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María del Carmen Flores Mendieta
Lesson one

students Will confirm information using Tag question

a: good afternoon. Nice the food, isn't it?

b: it really is. By the way, I'm Carmen

a: I'm Lupita


Used tag questions ti confirm information you already think ID true or to encourrage someone to
make small talk whith you.

It's a beautiful day, isn't it

When the statement is affirmative, the tag is negative. When the statement is negative, the tag is


You are Lee, aren't you?

She speaks Thai, doesn't she?

He's going to drive, isn't he?

They'll be here later, won't they?

You were there, weren't you?

They left, didn't they?

It's been a great day, hasn't it?


You are not Amy, are you?

I don't know you, do i?

What are not going to eat here, are we?

It won't be long, Will it?

He wasn't driving, was be?

We didn't know, did we?

She hasn't been here long, has she?

Lesson two

students Will talk about a busy using past perfect to relate events in the past

a: So how was your day?

b: incredibly busy. By five. I had already eat

a: thanks a lot to do before five

b: that was nothing. At six. I have go to the school

a: wow

b: and then i had to get back with my son at seven

a: what do you do about i haven't eaten yet

b: it is back

a: you must be so!


Use the past perfect ti describe and action that happened ( or didn' t happen) before another
action ir before a sprcific time un the past.

Our flight had arrived by noon.

The meeting hadn't yet begun when de arrived.

Use the past perfect with the simple past tense ti clarify which of two past events accured first

The meeting had ended late, so de had a short lunch.

( First action: the meeting ended; later action: we had lunch.)

When the tour started, Ann had already met kazuko)

( First action: Ann and kazuko met; later action: the tour started.)

In informal speech. It's common to use the simple past tense instead of the past perfect. The
Words by, before, and after often clarify the order of the events.

By April, he started his new job.

Before i hot married, i got a degree un marketing.

After i learned to make presentations, they promoted me.

Lesson three

students Will discuss about cultural awarenness using the vocabulary

a: hi good afternoon Raúl and Eli

b: hi Carmen

c: hi Carmen

a: they are very puntuality

b: yes i like the puntuality

a: I'm sorry

c: what is the customary favorite?

a: my customer is Halloween, and you?

c: my customer is christmas

b: i have hungry, I go to eat

a and c: let's go

b: it is offensive that talk with eat

a: yes i have good table manners when I'm with other people

c: I'm sorry i was very impolite


ETIQUETTE the "the rules" forma polite behavior un society or in a particular group

CULTURAL LITERACY knowing about and respecting the culture of others

TABLE MANNERS rules forma polite behavior when eating with other people

PUNCTUALITY the habit of the being on time

IMPOLATE not polite, rude

OFFENSIVE extremely rude ir impolite

CUSTOMARY usual or traditional in a particular culture

TABOO not allowed because of very Stronghold cultural or religiouns rules

Lesson four

students Will write about cultural change over the time

Dinner Parties Now 1940

Punctuality Now we arrive with Before people
minutes of delay. arrived 15 minutes
earlier than agreed
Seating Now it is not Before you had to
necessary to assign wait for a table
specific places
Starting to eat Now you can start Before you had to
eating when you wait until everyone
want started eating
Dropping silverware Now you can’t lift Before if you could
them off the ground lift them

Leaving the table Now you can get up Before you get up
from the table from the table when
whenever you want everyone finishes
Leaving the dinner Now you can leave Before until you have
when you want finished

Party Now you can get Before you arrived at

there when you the agreed time
lesson one

students Will draw conclusions using the modal must

a: I'm afraid, I'm not going to be able to come in today

b: I'm sorry to hear that. Is sometimes wrong?

a: Actually, I'm not feeling too well. I've been wheezing

b: that must be terrible. Maybe you should visit the doctor

a: i think i will

b: Good. call me tomorrow and ley me know how you feel. okay?


Use must and the base form of a verb to indicate that hoy think something is probably true

A: i think i just broke my tooth!

B: oh, no. That must hurt.

A: the doctor said i sould come un the next week.

B: oh, Good. It must not be an emergency.

Lesson two

students Will make medical appointment using will be able to modals may and might

a: hello. Doctor star's Office. can i help you?

b: hello i need to make an appointment for blood test. I wonder if I'm eating be able to come in
the next mont

a: let's see if i can fit you in. Would you be able to be here at 8:00?

b: that would be perfect

a: we Will see you then

b: thanks i really appreciate it


Will be able to + base form: future ability

The doctor Will be able to see you tomorrow. (= The doctor can see you tomorrow.)

She's ll be able to play tennis again un week or so. (=She can play tennis again un a week or so.)

May ir might + base form: posibility

The dentist might some time todo see you this afternoon.

You may need to come un right away.

Note: you can use be able to with may and might for posibility ir with must for drawing

The doctor may be able to see you today.

I might not be able get there till 6:00.

We must be able to park here - see the sign?

They must not be able to cancel the appointment.


Conventional This medicine is it is already a

medicine effective for several medicine that is
diseases. basic.
Homeopathy This medicine are Not all diseases can
effects when used. be cured by this.

Herbal therapy This use natural Not all diseases can

things. be cured by this.

Acupuncture This treatment is

Relieves many pains. very expansive and

Spiritual healing Helps to heal the Does not work in all

soul and the spirit. people.

Lesson three

students will discuss types of treatments

Lesson Four

students Will rote play a visit to the doctor using vocabulary from the unit

Doctor: hello Carmen how are you how do you feel?

Patient: hi doctor Guadalupe if you know what i have been for three days nauseus, i feel dizzy

Doctor: okay on other symptoms

Patient: no but I'm feeling terrible

Doctor: what did you eat

Patient: a pozole with a lot of chili

Doctor: okay you need an antacid

Patient: thanks for fitting me in

Unit 3

Lesson 1

Studens will get someone to do them a favor using causatives

a )Lupita. I wonder if you could de me a favor

b) Sure. What do you need?

a) my computer at the repair. I need print my document at 3:00. Do you think print my document?

b) i would, but i don´t have a time

a) oh, thanks OK. I understand

b) maybe you could get Carmen to take you

a) good idea


My car gets too dirty i have it washed twice

The teacher made the students stay after class

The boss made the wokers do their best of fort

I made the telephone work

Jim made the guitar sound great

John had me prind the report

Mary had her husband cook dinner for her

Pleace have your secretary send me the information

Alejo got me to study more inglish

Lesson 2

Studens will request services using the pasive causative

a) Hi good afternoon
b) Hi lupita
a) Do you think i could have a diploma framed by next Monday
b) Netx Monday? That might be difficult
A) I am sorry, but it is very urgent is my graduation
B) Well, i ll see what i can do. But it wont be ready until the next day
a) I really
b) Yes no problem
Lesson 3

Studens will recomend services they usually get and will read about “the tailors of Hong Kong”

Service Name of business reason

Laundry/ dry clean Burbuja Is fats
Repairs La tuerca reliable
Tailoring El tornillo trustworthy
Delivery Dlh Is fats
Haircuts D´angel Trustworthy
Copying The doble Fats
Lesson 4

Studens will plan a meeting or social event using the vocabulary

Type of event: Party in the class room Location: class room

Date and time: next week at 3:30-4:30
Activity Name
Arrange mussic Carmen
Make a Budget Pablo
Set up in the room Brenda
Arrange food Carmen
Make a list of the atendees Pablo
Geft Exchange Brenda
Unit 4

Lesson 1

Studens will a recomend a book using noun clauses

the groups likes
This book is thriller

This book is suprising and funny

This book is/was unforgettable story

This book is a must-read and short stories

Lesson 2

Studens will interview a famous person using noun clauses, embedded questions

Tell me when is your birthday

Wouold you tell me when you sang for the first time
I wonder where you started your career
Lesson 3

1. Tell me if your consider yourself to be a big reader? Why or why or why not

I´m dont because don´t read too

2. Tell me you have any favorite authors. Who are they?

I don´t have favorite authors

3. Tell my you prefer any particular types of book

Yes short stories

4. I wonder if you are a big newspaper reader

No i preper do puzles

5. Tell me if you read a lot magazines

No i don´t read magazines

6. Tell me if you have ever read to someone aloud

Mmm yes

7. Tell me if you spend a lot of time Reading online

Yes is more practice

8. Tell me if you listen to audio books

Yes someone
Lesson 4

Studens will discuss the quality of Reading materials

Types of material Whow reads them? Are they Your reasons

Comics MARVEL Y N I think that big bussiness
Teen magazines POR TI Y N I belive that your information is
not very accurate
Fashion magazines BOGE Y N I guess that they have to inject a
Sport magazines ESPN DEPORTES Y N In my opinión they are critical
Romance novels PERFUME Y N I think that they are fantasy and
Thriller HANNIBAL Y N I belive that they have to be too
Horror magazines EXTRANORMAL Y N I guess that they are intense
Sci- fi magazines MUY INTERESANTE Y N In my opinión they are creative
Onlie blogs MOGHSDT Y N I think that many times they do
not have formal information
Newspaper EL SOL DE TLAXCALA Y N I belive that they are very
Unit 5
Lesson 1


A: I´m on the phone with your Friends would you like to say hello?

B: i would, but i have an appointment

A: anything you' d like me to tell him?

B: yes please tell him to go to the school

A: sure

Lesson 2


A: what's going on the news today?

B: well, thr Hechos meridiano says there was a terrible storm un the sounth

A: realy?

B: yes . It's a lot of houses were destroyed

A: what a same.

B: but there haven't been any deaths

Lesson 3


An earhquake wiil An earhquake wiil

cause more demage if cause less demage if
Magnitude 9.5 6
Location The pasific ocean China
Quality of constrution Injury 30000 Killed 200000
Timing 1960 2004
Lesson 4

Plans Reasson
Have 2 liters of wáter To have eough wáter in case
Per person per day The wáter is unsafe
Have a batteries for when there is no electric power
Have a matches to generate heat

Unit 6
Lesson 1

A: what do you doing these day?

B: well instituto tecnológico de Apizaco

A: really. I brlived you had other plans

B: that's right. I was going to be a teacher, but my tastes changed

A: how come

B: well, children stress me

In 5 years In 10 years
In 5 years
I plan to work in Factory I plan to buy a house
I plan to work in Factory
I hope to drive a car I hope to travel in 3 country
I hope to drive a car

In 15 years In 30 years

In plan to be a teacher I plan to have a family

I hoppe to climb river I hoppe to travel China

Lesson 2


A: i should hace married Carmen

B: why do you think that?

A: well, i might have had children by nos

B: could be. But you never know. You might not hace been happy.

A: true

Lesson 1

A: l heard there's going to be a holiday next month

B: that' s right. The indeprndence of mexico

A: what kind of holiday Is it?

B: it's a historical holiday that' tales place on September 16th people go out to celebrate at night
whit friends

A: well, have a fabulos night

B: thanks! Same to you

Lesson 2

Studens Will talk about local traditions using adjetive clauses whit object relative pronouns: who,
whom and that

A: do you mind if i ask you about someting?

B: don't worry. Whats up?

A: i' m nota dure about the customs here if someone invites you brithday party, should i bring a
cake ir someting?

B: tes if Course. It's a good idea. Hoy could also take a jelly or a pie
Unit 8

Lesson 1

Studens Will about a piece of techology they bought or want to buy conditional sentences: review

A: i just got a new house.

B: no kidding! What kind?

A: of Bracho equipaded with the bast technology

I thought i' d treat myself

B: well, congratulations ! If i had the money, i' d get a new laptop myself
Lesson 2

Studens Will reflect on things that' might hace been different.

(Third conditional_ the past unreal conditional)

A: sorry i' m late. I thought the meeting was tomorrow.

B: what happend?

A: i' m ashamed to say i just forgot to put it on my calendar.

B: don't worry. That can happend to anyone

A: well, if i had writen it down, i woudn' t hace forgotten.

B: no harm done. We were just getting started.

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