How To Handle Maths: Complicated, But To Make Complicated Things Simple." Absolutely True! You Too Would

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As quoted by S. Gudder-“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things

complicated, but to make complicated things simple.” Absolutely true! You too would
agree with this if you knew how to deal with Mathematics. Mathematics is the most logical
subject ever. It is all about finding logical patterns and being able to give meaningful
explanations for the derived logic.

The way mathematics is taught these days rarely does focus on understanding, majority of
the times it is problem solving with the formulas specified for that particular chapter. It is so
sad that a subject like maths which is a storehouse of so many beautiful ideas is given such a
treatment. You would love to know few examples which you might have not learned in your
schools or heard it from your teacher.

i) e is not only a number, it is a relationship between the growth rates.

ii) Pythagoras theorem is not only about a right angle triangle where a2+b2=c2. It is a
relationship between various shapes, distance between a set of numbers and
much more.

To learn any subject, you should make sure not to dislike the subject because if you have
built an opinion that the subject is not good, then surely you won’t have any interest to
know about it even though it might be the world’s most interesting subject.
These days it so happens that the theory behind the derivation of a particular equation,
operator or algorithm is not taught but only its conclusion is taught as a theorem. So in
order to have a proper understanding which would last for quite a good period of time you
need to understand the history behind the particular theorem. You need not learn it by-
heart or in complete detail but just get to know the essence of it. Once you understand the
essence just try to relate it to real life situations. This helps you not only understand the
theorem but also it gets implanted in your brain unknowingly. Now when you are confident
with the theorem, you can go back to the conventional method of practising more and more
problems from various textbooks or online sources. This sure will take some extra time but
you’ll remember it the best without having to write it down in various rough copies or stick
small notes on your walls or having to open the textbook every time you do a problem.
Now, you might be thinking that why shall you spend so much time in just getting to know a
theorem and dealing with a few problems. The answer is quite simple and you might have
experienced it many a times. Sometimes it so happens that you can’t solve a problem only
with the help of the theorem statement or any particular formula, but you need to go back a
few steps and derive the theorem and the solution to the problem lies in the mid-way to
deriving the theorem. At such situations if you follow the specified method, you can solve
the problem faster than your classmates and also you shall be much better than you were

How fun is it to talk about a movie you didn’t see? This is exactly what happens with maths
now. Decades ago, someone smarter than you thought through various logics, found out all
the cool connections and patented them. Now what you do is only memorise them! While
doing maths don’t spend time in solving the problems only, but also spend it in abstracting,
applying, convincing, clarifying, classifying, inferring, patterning, organizing, representing,
validating, analysing, comparing and generalising. This will make you struggle a lot but then
it will develop your brain to an extent that you would no longer be scared of maths.
How to simplify the difficult concepts?

Many a times, it is not because we’re lacking a technical definition or a new technology or
time, it is due to our approach. The best way to approach any Maths problems is by drawing
an analogy or a diagram or an example. Look into the problems and theorems for strange
relationships. To understand or memorise them instantaneously use humour and analogies.
Don’t be afraid to approach the concept from a funny angle. Visualise whatever you are
learning rather than mugging up. This helps you to learn and understand them when you are
struggling with the general idea.

Use analogies to the maximum. Though analogies aren’t perfect ideas, they are mostly
handles to the most difficult, larger and slippery concepts.

For example, in trigonometry you try to remember equations for sin, cos and tan terms.
Instead of doing so much hard work, it would be easy if you drew out a simple diagram and
drew out the relations. In case you think that it is much simpler if the relations are
memorised then it is strictly advised “DON’T” fall in the trap. It might be easier now but
later on you might find them of lesser or no use, rather you’d prefer to draw up diagrams.
It’s simple. Only when you fix the melody can you worry about the instruments. Similarly for
Maths, you need to fix the analogy and logic first and then worry about the presentation

The most followed and the best way to destroy Maths is to move to the next topic without
mastering the previous one. It so happens that there is a topic and you try to understand
but unfortunately you don’t succeed. Out of frustration, you may move on to next topic
without bothering about the previous one. Don’t do this. Remember Maths is all
interconnected and sequential. So, if you think you can move on without having to bother
about a topic, then you’re wrong. Keep trying; refer to various books, video tutorials and
other online sources.

Remember, Maths is a simple, strategically played game. You just need to play it smartly
and persistently. There is no easy way to learn Maths if you’re not dedicated and persistent.
It is a step by step process, one leading to another. The above tips when adhered to,
followed by practice can give you confidence. And confidence is the name of the game in
learning any level of Math.

Good luck!!

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