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Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the gaps with the right phrasal verbs. Make any necessary
apply for break down bring about call for calm down come back fill in find out
get into get up give up go through grow up keep on leave behind log on look
for look forward to look up make up put down set up show up stand for taken
up take care of take up turn down write down

1. Sorry I’m late. The car …………… on the way here.

2. Are you …………… the party next week?
3. The story she told you wasn’t true. She …………… it ……………
4. They gave me a form and told me to …………… it ……………
5. You can …………… a word …………… in a dictionary if you don’t know what it
6. She was offered a job as a translator but she …………… it ……………
7. I was very tired this morning. I couldn’t ……………
8. She’s been …………… a bad experience recently.
9. An association will be …………… to help dead men’s families.
10.She didn’t …………… work when she had the baby.
11.You need a password to ……………
12.‘How can I …………… the job in the advertisement?’
13.She has …………… golf recently.
14.The police haven’t …………… anything about the crime yet.

Use the words in the box to form appropriate collocations.
literacy/illiteracy cleaner technology education community diversity care
education phone areas rights school organizations priority fashioned
countries disaster rights camera development general access fun subject
place system education humor mistake good thinking taking solving
technology education care education organizations attention drain
1. adult ----------------- 21. information -----------------
2. boarding ----------------- 22. international -----------------
3. brain ----------------- 23. local -----------------
4. civic ----------------- 24. make a -----------------
5. common ----------------- 25. mobile -----------------
6. communication ----------------- 26. natural -----------------
7. critical ----------------- 27. non-formal -----------------
8. cultural ----------------- 28. non-governmental -----------------
9. developing ----------------- 29. note -----------------
10. digital ----------------- 30. old -----------------
11. educational ----------------- 31. pay -----------------
12. equal ----------------- 32. problem -----------------
13. formal ----------------- 33. rural -----------------
14. have ----------------- 34. school -----------------
15. have ----------------- 35. secretary -----------------
16. health ----------------- 36. sense of -----------------
17. high ----------------- 37. sustainable -----------------
18. higher ----------------- 38. take -----------------
19. human ----------------- 39. take -----------------
20. informal ----------------- 40. vacuum -----------------
3.The Passive Voice
Start the following sentences as indicated.
1. Somebody cleans the room every day.
The room ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. They cancelled all flights because of fog.
All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. How do people learn languages?
How -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Somebody is using the computer at the moment.
The computer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. They have postponed the concert.
The concert -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Kamal hasn’t received the letter yet.
The letter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. They didn’t give me the money.
I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. Nobody told me that George was ill.
I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. They hadn’t seen him for two days.
He --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.They might repair the roof this afternoon.
The roof ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.They will perform Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
Shakespeare’s Hamlet ----------------------------------------------------------------------
12.They were painting the rooms when the light went out.
The rooms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13.They will have finished the construction of the dam by the end of this month.
The construction of the dam --------------------------------------------------------------

4.Infinitive of Purpose
Join each pair of sentences using the words in brackets.
1. I hurried. I didn’t want to be late. (so as to)
2. The man spoke slowly. He wanted me to understand what he said. (so that)
3. She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed. (in order to)
4. The president has a team of bodyguards. They want to protect him. (to)
5. Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time. (so that)

5.Reported Speech
A. Start the following sentences as indicated.
1. “The plane will probably get in late.”
David says
2. “What time is it?”
He asks her -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. “I saw that movie last week.”
Richard said ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. “I’ve read that book.”
Jane said --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. “This bill is wrong.”
I said to the waiter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. “Are you going to eat in the cafeteria?”
Amy asked -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. “Do you like my new hat?”
I asked her ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. “Do the job immediately.”
He ordered us -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. “Did you send that parcel for me yesterday?”
He asked --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.“Don’t go near fire!”
My father ordered us

B. Report the following statements.

1. “I’ve seen the criminal.”
The man confessed/admitted ---------------------------------------------------------------
2. “If I were you, I wouldn’t see her again.”
Jack advised me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. “I will publish the article soon.”
He decided ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. “Congratulations on your success!”
They congratulated me ------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. “The decision was completely wrong.”
They described -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. “I have never been married.”
The woman revealed --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. “A lot of people took part in the meeting.”
He reported that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. “If you go on eating fatty food, you’ll probably have a heart attack.”
The doctor warned him -----------------------------------------------------------------------
9. “Will you please stay with me for a while?”
The woman begged her husband ---------------------------------------------------------
10.“You should stay in bed.”
The doctor recommended that -------------------------------------------------------------

6.Wishes (Present/Past)
1. I don’t know many people here. I’m lonely.
I wish -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. He lives in a big city and he doesn’t like it.
He wishes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. I can’t go to the party.
If only I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach.
I wish -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. I didn’t know Gary was ill.
I wish -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. You didn’t learn to play a musical instrument when you were young!
If only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. You painted the gate red. Now you think that it doesn’t look nice.
He wished ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. The guests didn’t tell you they were coming, so you are busy.
I wish -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.Conditional 2 and 3
Start the sentences as indicated.
1. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. We don’t go out often because we can’t afford it.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch in the garden.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. I didn’t get a taxi because I didn’t have any money on me.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. You didn’t have breakfast – that’s why you are hungry now.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can’t meet you.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. Margaret wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt.
If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fill in each blank with the right modal.
1. Kids ------------- play with razors.
2. It’s a secret. You ------------- tell anyone.
3. To keep fit and healthy, you ------------- eat a balanced diet and exercise.
4. They ------------- come tomorrow. I’m not sure.
5. I suggested that he ------------- see a psychiatrist.
6. Tomorrow is a holiday, so I ------------- wake up early.
7. The car you bought is a good brand. It ------------- been very expensive.
8. I ------------- join a sport club than stay all the time before the computer screen.
9. I’m afraid I ------------- attend you class tomorrow. I won’t be here.
10.He had an accident because he was sleepy. He ------------- been more careful.
11.Amanda is a brilliant student. She ------------- fail the next exams.
12.” ------------- we go on a picnic today?” he suggested.
13.Their car broke down, so they ------------- to take a taxi.
14.He was very strong. He ------------- run long distances.
15.The buses were on strike. I ------------- get a taxi.
16.It’s a bit hot in here. ------------- you mind opening the windows?

9.Infinitive and Gerund

Supply the right form of the verb in brackets.
1. She doesn’t allow (smoke) ------------- in the house.
2. Carol’s parents always encouraged her (study) ------------- hard at school.
3. The film was very sad. It made me (cry) -------------.
4. I wouldn’t recommend (eat) ------------- in this restaurant.
5. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me (read) ------------- it.
6. I don’t enjoy (drive) ------------- very much.
7. Would you mind (close) ------------- the door, please?
8. She can’t stand (be) ------------- alone.
9. I would like (play) ------------- tennis today.
10.I’m used to (sleep) ------------- with the lights on.
11.The whole family is fond of (watch) ------------- history films.
12.They are looking forward to (visit) ------------- Italy in the next holidays.
13.“Keep (talk) -------------! I’m listening,” the teacher said.
14.They used to (see) ------------- him every Sunday. Now they don’t.
10. Linking Words
1. I couldn’t sleep. I was very tired. (in spite of)
2. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (although)
3. It rained a lot. We enjoyed our trip. (however)
4. I couldn’t get to sleep because it was noisy. (because of)
5. I went home early. I was feeling unwell. (since)
6. Alice had a lot of money in her bank account. She was able to pay cash for her
new car. (thus)
7. There are many hobbies you might enjoy: ceramics or stamp collecting. (such
8. Florida has a warm climate. Alaska has a cold climate. (whereas)
9. He is a well-known philanthropist in the area. He is known for his honesty.
10.The net is a valuable source of information. It helps kids with their homework.
(along with)
11.TI aims at eliminating corruption. It sensitizes people to the danger of
corruption. (likewise)
12.Thanks to her excellence, Mary managed to join a highly reputed university.

11. Mixed Tenses

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense and form
1. A: What (you, do) ------------------ when the accident happened?
B: I (try) ------------------ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
2. I (have) ------------------ the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about
buying a new one.
3. She (be) ------------------ pregnant for 5 month this week.
4. If it (snow) ------------------ this weekend, we (go) ------------------ skiing near Lake
5. Sam (arrive) --------------------- in San Diego a week ago
6. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) ------------------.
7. I (see) --------------------- many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt.
Pictures of the monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually
quite small.
8. We (married, be) ------------------ for a year on June 25th.
9. When I (arrive) ------------------ home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare)
------------------ a beautiful candlelight dinner.
10.A: What do you call people who work in libraries?
B: They (call) ------------------ librarians.
11.Samantha (live) ------------------ in Berlin for more than two years.
12.I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three
months ago. When I return to Australia, I (study) ------------------ for nine months
and I (be) ------------------ in England for exactly one year.
13. By 2005 we ------------------ (live) in London for 14 years.

13. Relative Clauses

A. Combine each pair of sentences using a relative pronoun.
1. Andrea was a married woman. She lived in Brock Bourne.
2. Andrea shivered at the snow. The snow was piled in the fields.
3. The radio had been stolen. She missed listening to it.
4. An old lady was standing by the road. Andrea stopped for her.
5. The old lady had a sign. It was handwritten.
6. The lady was very fat. Andrea opened the door for her.

B. The following sentences contain clauses that may or may

not be restrictive. Supply commas for the non-
restrictive clauses.
1. The man who had the handlebar mustache pressed Adam for an answer.
2. Mr. Hans whose family lives in Germany will be our guest this weekend.
3. The explanation that she had given them seemed too horrible to be true.
4. Mr. Johnson whose son attends the University is our friend.
5. Thomas Jefferson who was born on the frontier became President.
6. A person who loves to read will never be lonely.
7. My father who was a country boy has lived in the city for years.
8. The girl by whom I sat in class is an honor student.
9. Jet pilots who are not in excellent physical condition should not be allowed to
10.She is a woman who is respected by everyone.

14. Functions
Fill in the table with the right functions from the box.

probability suggestion regret obligation purpose responding

to a suggestion
advice apologizing certainty complaint request opinion

1. How about going on an excursion next weekend? suggestion

2. I am so sorry for hurting your feelings!
3. I wish I had called an ambulance.
4. Peter is really a brilliant student. He can’t fail the test.
5. The kids might be waiting for you outside.
6. Your toothache is getting worse. You ought to see a doctor.
7. You mustn’t park here! Haven’t you seen the sign?
8. You have to drive on the left side of the road in Britain.
9. To my mind, many women still struggle with man’s violence.
10.Look at the sky! It’s quite likely to rain.
11.Soldiers must obey orders.
12.I should have been here a bit earlier. The bus has just left.
13. Yes, why not?
14.People aren’t allowed to smoke in public places.
15.Mary was a bit late. She must have missed the first bus.
16.I’ve been patient enough, but your music is disturbing me.
17. They are training much so that they can win the next match.
18.If only they built factories far from populated areas.
19.Yes, I’d like to.
20.Could I possibly use your textbook? I forgot mine!



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