Tension Behavior of Unidirectional Glass Epoxy Composites Under Different Strain Rates PDF

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Composite Structures 88 (2009) 595–601

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Composite Structures
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Tension behavior of unidirectional glass/epoxy composites under

different strain rates
Mahmood M. Shokrieh *, Majid Jamal Omidi
Composites Research Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: By considering wide applications of composite materials, having a proper knowledge of them under
Available online 22 June 2008 dynamic loading is necessary. In order to study the effects of strain rates on the behavior of the materials,
special testing machines are needed. Most of the research in this field is focused on applying real loading
Keywords: and gripping boundary conditions on the testing specimens. In this study, behavior of unidirectional glass
Polymeric composites fiber reinforced polymeric composites under uni-axial loading is determined at quasi-static and interme-
Strain rate effects diate strain rates of 0.001–100 s1. The tests were performed using a servo-hydraulic testing apparatus
Stress–strain curve
equipped with a strain rate increase mechanism. For performing the tests, a jig and a fixture are designed
Tensile properties
Dynamic loading
and manufactured. The performance of the test jig was evaluated and found to be adequate for testing of
composites. Dynamic tests results are compared with the results of static tensile tests carried out on
specimens with identical geometry. Experimental results show a significant increase of the tensile
strength by increasing the strain rate. The tensile modulus and strain to failure are also observed to
increase slightly by increasing the strain rate.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction strength is three times higher than the static strength and the dy-
namic modulus is 50% higher than the static modulus. However,
Composite materials can provide significant functional and eco- while investigating angle ply glass/epoxy laminates, Lifshitz [4]
nomic benefits, ranging from increased strength and durability fea- found that the elastic modulus and failure strain were independent
tures to weight reduction. However, the mechanical responses of on the strain rate and the dynamic failure stress was only 20–30%
fiber-reinforced polymeric composites are sensitive to the rate at higher than the static failure stress. The dependence of the trans-
which they are loading. In many technological applications, under verse tensile properties on strain rate of a high performance carbon
dynamic loading conditions, the response of a structure designed fiber/epoxy composite loaded in transverse tension was investi-
with static properties might be too conservative. The main reason gated by Melin and Asp [5]. Dog-bone shape specimens were
is that mechanical properties of composites vary significantly with tested under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions (103–
changing the strain rate. Unlike metals, which have been studied 103 s1). The average transverse modulus was observed to be inde-
extensively over a wide range of strain rates, only limited amount pendent of strain rate while the initial transverse modulus was
of information is available on the effects of strain rate on the re- found to decrease slightly with increased strain rate. The strain
sponse of fibrous composites. and stress at failure were found to increase slightly with increased
The above argument results the need for dynamic characteriza- strain rate. Thus, when loaded in the transverse direction it was
tion of composite materials to understand the strain rate effects on concluded that the carbon/epoxy composite exhibited a weak
their mechanical properties. Davies and Magee [1,2] studied the ef- dependence on strain rate.
fect of strain rates from 103 to 103 s1 on the ultimate tensile Tensile tests were performed on a glass/epoxy laminate at differ-
strength of glass/polyester composites. They reported the glass/ ent rates (1.7  102–2000 mm/s) by Okoli and Smith [6,7] to
polyester composites to be rate sensitive with the magnitude of determine the effects of strain rate on Poisson’s ratio of the mate-
the ultimate tensile strength increasing by 55% over the strain rate rial. Poisson’s ratio was found to be rate insensitive. It was sug-
change. Rotem and Lifshitz [3] investigated the tensile behavior of gested that the rate insensitivity of Poisson’s ratio of the
unidirectional glass fiber/epoxy composites over a wide range of laminates tested is due to the presence of fiber in the composites.
strain rates from 106 to 30 s1 and found that the dynamic In other studies the effects of rate sensitive in the range of speeds
from 0.008 mm/s to 4 m/s on the tensile, shear, and flexural proper-
* Corresponding author. ties of glass/epoxy laminate were investigated by Okoli and Smith
E-mail address: Shokrieh@iust.ac.ir (M.M. Shokrieh). [6,8]. The above observation was in agreement with the results of

0263-8223/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
596 M.M. Shokrieh, M.J. Omidi / Composite Structures 88 (2009) 595–601

the investigation conducted by Armenakas and Sciamarella [9] at failure strength of the Kevlar/epoxy composite was 40% and 60%,
various rates of strain (0.0265–30,000 min1), that suggested a lin- respectively, during transverse and shear (off-axis) loadings.
ear variation of the tensile modulus of elasticity of unidirectional Daniel et al. [20] and Chamis and Smith [21] studied the
glass/epoxy composites with the log of strain rate. However, the mechanical behavior of unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminates at
ultimate tensile strain and stress of the composite decreased with strain rates up to 500 s1. The tensile strength in the fiber direction
the increase in strain rate. An increase in tensile, shear, and flexural was the same in static and dynamic cases, confirming previous re-
energy of 17%, 5.9%, and 8.5%, respectively, per decade of increase in sults of Daniel and Liber [18,19]. The results also showed an in-
the log of strain rate was observed [8]. The study indicated that crease in the transverse tensile properties and shear properties
there is a change in failure modes as strain rate is increased. with increasing loading rate.
A systematic study of the strain rate effects on the mechanical Kawata et al. [22,23] studied a large range of composite materi-
behavior of glass/epoxy angle ply laminates was done by Staab als under tension from 103 to 2000 s1. The materials included
and Gilat [10,11] using a direction tension split Hopkinson bar glass/polyester, glass/epoxy, graphite/epoxy, and graphite short fi-
apparatus for the high strain rate tests (approximately 103 s1) ber-reinforced nylon 6,6. For the glass/epoxy and glass/polyester
and a servo hydraulic testing machine for the quasi-static tests composites the strength clearly increased with the strain rate
(approximately 105 s1). The tensile tests at higher strain rates which was not the case for the graphite/epoxy and graphite/nylon
(in the order of 1000 s1) showed a marked increase in the maxi- 6,6 and the injection-molded specimens. This study led to the con-
mum normal stress and strain when compared to the values ob- clusion that glass fiber-reinforced plastic has a higher impact
tained in the quasi-static tests. Although both fibers and matrix absorption capacity than carbon fiber-reinforced plastics. Chiem
are strain rate sensitive, the fibers were thought to influence lam- and Liu [24] investigated the dynamic behavior of woven carbon/
inate rate sensitivity more than the matrix. Harding and Welsh val- epoxy composites under tensile and shear impact loadings in the
idated a dynamic tensile technique by performing tests (over the orthogonal direction using the tensile and torsional split Hopkin-
range 104 to 1000 s1) on carbon/epoxy, glass/epoxy, glass/poly- son bars at various strain rates, ranging from 500 to 3000 s1.
ester, carbon/polyester, and Kevlar/polyester composites [12,13]. The experimental results indicated an increase in both the tensile
The modulus, failure stress, and failure mode of the carbon/epoxy and the shear strengths with increasing strain rate.
composite were found to be strain rate insensitive. The dynamic The influence of strain rate from 0.1 to 10 s1 on the tensile
modulus and strength for the glass/epoxy composite were about properties of glass/phenolic resin and glass/polyester resin com-
twice the static value. Daniel et al. [14] investigated the dynamic posites was studied by Barre et al. [25]. The elastic modulus and
tension response of unidirectional carbon/epoxy composites at strength were found to increase with strain rate. Peterson et al.
high strain rates using an internal pressure pulse produced explo- [26] studied the tensile response of chopped glass fiber-reinforced
sively through a liquid medium. In the test method used for dy- styrene/maleic anhydride (S/MA) materials in the range of 103 to
namic testing of thin laminates in tension, a carbon/epoxy 10 s1 and observed a 50–70% increase in the elastic modulus and
laminate was characterized under longitudinal, transverse, and strength with increase in strain rate.
in-plane shear loading at strain rates up to 500 s1. In the longitu- The tensile behavior of carbon/epoxy composites was investi-
dinal direction the modulus increased moderately with strain rate gated by Gilat et al. [27], using a hydraulic testing machine for the
(up to 20% over the static value) but the strength and ultimate quasi-static and intermediate tests and a tension split Hopkinson
strain did not vary significantly. The modulus and strength in- bar apparatus for the high strain rate tests. Tensile tests were per-
creased sharply over static values in the transverse direction but formed at strain rates ranging from 105 to 650 s1 for fiber orienta-
the ultimate strain only increased slightly. There was also a 30% in- tions of 90°, 10°, 45° and [±45°]s. In all of the configurations tested, a
crease in the in-plane shear modulus and strength. significant increase in the stiffness was observed with increased
The tensile mechanical behavior of a short carbon fiber filled li- strain rate. A slightly increase in the maximum stress with increased
quid crystalline polymer (LCP) composites (30% fiber weight), strain rate was observed in the tests with layups of 90° and 10° while
Vectra A230, was examined under static loading (102 s1) and a more significant effect of the strain rate on the maximum stress
dynamic loading (400 s1) by Shim et al. [15]. A pendulum-type was found in the tests with layups of 45° and [±45°]s. Also, the max-
tensile split Hopkinson bar device was used to apply dynamic ten- imum strain at all strain rates in the tests with the [±45°]s layups is
sion. The fracture strain and Young’s modulus of the composite much larger than in all the other types of configurations.
were found to be noticeably influenced by changes in the strain rate. The aim of this research is to investigate the behavior of unidi-
Experimental studies on the effects of strain rate from 3  105 to rectional glass/epoxy composite materials at quasi-static and dy-
8  103 s1 on the tensile properties of glass bead/HDPE (high den- namic strain rates. Dynamic properties of lamina are extracted
sity polyethylene) composites were conducted by Bai et al. [16]. from the results of tensile tests on tabbed rectangular section spec-
Both Young’s modulus and the tensile strength of the glass bead/ imens under low and high-speed loadings. A servo-hydraulic test-
HDPE composite were found to increase with strain rate. ing apparatus is used to develop the quasi-static strain rate of
Hayes and Adams [17] constructed a specialized pendulum approximately 0.001 s1 and intermediate strain rates ranging
impactor to investigate the strain rate effects on the tensile proper- from 1 to 100 s1. Specimens with identical geometry are used in
ties of unidirectional glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composites. all the tests. The results of the dynamic tests were subsequently
The modulus and strength of the glass/epoxy composites were con- compared with quasi-static tests. Effects of the strain rates on the
cluded to be rate insensitive at impact speeds in the range of 2.7– magnitudes of tensile strength have been observed. Also, the exper-
4.9 m/s. However, the modulus and strength of the graphite/epoxy imental results show that the tensile modulus and strain to failure
composites decreased with increasing impact speeds. Daniel and of the composites slightly increase with increase of strain rate.
Liber [18,19] attempted to characterize the effect of strain rate on
the mechanical properties of unidirectional boron/epoxy, S-glass/ 2. Materials, equipment and experimental procedure
epoxy, carbon/epoxy, and Kevlar/epoxy composites. While the
Kevlar/epoxy composite showed a 20% increase in tensile modulus 2.1. Materials and preparation of test specimens
and failure strength in the fiber direction with increasing tensile
strain rate from 104 to 27 s1, the tensile modulus and failure Unidirectional glass fiber-reinforced epoxy was studied in this
strength of the boron/epoxy, S-glass/epoxy, and carbon/epoxy com- paper. For this reason, thin laminate composed of five plies of
posites were found be rate insensitive. The increase in modulus and reinforcement with epoxy resin ML-506 were fabricated, giving a
M.M. Shokrieh, M.J. Omidi / Composite Structures 88 (2009) 595–601 597

Dimensions (mm):
Fiber in tension specimens
90° U-D Woven L1 =12.7
0° Glass/Epoxy Glass/Epoxy Tab L2 =12
Tabs: x
T L3 =23
W =12.7
W t =1.0
L1 L2 L3 T =6

Fig. 1. Geometry and dimensions of composite specimens under tensile loading.

laminate approximately 1 mm in thickness. Unidirectional tensile

specimens were cut in the fiber direction from laminates. Woven
glass/epoxy tabs 2.5 mm thick and 35 mm long with tapered ends
were locally bonded on each side of the specimens. These tabs al-
low a smooth load transfer from the grip to the specimen. Tabs can
reduce stress concentration and thus the shock wave stress effects.
All specimens had a constant cross section with tabs bonded to the
ends. The geometry of the specimen is shown in Fig. 1. The gauge
lengths of the composite specimens were 12.7 mm. The fiber vol-
ume fraction of the composites was 50%. Fig. 2 illustrates the pre- Fig. 3. Untested specimen.

pared typical test sample for the tensile tests.

tween jig and servo-hydraulic jack an accurate adapter is designed
and manufactured. In Fig. 5, experimental devices used for tensile
2.2. Testing machine
tests by a servo-hydraulic apparatus is shown.
Various test methods have different advantages and limitations
and must be chosen appropriately to produce good and compara- 3. Results and discussion
ble results. Generally, the split Hopkinson bar apparatus, first
introduced by Kolsky [28], was widely used to investigate the dy- 3.1. Stress–strain relation
namic behavior of materials in the strain rate range between 200
and 104 s1 depending on the gauge length of specimens. There- Tensile test were conducted on five cross-head stroke rates of
fore, the results of the split Hopkinson bar test have a limited 0.0216, 12.7, 127, 635 and 1270 mm/s on glass/epoxy composite
applicability for the material characterization during intermediate specimens. These stroke rates applied nominal strain rates of
dynamic loading. 0.0017, 1, 10, 50 and 100 s1 on the specimens. The nominal strain
In the present study, the effects of strain rate on properties of rates are calculated by dividing of the stroke rate of the cross-head
unidirectional glass fiber epoxy composites in the range of of the machine by the gauge length of the specimen. The corre-
0.001–100 s1 were investigated using a servo-hydraulic testing sponding true strain rates are measured by using strain gauges di-
apparatus. By this machine, test speed can be reached in a cross- rectly mounted on the specimens. It is obvious that the true strain
head speed ranging from 0.001 to 2000 mm/s. This range of veloc- is different from the nominal strain. This difference could be attrib-
ity corresponded approximately to a range of nominal strain rate uted to the inertial effects of the gripping device shown in Fig. 5.
from 8  105 to 160 s1 based on the gauge length of specimens Therefore, the true strain data is selected for the calculation of
in this research. Loads were measured by means of a load cell that the strain rates. Fig. 6 shows the typical result of strain versus time
mounted on the servo-hydraulic testing apparatus. The corre- in the central zone of the specimen under the stroke rate of
sponding true strains and strain rates were measured by means 635 mm/s (46 s1).
of strain gauges directly bonded on the central zone of specimens The stress–strain curves of the tested composites under differ-
(Fig. 3). Also, strain rates are measured based on the responses ob- ent strain rates are presented in Fig. 7. As shown, the material
tained from strain gauges. Also, the machine was equipped with shows a load rate dependency. On the other hand, for tensile tests
necessary hardware and software for controlling and data acquisi- performed at highest strain rates, it has been observed that dam-
tion by means of a computer. All specimens were loaded in an elec- age later in terms of strain level. Nonlinearities are also observed
tro hydraulic loading system. At least five samples per cross-head for the stress–strain curves with increased strain rate.
velocity were tested for each range of loading rate.
For performing the tensile tests, a jig and a fixture are designed 3.2. Tensile mechanical properties
and manufactured, which could insure alignment of axial loads on
the specimens. The assembled and disassembled jig are shown in The extracted data for both quasi-static and dynamic tests are
Fig. 4. This jig is designed, so that it is capable of applying static summarized in Table 1, which gives tensile strength, modulus,
and dynamic loads. The columns of the jig were properly lubricated strain to failure, absorbed fracture energy, and the average magni-
with grease and the frictional loads were calibrated. Mounting and tudes. To determine the stiffness (slop of stress–strain curve), lin-
dismounting of the specimens are very simple. For connection be- ear portion of the curve was fitted with a linear curve. Also, the
absorbed energy was directly calculated by integrating the
stress–strain curves numerically up to fracture point. So, the
amount of absorbed energy that is identical to the area under the
curve was extracted by using a midpoint Riemann Summation
method [29]. Fig. 8 typically illustrates the absorbed energy at
strain rate of 46 s1.
Tensile properties given in Table 1 are plotted versus logarithms
of true strain rate in Figs. 9–12. Strain rate effects on these proper-
Fig. 2. Typical tensile test specimen. ties can be assessed using a regression function defined by:
598 M.M. Shokrieh, M.J. Omidi / Composite Structures 88 (2009) 595–601

Fig. 4. The assembled and disassembled fixture for tensile tests.


85 s-1

1000 46 s-1
jack 875
5.6 s-1
Load cell 750
Stress, MPa
625 0.55 s-1

375 0.0017 s-1

Fig. 5. Experimental set-up used for high-speed tensile tests.

0.02 0 0.006 0.012 0.018 0.024 0.03 0.036
Strain, mm/mm

Strain, mm/mm
Fig. 7. Typical stress–strain tensile behavior of glass/epoxy composites under
0.01 various strain rates.

(up to 10%). Finally, strain rate dependence of the absorbed frac-
0 ture energy is shown in Fig. 12. It is apparent that the absorbed en-
0.E+00 1.E-04 2.E-04 3.E-04 4.E-04 5.E-04 6.E-04 ergy increases significantly by increasing the strain rate. This
Time, sec
increase in energy absorption is beneficial for structures under
Fig. 6. Strain versus time obtained for the specimen at the strain rate of 46 s1. high-speed loadings.

3.3. Tensile fracture behavior

Mð_eÞ ¼ a þ b_ec ;
Failure regions of the composite specimens at different cross-
where, M and e_ are the mechanical property and strain rate, respec- head stroke rates are shown in Fig. 13. From the visual inspection
tively. Also, a, b and c are the material constants. The values for a, b, a marked change could be observed in the fracture surface at the
c and R (the correlation coefficient) are given in Table 2. The ob- lowest and highest cross-head rates. At quasi-static rate, Fig. 13a,
tained regression lines are also plotted in the figures. damage was limited to the small regions of the fracture surface
The effect of strain rate on the tensile strength of composites is with fiber pull-out while at increasing rates, Fig. 13b–e, the damage
shown in Fig. 9. The extracted longitudinal lamina strength re- was found to extend further from the fracture surface, passing
sponse tends to significant increase with increasing the strain rate. through the strain gauges in the central region of the specimen,
The increase was 52% at the highest rate (85 s1). Also, the effect of with more fiber pull-out. On the other hand, with increasing strain
strain rate on the tensile modulus is shown in Fig. 10. The stiffness rate, fracture path covered the entire gauge region.
of glass/epoxy tends to slightly increase as strain rate increased (up An extensive debonding of fibers from the matrix over a consid-
to 12%). Moreover, the effect of strain rate on the strain to failure is erable distance to either side of the fracture surface with increasing
shown in Fig. 11. Like the tensile modulus, the strain to failure strain rate in comparison with quasi-static strain rate was
shows a tendency to slightly increase with increased strain rate observed.
M.M. Shokrieh, M.J. Omidi / Composite Structures 88 (2009) 595–601 599

Table 1
Quasi-static and dynamic properties of composites under various strain rates

Average strain rate Tensile strength, MPa Elastic modulus, GPa

1 1 1 1 1
0.0017 s 0.55 s 5.6 s 46 s 85 s 0.0017 s1 0.55 s1 5.6 s1 46 s1 85 s1
Sample1 784.5 788.3 849.0 1014.6 1194.9 37.40 38.43 39.48 40.08 41.78
Sample2 780.7 791.7 842.4 994.8 1184.4 37.08 38.45 39.17 39.51 41.57
Sample3 785.7 785.8 833.5 1015.7 1180.0 37.28 38.72 38.71 39.89 41.68
Sample4 784.2 798.5 830.1 1043.4 1176.8 37.41 38.61 39.32 39.70 41.70
Sample5 781.1 780.7 828.7 973.3 1198.1 37.11 38.45 38.93 39.60 41.59
Average 783.24 789.0 836.74 1008.36 1186.84 37.256 38.532 39.122 39.756 41.664
Strain to failure, mm/mm Absorbed energy, MJ/m3
Sample1 0.0217 0.0220 0.0223 0.0226 0.0239 8.88 8.98 9.71 11.12 13.31
Sample2 0.0213 0.0221 0.0222 0.0224 0.0233 8.26 9.00 9.65 11.01 12.87
Sample3 0.0215 0.0220 0.0218 0.0226 0.0236 8.42 8.83 9.34 11.09 12.96
Sample4 0.0215 0.0219 0.0219 0.0224 0.0233 8.64 8.87 9.27 11.13 13.08
Sample5 0.0214 0.0220 0.0223 0.0227 0.0239 8.40 9.01 9.60 10.89 13.01
Average 0.02148 0.0220 0.0221 0.02254 0.0236 8.520 8.938 9.514 11.048 13.046

An Approximation of the integral of under the stress-strain

curve using a Midpoint Riemann Sum 0.026

1200 Approximate Value: 11.00625582, MJ/m 3

Failure Strain, mm/mm

Stress, MPa

800 0.022
400 0.02
0 0.018
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Strain, mm/mm 0.016
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Fig. 8. A typical absorbed energy by integrating the area under the stress–strain Strain Rate, s-1
curve at 46 s1.
Fig. 11. Effect of strain rate on the strain to failure of GFRP.

Tensile Strength, MPa

Absorbed Energy, MJ/m3



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1
Strain Rate, s-1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Fig. 9. Effect of strain rate on the tensile strength of GFRP. Strain Rate, s-1

Fig. 12. Effect of strain rate on the absorbed failure energy of GFRP.

Table 2
Tensile Strength, MPa

Material constants and correlation coefficients, 0:001 6 e_ 6 100 ðs1 Þ

39 Tensile constants a b c R
Tensile strength 788.122 7.721 0.886 0.9986
36 Tensile modulus 37.243 1.139 0.276 0.9836
Strain to failure 0.0218 3.940E-6 1.368 0.9489
Failure energy 8.769 0.115 0.807 0.9975

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 4. Conclusions
Strain Rate, s-1
Tensile failure properties unidirectional glass/epoxy composites
Fig. 10. Effect of strain rate on the tensile modulus of GFRP. were studied at various strain rates from 0.001 to 100 s1 using a
600 M.M. Shokrieh, M.J. Omidi / Composite Structures 88 (2009) 595–601

Fig. 13. Failed samples: (a) 0.0017 s1, (b) 0.55 s1, (c) 5.6 s1, (d) 46 s1, (e) 85 s1.

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