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Project Project First Saved] ‘Sunday, May 12, 2019 Last Saved| ‘Monday, May 13, 2019 Product Version| 18,1 Release Save Project Before Solution! No ‘Save Project After Solution No Page | of 14 27-05-2019 Project Page 2 of 14 Contents «Model (84 ‘0 Geometry = Parts 1 Layered Section © Coordinate Systems Connections 1» Body Interactions 1» Body Interaction ° © Mesh = Body Sizing Named Selections Explicit Dynamics (BS * Initial Conaitions ™ Pre-Stress (None) 1 Analysis Settings = Loads = Solution (86) Solution Information = Total Deformation oo © Material Data ‘© Structural Steel ‘© Epoxy Carbon Woven (230 GPa) Preprea Report Not Finalized Not all objects described below are in a finalized state. As a result, data may be incomplete, obsolete or in error. View first state problem. To finalize this report, edit objects as needed and solve the analyses. Units TABLE 4 Unit System Metric (mm. ka, N. s, mV, mA) Degrees rads Celsius Angle Degrees: Rotational Velocty radls Temperature Celsius Model (B4) Geometry TABLE 2 Model (B4) > Geometry Object Name Geomet State Fully Defined Definition ‘ikevar impact testing\Simulation files\Initial -explcitinitial_flesidpO \Geom\DM\Geom.agdb Type DesignModeler Source Jsers/Shubham/AppData/Roaming/Ansys/v181/Mechanical Report/Mecha... 27-05-2019 Project Length Unit Meters Display Style Body Color Bounding Box Length X 125. mm Length Y 125. mm Length Z 169mm Properties Velume NA Mass NA ‘Scale Factor Value 1 ‘Statistics Bodies 2 ‘Active Bodies 2 Nodes 74431 Elements 73056 Mesh Metric None Basic Geometry Options Parameters independent Parameter Key Altibutes Yes ‘Attribute Key Named Selections Yes Named Selection Key Material Properties Yes ‘Advanced Geometry Options Use Associatvity Yes Coordinate Systems Yes: Coordinate System Key Reader Mode Saves Updated File No Use Instances Yes Smart CAD Update Yes: Compare Parts On Update No ‘Attach File Via Temp File Yes Temporary Directory ‘C:lUsers\Shubham\AppDatalLocalTemp ‘Analysis Type 3D, Decompase Disjoint ° Geomety ves Enclosure and Symmet Processing ves TABLE 3 Model (B4) > Geometry > Parts Object Name| Surface Body Solid State| Meshed Graphics Properties Visible Yes Transparency 1 Definition Suppressed No Siifiiess Behavior Flexible Coordinate System Default Coordinate System Reference Temperature| By Environment Thickness| mm Thickness Mode| Manual Offset Type Middle Reference Frame| Lagrangian’ Jsers/Shubham/AppData/Roamin; 2/Ans' 27-05-2019 y181/Mechanical Report/Mecha..

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