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Bloodborne Chalices Nerfed

In the past, in order to reach and farm the top-tier blood gems in the FRC chalices, you needed all the
chalices that preceded them to enter…

UNTIL NOW. You can cut down the amount of chalices you need and bosses you need to kill by more
than half thanks to the recent False Depth Story Chalices concocted by the user known as XTrin. Bless
this beautiful person, she has done us all a great service.

Now for the vast majority of you, “False Depth Chalices” is a totally alien term. What does this even
mean? I don’t profess to being an expert on these chalices but I am aware of what they’re capable of.
Essentially, players like XTrin, Zullie The Witch, and a few others have found a way to go into the
code of Bloodborne, specifically the chalice dungeons, and replaced the insides of what would
normally be Depth 1 chalices with Depth 4 or even Depth 5 chalices. And all a player like you has to
do is get the Pthumeru Root Chalice and you have access to these False Depth Chalices.

You are now able to go from the first Pthumeru Chalice to the Pthumeru Ihyll just like that. You no
longer need to go through the Central Pthumeru, or the Lower, or even the Defiled Chalice. That’s right.
You don’t have to fight Defiled Watchdog or Defiled Amygdala ever again. Even players working to
get the Platinum trophy don’t even need to lay a foot in this chalice… These bosses are now optional.
So unless you’re into S&M, the route to the FRC chalices has been immensely shortened. Because
again, the goal is to open the FRC chalices to begin farming the top-tier gems.

The Chalice path is now as follows:

 Start a new game.
 Kill Gascoigne.
 Kill the Blood-Starved Beast and get the Pthumeru Chalice. AT THIS POINT, you can begin
dungeon diving.
◦ {However, if you’re relatively new to the chalices dungeons and don’t know what’s in store
for you, it is of my personal opinion that you ought to continue playing through the base
game as normal and prepare yourself and your build for the dungeons. Return once you
have leveled up to BL70 at least, BL60 would be kinda pushing it but you could make it
work. Once you have acquired stronger blood gems either from the Winter Lanterns of
Mergo’s or from the Winter Lanterns of the Fishing Hamlet (Old Hunters DLC) with at
least 18% in all three gem slots, THEN you’ll be able to comfortably take on the deeper
depths of the dungeons with more than decent damage. But again, going through the main
gameis entirely optional. You can just waltz into the dungeons as soon as you have access to
them. Just don’t expect it to be easy... unless you’re some kind of PvE god… or you
summon overleveled friends.}
 The next step: Obtain the Pthumeru Root Chalice. (You get this by beating the Watchers on the
2nd layer boss of the Pthumeru.) Once you get this chalice, you can immediately jump to the
Lower Loran or the Isz or even the Ihyll, thanks to the FD Story Chalices. For those daredevils
who didn’t already get the blood gems from the main game, you can stock up on blood gems
now from other False Depth Chalices. Glyph “xc284ugx” is where you can begin farming for
21% physical atk up radials which will definitely help your AR. There are two flaming sword
dudes in the beginning of this chalice that drop them. With these gems, you could therotically
go toe-to-toe with the droplets you could get from the Old Hunters DLC.
 However you prepare, the next step is getting the Isz Root Chalice. To do this, you need to go
through the False Depth Isz Chalice. Use the glyph “zwmn9yzn” to unlock your way in the
False Depth Isz. The goal is to create an FRC Isz chalice. The biggest reason why we’re getting
the FRC Isz is because ITS requirements are the least demanding out of all the FRCs (there are
less materials needed than the Ihyll AND the Lower Loran.)
 As you’re dungeon diving, do keep in mind, you’re fighting Depth 5 enemies and bosses now.
Expect a moderate to stronge amount of resistance and maybe quite a few deaths along the way.
There’s Ebiertas in the Isz, there’s the Descendent and the Bloodletting Beast in the Ihyll, and
there’s the Loran D-- Yeah, let’s just not talk about him. Persevere long enough and once you
beat Ebrietas in the 3rd layer of that FD Isz, you’ll get the Isz Root Chalice.
all the materials to make the FRC Isz. But there’s some good news ahead...

Isz FRC Material Farming Method

Getting these materials proves to be relatively straightforward. You can either collect them from the
main game, if you chose that method, or from looting the False Depth chalices themselves if you’re in a
 There are 10 Ritual Blood (5) in the FD Isz as well.
◦ There three located in the side area before you reach the layer 1 boss door. There are six in
the layer 2 area, then there’s one pre-boss. In theory, in order to the final 3 Ritual Blood (5)
you could remake the FD Isz and get your final three that way or...
◦ You can also acquire them organically from layers 1 and 2 of the FD Ihyll glyph
(“3aqbyx95”) seeing every build requires the Ihyll Root chalice for a complete gem farm.
I’ll explain why you’ll the Ihyll Root in a bit...
◦ but lastly, you could get Ritual Blood by farming the Ailing Loran glyph (“c76p8sbe”):
Beyond a pool of oil and behind a ladder lies a side room in the corner of the first layer that
gives you 2 RB(5) every time. Simply get them from the chest, delete the chalice, re-input
the glyph and repeat.
◦ If you’re going through the main game, there are also three located in the Upper Cathedral
Ward, in the main room of the orphanage after you kill the three werewolves.
 Then there's a room in the 3rd layer of the FD Isz Chalice that has one lone brainsucker and
several chests strewn about the room. You’ll find enough Red Jelly, Tomb Mold (5) and
Sage's Hair for the FRC requirements
◦ Red Jelly can also be obtained from the main game as well: there are two specifically in
one of the corner rooms of the Lecture Building 1F.
◦ Likewise, all 3 Pearl Slugs are in the main game too: there is one in a chest at Byrgenwerth
and two in a hallway patrolled by a brainsucker in the Upper Cathedral Ward.
 To start, you can get 4 Pearl Slugs from the 2nd layer of the FD Isz Chalice that you started
with. There are two in a large staircase room on the upper floors of the 2nd layer in the pre-boss
side area. The other two are in a room next to a large circular room on the mid floors of that
same layer.
 For the Yellow Backbone, there are three in a locked off room in the upper floors of Layer 3 of
the FD Isz Chalice. Then you have the option of either...
◦ Remaking the same FD Isz glyph in another open chalice slot that you have, and getting the
3 Yellow Backbone located in the 3rd layer..
◦ Farming the rest from one of Zullie's FD chalices, specifically the "xc284ugx" glyph I
mentioned earlier with those two flaming sword dudes, they can not only drop physical
gems but Yellow Backbone as well…
◦ Or if you’re going through the main game, The One Reborn drops three and you can find
two in a chest in the Nightmare of Mensis after you encounter the NPC known as Edgar (the
scholar looking dude with the Ludwig's Holy Blade and Rosmarinus).
 Next, there are 2 Bastards of Loran in the 2nd layer of the FD Lower Loran chalice
(“zqxwj9g4”), there’s a side room filled with beasts and there’s chest holding them in the
center of the room. Once you get those, you can delete the chalice and remake it in order to get
two more. If you are already in NG+ though, you can buy Bastards with insight from the Bath
Messengers closest to the workshop doors in the Hunter’s Dream. You can also get Yellow
Backbone from NG+ messengers as well.

◦ However you get the materials...

 bing bang boom, you have yourself your very own FRC Isz Chalice.

Now, you only need to make one FRC chalice to have access to the other FRC glyphs, but there’s one
caveat, you need the root chalice of said glyphs too.

Lemme explain: if you made an FRC Isz, you don’t need to make an FRC Ihyll or FRC Lower Loran in
order to use glyphs from those chalices. YOU DO, HOWEVER, need the Ihyll Root chalice and Lower
Loran Root chalice first. You can get the Ihyll Root Chalice from the Bloodletting Beast in L2 of the
FD Ihyll glyph (“3aqbyx95”). Likewise with the Lower Loran (“zqxwj9g4”), either beat the Loran
Darkbeast in L3 to get the Lower Loran Root or buy the Sinister Lower Loran Root in L3 via the bath
messengers that you can find there (because **** the Loran Darkbeast, amiright).


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