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Good morning, to all the respected dignitaries on the dais, respected faculties, my dear friends and
parents who came over here to witness the Convocation Ceremony-2019. I Viby Mathew Daniel
from St. John College of Humanities & Sciences, as nervous as I’m standing here today and also
feeling proud to have this opportunity to be on dais as a graduate student and delivery the speech
on this auspicious occasion on behalf of my fellow mates of 2015-2018.

First of all, I would like to congratulate all the students of this great institution for, finally
graduating from St. John Technical Campus under Mumbai University. Today, we all together
can raise our heads high --- for --- we have overcome all the challenges which life threw at us in
the past three years. It has not been easy, but we have reached the end of this hurdle but, don’t
relax my friends it’s the beginning of a new one, and I want to encourage you never to relent.

“EVERY END HAS A NEW BEGINNING”. Today might be the last day for some of us as
students of an educational institution, but our learning and real life education will actually start
from today. Once Mr. Warren Buffet said, that “the more you learn, the more you earn, and that is
so true. Look at the successful people like Bill Gates, Steve Job, Elon Musk, Oprah, Mark Cuban
and any other highly successful human, we have a successful human on dais “Mr. Albert W.
D’souza”. They are successful because they use their time right, they are successful because they
are life time learners, and they commit to learn new things every- single – day.

I want to encourage you to use the same spirit that you have shown, the sacrifices you have made,
the sleepless nights you have endured, this I promise you my friends it is the ticket to our next
destination. The good experiences that I got here of course do not imply that I did not have to face
my share of discomfort and challenges, but it’s these challenges that have made all of us a stronger
and more confident person today.

Over these three years St. John Technical Campus has become my second home, my safe haven,
with one of the most unique culture and kindest people, not forgetting wonderful, peaceful nature
and delicious food in Aldel Restaurant and our college canteen.

There are too many experiences this place gave me in the past three years: starting with diverse
and well-structured studying programme, for wonderful events organized for us and organized by
us, who can I forget sports day, annual day, traditional and many other special days, it was a bless
that we had wise and kind faculties with never ending support and guidance – on behalf of my

fellow mates I would like to thank all the faculty and staff members- graduates - please give them
a huge round of applause, not only faculties but also new family we made up here that’s none other
than “ FRIENDS” who make arguments for you - who encourages you -who includes you - the
one who stands with you - they are the one with whom I got hundreds and thousands of memories,
those memories which sometimes make me cry too because these are the one with whom I shared
most of my college life.

We have had done a lot of MASTI at corridor, staircase, and in front of faculty room. This three
years are the most amazing years that I ever lived in my life.

To conclude, I quote, “The one who fly solo have the strongest wings, and the one who walks
alone have the strongest direction”

Thank you very much. God Bless You all!!!

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