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15th March 2019, Friday morning, when peace full Muslims were performing prayers at two mosques of

crestcruch city in the New Zealand. One christen man entered in those two mosques and opened fire,
not only killed fifty Muslims, but also played online stream on social media and wrote a message on
facebook that he is mentally fine and he took this action against Immigrant Muslims. Furthermore, he
wrote that he is inspired from President Trump of the US and therefore took this action against
immigration law.

After this massive attack on peaceful Muslims only two Muslim country leaders gave statements on this
as under.

Mr. Imran khan, prime minister of Pakistan, said while giving an interview that whenever and wherever
terrorist attack occurs in the world, entire world blames on the Muslims and they spread Islamophobia.
He condemned it and said terrorists have no any religions.

Mr. Urdan, president of Turkey said while giving an interview on BBC London that it is the result of Islam
phobia which has been spread by the west countries after 9/11. When aeroplanes clashed with world
tower buildings in New York and 2,700 people were killed. NATO forces (which consists of five non-
Muslim western countries) blamed Afghanistan for it. Instead of allowing Afghanistan government give
any evidence involving their people in that attack, NATO ignored it and began war against Afghanistan,
in which, millions of people were killed.

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