Acuerdo de Confidencialidad

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Good evening our speaking is about three known places of Colombia of which we will speak next.

Travel to medellin (be going to)

 I am going to travel Plaza de Botero with my family next year

 I am going to take a pictures of the different monuments
 I am going to eat in a good restaurant Bandeja Paisa
 I am going to visit Jardin Botanico with my friends the next weekend
 I am going to buy a gift to my mom because she likes the flowers
 I am going to look a lot of variety of flowers

 I am going to visit the aeroarque in the next month

 I am going to play with my cousins in the pool
 I am going to swim aeroparque
San Andres (Present perfect)

 I never have visited San Andres Island

 I have not swum in the Sea
 I have not drunk export beer
Medellin El peñol (modal verb)

 You should visit the Peñol

 You can climb the stairs
 In the top of the mountain you can take photos or go to the ice cream shop

Johnny Ki San Andres

 You must not drink and eat into the Sea
 You can eat out side in the local restaurants
 You should visit the island in a Ship

Acuario Natural de San Andres

 You should visit the Aquarium
 You can see a different variety of the fishes
 You can not throw the packet food

Parque el café (will)

 I will travel to Parque el Café

 I will go in a car with my family
 I will buy the tickets online to Parque el café

Carnaval de negros y blancos

 I will dance in a carnival
 I will buy costume for the last day in the carnival
 I will take a little present to my parents

Feria de las flores

 I will go to the feria de las flores

 I will watch silleteres with a lot of arrangement flower
 I will participate in raffles

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