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*I have drafted, revised, and edited this assessment independently .

*I have not worked on this assessment outside of established class time, supervised
by a teacher.

*I understand that if my revision history indicates that I have worked on the

assessment outside of the designated time, then my work will be deemed not

*I understand that if my assessment is deemed not proficient, I will have to

complete another assessment during the next administration cycle in order to
receive verified credit in writing.

Signed Michael Bell

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3435 Flint Avenue
Harrisonburg, VA 22802

December 13, 2018

Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr.President

As you know we have a huge problem with our environment dealing with pollution. Which I am
writing this letter to specifically touch on water pollution and what we could do to fix this
problem and be involved. Each year over a million seabirds and sea mammals die from pollution
from being either plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic straws and so much more. By saying that I
mentioned a lot of plastic items and I'm certain our scientist and environmental specialist can
figure out a solution to replace plastic products.

I do realize by taking away plastic products that are most commonly found in the ocean and
elsewhere will bring plastic businesses down tremendously, but i'm sure there are a lot more
people that want plastic businesses going down rather than our animals population to go down.
You our president can help all around the US and keep our environment clean. You could also
influence other countries to take action into saving our animals and keep their environment clean

Another idea I had in mind is that we could put more money into organizations that help keep
our beaches clean and ocean friendly products. A few organizations that help keep our
environment and oceans clean is Ocean Conservation, Surfrider Foundation, Ocean and Sea
Shepherd Conservation society and their are plenty of more organizations that help out also.

My final solution is to limit the number of fish we kill to eat. There are a number of endangered
fish that we kill to eat for our pleasure. Starting with the Japanese Sea Bass, Atlantic Salmon,
Common Skate and the Atlantic Halibut but that's just a few to list. I understand that fishing is a
sport and some people love the way these fish taste, but we really need to take care of what we
have before it's too late. As most people say, “You never know what you miss until it's gone”. So
my proposition is to enact a law that if you get caught catching any of these endangered fish that
you get fined. Also there is one exception, you can get a license on specific fish to catch as long
as you toss them back into the water.

More effort needs to be put into our environment and to keep it clean. We should influence our
scientists to search for a replacement for plastic and be more eco friendly. In addition I think it
would be a really good idea to put more money into companies and organizations that helps to
keep our environment and water clean. Finally I personally think this one would help out
tremendously; I suggest that we put a law on certain fish species that are endangered to keep
them safe. And if one were to be caught they would be fined with a ticket above 500$. In
conclusion we as the US need to be more cautious of what we throw onto the ground and how
we treat our animals. Only you Mr.President can help out and start something great.


Michael Bell
Student of Turner Ashby High School
Revision/Editing Checklist

Strength of Argument

1. What is the argument?

2. Who is the intended audience?

3. What reasons support their argument?

4. What do you think is their strongest reason? Why?

5. What reason needs more support? Why?

6. What are some counterclaims presented in the letter and how well do they address

7. Do they have all the essential elements of a letter? If not, what is missing?

8. What is one specific suggestion you can make to improve the content?

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