Whos Your Daddy

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Delisha Lindsey 1st period ​Who’s Your Daddy?

We had to write about a goddess/god that we learned about and decide who we would
like to be our mom or dad. I chose a goddess. I would like Artemis because she’s nice, she
knows how to hunt, and she is very accepting.
Artemis is a very nice goddess. When Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia was about to get
punished by the Olympian council, Artemis defended them. This was a very nice thing to do. I
would love to have a mother who is nice. This means that they will be nice to me. Especially,
is she willing to speak up against her fellow gods to defend someone who is not her child.
Artemis is the goddess of hunt and the moon. This means that she knows how to fight and
this is a very important trait that a parent can have. A parent needs to be able to protect their
child. I believe that since Artemis is the goddess of hunt, that she would have an advantage. I
would never have to worry about any harm coming to me. I wouldn’t worry about my safety.
Artemis is very independent she obviously hunts for her food. Being independent as a parent, it
makes the child feel secured. I could easily depend on Artemis. Since Artemis is kind of boyish
and favor doing boy things, I wouldn’t be able to do girly things. Such as go to prom or get my
nails painted. I really enjoy doing things like that. They are simple things that make a girl a girl
and not being allowed to do these things, will hurt. I like being a girl and doing girly things. Also,
since Artemis does all her own hunting, her clothes are made out of the animals that she hunts.
She wears animal skin, head, hooves, and many more. This is a little gross. I’m not sure if I
would like my wardrobe to have nothing but animal clothing. I like my fashion taste and enjoy
wearing a variety of different styles.
Artemis is very accepting. She does not treat mortals and in mortals different. She allows
boys to join her hunting group. Since she is accepting, this makes me feel like she would be
open for me. This lets me know that she will love me no matter what. As a child, this is very
important. Just to know that my mother will always love me, really makes me happy. The only
trade off is that she will only allow you to join her group, if you follow her path. Artemis’ path is
to stay young and never grow up. This is bad because, growing up and becoming a woman is
very important to me. I want to be able to grow up and learn to be mature. Plus, she would
probably disown me if I chose growing up rather than staying young.
In conclusion, if I had to choose a goddess to be my mother, I would choose Artemis
because she is nice, knows how to hunt, and is somewhat accepting. Even though she has her
issues, I truly believe that at the end of the day, she would be a great mother. She would love
me. She isn’t as bad as some other goddess that I studied.

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