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Geotech Geol Eng


Correlation of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Value

with Soil Properties of Road Subgrade Soil
Valentine Yato Katte . Souleyman Moupe Mfoyet . Bertille Manefouet .
Armand Sylvain Ludovic Wouatong . Lawrence Aleh Bezeng

Received: 20 December 2017 / Accepted: 12 June 2018

Ó Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is the thirty-three soil samples were collected and trans-
most utilised parameter for dimensioning flexible ported to the laboratory for analysis. Routine geotech-
pavements in tropical countries. Often this test is nical tests were carried out and thereafter correlation
expensive, laborious and time consuming, and to and regression analysis were run on the obtained
overcome this, some regression analysis (single and results to assess the relationship between these index
multiple) was considered between the soil’s index properties, compaction characteristics and the exper-
properties (liquid limit-LL, Plastic limit-PL and imental CBR obtained. The results of this analysis
Plasticity index-PI), compaction characteristics (max- showed relatively fair coefficients of determination of
imum dry density-MDD and optimum moisture con- R2 = 0.772 between CBR and MDD using single
tent-OMC), percentage of particle sizes (gravel, sand linear regression analysis and R2 = 0.841 between
and clay/silt) and CBR. The study was carried out CBR and all the parameters using multiple linear
along an ongoing roadway construction project where regression analysis (MLRA). Though the MLRA
improved the R2 from 0.772 to 0.841, the inclusion
of additional properties results in a marginal increase
V. Y. Katte (&) of R2 indicative of weak correlators of CBR hence
Department of Civil Engineering and Forestry practically not cost effective for pavement design .
Techniques, HTTTC, The University of Bamenda,
P.O. Box 39, Bambili, North West Region, Cameroon
e-mail: Keywords CBR  Flexible pavement  Soil index
properties  Compaction characteristics  Percentage of
S. M. Mfoyet  B. Manefouet  A. S. L. Wouatong particle sizes  SLRA  MLRA  Pearson’s coefficient
Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science,
R2  Cost effective
University of Dschang, P.O. Box 67, Dschang,
West Region, Cameroon
B. Manefouet
e-mail: 1 Introduction
A. S. L. Wouatong
e-mail: Transportation Infrastructure is a key component for
any long term development program for any nation.
L. A. Bezeng
The development of road network is regarded as an
Bela Company LTD., P.O. Box 1104, Bamenda,
North West Region, Cameroon index of economic, social and commercial progress of
e-mail: a particular country. No region or country can flourish/

Geotech Geol Eng

develop, if it lacks adequate transportation facilities Trompette 1980) and is very well exposed in South
and more so the road network. It is thus logical that Cameroon (Rocci 1965; Maurizot et al. 1985; Good-
28% of World Bank funds in Cameroon are allocated win 1991). It is limited to the north by a major thrust
to the transportation sector. Therefore, it becomes very that marks the contact with the Pan-African orogenic
important that at the early stages of the planning, belt (Yaoundé group) and is composed of various rock
design and construction of a road network, proper soil types, with rocks of the TTG (Tonalite–Trondhjemite–
characterization must be carried out. This is to avoid Granodiorite) constituting the greater part(Nédélec
jeopardizing the envisaged infrastructure, be they 1990). Three main rock types, the charnockitic suite,
highways, airports, seaports, railways etc. granodioritic suite and the tonalitic suite, distin-
The CBR (California Bearing Ratio) is the most guished on cartographic and field observation maps,
utilised parameter for dimensioning flexible pave- make up this TTG unit. The tonalitic suite (known as
ments in tropical countries. The bearing capacity of ‘‘Soo granite’’ and as ‘‘Soo tonalite’’ (Nédélec 1990)
the subgrade soil is important in determining the is essentially exposed to the north and is strongly
pavement thickness. A low CBR entails a thicker mylonitized and retrogressed along the fault boundary
pavement and vice versa. To determine the CBR with the Pan-African orogenic belt, while granodi-
representative soil samples are compacted at prede- oritic suite massifs form distinct bodies within the
termined optimum moisture content and maximum dominantly charnockitic southern zone (Fig. 1). The
dry density for a given compactive energy of the soil S0 structural surface is basically NW–SE in the
material. Thereafter the CBR value is obtained only charnockitic suite, NNE–SSW to almost E–W in the
after immersion in water for 4 days and sheared. tonalitic suite and E–W to WNW–ESE in granodior-
Carrying this exercise on soil samples collected from a ites, indicating structural discordances and suggesting
limited number of locations cannot be representative a poly- phase structural setup in the Sangmelima TTG
of the whole road trajectory due to the variations of (Shang 2001). Furthermore, charnockitic xenoliths
their engineering properties. So overcoming this occur in granodioritic and tonalitic massifs and the
entails the collection of a large number of specimens latter form veins and dykes in charnockite thus
for testing which makes the procedure expensive, time portraying relative chronology for the three members
consuming and laborious. To resolve this, the predic- of the TTG suite.
tion of CBR values of subgrade soil with easily Exposures of supracrustal rocks (banded iron
determinable parameters becomes necessary and sta- formations and sillimanite-bearing Para gneisses) that
tistical analysis can be used. So far, no information is represent remnants of greenstone belts form xenoliths
available from this study area and its environs of such in TTG suite rocks (Nsifa et al. 1993). Late- to post-
an attempt to correlate soil properties and CBR using tectonic granitoids and syenites with alkaline affinity
regression analysis (single and multiple) between the intrude the TTG (Kornprobst et al. 1976; Nédélec
soil’s index properties (liquid limit-LL, Plastic limit- 1990; Tchameni 1997; Tchameni et al. 2000, 2001;
PL and Plasticity index-PI), compaction characteris- Shang 2001; Shang et al. 2001a, b), and clearly
tics (maximum dry density-MDD and optimum mois- postdate the major crustal forming episode. Eburnean
ture content-OMC), percentage of particle sizes (2.1 Ga) doleritic dykes (Toteu et al. 1994; Vicat et al.
(gravel, sand and clay/silt) and CBR. 1996)represent the last magmatic activity in the Ntem
Petro-structural studies suggest two major episodes
2 Description of Study Area/Geological Setting of deformation in this geological domain. The first
deformation episode is characterized by vertical
This study was carried out on the Sangmelima- foliation, stretching and vertical lineation and isoclinal
Mengong a highway construction project. This area folds. These structural elements could mark the
and its environs is located in the North western edge of diapiric emplacement of the granitoids (Shang 2001;
the Congo craton and specifically in the Ntem Tchameni et al. 2001). The second major tectonother-
complex. This represents the north-western part of mal event is marked by the development of sinistral
the Archaean Congo craton in Central Africa (Clifford shear planes trending north–south to N45E, and partial
and Gass 1970; Cahen et al. 1976; Bessoles and melting of charnockitic and tonalitic members of the

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 1 Regional geological

map of the north-western
part of the Congo craton
(Ntem complex) and thrust
contact with the North
Equatorial Pan-African
orogenic belt in South
Cameroon. Main map shows
the geology of the
Sangmelima region and the
distribution of TTG suite

TTG suite and the greenstone belt country rocks, zircon data on metamorphic rocks from the Nyong
described as post-Archaean and post-charnockitic series. Below is the geological map of the studied area.
migmatisation (Nsifa and Riou 1990). Although the The study area is located in what is called the South
timing to this second tectonothermal event is not well Cameroon plateau. This zone shows successive con-
known, Rb–Sr whole-rock data from Lasserre and vex and convexo-concave hills, which often transit
Soba (Lasserre and Soba 1976)suggest that this event progressively into pediments around the tropics (Se-
could have occurred during the Eburnean orogeny. galen 1967; Eno Belinga 1983). These hills make up
The peak of this metamorphism is dated at about much of the tropical plateau landscapes (500 and
million years 2050 (Toteu et al. 1994), using U–Pb 800 m altitude) Bitom et al. 2013. The latter are

Geotech Geol Eng

surmounted primarily by high plateaus (800 to being the ferriginous duricrust in the tropical plateaus,
1800–2000 m) and secondly by mountainous massifs bauxitic duricrust on the high plateau and andosols on
([ 2000 m altitude) which impose considerable mod- the tropical mountains. Such a relief is replete with
ifications to climate and vegetation distribution. These many streams and rivers draining the area of which the
modifications have a direct bearing on the geochem- two main ones are the Dja and Lobo constituting part
ical behaviour and nature of soils (Segalen 1967). of the Congo River basin. The climate is the ‘Guinean
Bitom et al. 2013 have recognized three soil types type’ with two dry seasons alternating with two humid

Table 1 Some previous correlations and the statistical parameters

S/ Investigator Parameters considered Model Statistical
N and their range parameter

1 NCHRP Non plastic course CBR = 5%, if D60 B 0.01 mm R2 = 0.84

(2001) grained soils 2
CBR = 28.09(D60) , if 0.01 mm B D60 B 30 mm
CBR = 95%, if D60 C 30 mm
Plastic fine grained 75
CBR ¼ 1þ0:728ðwPIÞ R2 = 0.67
2 Satyanarayana FF = 9.0–34.8% CBRs = - 0.388F - 0.064LL ? 20.38MDD R = 0.96
Reddy and LL = 22–48%
MDD = 1.90–2.32 g/
CBRs = 12.8–56.8%
3 Gregory and For cohesive soils CBR = 0.09cu –
Cross (2007) For cohesionless soils CBR ¼ qult100

4 Vinod and C = 33–65% CBRs = - 0.889(WLM) ? 45.616 R = 0.979
Reena (2008) LL = 38.10–63.00% Where, WLM = LL(1-C/100)
CBRs = 8.9–30.4%
5 Patel and Desai LL = 52.98–70.78% CBRs = 17.009 - 0.0696Ip - 0.296MDD ? 0.0648OMC %Error = - 2.5%
(2010) PL = 17.09–26.8% CBRs = 43.907 - 0.093Ip- - 18.78MDD - 0.3081OMC %Error = - 5%
SL = 8.03–19.5%
MDD = 1.58–1.73 g/
OMC = 17.23–24.70%
PI = 24.19–74.78
CBRu = 2.80–8.94%
CBRs = 1.54–4.42%
6 Yildirim and G = 0–78%, CBR = 0.2353G ? 3.0798 R2 = 0.86
Gunaydin S = 1–49% CBR = - 0.1805F ? 18.508 R2 = 0.80
(2011) F = 10–99%, CBR = 0.22G ? 0.045S ? 4.739MDD ? 0.122OMC R2 = 0.88
LL = 20–89%
CBR = 0.62OMC ? 58.9MDD ? 0.11LL ? 0.53PL - 126.18 R2 = 0.63
PL = 11–43%
MDD = 1.21–2.18 g/
OMC = 7.20–40.20%
Where, CBRS soaked California bearing ratio, CBRU unsoaked California bearing ratio, D60 diameter at 60% passing from grain size
distribution (in mm), w percentage passing No.200 U.S sieve (in decimal), LL xL liquid limit of soil (in per cent) and C is fraction of
soil coarser than 425micron (per cent), PL xP plastic limit, SL shrinkage limit, Ip PI = plasticity index, MDD cdmax maximum dry
density, OMC xopt optimum moisture content, cu undrained cohesion (kPa), qult ultimate bearing capacity (in kPa)

Geotech Geol Eng

ones of unequal intensities Suchel 1972. The average 3 Historicity

annual rainfall is about 1710 mm. Temperatures vary
between 28 and 30 °C with a thermal amplitude not Many researchers like Gregory and Cross, (2007),
exceeding 2 °C. Due to abundant and regular rainfall, Vinod and Reena, (2008) and agencies like NCHRP
the humidity is relatively high, i.e. 80% and the annual developed relationships between CBR with soil index
evapotranspiration of 1156 mm according to the parameters of lateritic soils on the basis of samples
TURC formula. Consequently, the area is heavily obtained from a specific region and soil type. General
forested being part of the evergreen equatorial forest relationships are also developed using universally
of the Congo Basin. accepted soil classification systems, which are on the
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and Amer-
ican Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) systems. These correlation meth-
Table 2 The coordinates of the localisation of sample col- ods take a general approach and attempt to encompass
lection points many or all possible soil types. Results of some
Locality Latitude Longitude previous correlations and the respective statistical
parameters are given in Table 1.
Foulassi 2°580 46.7100 N 11°570 46.9000 E
Ngam (a) 2°580 34.1800 N 11°570 41.9900 E
Ngam (b) 2°580 19.0200 N 11°580 0.2700 E 4 Materials and Methods
0 00
About 1 km from Mepho 2°57 42.11 N 11°570 50.6600 E
Mepho 2°580 6.9900 N 11°580 22.4800 E The study started with deskwork and reconnaissance
survey of the project area. Thereafter sampling was

Fig. 2 Map of the study area

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 3 Showing
investigation depth during
sample collection

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 3 Results of geotechnical tests

CBR MDD %OMC L.L P.L I.P %Gravel %Sand %Silt & Soil type NAME

43.0 2.180 10.40 66.5 43.2 23.3 67.1 6 24.1 A-2-7(1) Reddish or brownish clayey
37.0 2.145 11.10 86.9 51.3 35.6 71.5 8.5 15.9 A-2-7(0) lateritic gravel
30.0 2.050 13.30 43.6 26.5 17.1 57.1 12.4 28.3 A-2-7(1)
47.0 2.191 11.00 64.7 42.6 22.1 64.6 11.7 23.7 A-2-7(1)
30.5 2.110 12.60 43.6 30 13.6 63.9 12.3 23.8 A-2-7(0)
47.0 2.150 9.90 74.9 43.5 31.4 66.1 8.8 19.6 A-2-7(1)
18.5 2.002 12.30 80.6 41.7 38.9 57.8 13.7 28.5 A-2-7(4)
25.0 2.090 12.90 77.8 44.2 33.6 54.5 11.2 31.8 A-2-7(4)
38.0 2.149 11.60 77.7 43.3 34.4 68.1 8.7 23.2 A-2-7(2)
23.0 2.067 14.00 66.40 39.30 27.10 54.46 6.67 26.4 A-2-7(2)
35.0 2.130 12.40 56.70 33.00 23.70 61.82 8.18 30 A-2-7(2)
28.0 2.008 13.00 64.50 35.50 29.00 56.27 10.03 33.7 A-2-7(4)
47.0 2.170 10.20 73.70 41.50 32.20 77.18 7.72 15.1 A-2-7(0)
42.0 2.178 12.00 58.60 27.50 31.10 66.14 11.66 22.2 A-2-7(2)
35.0 2.050 12.50 57.70 31.70 26.00 47.23 10.03 24.86 A-2-7(2)
37.0 2.140 13.00 86.30 42.00 44.30 64.53 7.57 25.2 A-2-7(3)
35.5 2.061 13.40 85.80 48.90 36.90 56.54 9.17 29.19 A-2-7(4)
26.0 1.993 14.80 62.50 30.60 31.90 56.17 9.19 32 A-2-7(4)
31.0 2.128 12.40 66.00 37.50 28.50 61.82 8.17 30.01 A-2-7(3)
41.0 2.1 12.3 57.70 34.80 22.90 51.49 10.69 37.82 A-2-7(3)
31.0 2.1 13.6 79.90 43.20 36.70 62.56 6.05 26.09 A-2-7(3)
35.0 2.12 12.5 54.60 38.40 16.20 56.82 8.92 34.26 A-2-7(1)
21.0 1.96 15 79.80 38.50 41.30 60.63 7.88 31.49 A-2-7(4)
14.2 1.91 16.5 59.70 37.30 22.40 65.33 6.93 27.74 A-2-7(1)
49.5 2.16 11 83.70 45.70 38.00 83.54 4.1 12.36 A-2-7(0)
19.3 1.96 16 68.00 43.80 24.20 51.87 9.93 38.2 A-7-5(3)
29.0 2.06 12.4 63.80 39.70 24.10 57.92 8.63 33.45 A-2-7(3)
48.9 2.23 11.5 63.1 42.8 20.3 65.02 7.14 27.84 A-2-7(1)
49.0 2.15 10.6 92.6 62.1 30.5 86.52 2.98 10.5 A-2-7(0)
31.0 2.02 12 85.9 51.9 34 54.31 9.4 36.29 A-7-6(5)
30.0 2.05 14.2 68.7 40.2 28.5 66.45 7.9 25.65 A-2-7(2)
49.5 2.33 9.6 86.8 52.8 34 84.02 4.46 11.52 A-2-7(0)
49.0 2.25 10.1 65.9 38.9 27 68.77 10.27 20.96 A-2-7(1)

carried out from the several trail pits established minerals and organic matter, so that they could be
permitting a close examination of the sampling sites. properly preserved and used latter on.
The samples collected were placed in suitable plastic
containers which were well sealed and transported to 4.1 Sample Collection
the laboratory where they were air—dried and broken
into smaller fragments, care being taken not to reduce In order to have sufficient and reliable data for the
the sizes of the individual particles. The samples were target analysis, laboratory tests conducted on soil
air-dried so as to reduce the excess natural water samples obtained from different localities of Sangme-
content of the soil contained mostly in the clay lima-Mengong. A total of 33 disturbed samples were
collected within a reasonable sampling interval over a

Geotech Geol Eng

distance of 3300 m. The representative samples standard deviation, variance, median and the range of
selected on the basis of visual identification of a the sample distribution were obtained. Accordingly,
suitable subgrade soil, as such a diversified batch of the thirty three laboratory test results of the indepen-
samples acquired from areas such as; Ngam(a), dent and dependent variables are used in the regression
Ngam(b), Foulassi, about 1 km from Mepho and analysis and it is shown in Table 4. The Pearson
Mepho. The coordinates of the location and sample correlation coefficient between the CBR and soil index
collection points is given in Table 2 as well as the map properties is given in Table 5.
of the area is given in Fig. 2. The profile of the The results of the correlation of CBR with maxi-
collection points is given in Fig. 3. mum dry density, optimum moisture content, percent-
age of gravel and percentage of silt/clay has relatively
4.2 Geotechnical Tests good correlation coefficients i.e. 0.879, - 0.861,
0.629 and - 0.645 respectively. Whereas, the corre-
Preliminary testing was carried out in accordance with lation of CBR with liquid limit, plasticity index,
the BS 1377: 1990 testing specifications. The tests plastic limit and percentage of sand has weak corre-
carried out were the grain size analysis; the Atterberg lation coefficients i.e. 0.189, 0.317, - 0.002 and
limits liquid limit plastic limit. The Modified Proctor - 0.334 respectively. The strength of coarse-grained
test and the determination of the CBR values was also soil has a greater association with the compaction
in accordance with BS 1377:1990. characteristics of the soil. As such, maximum dry
density and optimum moisture content has resulted in
relatively a better correlation with the strength
5 Results and Discussion parameter. However, the correlation with liquid limit,
plasticity index and plastic limit shows a weak
The results of the geotechnical tests are presented in relationship. When performing the regression analysis
Table 3. The results indicate that the soil materials are CBR value is considered a dependent variable while
mostly in the A-2-7 class in accordance with the the index properties and compaction characteristics
ASSHTO classification system, thereby making them are the independent variables.
suitable pavement material. Just one trial pit material
fell in A-7-6 class which is not a good material for 5.1 Simple Linear Regression Analysis
pavement material except upon improvement.
Thereafter the results of the geotechnical tests were A single linear regression analysis was carried out on
analysed with the statistical package for social science thirty-three samples (n = 33) and the developed
software (SPSS) to investigate the significance of models are expressed as follows:
individual regressor variables. Prior to performing the
analysis details of the descriptive statistics—mean,

Table 4 Descriptive statistics of the thirty-three samples used

Statistics C.B.R %OMC %L.L %P.L %I.P %Gravel %Sand %Silt & clay
Dependent Independent

Mean 34.94 12.43 69.8 40.7 29.1 63.3 8.7 26.1

Median 35.0 12.4 66.5 41.5 29 62.56 8.7 26.4
S.D 10.123 1.688 12.635 7.557 7.357 9.361 2.425 7.285
Variance 102.483 2.850 159.649 57.113 54.126 87.634 5.880 53.074
Minimum 14.2 9.6 43.6 26.5 13.6 47.2 2.9 10.5
Maximum 49.5 16.5 92.6 62.1 44.3 86.5 13.7 38.2
Sum 1152.9 410.1 2304.7 1343.9 960.8 2088.11 286.97 861.74
# samples 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 5 Contingency table (correlation table)

CBR MDD %OMC L.L P.L I.P %Gravel %Sand %Silt and clay

CBR 1 0.879 - 0.861 0.189 0.317 - 0.002 0.629 - 0.334 - 0.645

MDD 0.879 1 - 0.849 0.146 0.268 - 0.025 0.607 - 0.273 - 0.627
%OMC - 0.861 - 0.849 1 - 0.250 - 0.366 - 0.053 - 0.570 0.168 0.630
L.L 0.189 0.146 - 0.250 1 0.852 0.843 0.445 - 0.492 - 0.392
P.L 0.317 0.268 - 0.366 0.852 1 0.435 0.512 - 0.571 - 0.408
I.P - 0.002 - 0.025 - 0.053 0.843 0.435 1 0.239 - 0.258 - 0.254
%Gravel 0.629 0.607 - 0.570 0.445 0.512 0.239 1 - 0.629 - 0.880
%Sand - 0.334 - 0.273 0.168 - 0.492 - 0.571 - 0.258 - 0.629 1 0.490
%Silt & clay - 0.645 - 0.627 0.630 - 0.392 - 0.408 - 0.254 - 0.880 0.490 1

Fig. 4 Regression graph of model 1 Fig. 5 Regression graph of model 2

A. Model 1: Correlation between CBR and Maxi- The Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) obtained for
mum Dry Density (MDD) this soil type indicates that maximum dry density is a
The regression analysis after correlating CBR with very good predictor for soaked CBR.
MDD is expressed by the following single linear B. Model 2: Correlation between CBR and Optimum
equation with its corresponding coefficients is given moisture content (OMC)
by Eq. 1 and is shown in Fig. 4.
The regression analysis after correlating CBR with
CBR ¼ 175:006 þ 99:869  MDD ð1Þ OMC is expressed by the following single linear Eq. 2
With R = 0.879, R2 = 0.772. Therefore 77.2% of the and is shown in Fig. 5.
variance in CBR can accounted for by maximum dry CBR ¼ 99:086  5:162  OMC ð2Þ
density. The details of the statistical out-put indicates 2
that the relationship developed between maximum dry with R = 0.861, R = 0.741. Therefore 74.1% of the
density and CBR is statistically significant (a \ 0.05). variance in CBR can be accounted for by optimum
moisture content. The details of the statistical out-put

Geotech Geol Eng

indicates that the relationship developed between

optimum moisture content and CBR is statistically
significant (a \ 0.05). The Pearson’s correlation
coefficient (R) obtained for this soil type indicates
that optimum moisture content is a good predictor for
soaked CBR.
C. Model 3: Correlation between CBR and Liquid
limit (LL)
The regression analysis after correlating CBR with
LL is expressed by the following single linear equation
with its corresponding coefficients, is given by Eq. 3.0
CBR ¼ 24:377 þ 0:151  LL ð3Þ
with R = 0.189, R = 0.036. Therefore 3.6% of the
variance in CBR can be accounted for by LL. The
details of the statistical out-put indicates that the
relationship developed between liquid limit and CBR
Fig. 6 Regression graph of model 6
is not statistically significant (a [ 0.05). This implies
there is a weak relationship between LL and CBR for
this soil type (A-2-7). The Pearson’s correlation CBR ¼ 35:006  0:002  PI ð5Þ
coefficient (R) obtained for this soil type indicates with R = 0.002, R2 = 0.000. Therefore the PI doesn’t
that liquid limit is a very poor predictor for soaked predict the dependent variable. The details of the
CBR. statistical out-put indicates that the relationship
D. Model 4: Correlation between CBR and Plastic developed between plasticity index and CBR is not
limit (PL) significant (a [ 0.05). This implies there is a very
weak relationship between PI and CBR for this soil
The regression analysis after correlating CBR with type (A-2-7). The Pearson’s correlation coefficient
PL is expressed by the following single linear equation (R) obtained for this soil type indicates that plasticity
with its corresponding coefficients, is given by Eq. 4. index is a very poor predictor for soaked CBR.
CBR ¼ 17:632 þ 0:425  PL ð4Þ F. Model 6: Correlation between CBR and Percent-
with R = 0.317, R = 0.101. Therefore, just 10.1% of age of gravel (%GRAVEL)
the variance in CBR can be accounted for by PL. The The regression analysis after correlating CBR with
details of the statistical out-put indicates that the Percentage of gravel is expressed by the following
relationship developed between plastic limit and CBR single linear equation with its corresponding coeffi-
is not statistically significant (a [ 0.05). This implies cients is given by Eq. 6.0 and shown in Fig. 6.
there is a weak relationship between plastic limit and
CBR for this soil type (A-2-7). The Pearson’s corre- CBR ¼ 8:093 þ 0:680  Percentage GRAVEL
lation coefficient (R) obtained for this soil type ð6Þ
indicates that plastic limit is a very poor predictor with R = 0.629, R2 = 0.395. Thus 39.5% of the
for soaked CBR. variance in CBR can be accounted for by Percentage
E. Model 5: Correlation between CBR and Plasticity of gravel. The details of statistical out-put indicates
index (PI) that the relationship developed between percentage of
gravel and CBR is statistically significant (a \ 0.05).
The regression analysis after correlating CBR with
The Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) obtained for
plasticity index is expressed by the following single this soil type indicates that percentage of gravel is a
linear equation with its corresponding coefficients is
good predictor for soaked CBR.
given in Eq. 5

Geotech Geol Eng

with R = 0.645, R2 = 0.416. Thus 41.6% of the

variance in CBR can be accounted for by percentage
of clay or silt fraction. The details of the statistical out-
put indicates that the relationship developed between
percentage of clay or silt and CBR is statistically
significant (a \ 0.05). The Pearson’s correlation
coefficient (R) obtained for this soil type indicates
that percentage of clay or silt is a good predictor for
soaked CBR.

5.2 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

A multiple linear regression analysis was carried out

on thirty-three samples (n = 33) and after trying a set
of alternative combination of predictors the following
result were obtained:
A. Model 9
Fig. 7 Regression graph of model 8
Correlation between CBR and percentage of clay or
G. Model 7: Correlation between CBR and Percent- silt, plasticity index, percentage of sand, plastic limit,
age of sand (%SAND) maximum dry density, optimum moisture content and
percentage of gravel was carried out. The regression
The regression analysis after correlating CBR with
model obtained is a single linear expression with its
Percentage of sand fraction is expressed by the
corresponding coefficients as given by Eq. 9.
following single linear equation with its corresponding
coefficients, is given by Eq. 7.0 CBR ¼ 20:19 þ 47:130  MDD  2:895  OMC
 0:091  PL  0:055PI þ 0:049
CBR ¼ 47:052  1:393  %SAND ð7Þ
 %GRAVEL  0:668  %SAND þ 0:000
with R = 0.334, R2 = 0.111. Thus 11.1% of the  %CLAY=SILT
variance in CBR can be accounted for by Percentage ð9Þ
of sand fraction. The details of the statistical out-put 2 2
indicates that the relationship developed between with R = 0.917, R = 0.841 and Adj R = 0.796. Thus
percentage of sand and CBR is not statistically predicting 84.1% of the variance in CBR can be
significant (a [ 0.05). This implies there is a weak accounted for by the independent variables. The
relationship between percentage of sand and CBR for details of the statistical out-put indicates that the
this soil type (A-2-7). The Pearson’s correlation relationship developed between percentage of clay or
coefficient (R) obtained for this soil type indicates silt, plasticity index, percentage of sand, plastic limit,
that percentage of sand fraction is a poor predictor for maximum dry density, optimum moisture content,
soaked CBR. percentage of gravel and CBR is statistically signif-
icant (a \ 0.05).
H. Model 8: Correlation between CBR and percent-
age of clay or silt (%CLAY/SILT) B. Model 10

The regression analysis after correlating CBR with Correlation between CBR and percentage of clay or
percentage of clay or silt fraction is expressed by the silt, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content
following single linear equation with its corresponding and percentage of gravel was carried out. The
coefficients, and is given by Eq. 8 and shown in Fig. 7. regression model obtained is a single linear expression
with its corresponding coefficients as given by Eq. 10.
CBR ¼ 58:350  0:897  %CLAY=SILT ð8Þ

Geotech Geol Eng

CBR ¼ 59:297 þ 54:293  MDD  2:342  OMC between percentage of clay or silt, maximum dry
þ 0:138  %gravel þ 0:018  %clay=silt density (MDD), optimum moisture content (OMC),
percentage of gravel and CBR is significant
(a \ 0.05).
with R = 0.910, R2 = 0.828 and Adj R2 = 0.803. Thus C. Model 11
82.8% of the variance in CBR can be accounted for by
the independent variables. The details of the statistical The correlation between CBR with maximum dry
output indicate that the relationship developed density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC)

Table 6 Summary of regression analysis and their order of significance in terms of R2

Type of regression MODEL R R2 Significance a Order of significance

Single linear regression Model 1 0.879 0.772 \ 0.05 1

Model 2 - 0.861 0.741 \ 0.05 2
Model 3 0.189 0.036 [ 0.05 7
Model 4 0.317 0.101 [ 0.05 6
Model 5 0.002 0.000 [ 0.05 8
Model 6 0.629 0.395 \ 0.05 4
Model 7 0.334 0.111 [ 0.05 5
Model 8 0.645 0.416 \ 0.05 3
Multiple linear regression Model 9 0.917 0.841 \ 0.05 1
Model 10 0.910 0.828 \ 0.05 2
Model 11 0.905 0.819 \ 0.05 3
Model 12 0.660 0.435 \ 0.05 4

Table 7 Summary of selected models and equations and their order of significance in terms of both their coefficient of determination
and cost effectiveness
Model Description Regression equation Order of

Model CBR versus MDD CBR = - 175.006 ? 99.869 * MDD 2

Model CBR versus OMC CBR = 99.086 – 5.162 * OMC 2
Model CBR versus %GRAVEL CBR = - 8.093 ? 0.680 * %GRAVEL 6
Model CBR versus %CLAY/SILT CBR = 58.350 – 0.897 * %CLAY/SILT 7
Model CBR versus % CLAY/SILT, PI, % CBR = - 20.139 ? 47.130 * MDD – 2.895 * OMC – 5
9 SAND, PL, MDD, OMC, % GRAVEL 0.091 * PL - 0,055 * PI ? 0.049* % GRAVEL –
0.668 * % SAND ? 0.000 * %CLAY/SILT
Model CBR versus % CLAY/SILT, MDD, CBR = - 59.297 ? 54.293 * MDD – 4
10 OMC, % GRAVEL 2.342 * OMC ? 0.138 * % GRAVEL ? 0.018 * %CLAY/
Model CBR versus MDD, OMC CBR = - 61.082 ? 60.233 * MDD - 2.462 * OMC 1
Model CBR versus % CLAY/SILT, % SAND, CBR = 24.641 ? 0.351 * % GRAVEL ? 0.258 * % SAND 3
12 % GRAVEL - 0.542 * %CLAY/SILT

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 8 Sample validation table

Hole Control test results CBR (predicted)
MDD %OMC L.L P.L I.P %Gravel Sand % Clay % CBR (actual)

1 2.180 10.40 66.5 43.2 23.3 67.1 6 24.1 43.0 44.6

2 2.145 11.10 86.9 51.3 35.6 71.5 8.5 15.9 37.0 40.8
3 2.050 13.30 43.6 26.5 17.1 57.1 12.4 28.3 30.0 29.6
4 2.191 11.00 64.7 42.6 22.1 64.6 11.7 23.7 47.0 43.8
5 2.110 12.60 43.6 30 13.6 63.9 12.3 23.8 30.5 35.0
6 2.150 9.90 74.9 43.5 31.4 66.1 8.8 19.6 47.0 44.0
7 2.002 12.30 80.6 41.7 38.9 57.8 13.7 28.5 18.5 29.2
8 2.090 12.90 77.8 44.2 33.6 54.5 11.2 31.8 25.0 33.0
9 2.149 11.60 77.7 43.3 34.4 68.1 8.7 23.2 38.0 39.8
10 2.067 14.00 66.40 39.30 27.10 54.46 6.67 26.4 23.0 28.9
11 2.130 12.40 56.70 33.00 23.70 61.82 8.18 30 35.0 36.7
12 2.008 13.00 64.50 35.50 29.00 56.27 10.03 33.7 28.0 27.9
13 2.170 10.20 73.70 41.50 32.20 77.18 7.72 15.1 47.0 44.5
14 2.178 12.00 58.60 27.50 31.10 66.14 11.66 22.2 42.0 40.6
15 2.050 12.50 57.70 31.70 26.00 47.23 10.03 24.9 35.0 31.6
16 2.140 13.00 86.30 42.00 44.30 64.53 7.57 25.2 37.0 35.8
17 2.061 13.40 85.80 48.90 36.90 56.54 9.17 29.2 35.5 30.1
18 1.993 14.80 62.50 30.60 31.90 56.17 9.19 32 26.0 22.5
19 2.128 12.40 66.00 37.50 28.50 61.82 8.17 30 31.0 36.6
20 2.101 12.3 57.70 34.80 22.90 51.49 10.69 37.8 41.0 35.2
21 2.095 13.6 79.90 43.20 36.70 62.56 6.05 26.1 31.0 31.6
22 2.12 12.5 54.60 38.40 16.20 56.82 8.92 34.3 35.0 35.8
23 1.96 15 79.80 38.50 41.30 60.63 7.88 31.5 21.0 20.0
24 1.91 16.5 59.70 37.30 22.40 65.33 6.93 27.7 14.2 13.3
25 2.156 11 83.70 45.70 38.00 83.54 4.1 12.4 49.5 41.7
26 1.962 16 68.00 43.80 24.20 51.87 9.93 38.2 19.3 17.7
27 2.061 12.4 63.80 39.70 24.10 57.92 8.63 33.5 29.0 32.5
28 2.225 11.5 63.1 42.8 20.3 65.02 7.14 27.8 48.9 44.6
29 2.148 10.6 92.6 62.1 30.5 86.52 2.98 10.5 49.0 42.2
30 2.021 12 85.9 51.9 34 54.31 9.4 36.3 31.0 31.1
31 2.045 14.2 68.7 40.2 28.5 66.45 7.9 25.7 30.0 27.1
32 2.328 9.6 86.8 52.8 34 84.02 4.46 11.5 49.5 55.5
33 2.248 10.1 65.9 38.9 27 68.77 10.27 21 49.0 49.5

was carried out. The regression model obtained is a with R = 0.905, R2 = 0.819 and Adj R2 = 0.807. Thus
single linear expression with its corresponding coef- 81.9% of the variance in CBR can be accounted for by
ficients as given by Eq. 11. the independent variables. The details of the statistical
CBR ¼ 61:082 þ 60:233  MDD  2:462  OMC output indicate that the relationship developed
ð11Þ between percentage of clay or silt, maximum dry
density (MDD), optimum moisture content (OMC)
and CBR is significant (a \ 0.05).

Geotech Geol Eng

D. Model 12 CBR ¼ 20:19 þ 0:049  %GRAVEL  0:668

Correlation between CBR and percentage of Clay  %SAND þ 0:000  %CLAY=SILT
or silt, percentage of sand, percentage of gravel was ð12Þ
carried out. The regression model obtained is a single 2 2
with R = 0.660, R = 0.435 and Adj R = 0.377. Thus
linear expression with its corresponding coefficients as
81.9% of the variance in CBR can be accounted for by
given by Eq. 12.
the independent variables. The details of the statistical
output indicate that the relationship developed
between percentage of particles and CBR is significant
(a \ 0.05).
A summary for each type of the regression analysis
is given on Table 6 while a summary of some selected
models and their equation is given on Table 7.

6 Interpretations

Following Table 7, Model 11 happens to be the ideal

reason being that it makes use of the compaction
characteristics with the resultant R2 = 0.819. There-
fore, 81.9% of the variance in CBR can be predicted
using the independent variables and finally due to the
ease with which these tests are carried out. Model 1,
Model 2 and Model 12 are possible alternatives when
it comes to cost effectiveness but they show poor
coefficient of determination hence less predictability.
Also Model 9 and 10 have better R2 but is not cost
effective given the high number of laboratory test
involved in their correlation.
Fig. 8 Control graph showing plotted actual or experimental
Using the sample validation table is presented on
CBR values against predicted CBR values
Table 8, a control graph was plotted between actual or

80.0 Comparison between actual and predicted CBR

Actual CBR







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Trial pit number

Fig. 9 Graph showing a comparison between actual and predicted CBR

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 9 Percentage Trial pit CBR (actual) Developed correlation

variation between actual
and predicted CBR CBR (predicted) Residual % Variation

1 43.0 44.6 1.6 3.8

2 37.0 40.8 3.8 10.2
3 30.0 29.6 - 0.4 - 1.2
4 47.0 43.8 - 3.2 - 6.8
5 30.5 35.0 4.5 14.7
6 47.0 44.0 - 3.0 - 6.3
7 18.5 29.2 10.7 57.9
8 25.0 33.0 8.0 32.2
9 38.0 39.8 1.8 4.7
10 23.0 28.9 5.9 25.8
11 35.0 36.7 1.7 4.8
12 28.0 27.9 - 0.1 - 0.5
13 47.0 44.5 - 2.5 - 5.3
14 42.0 40.6 - 1.4 - 3.4
15 35.0 31.6 - 3.4 - 9.7
16 37.0 35.8 - 1.2 - 3.2
17 35.5 30.1 - 5.4 - 15.3
18 26.0 22.5 - 3.5 - 13.4
19 31.0 36.6 5.6 17.9
20 41.0 35.2 - 5.8 - 14.2
21 31.0 31.6 0.6 2.0
22 35.0 35.8 0.8 2.4
23 21.0 20.0 - 1.0 - 4.6
24 14.2 13.3 - 0.9 - 6.1
25 49.5 41.7 - 7.8 - 15.8
26 19.3 17.7 - 1.6 - 8.3
27 29.0 32.5 3.5 12.1
28 48.9 44.6 - 4.3 - 8.8
29 49.0 42.2 - 6.8 - 13.9
30 31.0 31.1 0.1 0.3
31 30.0 27.1 - 2.9 - 9.6
32 49.5 55.5 6.0 12.1
33 49.0 49.5 0.5 0.9

experimental CBR and predicted CBR and is shown in Fig. 9. There is a mismatch between the two curves
Fig. 8. The straight line represents the point at which observed at pit number 7, 25, 28, 32. This is may be
experimental CBR equals predicted CBR. Nearly all attributed to errors when carrying out the laboratory
points are found closer to the straight line. Only about tests. The graph shows a variation between the two
four points tend to deviate away from the line. This is CBR values. Generally, both graphs follow the same
indicative that the predicted CBR values, may be pattern. The percentage variation for each of the
applied for preliminary characterization of the sample’s CBR value is obtained from the Eq. 13.
strength of the subgrade soil into uniform section. Fur-
%Variation ¼ CBRpred  CBRact  100=CBRact
thermore, a comparison graph is plotted to verify the
suitability of the developed correlation as shown in ð13Þ

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 10 Comparison of CBR values generated by Yildirm and Gunaydin (2011), Satyanarayna Reddy and Pavani (2006), Agarwal
and Ghanekar (1970), De Graft-Johnson and Bhatia (1969)
Experimental Model 11 Agarwal and De Graft-Johnson and Satyanarayana Reddy and Yildirim and
CBR Ghanekar (1970) Bhatia (1969) Pavani (2006) Gunaydin (2011)

43.0 44.6 - 9.6 9.3 30.8 26.6

37.0 40.8 - 8.6 1.9 32.0 27.6
30.0 29.6 - 12.9 20.0 28.0 24.5
47.0 43.8 - 10.1 9.2 31.3 26.5
30.5 35.0 - 12.6 13.7 31.0 26.1
47.0 44.0 - 8.7 5.7 31.4 26.3
18.5 29.2 - 9.8 11.7 24.6 24.3
25.0 33.0 - 10.3 13.8 25.3 24.0
38.0 39.8 - 9.6 8.1 29.8 27.0
23.0 28.9 - 11.7 11.9 27.6 23.8
35.0 36.7 - 11.5 17.5 28.1 25.6
28.0 27.9 - 11.3 18.7 23.7 23.9
47.0 44.5 - 9.0 2.8 33.6 28.9
42.0 40.6 - 11.2 11.8 32.0 26.9
35.0 31.6 - 11.5 13.3 28.4 22.1
37.0 35.8 - 9.8 8.8 28.3 26.3
35.5 30.1 - 10.0 10.7 25.2 24.3
26.0 22.5 - 12.3 18.9 24.2 24.0
31.0 36.6 - 10.9 15.2 27.5 25.6
41.0 35.2 - 11.4 23.2 24.5 23.3
31.0 31.6 - 10.5 9.9 27.5 25.6
35.0 35.8 - 11.7 18.6 26.4 24.5
21.0 20.0 - 11.2 14.3 22.6 24.8
14.2 13.3 - 13.3 14.0 24.3 25.7
49.5 41.7 - 8.8 0.2 33.8 30.1
19.3 17.7 - 12.5 19.2 20.8 23.1
29.0 32.5 - 11.0 17.4 24.9 24.4
48.9 44.6 - 10.6 12.2 30.5 26.6
49.0 42.2 - 7.9 - 2.1 33.8 30.6
31.0 31.1 - 9.3 14.6 21.6 23.4
30.0 27.1 - 11.6 11.0 27.3 26.4
49.5 55.5 - 7.6 - 0.9 37.4 30.9
49.0 49.5 - 9.5 7.9 33.5 27.5

where CBRpred = Predicted CBR value and generated by Satyanarayana Reddy and Pavani (2006)
CBRact = Actual CBR value. and Yildirim and Gunaydin (2011), model 11 give
The percentage variation between the Actual and values of CBR closer to the experimental CBR values
predicted CBR upon using Eq. 13 is given in Table 9. whereas the models generated by Agarwal and
The average percentage variation obtained from the Ghanekar (1970), De Graft-Johnson and Bhatia
model is 1.68%, which is a good value proving that the (1969) are not suitable for predicting CBR in the
predicted values of CBR are not far from the study area. This can be explained by the difference in
experimental values. In comparison with the models lithology i.e. the non-homogeneity of lateritic soils in
both Central and West Africa as typified by the works

Geotech Geol Eng

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