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1591 12,1901

deaths fromother causes during the week, 1. Prevailing diseases,

malarial in character. The reporteddeath was due to prematurebirth.
General sanitaryconditionof this port and the surroundingcountry
duringthe week, good.
Bills of health were issued to the followingvessels : June 21, steam-
ship S. Oberi; crew,35 ; passengersfromthisport,3 ; passengersin tran-
sit, 14 ; pieces of baggage disinfected,9. June22, steamshipManagua;
crew, 17 ; passengersfromthis port,none ; passengersin transit,none;
pieces of baggage disinfected,none; steamshipBergenseren ; crew, 16;
passengersfromthis port,none ; passengersin transit,none ; pieces of
baggage disinfected,none.
Respectfully, J. Grey Thomas,
ActingAssistantSurgeon,TJ.8. M. H. 8 .
The Surgeon-General,
TT.8. Marine-HospitalService.


Inspectionof immigrants at QuebecduringtheweekendedJune29, 1901.

Quebec, Canada, June29, 1901.
Sib. : I have the honor to report that for the week ended June 29
therewere inspected103 immigrants; passed, 100 ; cause of detention:
chronicluxation of hip joint, 1 ; kyphosis,1 ; scoliosis,1.
On June 25, 26, and 27 inspected at Montreal, 21; passed, 21;
Respectfully, Victor G. Heiser,
AssistantSurgeon , U. 8. M. H. 8.
The Surgeon General,
U. 8. Marine-HospitalService.
- Plague and smallpox.
Hongkong, China, May 28, 1901.
Sir : I have the honor to transmitherewiththe reportof inspection
work at this station for the week ended May 26, 1901. Шпе steamers
were inspectedduringtheweek- 906 individualswerebathedand 1.387
pieces of baggage were disinfectedby steam. There were 15 rejections
during the week- 14 because of fever and 1 because of fever and
enlarged glands. Two hundréd cases of plague and 187 deaths were
reportedduring the week, making a total of 741 cases and 689 deaths
thus farthis year. These figuresundoubtedlyfallfarshortof theactual
numberof cases occurring,as the Chinese,if possible, will leave forthe
mainlandupon being attacked by the disease, thus avoiding the disin-
fectionof theirquartersand in case of death permittingtheirburial in
Chineseterritory. The numberof cases and deathsreportedduringthe
correspondingweek last year was 89 cases and 82 deaths. The present
epidemicpromisesto be moresevere than any previousone forseveral
years and is attractingmoreattentionbecause of the relativelylarge
number of non-jChinese. Six European cases are at present under
treatment,and all are reporteddoing well except an European mer-
chant who was attacked duringthe week.
Eight cases have been removedfromthe building in which this gen-
tlemanresided. The building is located in the centralpart of the city

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