Smart Goals A9-D91 Alexa Salazar

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Student Handout 6.

Setting SMART Goals to Improve GPA

Name __Alexa Salazar_____ Date _1.7.2019____
Grading Period __3rd quarter________ GPA _3.6______
I want to improve my grade in these classes:
● Biology
● Math
Set a SMART goal for each class in which you want to improve. Because each class is different,
your goals may be different, also.

S Goals should be ​specific​ and easily understood. The goal should say ​what
you are going to ​do​, w
​ hy​ it is important, and w
​ hat​ you want to ​accomplish​.

M Goals should have concrete criteria for ​measuring​ progress.


Goals should be ​action-oriented​. What are you going to do to accomplish

your goals?

Goals should be worth working toward, ​realistic​, and attainable.


T Goals should be achieved within a ​specific time frame​.


Please write your goals in​ ​bold blue

SMART Goal #1 My first goal for my biology class is to ​not procastinate​. This is
important because it would give me so much more time to do my
work and go back and see what ive done. I think that this goal ia
persuable and also measurable since it will be refective on my
grades. I do belivie that this goal is pretyy realistic and that I can
accomplish it. I would try and accomplish this goal as soon as
possible since it will help my grade for this 3rd quarter.

SMART Goal #2 Next I would like to accomplish a goal in my ELA class that is to try
and pay more attebntion, ​not lose focus​. This is important for me to
do becaus I don’t really enjoy this subject therefore if i glaze,or zone
out it will just become more and more difficult.The method that I
would use to measure my accomplishment would be to do a self
check and see if i uderstand what weve been doing. In order to
accomplish this goal I will try to have a water botte with me and drink
it throughout that class in order to stayhydrated which will help me
stay focused. Once again I do belive that this goal is realistic
because I know my abilities and what im capabule of. This goal will
be accomplished by or before the end of this quarter.

SMART Goal #3 My final goal is set for my math class. Which is to ​ask as many
questions as possible​.I think that this is important because itll help
whenever i need help on anything. I think that this goal is
measureable and that ity wil help with my grade on assignments and
grades. In order to accomplish my goal i will figure out my poc in my
problem and ask my teacher about it. This is a realistic goal that can
be accomplished before the end of this quarter.

97 SECTION TWO: Foundation for Admission – Junior Year, Second Semester

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