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2 ways for install

You can choose 2 ways for install this app

1. Read Install Document below and follow it:

Our document online:

Because our document include how to install nodejs, cordova, ionic, android sdk...

There softwares often release NEW version. So we must make our document online to easier upgrade
our document for every customer when any these softwares release NEW version.

2. Buy our Installation Service:

This is a link to our service:


We will do everything for you, include change Logo, Launcher if you want it

If you have any issues, please open a ticket

Also please give us some your information when open a ticket:

1. admin account + FTP account for wordpress website

2. your APK file DEBUG + Source which you used to build APK file ( you can upload to dropbox or google
driver if file is too big)

3. License Code (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) or Email you used to buy this app

So we can check this issue for help you.

Note: Our local timezone is GMT+7.

We often work from 8h30 -> 17h30 on Monday to Friday.

If you need any our support. We are always ready to work.


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