Science Center Opdracht

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Science museum

The Science museum. The science museum is a observation center near Lewes. There where
5 big towers where telescopes where in. You could have a look in one of the towers. We got
a speech from a guy who studied stars and could tell us about the galaxy and some other
things. In the museum itself there was one entrance and you could walk around and outside
there were a lot of different types of experiments. There was also a big building where you
had more experiments some were with air pressure and others with magnets and electricity.
Outside there was a small pond with some fishes inside. The person also told us that there
were some people who fell in but luckily it was not to deep. At the entrance there also was a
little gift shop with all kinds of things like souvenirs to bouncing eggs and pens. The
telescopes in the tower were very big 16 meters high and they still used to same door to
open the roof that was around 40 years old. It was hard to close the roof because he had to
stop it in time so the box want on top of the electricity thing. That were the most impressive
things that we saw. Outside there also were some water experiments for some small childs
to play around with that was fun to watch. On the borders of the museum there were walls
you could walk over but there were no walls so you could fall of but that did not happen to
anybody yet.
This machine works with a magnetic field.
It can let things move!

This shows you that if somethings wants to go out by

rotational speed, it keeps inside!

You cannot predict this machine. You will never know

how it moves!

This thing shows you that if is something

longer, it will take more time to do the same
action than somethings that is smaller.

This is the a telescope, built a long time ago. The people

from the science centre don’t use it anymore.
What is motion
Motion also called movement is when you move from one place to another place. Almost
everything can make motion, a pencil can´t move itself but you can move it so when you
move the pencil it is also called motion.

Why is motion in science

Motion is in science because of: A lot of things have motion they can do all kind of
experiments with motion. With motion they also make new techniques for cars or other
things that move.

With motion you also have some disadvantages like earthquakes. Earthquakes are caused
because of the moving earth plate the moving of the plates is also called motion so a lot of
natural disasters are caused by motion.

What if there wasn´t motion

When there wasn´t motion you cant do anything you need to by everything you. We can´t
make houses or cars, so we can´t do anything without motion. Without motion the world
isn´t possible.

Motion with animals

Also ever animal use motion. You can think a animal plant thing doesn´t move but the move
through the wind or water so that is also motion. Also for animals is motion very important
otherwise they also can´t hunt or hide for natural disasters.

Motion with the world

The world also has motion. It turns around the sun and it turns around itself, if the earth
didn´t turn around it would be light on one side and dark in the other side.

Motion is very important for the world and everything so we can´t have a world without
What physicist studied this phenomeen (Motion) and how did he this and why is he famous.

The physicist for Motion that I chose is Isaac Newton out of 1642-1727.

I choose him because he has all the topics that I need. I think everyone
knows him of the apple on his head.

Isaac Newton has become famous by the 3 laws of motion.

 First law: if there isn’t a force than an object will continue its

 Second law: if there is a force on the object than the movement will

 Third law: Action results in reaction

Newton has become one of the most well known scientist of the world. First of all for his work on
motion, but also because his work in optics, thermofysica, filosophy, mathematics and much more. In
2005 Newton was mentioned as one of the greatest scientist of history by the Britain's Royal Society.

Isaac Newton studied at the Cambridge University. He

studied the most with experimenting things and testing
how motion works. He came by the gravity idea when a
apple fell on his head. He tested this by all kinds of
things like: when you have a feather and a stone and
drop them on the same time the stone reach the
ground earlier then the feather because the stone is
heavier and has less air resistance . So he thought that
if there was no air, if they were left at the same
moment, they will it reach the ground also on the same
moment. And this proved he was right.

In the experiment in the science museum we saw this

first two laws of Newton working.

By: Miel van der Velden, Tristan Weemers, Vin van de Langenberg, Elmo Brack
and Cas de Wild

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