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Sk.Mendikbud:527 A.I.12.

B1/U/1998 Status Terakreditasi NSS:432120503002 NIS:4320020 NPSN:10809301

Alamat :Jl. Lintas Timur Unit 2 DWT Jaya Kec.Banjar Agung Kab.Tulang Bawang, Prop.Lampung Kode Pos.34595,


MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris (Lestari Asih, S.Pd)


Diana was born in 1961 as the third daughter of Edward John Spencer and his wife Ruth Burke Roche.
Diana grew up in a very privileged family that had a long history of close ties with the royal family. When
Diana’s paternal grandfather passed away in 1975, Diana’s father became the 8th Earl of Spencer and Diana
gained the title of “Lady”.
In 1969, Diana’s parents divorced. Her mother’s affair helped court decide to give custody of the couple’s
four children to Diana’s father. Both of her parents eventually remarried, but the divorce left an emotional scar on
Diana attended school at West Heath in Kent and spent a short time a finishing school in Switzerland.
Although she was not an excellent student academically, her determined personality, caring nature, and cheerful
outlook helped her through it. After returning from Switzerland, Diana rented an apartment with two friends,
worked with children at the Young England Kindergarten, and watched movies and visited restaurants in her free
It was about this time that Prince Charles, in his early 30, was under increasing pressure to choose a wife.
Diana’s vibrancy, cheerfulness, and good family background caught the attention of Prince Charles and the two
began dating during in mid-1980. It was a whirlwind romance for on February 24, 1981, Buckingham Palace
officially announce the couple’s engagement. At the time, Lady Diana and Prince Charles seemed truly in love
and whole world was awed by what seemed like a fairytale romance.

1. How did Diana spend her free time when she was still a bachelorette?

A. She watched movies

B. She finished her school
C. She worked in restaurant
D. She returned to Switzerland
E. She visited her friends near the restaurant

2. The custody of the couple’s four children was given to Diana’s father because…….
A. her outlook was cheerful
B. her mother had an affair
C.she determined her personality
D.she had her very privileged family
E. her paternal grandfather was dead

3. How was Diana’ academic achievement?

A. Super
B. Average
C. First rate
D. Admirable
E. Exceptional
The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 Pattimura street on Sunday afternoon. The burglars
broke into the students’ room while they were going to a football game. They never thought that while they were
away, burglars would break into their boarding house.
4. The communicative purpose of this text is………
A. to retell events for the purpose of informing
B. to present perspective points about an issue
C. to describe the way they are
D. to acknowledge readers about informative events
E. to share an amusing incident

5. The text is in form of a/an…

A. description
B. report
C. anecdote
D. recount
E. news item

6. Where did the robbery take place?

A. at 151 Pattimura street
B. at 151 Gajahmada street
C. at 161 Pattimura street
D. at 212 Sisingamangaraja street
E. at 161 Sisingamangaraja street

7. Where did the robbery take place?

A. Sunday morning
B. Sunday afternoon
C. Saturday morning
D. Saturday afternoon
E. Monday evening
Once upon a time there was a girl name Cindrella. She lived with her bad step-mother and two step-sisters.
She had to do all the household chores.
One day the king invited all the ladies in the kingdom to go to a ball (pesta dansa) in the palace. He
wanted to find the Crown Prince a wife.
The step sisters went to the ball that night with their mother. Cindrella was left alone. She cried because
she actually wanted to go to the ball, too.
Just then a fairy godmother came. With her magic wand, she gave Cindrella a coach. two horses and
footmen. She also gave Cindrella a lovely dress to wear the ball and a pair of glass slippers. She told Cindrella to
come home before midnight.
At the ball, Cindrella danced all night with the Prince. The Prince fell in love with her. At midnight,
Cindrella ran home. Unfortunately, one of her slippers slipped off at the door. She did not have time to put it back
on. The Prince was sad as he could not find Cindrella again that night.
The next day, the Prince and his men brought along the glass slipper. They went all over the Kingdom to
search for the owner.
After searching for a long time, finally, they came to Cindrella’s house. The slipper fit her. The prince was
very happy to find Cindrella again. They got married and lived ever after.

8. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To tell us how to write a story
B. To inform what happened in the past
C. To give a description of a beautiful girl
D. To retell about Cindrella’s experience/memory
E. To entertain readers with an actual, or vicarious experience

9. What was there at the palace one day?

A. A game
B. A ball
C. A birthday party
D. Crown part
E. Glass slippers
10. Why did the king hold the event at his palace?
A. To celebrate his birthday
B. To celebrate his wedding
C. To find his crown prince a wife
D. To entertain his people
E. To show give amusement to his guests

11. How was the end of the story?

A. The prince married Cindrella
B. Cindrella was killed by her step mother
C. The prince turned into a horse forever
D. The king gave the kingdom to Cindrella
E. Cindrella was betrayed by the king

12.The second paragraph is called …

A. orientation
B. complication
C. resolution
D. identification
E. conclusion

13. This dialog is for questions no. (19-22)

Shinta : “I heard you won the first prize for your short stroy. .... (19)”
Wulan : “ ... (20).”
Shinta : “As your freind I’m ... (21).”
Wulan : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it’s a very good story.”
Wulan : “... (22)”
A. Congratulations!
B. Thank you
C. Very produd of you
D. Really!
E. What are you doing?
14. (...)
A. Very proud of you
B. Congratulations
C. Thank you
D. That’s a pity
E. I’m very proud of you
A. very proud of you
B. thanks
C. thank you very much
D. really
E. sure
16. ...
A. Really?
B. Of course
C. Thank you
D. Sure
E. No problem
17. The following sentences are expression of congratulation, except....
A. Please accept my warm congratulation
B. I congratulate you on your success
C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. Congratulations!
E. Well done, congratulations for you
18. The following sentences are responses of congratulation, except....
A. Thank you B. Thank you very much C. It was really nothing
D. It’s nice of you to say so E. No problem
19. Which statement is true?
A. Congratulation is the act of expressing joy or acknowledgement, as for achievement
B. Congratulation is the feeling of being grateful
C. Congratulation is something that you sayor do to greet
D. Congratulation is the feeling of being sorry for somebody
E. Congratulation is an arragement, a promise
20. Dina :” Have you ever been to the zoo?”
Andy:”Yes, I …to the zoo.”
A. Be B. Being C. Has been D. Have been E. Has be


The eight grade schedule of SMK Persatuan – Lampung

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Raising flag
07:15-08:00 Biology English Sport Art Science

08:00- 08:35 Mathematic Biology English Sport Art Science

08:35 – 09:15 Mathematic Counseling Mathematic Scout Religion

Indonesia Indonesia
09:15 – 10:00 Art Mathematic Scout Religion
language language

Break time

Indonesia The banana

10:30 -11:15 English Economic Sewing Geography
language farmers

11: 15 – 11:45 Religion English Economic Sewing Geography

Lampung The banana

11:45 – 12: 20 History History
language farmer

1. How many subject are given to the students?

2. For whom the schedule is?
3. What is the subject which can be in out side?
4. How often mathematics are taught to the students?
5. When can we use the sport uniform?

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