Lesson Plan 4

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Name(s): Ayşe Nur YAĞCI
Feyza Tuğba AKYÜZ
Güneş Ezgi DEMİRCİ
Early Childhood Education / Drama Integrated Science Whole Group Activity
Unit Title
Day or Night?
Grade Level
Kindergarten / 60-72 months
One lesson hour
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
After implementing the activity (Condition), the kindergarten students who are between 60-
72 months old (Audience) will identify day and night occurs (Behavior), and differentiate
(Behavior) at least 5 items (Degree) which belong to day and night.
Language Development Domain
After implementing the activity (Condition), the kindergarten students who are between 60-
72 months old (Audience) will tell the difference between day and night (Behavior), and give
examples (Behavior) from at least 5 (Degree) day and night items
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Computer for Powtoon presentation, globe, flashlight, a4 papers, pictures of items which can
be seen day and night (for night: moon, an owl, a bat, stars, a bed, pajamas, night lamp; for
day: sun, rainbow, going to school, going to park, sunglasses, kite), black tape, patafix
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
Teacher guided activity: While presenting the presentation, and implementing the activity,
teacher guides the children for better understanding. During this process, modeling is used
under the guidance of the teacher.
Describing and Questioning methods will be used.
A Pawtoon presentation which is about occurrence of day and night will be used:
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require
Learner Participation)]
In this activity, the rotation of the earth around its own axis and occurrence of day and night is
introduced by using visual presentation which includes animation, video, and pictures. First of
all, globe and flashlight as a sun is showed by modelling in order to make children understand
and familiar with the topic. Also, the usage of pictures which is about day and night items will
be efficient way for differentiating day and night. Teacher uses a visual presentation which is
prepared with Powtoon. By using this presentation, it is provided children to see and form
visual view about this topic. Children’s understanding is also supported with pictures,
animation and videos in the presentation.
Individual Learning Activities Children can become the item however they
want, they choose the way the position by their
own such as a bat who is flying, or a sleeping.
Every child mentions and talk his/her daily life
experiences and observations about day and
Group Learning Activities The presentation will be watched by whole
class, and all children make comments about
the presentation and modeling. Clapping hands
and closing eyes movements are done together.
Also, while becoming the items belong day or
night, all children will participate actively the
drama activity.
The rotation of the earth around its own axis, and occurrence of day and night.
Measurement & Evaluation
Assessment is made questions.
Descriptive Questions:
1. What is the difference between day and night?
2. How can we understand which item belongs day or night?
Sensual Questions:
1. What is the most difficult part in today’s activity for you?
2. How did you feel when you become the item on the picture?
Objective Questions:
1. How did you decide which item on the picture belongs which side: day or night?
2. How did you move when you are sun/kite/owl/bat etc.?
Daily Life Questions:
1. Have you ever seen a bat on day?
2. What might be the other objects or animals we can see on day or night?
Measurement & Assessment Activities In order to reinforce children’s understanding and
for Individual Performance knowledge what they have learned, teacher gives
worksheets about the items used for the activity,
and adds extra items on it. Also, a poster which
includes rotation of the earth around its own axis,
and occurrence of day and night is given to every
Measurement & Assessment Activities Thanks to powtoon presentation, all children can
for Group Performance see and understand the rotation of the earth around
its own axis, and occurrence of day and night. In
this way, discussion environment will be created,
and all group share their thoughts and ideas freely.
During this process, all children’s answers are
listened in the group.
Homework (optional) Volunteering can be used for parent involvement.
In order to support children’s knowledge, parents
are expected to observe during day and night, and
discuss differences between day and night with
their children. During this process, they should
note children’s answers, and take photos while
observing. Then, they should bring their
documents to the classroom. If they cannot
observe, they can make a research on the internet.
They can draw pictures about day and night with
their children. And then, the drawings children did
at home and the photographs which parents took
with their children are collected by the teacher to
exhibit them later. The parents are invited the
exhibition. In this way, they can evaluate their
children’s documents.
Assessment part is important point for this activity in order to understand what children learn
about day and night. Teacher should arrange time while considering this. However, if time is
not enough for this part, homework should be definitely used because it will provide better
understanding and reinforcing in terms of understanding the topic.
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
Before the lesson, teacher prepares pictures of day and night items. Also, the classroom carpet
is divided into two sides by using a black tape. One side represents day, the other side
represents night. Moreover, moon and sun pictures are printed and pasted on the cardboard.
With using patafix, moon and sun are pasted on the wall according to night and day parts.
When children come to the classroom, children are expected to sit their place on the carpet
while saying this rhyming: 1, 2, 3! Get your places free! After children sit their places, teacher
closed lights and curtains, and takes flashlight as sun and globe for starting the activity. The
rotation of the world is mentioned firstly. By using world and sun’s location, how day and
night occur is told. This is supported by using a video about day and night:
After watching video, teacher ask questions about daily experiences; therefore, it can be
learned what children know about day and night or what their differences are. A rhyming is
used with showing sun and moon pictures: If the picture is day clap your hands! If the picture
is night close your eyes!
One card is picked up, and asked what it can belong: day or night? The cards are started to
shown one by one. For example, if first card is moon, eyes are closed together. If second card
is rainbow, hands are clapped together. This is going on like this after all cards finish. During
this time, teacher puts flashlight on the day side, and darkness is got by closing curtains for
night side. After dividing pictures into day and night a rhyming is used: First we learn day and
night! Two, we match the cards to day and night! Now the time comes for whaat? Why the
carpet is separated like thaat? One side for day, one side for night!
After telling this, one card picked again, and asked which side this item belongs, and children
are expected to pass day or night side. While doing this, children are expected to be the item.
For instance, if kite is picked, children become a kite; or if bat is picked, children become bat.
While doing this, all pictures are used until all are done. Teacher finishes the activity by asking
assessment questions.
In case of being computer is out of order, or power cut, teacher can continue to implement the
activity by using models. Globe and flashlight as sun are already in the activity for reinforcing
the content. However, if this kind of situations occur, these materials are supported and
emphasized more in order to show as a model of reality.

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