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ANNEX A ‘To 2000-1040 (MPCIS HQ) Dated 29 November 2018 Bi Informat te Groups Identified Proud Boys: described as an extremist conservative group that uses confrontational and at times violent tactics to promote its goals. The group is openly Islamophobic and misogynistic and has disdain for political correctness. Although decentralized in its composition, the group has been able to mobilize its members into physical action as evident by numerous clashes with Antifa counter-protestors at rallies and events. The groups has been categorized as an alt-lite group within the right wing political spectrum! The Southern Poverty Law Centre has labelled the Organization ‘85 a hate group The group has an active and physical presence in both the U.S. and ca Atomwatffen Division (AWD): a U.S. white supremacy, anti-sematic, neo-Nazi group believed to be small in numbers that emerged in 2016. The group is described as a revolutionary national socialist organization in which some members have a chilling fascination with serial killer Charles Manson and his vision of a race war? Within the U.S. the group has been linked to several murders As of July 2018, the group were believed to be present in Canada however are few in number and are not believed to have a national footprint. La Meute: « Quebec bused group, described as anti-Islamic, falling within the moderate end of the far right spectrum. The group emergence coincided with the initial arrival of Syrian refugees to Canada in 2015. The group founders are believed to be former CAF members. At one point in time their Facebook page had attracted more than 40,000 people.£ The group have held protests in the past, most recently on Canada Dey 2018, where the group held a protest in Montreal regarding illegal border crossings in reference to the surge of asylum seekers who had been crossing into Quebec: Hammerskins Nation: 2 decentralized racist, white supremacist group with chapters in the U.Ss and Europe. In Canada the group exists as the Vinland Hammerskins originating out of Montreal. Composed of racist skinheads, the group is the most prominent racist skinhead group in the U.S? 1% (Three Percent): « paramilitary militia style group harbouring anti-muslim, anti- government views bolstered by extreme right wing conspiracy theories, II% is an expansion of ‘an American group, who derived their name from a belief that three percent of the American population took part in the American Revolutionary War. II% members can have similar appearance to a motorcycle club with leather vests end patches and have also been referred to as “threepers”# Soldiers of Odin: described as an anti-immigrant street patrol group origintlly founded in Finland by a known white sipremacist in 2015, in response to the large influx of asylum seekers resulting from the European migrant crisis Chapters within Canada began appearing in 2016 although deny having any racist underpinnings and declare themselves to be a “non-racist ‘conservative organization that seeks to keep Canadian safe in their daily activities and protect constitutional rights by acting as a nationwide community watch organization”.!* Media reports have noted that the group's main Facebook pages in Canada do express anti-Islamic views PROTECTED B A0588349_8-A-2018-01844-1

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