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1462 Gut 1992; 33:1462-1466

Dyspepsia, Helicobacter pylori, and peptic ulcer in a

randomly selected population in India

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.33.11.1462 on 1 November 1992. Downloaded from on 27 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
P H Katelaris, G H K Tippett, P Norbu, D G Lowe, R Brennan, M J G Farthing

Abstract population. Furthermore, many studies have

There seems to be a worldwide geographic relied on self reporting, government statistics, or
variation in the prevalence of peptic ulcer suboptimal diagnostic methods rather than endo-
disease, although there are few reliable popula- scopy for diagnosis.
tion based studies. This study aimed to deter- Dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease are con-
mine the prevalence of peptic ulcer disease in a sidered to be common in India but there is little
community in southern India and to evaluate reliable information regarding prevalence. Avail-
the relationship between dyspeptic symptoms, able information is generally derived from
Helicobacter pylori infection, gastritis, and studies of symptomatic subjects, post mortem
peptic ulcer disease. A sample population was findings, or hospital based surveys, none of
selected randomly from a rural monastic settle- which give a true indication of disease preva-
.ment in southern India. Subjects were inter- lence.3 Moreover, many studies have relied on
viewed using a standardised symptom and single contrast barium studies or symptom
demography questionnaire then underwent assessment alone, methods that cannot now be
upper endoscopy and antral biopsy for his- considered acceptable for accurate diagnosis of
tology and CLO rapid urease test. Altogether gastroduodenal pathology. Nearly all of these
197 subjects from a population of 1499 (13.1%) studies were undertaken before the recognition
were studied. All were male monks and of Helicobacter pylori as an important factor in
ethnically Tibetan. The median age was 28 gastroduodenal diseases and there are few data on
years (range: 21-81). None smoked or H pylori prevalence in India. H pylori is accepted
took NSAIDs. The six month period preva- as the major cause of chronic gastritis and is
lence of dyspeptic symptoms was 68*5%. increasingly linked aetiologically with peptic
Current symptoms were present in 58-9% of ulcer disease and gastric cancer.45 However, the
subjects. Dyspepsia was more common in relationship of H pylori to dyspeptic symptoms
subjects aged 40 years or younger (p<O.OOOl). remains controversial.
Hpylori was detected in 77.2% subjects. There There are over 100 000 Tibetans living in
was no association between dyspepsia and the settlements throughout India. There are no data
presence of H pylon or histological gastritis, on disease prevalence in this population. From
although there was a strong correlation clinical observation, dyspepsia is thought to be a
between symptoms and ulcer (p<0O003). The very common symptom. The aims of this study
point prevalence of active peptic ulcer was were to determine the prevalence of peptic ulcer
6-6% (13/197). All ulcers detected were either disease in a Tibetan community in southern
prepyloric or pyloroduodenal in location. A India and to evaluate the relationship between
further 6.6% of subjects had definite evidence dyspeptic symptoms, H pylon infection, gas-
of scarring or deformity indicative ofulceration tritis, and peptic ulcer in this population.
in the past. Subjects with past or present ulcers
comprised 17.8% of dyspeptic subjects.
H pylon was present in all subjects with active Methods
ulcers and in 12/13 of those with scarring.
Dyspepsia, H pylori infection, gastritis, and STUDY POPULATION
peptic ulcer are all more common in this The Mundgod Tibetan settlement in Karnataka
population than in those from developed coun- State lies on the western edge of the Deccan
Departments of tries. Ulcer disease, however, accounts for Plateau in southern India. The settlement has a
Gastroenterology and only a small proportion of subjects with symp- population of 10000 consisting of several small
Pathology, toms and neither H pylori infection nor gas- villages integrated with two Buddhist monastery
St Bartholomew's Hospital, tritis are
London significantly associated with the complexes. This rural community is racially
P H Katelaris presence of dyspepsia. wholly Tibetan and relies on agriculture for
G H K Tippett (Gut 1992; 33: 1462-1466) subsistence. Villagers and monks share a similar
D G Lowe
R Brennan diet, customs, and standard of living. The
M J G Farthing monasteries house 2544 monks, 98.3% of whom
Peptic ulcer disease is common and is associated are male and 1499 aged 21 years or older at the
Doeguling Tibetan with considerable morbidity and mortality time of the study.
Hospital, Mundgod,
Karnataka State, India worldwide. There seems to be a wide geo-
P Norbu graphical variation in its prevalence' but few
Correspondence to: studies defining prevalence within a population SUBJECT SELECTION AND ASSESSMENT
Dr P Katelaris, Department of have been based on a randomly selected sample.
Gastroenterology, The subjects for inclusion in the study were
St Bartholomew's Hospital,
West Smithfield, London
Many studies have included subjects with known selected from the monastery population registers
ECIA 7BE or undefined selection bias (such as presence of of male monks 21 years or older. Randomisation
Accepted for publication symptoms or hospital referral) that will not was achieved by using a table of random
11 May 1992 reflect the true prevalence of ulcer disease in a numbers. The only exclusion criteria were a
Dyspepsia, Helicobacter pylori, and peptic ulcer in a randomly selected population in India 1463

serious illness or other contraindication to upper villagers were interviewed and 28 consecutive
gastrointestinal endoscopy. Informed consent subjects with dyspeptic symptoms underwent
for this study was obtained from the Doeguling endoscopy and had H pylon' status determined.
Hospital Administration, heads of monasteries, The prevalence of H pylori in these subjects was

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.33.11.1462 on 1 November 1992. Downloaded from on 27 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and each individual subject. compared with that in an equal number of age
Symptoms in each subject were assessed by matched, randomly selected monks with dys-
two interviewers, one of whom was a Tibetan pepsia.
physician. A structured symptom questionnaire
was used. There is a specific Tibetan phrase in
common use which describes dyspepsia and STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
translates as 'epigastric burning pain.' This Data were analysed using the X2 test or Fisher's
phrase was included in the questionnaire. Details exact test for difference between variables and
of the duration, frequency, and type of symptom the Wilcoxon rank sum test where appropriate.
as well as associated features and response to
treatment were also sought. Dyspepsia was
defined as any intermittent or persistent pain, Results
nausea, or discomfort referable to the upper Two hundred and five subjects 21 years of age or
alimentary tract that had been present for one older were randomly selected for the study. Eight
month or more and was unrelated to exertion. were excluded - in five selection was not random,
Patients with jaundice or bleeding were one was too ill, one declined investigation, and
excluded.6 Any available medical records and one was unable to be endoscoped. All 197
previous investigations were also assessed. On evaluable subjects were male monks and racially
the basis of this information, subjects were Tibetan. The median age was 28 years (range:
regarded as having dyspeptic symptoms cur- 21-81). None of the sample population smoked,
rently or recently (within six months) or as not consumed alcohol or NSAIDs, or had had
having dyspeptic symptoms. previous upper gastrointestinal surgery.
All subjects had a physical examination and a Endoscopic findings are summarised in Table
blood sample was taken for a differential white I. Active chronic peptic ulcers were found in
cell count and blood grouping. After this all 13/197 subjects, a point prevalence of 6-6%. All
subjects underwent an upper gastrointestinal ulcers were either duodenal, pyloric, or
endoscopy with an Olympus XQ1O panendo- immediately prepyloric in location. No chronic
scope. All endoscopic examinations were per- gastric ulcers were seen more proximally. A
formed by a single endoscopist who was unaware further 13 subjects (6.6%) had definite evidence
of the clinical symptom status of each subject. of scarring or deformity, or both, without
Endoscopic findings were recorded using evidence of a concomitant active ulcer. The
standard definitions.7 Past ulceration was cumulative prevalence of peptic ulcer could thus
inferred if there was definite evidence of scarring be estimated as 13-2%. Oesophagitis was rare.
or deformity such as a pseudodiverticulum. Two gastric adenocarcinomas were detected,
Endoscopic appearances of gastritis were clas- both in symptomatic subjects.
sified according to the Sydney system classifica- The six month period prevalence of dyspepsia
tion of gastritis: endoscopic division.8 A biopsy was 68.5%. Current symptoms were present in
specimen was taken 2 cm from the pylorus 58 9%. Dyspepsia was more common in younger
anteriorly for a rapid urease test for the detection subjects (Table II). Subjects with past or present
of H pylorn (CLO test, Delta West, Western ulceration comprised 17.8% of the dyspeptic
Australia). Two biopsy specimens were taken group. This figure increased to 29-6% when
from 2 cm anterior and posterior to the pylorus subjects with duodenitis, acute gastric ulcer,
for histological examination using haematoxylin adenocarcinoma, and oesophagitis were
and eosin, periodic acid Schiff alcian blue, and included. However, the prevalence of active
cresyl fast violet stains. Gastritis and the presence chronic peptic ulcer among subjects with dys-
of H pylorn were assessed on these sections using pepsia was only 10-3%.
the Sydney system classification of gastritis:
histological division9 by a pathologist unaware of TABLE I Endoscopicfindings in 197 randomly selected
the endoscopic findings. Lesions found on endo- subjects
scopy were biopsied for histological diagnosis
Duodenum and pylorus:
where appropriate. As the CLO tests and his- Chronic duodenal ulcer 7*
tology are both sensitive and specific, the subject Chronic pyloric channel ulcer
Pyloroduodenal scarring/deformity (with no active ulcer)
was considered positive for H pylon if the CLO Duodenitis (with no active ulcer) 10
test or histology, or both, was positive, and Stomach:
negative for H pylorn if both the CLO test and Chronic prepyloric ulcer
Other chronic gastric ulcer
histology were negative. Acute gastric ulcer (denuded epithelium >5 mm) 3
The point prevalence of peptic ulcer was Scar/deformity
Macroscopic gastritis:
defined as the frequency of active peptic ulcer Erythematous 30
disease in the sample population at this examina- Erosive 11
Haemorrhagic 8
tion. Cumulative prevalence was defined as the Bile reflux
proportion of the population who had evidence of Cancer
peptic ulcer at some time in their lives, either at Oesophagus:
the time of the study or in the past. Oesophagitis
To ascertain whether the prevalence of Barrett's epithelium
Cancer 0
H pylon among monks was representative of that
in the community as a whole, randomly selected *1 subject had duodenal and pyloric channel ulcers.
1464 Katelaris, Tippett, Norbu, Lowe, Brennan, Farthing

H pylori was present by urease test or his- 13%). Diffuse mild erythema was common
tology, or both, in 77-2% of subjects. There was (n=60), but was not considered as endoscopic
no association between the presence of dyspeptic gastritis as this does not meet minimal diagnostic
symptoms (either current or recent), and infec- criteria.'

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.33.11.1462 on 1 November 1992. Downloaded from on 27 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
tion with H pylori or with symptoms and histo- The prevalence of H pylori in the 28 village
logical gastritis (Table II). There was a strong subjects with dyspepsia (median age 50 years,
association between symptoms and ulcer and all range 28-66; male/female, 12/16) was not dif-
subjects with active ulcers and 12/13 with ferent to that in the same number of age matched
evidence of past ulceration were positive for dyspeptic monks (82-1% v 71-4%, p=0 5) sug-
H pylori. There was no association between blood gesting that the findings in the study population
group and the presence of ulcer disease in this are representative of the community as a whole.
population sample. Eosinophilia was present in The inclusion of women in this comparison is
16-2% of the group but was not significantly unlikely to affect the prevalence of H pylori. "'
associated with dyspepsia.
Histology showed that gastritis was very
common - it was present in 89.7% of biopsy Discussion
specimens - and was predominantly of mild- The prevalence of peptic ulcer has been shown to
moderate severity. H pylori infection was rise with age in many studies, peaking between
strongly correlated with the presence of histo- the fourth and seventh decade."" 3The high
logical gastritis (p<0000l). Endoscopic gastritis prevalence of peptic ulcer disease in this com-
underestimated the presence of histological gas- munity is emphasised by the low median age of
tritis, but was a reliable indicator when present the study population - only 28 years. Further-
(sensitivity 28%, specificity 90%, positive pre- more, the population is devoid of other risk
dictive value 96%, negative predictive value factors associated with peptic ulcers such as
NSAID use and cigarette smoking. The high
ratio of pyloric and duodenal ulcers to gastric
TABLE II Relationship ofdyspepsia to age, Helicobacter pylori status, histological gastritis, ulcers and the overall paucity of gastric ulcers is
and peptic ulcer similar to other reports from India.'" Oeso-
Total Dyspepsia No dyspepsia phagitis was rare in this population. This is
(n= 197) (n= 135) (n=62) p* probably due to the lack of risk factors for
Age: median (range) (yr): 28 (21-81) 27 (21-69) 50 (21-81) <0-002 oesophageal reflux and oesophagitis in the com-
<0 0001 munity. Obesity is very uncommon and other
61+ 18 7 11 known promoters of reflux such as cigarettes,
H pylori: alcohol, and caffeine containing food and bever-
All subjects: ages are rarely consumed by this population. To
HP+ 152 105 47 NS
HP- 45 30 15 determine accurately the prevalence of gastric
No ulcer disease carcinoma would require a greater sample size
HP+ 127 82 45 NS
HP- 44 29 15 than that in this study. However, finding two
Peptic disease: carcinomas among 197 randomly selected sub-
Absent 171 111 60 <0-003 jects suggests a high prevalence of this disease
Present 26 24 2
Histological gastritis: and is in accord with clinical observations (Dr
All subjects: Norbu, personal communication) in the com-
Gastritis 174 124 50 NS munity.
No gastritis 20 11 9
Not available 3 - 3 Peptic ulcer disease is perceived to be common
No ulcer disease: in India but there are few reliable epidemio-
Gastritis 149 101 48
Atrophy/metaplasia only 9 6 3 logical data. In a vast and diverse developing
Chronic active gastritis 140 95 45 NS country it is to be expected that prevalence data
No gastritis 19 10 9
Gastritis grade: for peptic ulcer will vary between areas. Much of
Mild 72 51 21 the data available have been derived from
Moderate 56 36 20 NS
Severe 12 8 4 selected groups such as hospital based surveys,
surgical series, or post mortem studies that are
HP+ =Hpylori positive, HP- H pylori negative. not comparable or representative. '4` Moreover,
*Comparison subjects
of with and without dyspepsia.
the few population studies reported"'" relied on
TABLE III Comparison ofpeptic ulcer prevalence from different geographic areas single contrast barium studies which underesti-
mate the frequency of ulcer and may not reliably
Prevalence (%) distinguish active ulcers from scarring. The
Country No Subjects Method GU DU PU prevalence rates from these studies vary between
Monsen 196925 USA 7460 Male Mail 0.04 0-29 0.33* 0.6-1.2% and are almost certainly underesti-
physicians, survey mates. In the only other endoscopic survey of a
>25 yr
NHI Survey 19852 USA 34844 General Self- 2-Ot randomly selected population in India," the
homes population reported point prevalence of active peptic ulcer in urban
Kawai 1989`2 Japan large nos. Male adult Hospital 05t Kashmir was 4.7%, with a high duodenal to
patients survey
Ihamaki 197927 Finland 358 General Endoscopy 0-28 1-40 1-68t gastric ulcer ratio (17- 1:1). In this population the
Khuroo 1989" N India 370 General Endoscopy 0-50 4-22 4.72t point prevalence of peptic ulcer in men was
population 6.4%, a figure remarkably similar to the result
>15 yr
203 Males >15 yr Endoscopy 0-80 5.62 6.42t from the present study of men in the south. The
Katelaris 1992 S India 197 Males >21 yr Endoscopy
- 6-60 6.60t cumulative or 'lifetime' prevalence in the current
(PU=peptic ulcer, GU=gastric ulcer, DU=duodenal ulcer and usually includes prepyloric ulcers as
study was 13-2% and it was 15-0% in the
in the present study). Kashmir study. Both of these figures are un-
*Annual incidence rate; t12 month prevalence; tpoint prevalence. doubtedly underestimates as peptic ulcers may
Dyspepsia, Helicobacter pylori, and peptic ulcer in a randomly selected population in India 1465

heal without scarring or deformity and the presence of H pylorn infection. Furthermore,
median age of subjects in both studies was low, only a minority ofdyspeptic subjects in this study
before the years of peak prevalence of ulcer. had evidence of ulcer disease yet current
Longitudinal studies incorporating endoscopy symptoms were present in 58 9% of the study

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.33.11.1462 on 1 November 1992. Downloaded from on 27 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
are needed to assess this further. population. In a developed country up to 27% of
Areas in the south and east of India and the general population may complain of dys-
Kashmir in the north have been reported to have pepsia when questioned.' The reasons for the
a higher prevalence of peptic ulcer than other much higher frequency of dyspeptic symptoms
regions.3 However, these regional differences in this study are unclear. Upper gut pathogens
have not been confirmed by later studies.' " such as Giardia lamblia, hookworm, and other
More endoscopic studies of randomly selected parasites are commonly diagnosed in this popula-
subjects from various regions are required to tion. Such organisms are reported to cause
establish any geographical variation in ulcer dyspepsia and mimic peptic ulcer symptoms and
prevalence in India. In the past a variety of may be the cause of symptoms in some subjects
hypotheses has been forwarded to account for without ulcers. The prevalence of eosinophilia in
these purported differences. These have the study subjects is further, indirect evidence of
included differences in diet,'9 masticatory parasitism. Nothing is known about the role of
habits,20 socioeconomic status, 15-21 and religion. 22 stress, the cultural definitions of pain, or the
However, the missing data in these hypotheses pattern of functional symptoms in this com-
has been information on the frequency of munity. The settlement is a community of dis-
H pylon. The association throughout the world placed people: most live in suboptimal
between H pylon and peptic ulcer, especially conditions and face an uncertain future. The
duodenal ulcer, is incontrovertible and the stresses generated by this environment may
organism is increasingly accepted by many as influence the frequency with which symptoms
directly implicated in aetiology. This current occur and affect the reporting of them."
study documents a high prevalence of H pyloni in Dyspepsia H pylonr infection, gastritis, and
a population with a high prevalence of ulcer. The peptic ulcer are all more common in this popula-
few other studies of H pylon epidemiology in tion compared with similarly selected and
India involve selected symptomatic patients and studied populations from developed countries.
the results are not relevant to the population in However, only a small proportion of subjects
general. In a study from north India, 64% of with symptoms have ulcer disease and neither
dyspeptic subjects were found to be infected with H pylon infection nor gastritis are associated with
H pylon but only 24% of subjects with gastritis the presence of dyspepsia in this population.
and peptic ulcer were found to be positive in Dr Katelaris received support from the Association of Common-
another report from Bombay.2324 More data on wealth Universities. MJGF gratefully acknowledges support of the
the prevalence of H pylori in general populations Wellcome Trust. Financial assistance was also generously pro-
vided by the Melbourne Rotary. The authors thank Renee Hamlyn
are required. It may be that the prevalence of RN, Ms Brenda White, Dr David Freedman, and the staff of the
peptic ulcer varies with the rate of H pylori Doeguling Tibetan Hospital for invaluable assistance.
Part of this work was presented in abstract form at the British
infection but is modulated by the factors men- Society of Gastroenterology Meeting in Manchester, April 1991
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