Free Time: Lesson Delivery (SB Page 76)

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1. Pupils look at the picture in the SB page 60.

2. Play the recording / read the text.
3. Pupils follow the song in their SB .
4. Practise the song with the pupils.
5. Elicit pupils’ understanding of other vocabulary using the pictures.
6. Play the song again and pupils point to the picture and say the days of the week.
7. Elicit from the pupils what the children are doing that day , e.g. On Saturdays they sing .


Lesson delivery ( SB page 76)

1. Elicit which vocabulary sets are in the pictures.

2. Read the activity instruction and check pupils know what to do.
3. Pupils read silently and write the letters.
4. They compare their answers in pairs.
5. Check with the class using open pairs.
6. Demonstrate the activity and check pupils know what to do.
7. They take turns to ask and answer in pairs.
8. Go around the class to listen and check .
Post lesson
Task 7: Listen and point


1. Review the characters.

Lesson delivery ( SB page 74 )

2. Elicit wher the Super Friends are .

3. Play the recording and pupils listen and read to find out who goes in and the animals she
4. Pupils compare their ideas in pairs before the class check.
5. Play the recording again.Pause after each frame to check comprehension .
6. Talk with the class about the value and who does it in the story.
7. Play the recording a third time . Pupils listen and repeat .
Post lesson

Task 12 : What about you ?

Content standard




Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

Learning standard




Understand specific information and details of simple sentences



i) Reread a word, phrase or sentence to understand meaning

ii)Ignore unknown words in order to understand a phrase or sentence

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