.e. data still in
Does the study involve people in a dependent relationship, minors, or vulnerable
people who may be unable to give informed consent? (e.g. your own students,
children, people with special needs) If your research involves minors or vulnerable
subjects, please elaborate as fully as possible on the reasons why this is needed and
the ways in which you intend to fully protect the interests of such subjects. If the
research involves unsupervised contact with vulnerable groups, you may need to join
the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme.
Will the study require the co-operation of a gatekeeper for access to
participants? (e.g. teacher, local authority)
Will it be necessary for participants to take part in the study without their
knowledge and consent at the time? (e.g. covert observation of people in non-public
Will the study involve discussion of sensitive topics? (e.g. sexuality, drug use)
Could the study induce psychological stress or anxiety or cause harm or
negative consequences beyond the risks encountered in normal life?
Are there issues of safety for the investigators or subjects? (see also “Ethical
Issues in Interviews” on
Will financial inducements (other than reasonable expenses and compensation
for time) be offered to participants?
Are there issues of confidentiality? (see also “Ethical Issues in Interviews” on
Are there issues of security? (e.g. data storage security)
Are there issues of balance? (e.g. cultural, social or gender-based characteristics of
the research subjects affecting the design of the project or its conduct)

If you have answered NO to all of the questions above, you need take no further action before
starting your research.

If you have answered YES to any of the questions above, you need to submit an application to the
College of Arts Research Ethics Committee before you begin the research. Please complete Part B)
of this form and address any ethical issues of your research project in section 12 of the application
form. Append your research proposal and any other supporting documents such as questionnaires,
consent form, information letter for participants etc. and submit your application through the online
Research Ethics System (log in via the University’s Business Systems page:

College of Arts
Updated 9 April 2013 [AR]
Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Research Involving Human Subjects


1. Name(s) of person(s) submitting research proposal:


2. Position
Undergraduate Student / Postgraduate Student / Staff

3. Subject/ Centre/ School:


4. Contact Address:

5. Email (please use your GU email address):


6. For Students only

Course name      
Supervisor’s name      
Supervisor’s email address      
Supervisor’s contact address      
7. For Supervisors of Student Applications
Please note that by submitting this application the supervisor confirms that:
 The student has read the College’s Ethics Policy and Procedures.
 The topic merits further research.
 The student has the relevant skills to begin research.
 If interviewing, the student has produced an appropriate information sheet for participants.
 The procedures for recruitment and obtaining informed consent are appropriate.

8. Project title:

9. Proposed project end date:


10. Have all investigators read, understood and accepted the College Ethical Policy, a statement of which is
available on the College website at YES /NO

11. Independent contact name (in case of complaints or questions from participants). This could be your
head of department, line manager, dissertation supervisor, etc.:

College of Arts
Updated 9 April 2013 [AR]
Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Research Involving Human Subjects

12. Ethical Issues

What in your opinion are the ethical considerations involved in this proposal? You should consult the ethical
policy statements of the AHRC and other funding and professional bodies (these can be found on

Please address in detail all ethical issues that you have identified in the checklist above, as well as any
further potential ethical issues of your research. Please explain how you will deal with these issues.


College of Arts
Updated 9 April 2013 [AR]
Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Research Involving Human Subjects

13. If applying for funding for this research, please give name of funding body:

14. Have you submitted, or are you intending to submit this application to another College in the University?
Yes / No If yes, please specify:      

End of Project Report

The Committee requires that a brief report be provided within one month of the completion of the research,
giving details of any ethical issues which have arisen (a copy of the report to the funder, or a paragraph or
two will usually be sufficient). This is a condition of approval and in line with the committee's need to monitor
In addition, any unforeseen events which might affect the ethical conduct of the research, or which might
provide grounds for discontinuing the study, must be reported immediately in writing to the Ethics
Committee. The Committee will examine the circumstances and advise you of its decision, which may
include referral of the matter to the central University Ethics Committee or a requirement that the research
be terminated.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the researcher to follow the College of Arts Ethics policy
and procedures and any relevant academic or professional guidelines in the conduct of the study.
This includes providing appropriate information sheets and consent forms, and ensuring
confidentiality in the storage and use of data. Any significant change in the question, design or
conduct over the course of the research should be notified to the College Ethics Officer and may
require a new application for ethics approval.

Date of submission of form:      

Signature of person making the proposal:      

(please type name)

Signature of supervisor (for student applications only):      

(please type name)

Thank you for filling in this form. You should receive confirmation of ethical approval within four weeks of
submitting it.

College of Arts
Updated 9 April 2013 [AR]

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