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Income inequality is the unfair distribution of pay.

In the United State, the effects of this income

unfairness has increased over the years. The inequality rate increased 24% from 1968 to 2012
and will ultimately continue to rise if this issue is not properly addressed. The most efficient
proposal to solve the economic imbalance is for the federal government to take action as stated
by Mark Blessington by passing laws protecting the middle and lower class. This is the best
solution because, the current legislation is less advanced and minorities and women would
benefit from more strict national policies.

America’s government is corrupt when it comes to its citizens’ income. People use their
businesses to influence and persuade legislation and government's actions and decisions. This
itself shows the corruption. As a result of this, the wealthy business owners are able to
practically bride the government to use their money to benefit themselves. In order to improve
the issue of income imbalance, the government serves as the root of the problem. Change
needs to be made with the government. For example, Mark Blessington stated, “Decades of
progressive legislation has built the current mountain of inequality.”This evidence supports the
claim regarding income imbalance because, the government has been the center and sole
reason as to why there is income inequality. The government has failed to take action. Also, as
expressed in cnbc, “policy makers should consider helping redistribute wealth through tax
reforms.” The evidence agrees that it is the job of the government to solve income inequality by
passing laws. If the government engaged in more helpful activity then the economy would strive
because those who are supposed to aid its citizens (the government )through paid taxes would
help those in need which happen to be those in the middle and lower economic class.

It is not a brand new concept that minorities and women are discriminated against. But, what
fails to be discussed is how those two groups are treated financially unfairly. Minorities and
women fall into the categories of those are who negatively affected by the income inequality in
the United States. According to ​www.huffpost​, “conventional jobs for black men are often far
less compelling than illegal ones” This quote is comparing how even jobs that are illegal and
should not be worked, are more appealing that jobs offered to black men. This is where the
government needs to step in and strengthen non discriminatory laws in hiring and paying.
African Americans as well as other minority groups face income imbalance before they even
step foot into a job interview. In other words, minority groups are discriminated and racially
profiled which causes them to suffer economically because only low paying jobs are left options
for minorities. Other groups such as women are faced with the same obstacles due to the
income inequality in America. In TIME magazine, it said that women in the workforce are still
paid less than men with similar education background., THis shows that the goebremtn needs to
pass laws helping women.

In conclusion, the best solution to solve income imbalanced in America is for the government to
step in take action by making change and passing laws protecting those who in the middle and
lower class. This topic is very important because, the issue is always overlooked in today’s
society. As a minority, I have seen my people demanded and suffer. THere needs to be a
change now in order for the nation to grow as a whole.

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