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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 9

Unit III Module 3

Name: Masapol, Pamela P.

Date: April 29, 2019

Grade @ Section: 9 – Daisy

I. Objective:

A. Content Standard

Appreciate the significance of volcanic activity.

B. Performance Standard
- - ------------------------
C. Learning Competencies

Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt.

II. Content:

Volcano Materials

 Lava
 Tephra
 Gases

III. Learning Resources:

Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2009, Contributed By:
Robert I. Tilling.

A. Learning Materials:

Powerpoint presentation, Model of Volcano, baking soda, piccolo, vinegar, food

coloring (red), container and lighter or match.
IV. Procedure:



Before we proceed to our new lesson. Lets

have a short recap to our previous lesson. So I
have here a different pictures of a Volcano. I
will paste it in the board and your going to
identify what type of valocano it is. Okay? Okay ma’am

So what are the three main types of a volcano

then? ( answer in chorus )
 Composite volcanoes
 Shield volcanoes and;
 Dome
Very well ... now, class who among of you
here like to answer in the board?
Yes sheva ... ( the student participate )

Okay, very good class. All of you were able to

remember our
previous lesson. Lets give a 5 clap to our self. ( the pupil clap five times )

1. Engage

For this moment, we are going to watch a short

video that will tell us what our topic for today.
Are you now ready? Yes we are ma’am

That’s good to hear, now please keep quiet and

observe the short video. Okay ma’am

(playing the video)

Okay have you enjoyed the video class? Yes ma’am, that was so interesting.

Good to hear that from you class, so what

caught your attention? Ma’am volcano is so destructive.

Yes, that is right

Now I need at least five volunteer, what you

are going to do is to write on the board the
phrases or words that caught your attention.
Yes Ablen,

Very good .....

Thank you for participating class. Now, please
read their answer together. (the students read the phrases or words
written in the board)
Okay, thank you class and now I need at least
three volunteer again to share about what they
know or their stock knowledge regarding of
what has been written on the board.

Okay jodel In my understanding ma’am volcano is an

opening in the Earth’s crust through which
lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape.
Yes thank you Jodel. Another? Yes Sheva ...

According to the book that I have read back

then ma’am. Volcano are formed when magma
from within the Earth’s upper mantle works its
way to the surface. At the surface, it erupts to
form lava flows and ash deposits. Overtime as
the volcano continues to erupt, it will get
bigger and bigger.
Thank you Sheva, that is correct.
another ? anyone ?

Okay thank you for sharing class, good job

So now, those words and phrases that you’ve

mentioned are all include for our topic, so,
what we are going to tackle for today is the

 Volcano Materials

Please all read ( the students read the objective aloud )


Now we’re going to have an activity. Im going

to group you into two groups. Please count one
to two class. ( the students will count )

Please group your self according to your

number. ( the students group therselves )

I have here a model of a volcano. The two

groups will have each model. Okey class,
please get your model now. ( one of the group member get the model )

Okay class i have here the procedure for this

activity. Please read the procedure. Students read the procedure loud together.

1) With the model. Pour down the

baking soda inside of the model
through the mouth.

2) Next, pour also the food coloring

then the vinegar.

3) Then observe.

Thank you class ....

Now please get your materials here and you
may start. I will gave you 5 minutes for this
activity. After that your going to present your
observation to the front each group will have
representative. Okay ? Okay ma’am

If that so, you may start now ( students start the first procedure )

( after 5 minutes )

Okay times up!. Are you now ready class? Yes ma’am

Please now present your observation. Group 1?

The stage is yours. ( the group 1 explain their observation )
Well done Group 1. Class please give them
five clap. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Okay Group 2 please present it in front now. ( the group 2 present their observation )

Thank you group 2. Please give them five clap. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

C. Explain

Okay the model of a volcano explode when the

vinegar pour into it.

Now, let us proceed to our discussion. Are you

ready class? Yes we are ma’am

In your own words can you tell us what

volcano material is ? Yes Nayre. In my own understanding ma’am volcano
materials is the one thrown by a volcano.
Thank you Nayre, that is correct. It is the
material that is thrown out by a volcano.

What do you think are these ?

Yes mercy... I think it is the lava, tephra, and gases ma’am

Very good Mercy!

Lava, tephra and gases these are materials that
may erupt in an active volcano.

These materials are, dangerous or not? What

do you think class? Dangerous ma’am

Yes thats right very dangerous.

So lets now discuss one-by-one. So we have

first one; the lava

I know that this is very familiar to you class,

can you share your idea about this?
Yes Nayre ..... Lava ma’am are molten rocks ....
Thank you, that is correct ....
These materials are molten rock that are
originally from the interior of the Earth that
can be flows from a volcano or vents. The term
lava is also used for the solidified rock formed
by the cooling of a molten lava flows. The
temperatures of molten lava range from about
700 to 1,200 degree Celsius (1,300 to 2,200
degree Fahrenheit). The material can be very
fluid, flowing almost like syrup, or it can be
extremely stiff, scarcely flowing at all. The
higher the lava’s silica content, the higher the
lava’s silica content, the higher its viscosity.
Mafic (ferromagnesian, dark-coloured) lava
such as basalt characteristically form flows
known by the Hawaiian names Pahoehoe and

Pahoehoe lava flows are characterized by

smooth, gently undulating, or broadly
hummocky surfaces. The liquid lava flowing
beneath a thin, still-plastic crust drags and
wrinkles it into tapestry-like folds and rolls
resembling twisted rope. Pahoehoe lava flows
are fed almost wholly internally by streams of
liquid lava flowing beneath a solidified or
partly solidified surface. Typically, the margin
of a pahoehoe flow advances by protruding one
small toe or lobe after another.

In contrast to pahoehoe, the surface off aa lava

is exceedingly rough, covered with a layer of
partly loose, very irregular fragments
commonly called clinkers. Aa lava flows are
fed principally by rivers of liquid lava flowing
in open channels. Typically, such a feeding
river forms a nerrow band that is 8 to 15
metres (25 to 50 feet) wide long the center line
of the flow, with broad fields of less actively
moving clinker on each side of it. At the front
of the flow, clinkers from the top roll down
and are overridden by the pasty centre layer,
like a tread on an advancing bulldozer.
Pahoehoe and aa flows from the same erupting
vent are usually identical in chemical
composition. In fact. It is common for a flow
that leaves the vent as pahoehoe to change to
aa as it progress downslope.the greater the
viscosity and the greater the stirring of the
liquid (as by rapid flow down a steep slope),
the greater the tendency for the material to
change from pahoehoe to aa. The reverse
change rarely occurs.

The second volcanic materials that are made of

rock fragments formed by explosive shattering
of sticky magma.

Tephra is the fragmental bits of materials that

are produced and flung out by a volcanic
eruption. They come in many sizes and are of
different compositions, but they all fall into
one group, Tephra sizes range from
minusculane ash particules to large pieces of
rocks that can weigh up to 30 tonnes.

Tephra fragments are classified into three

groups based on their sizes. The first category
is ash which is made up of particles that are
less than 0.08 inches in diameter, and they take
the longest time to reach the ground and have
long-lasting implications on the environment.
The second catergory is called Lapilli which is
made of materials that are between 0.08 -2.5
inches in diameter. These are relatively large
particles that can cause considerable physical
damage. The last category is the volcanic
bombs which comprise of materials that are
karger than 2.5 inches in diameter and they are
a significant hazard and cause the most

The last one volcanic material is gases of

course you know what these are right class? Yes ma’am
And so what do you think are the gases that
can be ejected from the interior of the Earth?
Yes sheva ... These are carbon dioxide, flourine and chlorine
Very good sheva ....

Magma contains dissolved gases, which

provide the driving force that causes most
volcanic eruptions. As magma rises towards
the surface and pressure decreases, gases are
released from the liquid portion of the magma
(melt) and continue to travel upward and are
eventually released into the atmosphere.large
eruptions can release enormous amounts of gas
in a short time. The 1991 eruption of
Mt.Pinatubo is thought to have injected more
than 250 metagons of gas into the upper
atmosphere on a single day. However, even if
magma never reaches the surface, gases can
often escape continuously into the atmosphere
from the soil, volcanic vents, fumaroles, and
hydrothermal system.
By far the most abundant volcanic gases is
water vapor, which is harmless. However,
significant amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur
dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen
halides can also be emitted from volcanoes.
Depending on their concentrations, these gases
are all potentially hazardous to people,
animals, agriculture, and property.

A. Elaborate

Now we are going to hava a game, same as

your last group. I will let you play “push it”

The rules of the game is your going to choose

representative each question. Each question
each member.

The first one who push the botton will have the
chance to answer.
Okay the game start now ...
1) What is Lava? ( group 1 pushed the bottom )

Group 1 correct ....

2) What are volcanic materials? ( group 2 pushed the bottom )

Group 2 correct ....

3) What is the two types of Lava?

( gropu 2 pushed the bottom )
Group 2 correct ......

4) What are the three types of Tephra? ( group 1 pushed the bottom )

Group 1 correct ...

5) State some example of gases that

volcano ejected? ( group 2 pushed the bottom )

Group 2 correct ....

Okay for this game Group 2 win. Please give

them five clap class. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!


Please get a ¼ sheet of paper.

Directions: Read each sentences below. Read carefully and write the CAPITAL LETTER of
your answer.

1. What are the types of lava?

A. Pahoeahoea
B. Ahah
C. Pahoehoe @ Aa
D. Paheoheo @ Aa
2. Which of the following is NOT include?

3. What happen if the magma is very fluid?

A. It flows rapidly down the volcano’s slopes.
B. It flows slowly.
C. It flows rapidly and then slowly.

4. Lava flows that have a continuous, smooth, ropy, or billow surface are called?
A. Pahoehoe
B. Aa
C. Paheoheo
D. Aa and pahoeheo

5. _____ flows have a jagged surface composed of loose, irregularly shaped lava chunks.
A. Pahoehoe
B. Aa
C. Paheoheo
D. Aa and pahoeheo

5. Once cooled, ______ forms flat or smooth rocks, while _______ forms irregular rocks.
A. Pahoehoe @ aa
B. Aa @ pahoehoe
C. Aa @ pahoeheo
D. Pahoeheo @ aa

6. Lava, are partially ______________ beneath the Earth’s surface.

A. Molten
B. Molten rocks
C. Molten smooth rock
D. Molten smooth
7. Magma that erupts is called?
A. Lava
B. Gases
C. Tephras
D. All of the above

8. Which is NOT include?

A. Ash
B. Lava
C. Lapilli
D. Volcanic bombs

9. Refers to any airbone pyroclastic material regardless of size or shape.

A. Lava
B. Tephra
C. Volcanic bombs
D. All of the above

10. It is a material that a volcano thrown when it is erupting?

A. Lava bombs
B. Volcanic gases
C. Volcanic material
D. Tephra material

G. Extend



State 10 examples for Explosive and Non-explosive volcano.

Write it in a ½ sheet of paper.

V. Remarks

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