Email To Ranchi For Cost (15.05.2019) - Reminder

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01\{T exnansion
Balance Work for Extemal Water Supply for Mills & F'ire Water Pump Houses. (Pkg No.077-02A).

l,Iinutes Of the L4eeting held between M/sTPL, M/s BSP & M/s MECON at Bhilai on 01-02-
?019 regarding the discrepancy in 16 nos of 1MVA Dry llype 'l'ransformers' connecting
Flange of LV Side Bus ducts of 8 nos of FWP Houses.


Mls.BSP M/s.MEC0l\ M/s.TPL

h,tr. Ashok Kumar lv1r.N.K Garg Mr.Bindhyachal Pratap
h,nr" D,K,Pouri-va \,{r.A K T ripar}ri Mr.Saseendran"K

h4r" G"S R/adhu,a \4r. Sagar Kumar Lahre


l. Llontract No -DGM/PCC./TK/20]7/434 dated A.A9.2A|7 for "Balance Work for External

Water Supply fbr Mills & Firc Water Pump Houses. (Pkg No.077-02A).
:. l]KV/0.433V An Type Transformer for FWPH Area, Drawing no -BSP-MBE-10-017-24-
{'00-15-DE-0303 l, Rev-O1
-?. 6.6KV/0.433V Transformer for FWPH Area, Drawing no -BSP-MBE-10-077-24-000-15-DE-
0303t"1i, Rev-01
4. 4l5V Bus Duct for FWPII Area Drawing Ncr- BSP-TPL-077AZA-24-000-15-DE-03203.

Regarding thc'discrepancy in 16 nos of 1MVA Dry Type Transformers' connecting Flange of

LV Side Bus ducts of 8 nos of F'WP Houses of types C-l,C-2,C-3,D-1,D-2,D-3,D4,D-5 the
follou in-e poiuts rvere discussed.

I . During erection of I MV A/20tl0A t,T Bus duct at FWPH-C2 pump house. it was firund that
Transformer end bus duct flange is not matching with Transformer side LV flange. The
dimension of Transformer LV flange is l040mm (L) X 320mm (W) instead ol790mm (L) X
300mm (W) as indicated in the approved drawing of earlier contractor Mis MBE and
OEM-M/sVoltamp. These l6 nos of the Transformers (supplied by earlier contractor
' M/s MBE) have been handed over to \{r's TP[, b-v- M/s BSP as free issue items. Due to
this mismatch in the dimensions of matching flanges supply of balance 8 nos of bus
ducts have been put on hold by BSP. In view of above M/s BSP requested M/s TPL to
affange the site visit of Design Engineer of Bus Duct vendor i.e, M1s ECC to resolve
the issue.

2" The Design Engineer of M/s ECC visited the site on 30 &, 31l0lll9. The Design
Engineer of M/s ECC confirmed that the supplied I sets and the also t}le
manufactured Ssets of 2000A Bus Duct Transformer End section bus duct cannot be
used with f'ransformers' LV flange due to, the mismatch in the dimensions. The
'I'ransformer end section of bus ducts needs to be replaced *ith new one as per the
dimensions of the lMV Transformers' LV Flange.

J, Mls.TPL has confirmed that 16 sets of 1MVAI2000A Bus duct hare been
manufactured/fabricated as per the approved drawing and also Ssets of bus duct are
already available at site. The balance Ssets ofbus duct have been inspected and ready
for dispatch, along lv'ith 4sets of 2MVA/4000A bus duct which are in order, at
vendor's premise.
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4. M/s TPL & Mls ECC jointly inspected and measured the actual dimension gl'LV
flange for IMVA, l 1KV/0.433KV Transformer Type-l & Type-2 and IMVA.
6.6KV/0.433KV Transf'ormer Type-l & Type-2 and the sketch for the same is

M/s.ECC will submit the revised drawing of 1MV{2000A Transformer end section
bus duct as per the actual measurement taken at site of LV flange of Transfomrers firr
approval and manufacturing clearance.

5. Since it is not feasible to carry out the required modifications at site, the
fabricatior/manufacturing of Transftrrmer end section piece shall be completed hy
M/s.ECC at their factory, as per the approved drawings. This needs to be done Ibr ali
l6nos IMVAl2000A bus ducts.

6. Meanwhile. based on site inspection and measurements jointly taken by M/s.I'PL &
M/s.ECC, it is opined that 4nos of 2MVA14000A bus ducts and 8 nos of
1MVA/2000A bus duct can be dispatched by M/s.ECC to I\rlls.BSP to facilitate
erectiodinstallation work at site.

7. lt was noted that the engineering" manufacturingifabrication and inspection of the bus
ducts hal'e been completed as per the approved drawings which were in line with the
tansformer's approved drawings of earlier contractor M/s MBE and OEN{-
M/sVoltamp. BSP, MECON Agreed for the same & requested TPL to submit revised
drawings along with commercial offer.

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