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Zane Rhyne

Mrs. Layton

English 1010

September 14, 2018

Literary Self-Reflection

I have my mother to thank for the writer I have become today. She sent me to several

rigorous creative writing courses back during 2011 and 2012, the majority of which I hated

partaking in. Though I may have hated the classes themselves, I was diligent in working through

it and doing well in all I did. I finished the class with flying colors, my writing ability having

improved considerably since the beginning of the course.

Had I not partaken in that elective course, I would indubitably be struggling with basic

writing assignments and I would not have produced the impact I have since learned to create

with my writing styles and techniques today. I would not have won Grand in the Gallaudet

National Literary Competition twice consecutively, nor would I have been able to write unique

stories that I and others enjoy reading. There are many things I would not have been able to do.

I’ve discovered my writing abilities especially useful in High School where I am required to

write academic essays and summaries often.

The topics I most frequently visit while writing are historical events, affairs concerning

matters I am ardent about (such as solace, computer gaming, Legos, drawing, and relationships

with friends), anything socially ambiguous that could prove to me an enjoyable challenge to

write on (which, in the process, allows me to assess my own opinions on the subject at hand),

and, of course, short stories of any kind, which happen to be my strong suit.
Writing of any kind on almost any subject is a deeply meditative exercise for me. I often

write my thoughts or craft new stories late at night when I am unable to sleep. Being able to

convey my feelings when under stress by means of writing is something I find important as well.

I’ve also found that it is efficient and sometimes easier to traject information to others by using

written language.

Writing is deeply valuable to me, whether I’m writing about fictional or factual events,

academic literature or merely about things I’m passionate about. It is one of the best methods

I’ve found to express myself, the other way being music. The ability to stitch words together

seamlessly into a ballad of wordplay - to control words like a marionette and have them dance

from a page - it is an elegant talent and I hope to perfect throughout my life. Due to its

complicated nature, writing, whether it be creative or academic, is not an easy skill to master. I

still have a long ways to travel, and along the journey, I hope to sharpen my abilities with the

whetstone of experience and learning.

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