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Circle Office Muzaffarnagar



1 How to debit Interest partitioned account Invoke menu option HTM
5711407, 5711410, 5711411 if credit Add(Function A):- Enter Partitioned account
number which is required to be debited -> Go to
balance of a loan account exists OR additional details -> enter related loan account and
wrongly credited Flow ID should be INDEM
2)Enter partition details – Enter related loan
account number in entity ID field
3) In credit leg enter mandatory fields
And click on save post the transaction.
2 How to credit the partitioned account of In place of ADINTREC kindly use HLASPAY. The
process is as under:
main loan account i.e. credit in interest
account of education loan etc. STEP2: Select function as S- Payment, Select
Transaction type as TRANSFER, and enter the
account number from where the interest is to be
deposited in the field Common Debit A/c. Now click
on GO.
STEP3: A new screen will be displayed here click
on YES against Payment towards Deferred
Interest. Enter the loan account number and the
amount to be credited.
STEP4: Click on ACCEPT Button. (The screen will
split; here you can view the adjusted amount value
against the deferred interest field).
STEP5: Click on SUBMIT. Verify the same through
HLASPAY. (The amount will be credited in the
respective partitioned account of the main account)
3 Trying to post transaction number Go to HTM, Enter transaction number on the right
generated through SIM but the system bottom press Expand, Enter reference number
shows error as the record is duplicate (means s number of the unposted transaction
Press GO and then post it. System will allow.
4 Interest are not applied in loan accounts Common reasons of failure in interest application:
1)Collect interest flag is set to ‘N’ change to ‘Y’
2)Non financial record is pending for authorization
3)Invalid or ZERO interest rate code fed.
4)Account review date expired in HINTTM where
pegged period set
5 System not allowing to delete InHACMLA> LAInterest Tab change
Interest Deferred up to date in Deferred/Applicable Interest Rate field to “select”
From drop down option. Interest Deferred upto date
HACMLA>LAInterest Tab. will be automatically deleted.
6 In HACMLA System pops up Check Refinance & Subsidy Tab and expand
More Subsidy Details. There are two scenarios:
“Account is closed”
1.Linked subsidy account is closed : Raise SPSD.
2.Some closed operative account is entered as
Subsidy Deposit Account Id :Branch user to
Remove the same.
7 In HACMLA System pops up Check Refinance & Subsidy Tab and expand
“Invalid Account Ownership” More Subsidy Details. Remove office Account
Mentioned as Subsidy Deposit Account Id.
8 In HACMLA System popsup “Date There are two scenarios:
1.Check Next print date in General Tab. It should
Should be same or later than BOD
Be same or later than BOD date.
Date” 2.Check Pegging review date in
HINTTM/HLINTTM. This date should be same or
Later than BOD date.
9 System not allowing to modify Circle Office QC user is empowered to modify
Fields in MIS Codes (VDetails) Tab MIS Codes (VDetails) for the account. For
Details refer PSLBCIR03/2017.
10 System applying interest in Staff As per guidelines ITD/CBSCir 68/2010 branch
Loans after LAXFRINT/HLARA User was required to run LAXFRINT (NOW
Capitalization ofi nterest HLARA IN fin 10x) afterCompletion of Principal
Payment, and modify theInt. On Principal Flag as
'N'. but branch user has Not modified the int on
principal as 'N' so system
Has charged interest in the account. Branch user
is required to check the account and confirm that
No principal portion is pending and than modify
the Int. On Principal Flag as 'N' through
HACMLA> LAINterest Tab, branch user can
refund the interest if account is eligible.
11 System pops up “CIF is Suspended” Please check for active Standing Instructions on
during HCAAC/CAACLA. Account in menu HSII and delete the same
Before account closure (Menu HSIM).
12 System not allowing closure of Branch user to check in HACI (Interest & Tax
Staff Festival Loan accounts with Tab) that collect interest is disabled. Branch user
Message “Interest Application not To enable the same, check that correct scheme
Upto date”. Related interest table code is entered in the
Account as per sanction and thereafter run
13 During HCLM modification, system Verification/Cancellation of previous
Pops up Verification is pending” Modification is pending against the collateralId
In HCLM. Branch user to verify/ cancel first
Before further modification.
14 System not allowing to accept Please add under compatibility view
Exceptions like “Multiple Collateral Settings and try again.
Exists”,“Duplicate Distinctive No”,
“Under Insurance for Security”.
15 System pops up “MULTIPLE Branch user is getting this error because
COLLATERAL EXISTS ”at the time 'UNIQUE' Property Document Number is note
Of Unlinking in HSCLM entered
In Collateral Id (Particulars Tab of HCLM). Either
1.Branch user to fill up unique and actual
Property document no. of the borrower in this
Field in HCLM. OR
2.Branch user may add under
Compatibility view settings and accept the
16 How to enter details of guarantor / co- If branch want to add the guarantor/co-borrower
borrower while opening of loan while opening loan accounts if should be added in
17 How to create collateral ID in Fin 10x Use menu option HCLM - Lodge - enter details in
General, charge, Particular, Inspection, Insurance
and net value tab and submit system will generate
collateral ID that must be linked with account
through menu option HSCLM.
18 How to credit loan account from If while selecting the record from office account
amount lying in sundry account (Sundry/ non customer, etc.) if the Ref. No. field is
blank as explained in then you have to pass a
manual entry in sundry account through HTM. In
this the debit and credit account will be same where
the amount of the credit balance is kept (egg
.SUNDRY) and here in the credit leg you have to
enter a Ref No. in the Ref No. Field (Kindly enter
Loan account no. in short preferably) and post the
transaction. Thereafter use HLASPAY for credit in
loan account.
19 How to credit the partitioned account In place of ADINTREC kindly use HLASPAY. The
of main loan account i.e. credit in process is as under:
interest account of education loan etc. STEP1: Run HLASPAY.
STEP2: Select function as S- Payment, Select
Transaction type as TRANSFER, and enter the
account number from where the interest is to be
deposited in the field Common Debit A/c. Now click
on GO.
STEP3: A new screen will be displayed here click
on YES against Payment towards Deferred
Interest. Enter the loan account number and the
amount to be credited.
STEP4: Click on ACCEPT Button. (The screen will
split; here you can view the adjusted amount value
against the deferred interest field).
STEP5: Click on SUBMIT. Verify the same through
HLASPAY. (The amount will be credited in the
respective partitioned account of the main account)
20 How to close a Non NPA term loan / A. The interest in the account has to be up to date.
demand loan account (HLADGEN/ HACINT).
HLADGEN is for application of interest in Term
Loan/ Demand Loan accounts & HACINT is for
application of interest in Cash Credit/ Overdraft
B. If overflow amount exists, then we have to run
Loan Demand Satisfaction Process (HLADSP/
C. After application of interest, the account has to
be credited with the outstanding amount through
D. If after application of interest, the account
remains in credit balance we have to transfer the
credit balance to borrower’s operative account no.
through PNBLACHG and verify through
E. Then Unlink any active collaterals linked to the
loan account (HSCLM)
F. When the account balance becomes ZERO, and
the collateral is unlinked we can proceed for
closure through menu option CAACLA.
21 How to apply interest in term loan / TL/DL accounts
demand loan and cash credit / STEP1: Run HLADGEN, Enter Report to as BM,
overdraft account Enter A/c from (Loan Account Number). Click on
Force Interest Run as YES. Enter Interest till date
as the date till you wish to apply interest in the
STEP2: Click on SUBMIT.
CC/OD accunts
STEP1: Run HACINT, Enter Report to as BM, Enter
A/c from (Loan Account Number).
STEP2: Click on Post Transaction as YES, Debit/
Credit Interest as Debit Interest Only and frequency
based run as NO.
22 How to unlink collateral from loan Run HSCLM and Select Function as UNLINK
account Enter Loan Account Number in A/C ID field.
Enter the collateral ID in the collateral ID field.
Click Accept.
A new window will open with automatically filled
value of collateral.
Select Reason Code as WTDRW & Click SUBMIT.
The collateral will be removed from the Account.
Verify the same using HSCLM.
23 How to run closure in loan account STEP1: Run CAACLA. (NOTE: Make sure that the
interest in account is up to date, if not kindly run
HLADGEN) (NOTE2: Make sure the account
balance is Zero)
STEP2: In CAACLA select function as Z- CLOSE.
STEP3: Enter the Loan A/c Id. & Click on GO. (A
new window will open.)
STEP4: Visit the Closure Details TAB.
STEP6: Verify the same using CAACLA.
24 HOW TO CLOSE AN OTS LOAN STEP1: Run HPAYOFF select function as P-Payoff
(NPA) SETTLED UNDER OTS AFTER STEP2: Enter Loan A/c Id, Transaction Type as
RUNNING CAACLA THE MESSAGE T/BI and Operative account in Collect/Refund A/c
APPEARS “KINDLY RUN HPAYOFF”: and now click on GO.
STEP3: A new screen will open which will have the
details like: Net PAYOFF amount, A/c Liability &
Interest since Last application, etc.
STEP4: This interest since last application is the
interest amount which is not charged in the account
and if the waiver of the same is sanctioned by the
competent authority, fill the amount in the box
provided just against the INTEREST WAIVED
STEP5: Select the Waiver Reason from the
searcher as OTS.
STEP6: Click on create transaction.
STEP7: A new screen with transaction details will
open. Click on SUBMIT.
STEP8: Verify the same through HPAYOFF.
STEP9: Now run CAACLA. Function as Z- Close.
Enter Account ID and Proceed.
STEP10: Verify CAACLA.
25 HOW TO UPDATE THE DRAWING The drawing power (DP) in the account can be
POWER IN ANY ACCOUNT? updated through menu option HACDPM.
STEP2: Select Function as MODIFY, enter account
Number & Click on GO.
STEP3: A new screen will open here the drawing
power can be changed:
D- Derived from security (preferably in Cash
E-Equal to sanction limit (preferably in Term
Loan/Demand Loan Credit)
M-Maintained (preferably in KCC and related
P-Link to Parent Node
STEP4: Enter the applicable date and Drawing
Power Indicator.
STEP5: Click on SUBMIT.
STEP6: Verify the same using HACDPM
26 HOW TO UPDATE THE SANCTION The Sanction Limit OR the Maximum Allowed Limit
LIMIT IN ANY ACCOUNT? in any account can be modified by using the menu
option HACLHM. The process flow is as under:
STEP1: Run HACLHM. Select Function as
MODIFY. Enter the loan account number & Click on
GO. (A new screen will open)
STEP2: In this screen select the record by checking
the check box against it.
STEP3: Now if the maximum allowed limit is to be
changed modify and enter new maximum allowed
limit in the Max. Allowed Limit field.
STEP4: Enter the applicable from date, New
sanction limit (if the sanction limit is to be changed),
Supersede as Y, Date of sanction, Date of expiry,
Document Date, etc.
Step5: Click on SUBMIT.
STEP6: Verify the same using HACLHM.
27 HOW TO UPDATE THE DEBT STEP1: For updating the debt acknowledgement
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DATE IN ANY date in CC/OD/KCC accounts kindly use HACM.
ACCOUNT? For updating the debt acknowledgement date in
Term/Demand Loan kindly use HACMLA.
STEP2: For CC/OD/KCC accounts visit the
Demand Loan visit the LOAN DETAILS TAB
STEP3: Enter the Debt acknowledgement date in
Debt Acknowledgement Date field & Click on
28 HOW TO CREDIT MULTIPLE LOAN The functionality of single debit and multiple
ACCOUNTS IN FINACLE 10X? credits is available and it can be done by
The process for the same is as follows:
STEP2: Select function as S-PAYMENT and enter
the common debit account number (sundry/non-
customer/operative account).
Note: this account will be single debit a/c and
can’t be changed.
STEP3: Click on GO. (A New Screen will appear)
STEP4: In this screen enter the loan account
number#1 which you want to credit, enter the
amount and then click on ACCEPT. The loan
liability will open and you can view what demands
are being adjusted.
STEP5: Once the data for loan account number#1
is done, click on ADD button provided at the
screen. This will take you to second record.
STEP6: Now fill the data for loan account
number#2, the account number, the amount. You
can also go back to previous record too.
STEP7: Once done with all the credit entries click
STEP8: Verify the records by HLASPAY.
29 HOW TO REVERSE WRONG If any of the loan accounts has been wrongly
DISBURSEMENTS IN LOAN disbursed then the same can be reversed using
ACCOUNTS IN FINACLE 10X? HLADISB. The steps involved in reversal of the
wrong disbursement are as follows:
STEP2: Select function as R-REVERSAL; enter
the loan account ID & Select Transaction Type as
Cash OR Transfer as the case may be. (The value
date, the disbursed amount & the transaction
number of last disbursement will automatically be
populated on the screen)
Click on ACCEPT. (A new Screen will appear)
STEP4: In this screen enter the debit A/c No. (The
account from where the amount is to be reversed
and to be credited back to loan account number) &
Click on ACCEPT.
STEP5: View the transaction being created here
and click on SUBMIT. A success message will
STEP6: Verify the same using HLADISB. Now
check the account ledger and the reversal entry will
be reflected in the account.
30 HOW TO REVERSE WRONG CREDIT Any loan account that has been credited wrongly
MADE IN LOAN ACCOUNTS IN can be reversed by the menu option HLASPAY.
FINACLE 10X? The Procedure is as follows:
STEP2: Select function as R-REVERSAL; enter
the Common Debit ID (The account from where
the amount was debited). Then click on GO.
STEP 3: In new screen - Enter the loan account
ID and then click on searcher against Reversal ID.
A pop-up window will open with all the credits
made in the loan account. Select the appropriate
transaction from the window.
STEP4: Once you have selected the record the
same will be populated on the screen
STEP5: Next click on ACCEPT. The outstanding
amount and adjusted amount window will open as
bifurcated window.
STEP6: Click on SUBMIT & verify the same using
31 MCHRG menu option not working gives Branches are selecting the office account that is of
error “Account not maintained for 8 digits (Head office account) which is not
Bacid” maintained at Branches. Please select the correct
heads (That is of 7 digits). Eg. – 2081002 (Income
Cersai fee recovered) has to be selected by
branches. 20810102 (Income Cersai fee
recovered) is maintained at head office and will not
be available at branches.
Very Important - Branches to strictly ensure
that income is booked through MCHRG menu
instead of HTM. Branch use HTM and credit the
amount in the income along with GST which
makes very difficult to reconcile the data.
32 Trying to reverse the excess debited Use menu option CCXLGST and refer to the
GST on solvency charges of issue of circular from finance division – 10/2018.
Shipping. How to reverse excess
33 How to generate the GST invoice for Use menu option CGSTRPT and refer to the
the customer? circular from finance division – 28/2017.
34 Standing instructions in loan accounts Following two points be taken care of:
1) Delete tran. if not posted must be yes
2) Carry forward limit (days) should be
reasonable and not like 999 etc.
35 Runtime error while executing Whenever runtime error is coming in MARKNPA
MARKNPA menu branch user to required to clear the AFI in below
menu option
36 Enquiry of Loan lien in the accounts Use menu option HCUALI
37 Error in apportioned value while entering While entering the insurance in HCLM despite of
insurance details in HCLM correcting the apportioned value in HCLM and
HSCLM then just do one thing go to HCLM menu
modify the security >visit particular tab and change
the title no. mentioned there fill the property details
like city, country, state and property area etc. Than
submit the particular tab with security number and
no error of apportioned value will be shown.
38 If wrongly credited partitioned accounts Functionality of debit in interest office account
how to reverse the entry 5711407, 5711410, 5711411 through HTM has
been released. User can debit interest office
account through HTM with flow id as INDEM ( in
additional details) if wrongly credit. Branch user is
required to run LAIDC after making transaction.
39 On entering balance confirmation letter Modify subsidy available as N and interest benefit
date in loan details in the account system from day1 as N and subsidy deposit account ID
does not allow and flashes the message remove the account number <SOLID>3182101 in
“common group account ownership Refinance & subsidy details through HACMLA by
invalid” expanding at the bottom.
40 While trying to link collateral ID in User has to accept it and proceed further after
HSCLM system gives 2 errors multiple deleting cookies / temp files.
collateral linked & duplicate distinctive
41 While using Lien marking through hold System will mark lien in account which has entered
in operative account field whether there. There is no restrictions of home SOL.
intersol account can be added.

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