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Victor Zhiyu Lee

Victor has six years of consulting experience in analytics and information management
across industries: telecommunication, higher education, F&B, energy, retail, public sector
and e-commerce.
He uncovers actionable insights from data and creates technology that drives actions. He
is adept in translating business problems into concrete data science/engineering problem
statement. Experienced in leading teams of analysts and consultants, he is your go-to
person to strategize, design, develop and operationalize analytics applications.

Contact Info
• • +(65) 9242 6264 •

Professional Experience
Azendian Solutions Pte. Ltd, Singapore Apr 2018 – Present
Senior Analytics Consultant
➢ Analytics Visioning (Lead Facilitator) –
o Co-created analytics strategy roadmap through design thinking workshops with the top and middle
management of a Vietnamese apparel manufacturer.
➢ Analytics Pre-sales & BD (Pre-sales Lead) –
o Led business development and pre-sales team by framing high-level analytics solutions, proof-of-concepts
and proposal preparation covering wide range of use cases.
o Converted ~$500K of service revenue within 10 months.
o Won top prize in SG Mobility Challenge 2019 with Human-Optimal Planning Optimization and secured
subsequent POCs with SMRT.
➢ Energy-sector Cloud Migration & Volume Forecast (Project Manager) –
o Managed the project team to migrate on-premise data to Azure SQL Server, to automate existing rule-based
forecast using Azure Data Factory (ADF) and to forecast usage volume on Azure Databricks.

Evoquant Solutions Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur Jun 2017 – Mar 2018
Analytics & Application Development Manager (with P&L responsibility)
➢ F&B Strategy Consulting (Consulting Lead) –
o Conceptualized the “Encircling Cities from Rural Areas” strategy for a young halal Asian Fusion café start-up
(including site selection, market positioning and pricing), devised Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and
developed VBA-based simulator to assist with strategic decisions and managed company accounts.
➢ Polytechnic Academic & Procurement Analytics (Analytics Manager / Lead) –
o On resource augmentation basis, led the analytics team in modelling academic performance and graduation
outlook for early interventions by course managers and in designing statistical rules for procurement fraud
detection. Project outcome was featured on news.
➢ F&B Production Schedule Optimization (Project Manager / Development Lead) –
o Developed in-house inventory tracking system using Django framework for an ice cream parlour chain/
o Deployed Generalized Sequential Pattern (GSP) algorithm on Python to learn optimal sequencing of flavours
to minimize machine wash time.
BIIT Consulting Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur Jul 2014 – May 2017
Senior Management Consultant
➢ Telco HR Analytics (Analytics Manager / Lead) –
o Forecasted workforce dynamics (hiring, attrition and promotion) and its impact on HR cost.
o Designed for CHrO a series of VBA-based simulators to facilitate HR strategy formation and implementation.
o Published on Asian Data Science and mentioned in HR Tech Interactive 2016 Conference.
➢ E-commerce Text Classification (Consultant) –
o Built support vector machine and term-frequency-based model to classify users’ ethnicity and gender based
on names with a blind-test accuracy of 97%.
➢ Oil & Gas Loyalty Program Churn Modelling (Lead Trainer) –
o As advisor-cum-trainer, mentored a team of four client staff throughout the churn modelling process from
business case development down to into campaign deployment.
➢ Electoral Constituency Re-delineation (Lead Consultant) –
o Developed a Python optimization program (tabu search) which generates alternative electoral maps for
Selangor and Penang that minimizes population inequality satisfying various administrative constraints.
Farseer Analytics, Kuala Lumpur Jun 2013 – Sep 2013
Analytics Consulting Intern
➢ Electoral Analytics (Intern) –
o Built statistical models on SPSS Modeller and Ecological Inference methods (Gary King’s) for voting behaviour
(support, turnout, swing and split voting) based on demographic factors and established standard operating
procedure for digitizing scanned election results.
Accenture Solutions Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur May 2012 – Jul 2012
Management Consulting Intern
➢ Telco Campaign Diagnostics & Retention Strategy (Intern) –
o Devised an analytical method to prove a mismatch of offers in retention campaigns.
o Performed usage and phone model analysis on re-contracting high ARPU customers. Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur Nov 2010 – Dec 2010

Product Management Intern
➢ Product Management Analytics (Intern) –
o Analysed user data capture representativeness, job application trend and Salary Report
performance benchmark.
o Received offer for internship while in high school after self-publishing the article “Is Ready for
the Next Evolution of Job Market?”

Lehigh University, B.Sc. Chemical Engineering (Economics Minor) Aug 2011 – May 2014
Pennsylvania, U.S. o Federal Public Service Department (JPA) Scholarship
o Co-founded and led Southeast Asia at Lehigh (SEAL)

Technical Skills
Domain Technique / Tool
Advanced Analytics Predictive Modelling, Ecological Inference, Time Series Forecasting, OR
Data Mining Toolsets R, Python (Scikit-learn, NLTK), SAS (VDMML, VTA and Enterprise Miner), Knime Studio,
SPSS Modeller
Programming/Scripting Python, C++, VBA
Web Development Python (Django Framework), WordPress
Visualization Microstrategy, PowerBI, QlikSense, SAS VA
Cloud Platform Azure (Data Factory, Databricks)

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