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Date: October 29, 2018

Materials to bring to the meeting: Email from Ryan Flores on SBA Results (print) Questions that should guide our work:
@ What do we want our students to learn?
PLC Members: Kristin Artero, April Borja, Wendie Flores @ How will we know they have learned it?
@ How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty?
Goals/Outcomes: Next steps to selecting 2 goals per quarter. @ How will we respond when a student already knows it?

Topic for Discussion Who Estimated Minutes

2 SMART goals for PLC due Nov. 6 All Members 10 mins. Printed the results for algebra 1 SBA. We will review and meet on
Wednesday 10-31-18 to select 2 goals for each quarter (2nd & 3rd
Student/Parent Perception Survey All Members 20 mins. Reviewed previous year survey and edit. Plan to give parents on
Parent Teacher Conference Day Nov. 1. Students to complete after
PTEP Goals All Members 5 mins. Making sure we are completing evidence.

Next Mtg. Members 1 min. Be prepared to discuss 2 target goals (SMART) to be selected for
each quarter.

Expectations for Agendas and Minutes:

 should be given to all team members at least a day in advance.
 should include goals or expected outcomes.
 should include specific topics for discussion with estimated times listed.
 should include meeting norms agreed upon by team.
 should use the format shown above.


 should be typed in the minutes column of the agenda.

 should be emailed to all PLC participants within 2 days.
 should be read by all PLC participants. When tracked-out staff return, they should read minutes from all missed meetings.
 Email or hand-deliver completed meeting notes to building principal.

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