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We had been practicing for months and while the notes to all the songs rang deep inside

my head like Christmas bells. I still felt as if ants were crawling all over my body like I was a

piece of cheese that had fallen on the floor a few days ago. The curtains recently closed sway

back and forth with anticipation to be open again, or maybe that's just what I thought.

Being that it is my first time performing, I feel as if my heart is beating just like the bass

of the third song we sing, da-doo. When the curtains open I look toward the audience and all I

see are blurry faces not just because of the tears forming in my eyes but because I don't have my

glasses on. Within the next few minutes, I’m dancing and smiling and then all of a sudden my

feet tangle together, just like the words in my mouth every time I forget a line.

Yet I persevere. The curtain closes and I take a deep breath I run towards our dressing

room , and I rip off my dress and exchange it for the next one I manage to wipe off a bit of my


Ten minutes until the curtains open, pouring out my foundation actings if it was

molting lava swiftly placing it on the pink sponge I watch as the brown liquid fills the white

sponge. In one quick moment, the brown liquid becomes a part of my face.

Five minutes until the curtains open, Hopping off the brown wobbly bar stool, I pick up

a handful of bobby pins and two red flowers. Stabbing the bobby pins in my hair gently, yet in a

run, I manage to make the flowers. Dashing out of the room where a mess of foundation and

bobby pins lay, I head for the stage.

Two minutes until the curtains open, Harmony looks at me and says “I might not be

able to sing the finale” while I listen to her my mind hangs on to every squeaky word knowing

that in the only other alto in the group. She looks at me with anticipation waiting for my next few

one minute until the curtains open, I am supposed to respond but how do you tell your

friend that you secretly wish that she suddenly gets strep throat in the heat of the moment so you

can sing the lead solo of your favorite song; however you are just as nervous as she is.

Twenty seconds until the curtains open, “ you will be fine and if not I guess the solo will

just become a duet” plastering a quick smile on my face I stare at her brown eyes while covering

my mic “ we got this I believe in you”.

The curtains open and just as quickly close. That night really really did have it despite

the mistakes and missteps we had each other's backs and had fun, at that moment that was all that


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