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UNAM Moquegua



Teaches : Guerrero

Student: Maryluz Corimanya Quispe

Curse: Basic Englihs


The problems of self-esteem are the order of the day. Many times we talk about
having low self-esteem, the need to raise that self-esteem that, in reality, means to
love us a little more within our reach. But self-esteem continues to present as an
abstract concept that we can not define everything, much less delimit. We are going
to approach self-esteem, what it really means and we will try to explain how to
exercise it so that you can feel much better.
What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is the perception we have of ourselves. It covers all aspects of life, from
the physical to the inside, going through the value or the competition. It is the
assessment we make of ourselves which does not always conform to reality. This
assessment is formed throughout life and under the influence of others.

What others see in us or, rather, what we think others see, is crucial to determining
our degree of self-esteem. We enter the field of security and self-confidence,
undermined by outside influences. But if there is something that determines the
state of health of our self-esteem is childhood. The positive or negative
reinforcement with which we have counted from the first steps of our life will be
fundamental for our emotional security in the future.

It is important to stress that self-esteem is not the same as self-confidence. Self-

confidence is linked to those goals and specific goals that we set ourselves, while
self-esteem refers to the global assessment we make of ourselves. That is, a person
may think that he is very good at playing the piano or playing basketball, however
that does not mean that that person can not have low self-esteem. This is someone
who trusts in their ability in those specific areas, but would like to be taller or have
a better physique.
Types of self-esteem and how to improve it

-High self-steem Also called positive self-esteem, is the desirable level for a person
to feel satisfied in life, be aware of their worth and their abilities and can face the
disadvantages in a decisive way.
- Average self-esteem
This average or relative self-esteem supposes certain instability in the perception
of the same one. Although in some moments the person with average self-esteem
feels capable and valuable, that perception can change to the opposite side, to feel
totally useless due to varied factors, but especially to the opinion of others.
- Low selfsteem
Ineptitude, disability, insecurity and failure are the terms that accompany a person
with low self-esteem. It is a state of self-esteem that we should avoid on our way to
Some authors speak of four types of self-esteem instead of three. The fourth one
receives the denomination of 'inflated self-esteem' and is the one that people have
who believe themselves to be better than the rest, who are incapable of listening to
others and much less of accepting or recognizing an error (they do not have the
capacity for self-criticism). Their self-esteem is so extremely bulky and exaggerated
that they believe they have the right to belittle those around them. This type of self-
esteem generates very negative and hostile behaviors.
The ideal is to maintain high self-esteem (without reaching an inflated self-esteem,
of course) and for this we must be very clear that self-esteem can be improved,
increased and that not only can it be done, but it is also due. Because the problems
of self-esteem do not only affect personal development.
The problems of self-esteem are observed in all areas of life, from social
relationships, to sentimental life, through the workplace. Low self-esteem can lead
to a lower performance at work, a personal insecurity that generates emotional
disorders or maintain dependent and self-destructive relationships.


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