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Tutorial Letter 202/3/2012

Semesters 1 and 2


Department of African Languages

This tutorial letter contains assignment
questions in African Languages.

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1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 3
2 CONTACT DETAILS OF LECTURERS ............................................................................. 4
3 ANSWERS TO THE SECOND ASSIGNMENT .................................................................. 5



Dear Student

We are pleased to welcome you to this module and hope that you find it both interesting and
rewarding.This tutorial letter contains a feedback on your second assignment. The answers to
the questions are discussed under separate language headings. Should you have any
questions, please contact the lecturer responsible for the language you have chosen for this
module. Their names appear at the end of this tutorial letter.

Before we get to the feedback, we would like to give you some information for the examination.

Exam information

● Please remember that the contents of the generic guide, i.e. the guide
which you consulted for questions 1 to 10 of Assignment 01, will not be
assessed in the examination.

● The examination will be based on the contents of your language

specific DVD ROM.

● When doing revision, work through all the exercises in your language
section on the DVD ROM to make sure that you understand the work.

● The questions in your exam paper appear in English.

● The format of the exam paper is very much the same as that of the
assignments. This means that if you can do the type of questions found
in the assignments and cover the work dealt with in your assignments
you should be prepared and fare well in the exams.

● 10 marks of the exam paper are allocated to multiple choice

questions, similar to questions 11 – 50 in assignment 01.

● The feedbacks on both assignments are a very important part of your

exam preparation.

● The examination paper is a two hour paper and counts 100 marks.
The semester mark obtained for the assignments counts 20% and the exam
mark counts 80% of the final mark.



3.1 Lecturers

The following is a list of lecturers who are responsible for this module. Please contact only the
lecturer for the language you have chosen to study in this module.

isiZulu (Zulu):

Dr EM Mabuza
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 012 429 8680

isiXhosa (Xhosa):

Mr AP Sotashe
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 012 429 6875

Sesotho sa Leboa / Sepedi (Northern Sotho):

Prof IM Kosch
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 012 429 8232

Setswana (Tswana):

Dr JC Le Roux
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 012 429 8024

Sesotho (Southern Sotho):

Dr RM Nakin
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 012 429 8659

Tshivena (Venda):

Ms K Ladzani
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 012 429 8227

Xitsonga (Tsonga):

Mr XE Mabaso
E-mail address:
Telephone number:012 429 8068





A: Sawubona, Mnumzane.......!
B: Yebo, sawubona!
A: Kunjani?
B: Ngikhona.. Unjani wena?
A: Nami ngikhona.
B: Mnumzane ngicela umsebenzi.
A: Uyakwazi. ukusebenza ebhange na?
B: Yebo, ngiyakwazi. ngifunde.. i-Economics e-yunivesithi.
A: Ehhee! Nkosazana igama lakho. ungubani?
B: NginguThembi Ntuli.
A: Mina nginguMnumzane Smith. Uvela kuphi, Nkosazana Ntuli?
B: Ngivela oNdini.
A: Ufuna ukuqala nini ukusebenza lapha ebhange?
B: Ngifuna ukuqala ngoDisemba.
A: Kulungile., qala ngoDisemba. Ngikhokha u-R2500 ngenyanga. /10/

Question 2/Umbuzo 2

Bheka imifanekiso engezansi bese uphendula imibuzo elandelayo ngesiZulu:

Answer the following questions in Zulu by means of the given pictures:

Example / Isibonelo: Yini lokhu? Yindlu.

(a) Yini lokhu? Umlenze / umbala

(b) Yini lokhu? Unyawo/ wunyawo
(c) UThandi uphethwe yini? Ikhanda / yikhanda
(d) Linjani izulu? Linamafu/ liguqubele
(e) Linjani izulu? Linombani ? liyabanika (5)


Question 3/Umbuzo 3

Guqula imisho elandelayo ibe yindlela ephoqayo./ Tshela abantu abalandelayo ukuthi benzeni
noma bangenzini – Qaphela ubunye noma ubuningi:
Change the following sentences into commands - Tell the following person(s) - singular or plural -
what to do or what not to do (negative):


Example/Isibonelo: intombi, (-bamba), kancane

Ntombi, bamba kancane!

(a) umfundi, (-funda), isiZulú: Mfundi funda isiZulu

(b) oSipho, (-ngcolisa), endlini (negative) BoSipho ningangcolisi endlini / BoSipho musani
ukungcolisa endlini
(c) abantwana, (-phuza), umuthi Bantwana phuzani umuthi
(d) uThandi, (-letha), ukudla Thandi letha ukudla
(e) inkosikazi, (-enza), umsebenzi wakho Nkosikazi yenza umsebenzi wakho

Question 4/Umbuzo 4

Qedela imisho elandelayo ngokulungisa ubunini phakathi kemishweni yonke:

Complete the following sentences by giving the correct possessive form in each sentence:

Example / Isibonelo: Behlise ngo-3 cent inani (...ubisi)

Behlise ngo-3 cent inani lobisi.

(a) Isitolo sezingubo siyabiza

(b) Imoto kababa idinga amanzi
(c) Inyama yenkukhu imnandi kabi
(d) Kulungile nansi ilisti yewayini
(e) Sanibonani! Nifuna itafula labangaki? (5)

Question 5/Umbuzo 5

Funda le ndaba bese uphendula imibuzo elandelayo:

Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow:

UNkk. Ndlovu uvula onke amakhabethe asekhishini. Uyabona ukuthi ezinye izinto
azikho. Ufuna ukuya esitolo ukuthenga konke okudingekayo endlini. Umyeni wakhe
uyambuza uthi: "Ikhofi lisekhona na?" UNkk. Ndlovu uyaphendula uthi: "Yebo
likhona kodwa ushukela awukho, uphele izolo. Nobisi luphelile."
Abantwana nabo bayamtshela ukuthi bafunani: "Mama, amaRice Crispies awekho.
Sizodlani thina kusasa ekuseni?" "Impuphu ikhona bantabami," kuphendula uNkk.
Ndlovu. "Uqinisile mama, kodwa asikwazi ukudla iphalishi zonke izinsuku," kukhala
Abantwana bonke bafuna ukumphelekezela uNkk. Ndlovu lapho ehamba, kodwa
uNkk. Ndlovu ufuna ukuhamba yedwa ngoba ujahile.

(a) Yenza imibuzo ngokusebenzisa amagama alandelayo:

Form questions based on the passage by means of the following question words:
-phi?, kanjani?, nini?, ubani?, ngani? (5)

Unkosikazi Ndlovu uvule maphi amakhabethe?

Unkosikazi Ndlovu ubaphendule kanjani abantwana?
Uphele nini ushukela?
Ubani othe ikhofi lisekhona?
Uzohamba ngani ukuya esitolo uNkosikazi Ndlovu? (5)


(b) The underlined verbs in the passage had to be changed into the negative. The summary of
tenses given in 12.4. is very useful. Below we have underlined the negative formatives in
each answer.

Uvula > Akavuli

Uyambuza > Akambuzi
Luphelile > Alukapheli /Kaluphelile / kaluphelanga
Ikhona > Ayikho
kukhala > Kungakhali ` (5)

Question 6/Umbuzo 6

Qedela imisho elandelayo ngokubhala izivumelwano sikamenziwa.

Complete the following sentences by inserting the correct object concords.

Example / Isibonelo: Ukhokhele uswidi na Sibongile? Yebo, ngi_khokhele.

Yebo, ngiwukhokhele.

(a) Nizogqoka izicathulo ezicijile na? Yebo, sizozigqoka.

(b) Wena uthanda ubisi na? Yebo, ngiyaluthanda.
(c) UJames ubingelele ugogo? Yebo, uJames umbingelele
(d) Isisebenzi sihlole amasondo emotweni? Yebo, isisebenzi siwahlolile.
(e) Thoko, uzothenga isinkwa na? Yebo, uzosithenga.

Question 7/Umbuzo 7

Lungisa amagama akubakaki.

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

Isibonelo: Kukhona izintombi (-hlanu)

Kukhona izintombi ezinhlanu.

(a) Umama ugqoke isigqoko (esimnyama)

(b) Kukhona abafundi (abaningi) e-Unisa ngo-2010.
(c) Ekliniki kukhona ingane (egulayo)
(d) UPiti unesikhwama (esinsundu) sesikole.
(e) Amadoda athenga ukudla (okumnandi) ekhefi. (5)




Question 1/Umbuzo 1

Greetings/Ukubulisa nokuzazisa

A: Linda: Molo Nomsa.
B: Nomsa: Ewe, molo Linda.(molo can be used at any time of the day or night to greet a
A: Linda: Usaphila?; Unjani?
B: Nomsa: Ndiphilile/Ndiyaphila/ Ndisaphila/ ndikhona/Ndisekhona, enkosi. Wena unjani?
(wena and its concord u- mean ‘you’).
A: Linda: Nam ndiphilile, enkosi. Uze kwenzani apha eKapa?
B: Nomsa: Ndize kufunda/Ndize ezifundweni zengxoxo. Nawe uze kufunda?
A: Linda: Ewe, ndifunda isiXhosa eUNISA.
B: Nomsa: Uhlala phi?
A: Linda: Ndihlala eRondebosch. Wena uhlala apha eKapa?
B: Nomsa: Ewe, ndihlala apha. Ndisebenza edolophini kwaTelkom.
A: Linda: Kutheni ufunda isiXhosa nje? Uyasithanda?
B: Nomsa: Ndifuna ukusithetha. Ndisebenza nabantu abasithethayo.
A: Linda: Ndiyavuya ukuba ndikubone/ ndiyavuya ukukubona. Masingene eklasini.
B: Siya kubuya sithethe kwakhona. (15)

Sizwe: Ungubani igama lakho?
Vuyo: NdinguVuyo.
Sizwe: UnguVuyo kabani ifani yakho?
Vuyo: NdinguVuyo Ntaba.
(When people meet and greet, they usually try to continue with the communication. The next step
would be to identify the person by asking his/her name and even his/her surname).
Sizwe: Usuka phi? (Liphi ikhaya lakho? Ungowaphi?)
Vuyo: Ndisuka eBhayi. Ungubani wena igama lakho? (Most people even go as far as asking
where he/she comes from).
Sizwe: NdinguSizwe Ngalwana. Isiduko sam nguTshawe.
Vuyo: Esam isiduko nguBhele, kodwa umama wam yena esakhe nguTshawe.
Sizwe: Nyhani! Yantle loo nto, ithethe ukuthi umama wakho ngudadobawo kum.
Vuyo: Usuka phi ke wena?
Sizwe: Ndisuka eGeorge, ndizokusebenza apha eKapa. (ndize ngentsebenzo) (10)


Question/Umbuzo 2

Grammatical agreement/Izivumelanisi

For this question you had to have a knowledge and understanding of both the class and the
concord system.

(a) Ingca iluhlaza.

(b) Uthando luyamangalisa.
(c) Izihlangu zikhulu.
(d) Iliza limke nomntu odadayo.
(e) Umthi uwile.
(f) Indlu ibukeka njengesikolo.
(g) Ukutya kuphele ngokukhawuleza.
(h) Amafutha atshise indlu.
(i) Imoto ibaleka kakhulu.
(j) Izitya ezimdaka zibiza iimpukane.

In isiXhosa any word that stands in a particular relationship to the noun has a linking particle
(concord) which is derived from a particular noun prefix to indicate this relationship. This means
that the concords of isiXhosa are derived from each noun class prefix. (10)

Question/Umbuzo 3

Parts of speech/Izigaba zentetho

(a) Izibizo, amafama, imvula, unyaka, ukutya;

(b) Avuya, ine, siyathemba, basebenze, bavune, singalindela
(c) Gqitha, kakhulu, kakuhle;
(d) Okuninzi, amahle. (15)

Your isiXhosa (Xhosa) lecturer:

Mr AP Sotashe 012 429 6875




Question 1

1.1 Correct form of locatives in full sentences:

(a) Dijo le dino di tafoleng.

(b) Ankê o ngwale pukung ye.
(c) Dingaka di tšwa Tshwane.
(a) Baithuti ba swanetše go ya ofising.
(b) Bana ba ipshina ga malome. (5)

1.2 Full sentences, using the correct adjectival forms:

(a) Ke kgopela lebotlelo le legolo la Coke.

(b) Mosadi o na le mahlo a mabotse.
(c) Ba rekile mmotoro wo monyane.
(d) Monna yo mokopana o kitimile Comrades marathon.
(e) Mosetsana o rata selo se sengwe. (5)

Question 2

2.1 Full sentences with correct forms of numerals:

(a) Maabane Morena Boshego o biditše dikopano tše pedi.

(b) Modulasetulo o ngwadile mangwalo a mararo.
(c) Lesogana le ithuta thuto ya bohlano.
(d) Mphe dipene tše seswai.
(e) Malome o na le dipere tše di šupago. (5)

2.2 Actions that were completed in the past:

(a) Masogana a ruthile lewatleng.

(b) Johannes o nwele kofi.
(c) Ke ralokile papadi ya khomphutha.
(d) Morena Boshego o ile kopanong.
(c) Tate o biditše bana. (5)


Question 3

3.1 Future tense sentences:

(a) Mme o tlo/tla apea bogobe ka letswai.

(b) Bašomi ba tlo/tla bolela. (2)

3.2 Sentences that reflect actions that continued in the past:

(a) Tate o be a nyaka bokae?

(b) Baithuti ba be ba emela morutiši.
(c) Digkoši di be di enwa bjalwa. (3)

4.5 Negative forms of the sentences:

(a) Ngaka ga e kgopele dihlare.

(b) Raisibe o be a sa dule kgaufsi le rena.
(c) Modulasetulo a ka se bolele le badirelwa.
(d) Mpša ga e rate go ja nama.
(e) Ga se ka ngwala metsotso/Ga ke a ngwala metsotso. (5)

Question 4

4.1 Positive responses to questions and replacement of objects by object concords:

(a) Ee, Thabo o di dirile.

(b) Ee, ke mmone.
(c) Ee, ke rata go e bala.
(d) Ee, o a se araba.
(e) Ee, bomme ba a ba hlokomela. (5)

4.2 Explanation of formation of deverbative using the verb root -ag- ‘build’:

Example, e.g. moagi (9)

Analysis of example: Class prefix, e.g. mo- (class 1) (9) + verb root (-ag-) + deverbative
ending -i (9) (3)

4.3 Explanation of formation of commands, using the verb tsena ‘enter’:

Command directed at one person:

The verb is used without a subject concord (½), e.g. Tsena! (½)
When more than one person is addressed:
-ng is added to the verb (½), e.g. Tsenang! (½) (2)


Question 5

Translation of sentences into Northern Sotho:

Resturanteng ‘At the restaurant’

Mma/Mme o lapile ka Sontaga.

Ga a rate go apea dijo.
Re ya resturanteng.
Re bona bagwera ba bantši resturanteng.
Ke tseba weitara. Ke Sipho.
Dijo di a tura.
Re rata go ja pizza.
Batho ba bangwe ba rata hamburger.
Ga re rate beine.
Re kgopela Coke. /10/
TOTAL: [50]




Question 1
A: Dumelang boMma!
B: Ahee, dumelang boRra!
A: Le/Lo kae?
B: Re têng. Lona le/lo kae?
A: Le rona re têng.
B: Salang sentle boRra!
A: Tsamayang sentlê boMma! (4)

A: Nna ke Rre Moloto. Wena o mang?
B: Nna ke Mme Mogapi.
A: O tswa kae Mma?
B Nna, nna ke tswaTlhabane. (2)

A: Dumela Mma!
B: Ahee, dumela Rra!
A: O kae?
B: Ke têng. Wena o kae?
A: Le nna ke têng.
B: Sala sentle Rra!
A: Tsamaya sentlê Mma! (4)

Question 2

i) Bana ba a kwala.
ii) Madi a ke a rona.
iii) Banna ba a bua.
iv) Ee, ke rata nama.
v) Bana bale ba nna (kwa) Malopelo.
vi) Ba rata diapole. (1½)

i) Nnyaya, ga re bone ka ditsebe, re bona ka matlho.
ii) Ee, ke bua ka molomo.
iii) Nnyaya, ga ba reetse ka molala, ba reetsa ka ditsebe.
iv) Ee, ke na le tšhelete.
v) Nnyaya, ga ke batle dijo, ke batla mêtsi.
vi) Nnyaya, dipitse ga di je nama, di ja bojang.
vii) Nnyaya ga re tsamaye ka diatla, re tsamaya ka maoto. (3½)


i) Nna ke tla ya kwa ke tswang teng.
ii) Wena o ile kwa ba go tlhokang teng.
iii) Thabo o kopa mašwi a ene/ena a a gamileng. (5)

Question 3

i) Ga ke kope nama ya kgomo.
ii) Nama ya kolobe ga e jewe.
iii) Ga go tsenwe fano.
iv) Re ka se tshube fano.
v) O ka se robale fa, Mma.
vi) Ga ke batle metsi jaanong.
vii) Ga ba teng.
viii) Gladys ga a buise sentle.
ix) Madi ga a mantsi.
x) Rre ga a ba batle. (5)

i) Baithuti ba ya yunibesiting ka moso.
ii) Baithuti ba ya yunibesiting go ithua.
iii) Baithuti ba tla kgona go bona tiro fa ba rutegile.
iv) Baithuti ba thuswa ke Rre Le Roux.
v) Baithuti ba bantsi ba kgona go tlhaloganya se se buiwang morago ga ngwaga.
vi) Baithuti ba bangwe ba tlhoka nako e telele go ithuta go bua Setswana se se phepa.
i) Malome le Rakgadi ba ile tirong.
ii) Ditapole di a bola.
iii) Magadima a a bonala.
iv) Sefofane se wetse mo lewatleng.

Question 4

i) Re tla ya ga gago ka moso.
ii) Ke na le madi.
iii) Basimane le basetsana ba ditoropo ba rata go ithuta.
iv) Ke na le mathata.
v) Ke tsamaya ka baesekele ya bona.
vi) Banna ba molao ba go bôtsa dipôtsô.
vii) Margarethe o na le dingwaga di le masome a mane.
viii) Ke batla mmuêlêdi wa monna.
ix) O rwele hempe ya mang?
x) Batho ba na le kopano kwa sekolong. (5)


i) Mosadi o tsamaya mo toropong.
ii) Batho ba rata go ya mabenkeleng.
iii) Ngwana o tshotswe kwa gae.
iv) Ntatê o lebêlêla motshameko mo thêlêbišênê.
v) Rre Sebate o ilê tirong.
vi) Re tla ya go Ntate.
vii) Basadi ba dula ga Malome.
viii) Ba ile motseng.
ix) Ke ya gae.
x) Ema mo tseleng. (5)

Question 5

i) Morutabana o se ruta kwa sekolong.
ii) Monnamogolo o a mo e botsa.
iii) Rre o a ja kwa nageng.
iv) Kwa gae o a tuka.
i) Mosadimogolo o tla ba botsa.
ii) Re tla kopa metsi.
iii) Ba tla nwa mašwi fela.
iv) Sello o tla kwala lekwalo.
v) Bônkoko ba tla rapela mo kerekeng.
TOTAL: [50]




Dikarabo tsa Mosebetsi

Potso 1

1.1 (a) Dumelalng Mofumahadi

(b) Dumelang Titjhere
(c) Dumelang /Kgotso Morena
(d) Dumelang leponesa
(e) Dumelang nkgono 5x1= (5)

HLOKOMELA: kenyelletso ya –ng qetellong ya tumediso dumela , e fetohe e be dumelang ho

bontsha tlhompho Sesothong. Mantsweng ohle a sebedisitsweng ho Potso 1.1 o tlameha ho
bontsha tlhompho.

1.2 (a) Girls and boys are loving each other

(b) Mother is buying clothes for her children
(c) Father is working at the shop
(d) The boy is selling vegetables
(e) Grandmother is helping mother to cook 5x1= (5)
Potso 2

2.1 (a) Motorokara o tsamaya tseleng

(b) Mosadi o pheha dijo
(c) Bana ba bapalla kantle
(d) Ntate o lema tshimo
(e) Bashemane ba hlwella hodimo 5x1= (5)

2.2 (a) Ke baithuti ba ngolang

(b) Ke monna ya sebetsang
(c) ke ntatemoholo ya tsubang
(d) ke bashanyana ba hamang dikgomo
(e) Ke katse a jang lebese 5x1= (5)

Potso 3

3.1 (a) Pere ya ntate

(b) Bana ba motho
(c) Lesale la ngwanana
(d) Seeta sa Pule
(e) Molomo wa botlolo 5x1= (5)


(a) Lehodimo le thibile
(b) Pula e ana
(c) Maru a kwahetse
(d) Moya o fokile
(e) Letsatsi le diketse 5x1= (5)

Potso 4

4.1 (a) Ka Sontaha re ya kerekeng

(b) Mantaha ke letsatsi la sekolo
(c) Labobedi re ya mmarakeng
(d) Labone re ya phomola
(e) Moqebelo ke letsatsi la dipapadi 5x1 = (5)

4.2 (a) yena o tshwerwe ke mangwele

(b) yena o tshwerwe ke letheka
(c) Yena o kgathatswa ke mokgohlane
(d) yena o tshwerwe ke sefuba
(e) Bana ba kgathatswa ke maoto 5x1= (5)

Potso 5

5.1 Bonngwe Bongata

(a) Moshanyana Bashanyana

(b) Lebese mabese
(c) Bohobe mahobe
(d) lesiba masiba
(e) sefate difate
5x1= (5)

Ikgopotse ka dihlongwapele Sesothong; bonngwe ba sehlopha sa 5 ke le- bongata ke ma e leng

sehlopha sa 6

Translation of
Class Prefix Subject concord Example
1 mo- o mosadi woman
2 ba- ba basadi women
1a - o ntate father
2a bo- ba bontate fathers
3 mo- o mose dress
4 me- e mese dresses
5 le- le leleme tongue
6 ma- a maleme tongues
7 se- se sefate tree
8 di- di difate trees

9 - e ntja dog
10 di- di dintja dogs
Classes 11, 12 and 13 are mainly used in languages such as isiZulu and isiXhosa
14 bo- bo bohobe bread
15 ho- ho to walk
16 - ho fatshe down
17 ho- ho hodimo up
18 mo- o mose abroad

Classes 16, 17 and 18 are called locative classes and they mainly indicated a place or
a space:

NB Sesotho online

5.2 (a) Father reads a book

(b) Mother sits on the chair
(c) A man drives a car
(d) A woman sews a dress
(e) the cat drinks milk 5x1= (5)
TOTAL: /50/




Question 1

Give the long form of the verbs in the following sentences:

(i) Vhasidzana vha runga rokho.

(ii) Makhulu vha lisa kholomo.
(iii) Mapholisa vha fara vhathu.
(iv) Mmbwa i pandamedza muvhuḓa.
(v) Musadzi u renga rokho.
(vi) Makhadzi vha lunzhedza vhulungu.
(vii) Ri vhala bugu.
(viii) Vha namela goloi.
(ix) U rwela malume luṱingo.
(x) Mapfeṋe a dzula thavhani. [10]

Question 2

Identify nouns from the following sentences. Then indicate their prefixes and state whether they
are personal or non-personal.

(i) Tshikoli tshi kiwa masimuni.

(ii) Mushumo wo fhela naa? [5]

Question 3

(a) Replace the objects in the sentences below with their concords:

(i) Ri vhala bugu.

(ii) Musadzi u renga rokho.
(iii) U lima tsimu.
(iv) Ni a ḓivha nṋe naa?
(v) Mvula i nela mavhele. [5]

(b) Change the following sentences into the future tense:

(i) Maemu u rengisa bugu.

(ii) Hu na mvula khulu.
(iii) U pwasha phuleithi.
(iv) Dzi mamisa vhana.
(v) Vhatukana vha rha bola. [5]


(c) Answer the following questions by using the word in brackets as locatives:

(i) Munna u shuma ngafhi? (Brits)

(ii) Khuhu i dzula ngafhi? (hoko)
(iii) Mulilo u vhaswa ngafhi? (tshiṱanga)
(iv) Pfunzo i wanala ngafhi? (tshikolo)
(v) Ro swika ngafhi? (Makwarela) [5]

Question 4

Change the following sentences into negatives:

(i) Tsimu yoṱhe yo liṅwa nga ṱereṱere.

(ii) Madzhapani vha fasha khovhe dza vhimbi.
(iii) Mapholisa vha tambudza vhathu.
(iv) U tambula ho fhela.
(v) Tshi khou fhufha. [10]

Question 5

(a) Change the verbs in the following sentences into passives. Retain the subjects, e.g.:

Kholomo dzi ḽa mavhele.

Mavhele a ḽiwa nga kholomo.

(i) Mudededzi o funza vhana.

(ii) Vhafunzi vha reila goloi khulwane.
(iii) Muvhuso muswa wo ḓisa tshanduko.
(iv) Mutshudeni u ṅwala mulingo.
(v) Mapholisa vho thuntsha mbava. [5]

(b) Form possessives from the words in brackets in the following sentences, e.g.:

Goloi (vhone) yo tshinyala.

Goloi yavho yo tshinyala.

(i) Vhengele (nṋe) ḽo swa nga mulilo.

(ii) Mulayo (hone) a u pfukwi.
(iii) Zwidulo (vhone) zwo hwaliwa.
(iv) Lwendo (yone) ndi lwa Belgium.
(v) Mbudzi (nṋe) dzo xela. [50 x 2 = 100]





Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

e.g. Ximanga xi dya kondlo. > Kondlo ri dyiwa hi ximanga.

(a) Bolo yi rahiwa hi vana exitarateni.

(b) Vana va khongerisiwa hi mudyondzisi wa xinuna.
(c) Xinkwa xi xekiwa hi Sasavona hi mukwana.
(d) Xinyanyana hi oxeriwa hi xikoxa.
(e) Varisi va phameriwa swakudya hi Manana.
(f) Nyama na matsavu swi swekiwa hi wansati.
(g) Tihuku na madada swi dlayeteriwa hi tindhuna.
(h) Vana va katakisiwa hi mufundhisi ekerekeni.
(i) Khondlo lerikulu ri khomiwile hi mufana.
(j) Endzhutini ku tshama wanuna. [10]


You were asked to read the passage below and then answer ALL the questions that follow:
Hlekani i mufana wa malembe ya tsevu. U nghena xikolo xa lavatsogo lexi nga ekusuhi na le ka
vaMiehleketo. Hlekani u famba na munghana wa yena Solani. Solani u le ka ntangha mbirhi. U na
malembe ya khume. Va famba hi milenge. Loko va vuya exikolweni, va ya eku tlangeni. Vafana va
tlanga bolo. Loko dyambu ri pela va muka ekaya. Hi Mugqivela i siku ro wisa. Vafana va pfuneta
ku tirha mitirho ya laha kaya. Solani u kukula rivala a tshivela na ndzilo. Hlekani yena u kelela mati
naku pfuneta mana wa yena ku hlantswa swibye. Hi Sonto vafana va pfuka nimixo swinene.
Endzaku ka mitirho ya laha kaya, vafana va nghena xikolo xa Sonto.


This is a comprehension test question. The purpose of such questions is to test your
understanding of the passage. As a matter of course you would need to consult your dictionaries
to search for the meaning of those words that are unfamiliar to you. You are welcome to answer
this question in English or in Xitsonga. Note that it would be to your advantage to answer the
questions in full as it gives you practice on how to construct phrases and senteces correctly:

(a) Hlekani is six (6) years old. (2)

(b) The school where Hlekani attends is nxet to / near Miehleketo’s place. (2)
(c) Solani is ten (10) years old. (2)
(d) Solani is in Grade two (2) (2)
(e) Solani sweeps the yard and makes fire. (2)


2.2 In this question you were asked to write the passage in the past tense. As you should know
by now, the past tense is the form of the verb that indicates that the action expressed by the
verb was done in the past. The main verb may appear in the form of a verb stem, and
idiophone or the copulative. Consider the following examples:

(a) Mufana wa khohlola. (The boy is coughing.)

(b) Mufana u ri khohlo! (The boy does/goes khohlo! (cough).)
(c) Mufana i vukhohlokhohlo! (The boy goes cough-cough.)

In Xitsonga the past tense is formed by using the negative morpheme {a-} before the subject
concord. Note that where you find two a’s in juxtaposition, the first a is the negative morpheme,
and the second a is the subject concord of the third person. Sometimes the perfect tense
morpheme {-ile} is also suffixed to the verb stem as in vuyile and perile in the passage below:
Hlekani a a ri mufana wa malembe ya tsevu. A a nghena xikolo xa lavatsogo lexi a xi ri ekusuhi
na le ka vaMiehleketo. Hlekani a a famba na munghana wa yena Solani. Solani a a ri eka ntangha
mbirhi. A a ri na malembe ya khume. A va famba hi milenge. Loko va vuyile exikolweni, a va ya
eku tlangeni. Vafana a va tlanga bolo. Loko dyambu ri perile a va muka ekaya. Hi Mugqivela a ri
ri siku ro wisa. Vafana a va pfuneta ku tirha mitirho ya laha kaya. Solani a a kukula rivala a
tshivela na ndzilo. Hlekani yena a a kelela mati na ku pfuneta mana wa yena ku hlantswa swibye.
Hi Sonto vafana a va pfuka nimixo swinene. Endzaku ka mitirho ya laha kaya, vafana a va nghena
xikolo xa Sonto. (10)

I gave each of you 1 mark for attempting this question. Therefore none of you will score zero in
this question! [20]


(a) The word for ‘year’ in Xitsonga is lembe. (1)

(b) The names of the 12 months in Xitsonga. You were suppose to write them out in full in
accordance with the format provided in the question. Some of you were lazy to write in full
and therefore deprived themselves of the opportunity to practice the correct spelling and
orthography of the names of the months, but also that of the numbers in words. Some of you
failed to copy the names correctly. Their answers were full of spelling and orthography errors.
That does not speak well of you even if you were marked right. Please note that the spelling
in the booklet: Milawu ya Mapeletelo na Matsalelo ya Xitsonga 2008 has precedence over
the spelling in any other sorce that you are using. Therefore, the correct answer is:

(i) N’hweti yo rhanga i Sunguti.

(ii) N’hweti ya vumbirhi i Nyenyanyana.
(iii) N’hweti ya vunharhu i Nyenyankulu.
(iv) N’hweti ya vumune i Dzivamisoko.
(v) N’hweti ya vuntlhanu i Mudyaxihi.
(vi) N’hweti ya vutsevu i Khotavuxika. (NB: Not * vuntsevu!)
(vii) N’hweti ya vunkombo i Mawuwana.
(viii) N’hweti ya vunhungu i Mhawuri.
(ix) N’hweti ya vukaye i Ndzati. NB: (Not * vunkaye!)
(x) N’hweti ya vukhume i Nhlangula.
(xi) N’hweti ya vukhumen’we i Hukuri.
(xii) N’hweti ya vukhumembirhi i N’wendzamhala. (12)


(c) In this question you were asked to list the days of the week in Xitsonga, starting with
Monday. The answer is as follows:

(i) Siku ro rhanga i Musumbunuku.

(ii) Siku ra vumbirhi i Ravumburhi.
(iii) Siku ra vunharhu i Ravunharhu.
(iv) Siku ra vumune i Ravumune.
(v) Siku ra vuntlhanu i Ravuntlhanu.
(vi) Siku ra vutsevu i Mugqivela.
(vii) Siku ra vunkombo i Sonto. (7)
TOTAL: /50/


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