Ingles Chuose The Correct Option

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Chuose the correct option

Icfes exercise

1 – which is not a type of houssing?

A – farm b – house c - shop d – apartament

2 – you cam eat in this room

A – bathroom b – dininngroom c – livingroom d – garaje

3 – is there a car in your garage

A – yes, there is´t b – no, there aren´t c livingroom d – yes, there is.

4 – are there ------------ books in your livingroom.

A – a b – these c – any d – the

5 – in the laundrig room you -----------

A – wash your clothes b – sleep c – cook

6 – my desk is my ----------------
A – bathroom b – laundry room c – garden d – bedroom

7 – the refrigerator is in the ---------------

A – garage b – garden c – kitehen d – be droom

8 – the --------------- is in the bedroom.

A – garage - b – toilet c – cooker d – wardrobe

9 – wherch elemt is not in an aco friendly home?

A - traditional light bulbs b – solar penels c – recreling bins d – a rainwater

10 – what action does not help the enviroomment.

A – turning the lights off b – recycling c – turningthe tap off d – using plastic

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