5 Alberto Pavim CNI SENAI and The Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

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The Network of

SENAI Innovation Institutes

6th Brazilian-Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics

Alberto Xavier Pavim, Dr.-Ing.

SENAI National Department
Stockholm, October 25th, 2017
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 3
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 4
Attending Capillarity of SENAI in Brazil
Capacity Figures

 Mission: Promote professional and

technological education, innovation and
the transfer of industrial technologies to
increase competitiveness of Brazilian
 Major private network for professional
education and technological services in
Latin America
 Operating in 28 industrial sectors
 More than 1000 operational unities
– 580 fixed unities / 449 mobile unities
– 208 laboratories
– Approx. 35.000 employees
 Implementation of approx. 3,5 million
enrollments annualy
Página 5
International Scope of Partnerships and Projects

 UNINTER is responsible
for proposing policies
and strategies for
technical cooperation
and services at the
international level, as
well as negotiating and
international projects
 Partnerships and
projects exist in more
than 40 countries

Página 6
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 8
What is needed to improve the industrial competitiveness?
Corporate Mobilization for Innovation – MEI

 Enhance infrastructure

 Spread the intelectual property culture

 Focus on the formation of qualified human resources

 Improve the legal framework to support innovation

 Internationalization of Brazilian companies and their
R&D activities abroad
 Articulation between the existing innovation and foreign
trade policies
 Inovation and R&D for SMEs

 Support structuring projects and R&D in large scale

 Sectorial innovation programs
 Pre-competitive R&D projects

Página 9
SENAI Strategies
SENAI Program for Supporting Brazilian Industrial Competitiveness

Increasing Educational
Total Investments Infrastructure and Duplicating
R$ 1,822 billion the Amount of Vacancies


Expansion of a SENAI Program for

Services’ Network Supporting Brazilian Creation of a Network
by the Creation of the Industrial of SENAI Innovation
SENAI Technology Institutes (ISIs)
Institutes (ISTs)
Technical tiveness Applied
and Research
Technological and Innovation

Página 10
Support for Innovation
From Technological Competences to Funding for Innovation

Technology Normatization
Ideation Prototyping R&D&I
Transfer Optimization

SENAI Innovation
Grand Prix

Open Labs

Innovation Institutes

Spin-offs, Spin-ins, Startups,

R&D Clubs, Open Innovation

Technology Institutes

SENAI Instruments to Foster Innovation: Innovation Call, Sponsorships, Partnerships

Página 12
Inspiration and Consolidated Strategic International Partnerships

 International Partnerships

 Inspiration (RTO Networks)

Germany Netherlands Canada Finland UK Sweden South Korea

Página 13
The SENAI Innovation Institutes

Born from the Industry Apply scientific and

Implemented for the developments into
Industry industrial innovation

Clear defined mission: complementary and
Raise Competitiveness research and technical
of the BR Industry competences

Flexible organization,
Work for the industry
with attractive
environment for
Connect with the
Researchers and
Innovation Ecosystem
Photo: SENAI Innovation Institute for Polymer Engineering
Página 14
The Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes
as a Bridge to National and International Organizations


Startups Government

Universities SENAI
and STIs Institutes


Página 18
Positioning of SENAI Institutes towards its Partners

Pre-competitive Scenario Competitive Scenario

Fundamental Knowledge

Knowledge Application

Technology Validation
IP Sharing

Demonstration Prototyping

Product Definition

Product Development

Pilot Production

Low Technological Maturity High

Página 20
Positioning of the ISIs within the National Innovation System
Bridge / Interface between the Scientific and Industrial Worlds

Time to
market Pre-competitive Stage Competitive Stage
TRL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Basic Research Application/Validation Minimum Viable Market Entry and


and Inventions and Demonstration Product, Pilot Scale Business Growth

UFs IFs ISIs ISTs Industry
within the National Innovation System
Actors and their Role / Positioning


Science / Academy Industry

(Partners) (Clients)

Public Funds Companies, Venture Capital

Banks, Investors
(Government) Funding Programs (Seed, A & B Series, ...)

Página 21
Location and Technical Field of SENAI Innovation Institutes

PA: Mineral Technologies RN: Renewable Energies

PE: Information and

AM: Microelectronics Communication Technologies

1  BA: Forming & Materials Joining

1 1  BA: Production Automation

TOTAL 1  BA: Logistics

25 3 MG: Surface Engineering

 MG: Metalurgy and Special Alloys
MG: Mineral Processing
LEGEND: 4 MG: Electric Equipment and Systems
[1] Planning  MS: Biomass
1 3 RJ: Virtual Production Systems
[3] Implementation  PR: Electrochemistry 3
[21] Operational PR: Engineering Structures RJ: Green Chemistry
 11 EMBRAPII CETIQT: Biosynthetics
 SC: Laser Processing
 SC: Embedded Systems SP: Advanced Manufacturing and Microfabrication
 SC: Manufacturing Systems SP: Advanced Materials and Nanocomposites
 RS: Polymer Engineering SP: Biotechnology
 RS: Integrated Solutions in Metalmechanics

Página 22
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 24
R&D&I in Partnership with the SENAI Innovation Institutes

R&D&I Internal R&D New

Company Challenges
Team Products

NDA Services

Project ISI R&D
ISI Network Network Team

Forming & Surface

Automation Biomassa Electrochemistry Laser Logistics
Joining Engineering

Embedded Manufacturing
Metalmechanics Metallurgy Microelectronics Polymer ICT
Systems Systems

Página 26
R&D&I in Partnership with the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Joint Team
R&D&I Internal R&D New
Company Challenges
Team Products

NDA Services

Project ISI R&D
ISI Network Network Team

Biomass Eletrochemistry Logistics

Microelectronics Polymer

Página 27
R&D&I in Partnership with the SENAI Innovation Institutes
Project-oriented Operation and Funding Models

R&D&I Challenge

Team Team
SENAI Innovation
Company(ies) Project

Funding Resource

External Sources
Depends on contract model E.g.: EMBRAPII, SENAI Call

Página 28
SENAI Innovation Institutes in Figures
Status, Staff, Projects

Number of Institutes in ISI Network Projects

25 institutes in total 201 Projects contracted and
21 operational in execution
10 inaugurated (R$ 213,6 milion)
204 Projects concluded
(R$ 165,0 million)
405 Projects in Portfolio*
(R$ 378,6 million)
558 employees
Among them:
176 hired researchers
44% Projects 24% Projects
(103 MSc and 73 PhD) within the with other
47 scholarship holders SENAI research
(23 MSc and 24 PhD)
335 specialists, technicians and administratives Network institutions
Source: Unity for Technology and Innovation / SENAI DN – August / 2017 *In Portfolio = contracted and in execution + concluded
Página 30
SENAI Innovation Institutes in Figures
Attended Sectors, Size of Attended Companies

Mostly attended industrial sectors*

* Sectors that sum up 80% of the contracted projects
Oil & Gas
Health, Medical
Food & Beverage
Adhesives, Rubber
Software Develop.
Sugar and Alcohol

Source: Unity for Technology and Innovation / SENAI DN – August / 2017

Página 32
R&D&I in Partnership with the SENAI Innovation Institutes
Benefits for your Enterprise

 Focus of the company on its main competences

 Raising capacity for R&D&I execution

(SENAI capillarity)
 Multidisciplinarity for the development of complete
solutions (working in networks)
 Working opportunities close to the SENAI research
team (technology transfer mechanisms)
 Higher public and private investment opportunities
for R&D&I activities (funding accessed by STIs)
 Flexible IP negotiation, favoring to bring benefits to
the industry
 Higher industrial competitiveness

Página 33
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4.1 The SENAI-VINNOVA Joint Call

4.2 Other Cases focusing on the Aeronautical Sector

4.3 Cases focusing on other Industrial Sectors

4.4 SENAI Market Alliance on Advanced Manufacturing

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 34
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4.1 The SENAI-VINNOVA Joint Call

4.2 Other Cases focusing on the Aeronautical Sector

4.3 Cases focusing on other Industrial Sectors

4.4 SENAI Market Alliance on Advanced Manufacturing

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 35
Innovation Call for the Industry
Projects coming from the SENAI-VINNOVA Joint Call

Página 36
SENAI Innovation Institute for Manufacturing Systems
Project: Airframe Sealing Automation using Snake Robot

 Industrial client(s):
– Saab AB and EngeMOVI
 Partner institution(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Manufacturing Systems,
Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) and Linköping University
 Objective / Value proposition
– Feasibility study to develop and evaluate a snake robot for the
application of automated sealing of aircraft structures
[Source: US Department of Defense]
 Benefits and expected results
– The use of snake robots can potentially result in relevant productivity
increase and labor costs reduction
– Higher precision and repeatability levels, lower cycle times and assured
quality standards for tasks which are to be executed in hazardous and
unhealthy environments (confined spaces)
– Creation and fostering of an international network between Swedish and
Brazilian companies and research institutions
 Research area:
– Advanced Manufacturing, Robotics
 Funding model(s):
– SENAI-Vinnova call (2016)

Página 37
SENAI Innovation Institute for Laser Processing
Project: Tools and methods for certification of metal additive manufacturing for the aerospace industry

 Industrial client(s):
– Saab AB and Akaer
 Partner institution(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Laser Processing, SENAI Innovation Institute for
Manufacturing Systems, SENAI Innovation Institute in Surface Engineering,
Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), Swerea KIMAB and Cobolt
 Objective / Value proposition
– Feasibility study to create procedures for producing titanium, nickel or aluminum
[Source: Saab] alloys, lightweight parts for aerospace industry by metal additive manufacturing,
certifying and controlling the part quality in terms of process monitoring and reliability,
distortion, residual stresses and mechanical properties.
 Benefits and expected results
– Economical: reducing the need of product storage and development costs of new parts for
aircraft projects
3D printed T25 sensor from GE
– Impact on competitiveness: The development of a certification method will decrease the
time and costs to assure the functionality of AM fabricated parts, therefore reducing the cost of
their implementation
– Social and environmental Impact: it will be possible to reduce the weight of aircraft
SLM illustration process components, which will lead to reducing the weight of the entire aircraft. This in turn means
lower fuel consumption and pollutant emission.
 Research area:
Illustration of the LUS system – Additive Manufacturing
 Funding model(s):
– SENAI-Vinnova call (2016)

Cantilever part model

Página 38
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4.1 The SENAI-VINNOVA Joint Call

4.2 Other Cases focusing on the Aeronautical Sector

4.3 Cases focusing on other Industrial Sectors

4.4 SENAI Market Alliance on Advanced Manufacturing

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 39
SENAI Innovation Institute for Forming and Materials Joining
Project: Smart Fasteners

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Aeronautical
 Partner(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Forming and Joining, SENAI
Innovation Institute for Production Automation, UFRGS
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Monitoring the structural health (SHM) of joints
 Benefits and (Expected) Results
– Methodology for reliability assessment through POD for SHM techniques
 Research Area(s):
– Computer modelling;
– Non-destructive testing/SHM; POD;
– Fracture mechanics, Structural analysis.
 Funding model(s):

Página 40
SENAI Innovation Institute for Laser Processing
Project: Additive Manufacturing of Large Airspace Components in Controlled Atmosphere

 Potential industrial client(s):

– Aerospace industry manufacturers
 Partner institution(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Laser Processing and SENAI
Innovation Institute for Manufacturing Systems
 Objective / Value proposition
– Construction and repair of large airspace components via
laser metal deposition in low-oxygen atmosphere (<10 ppm)
 Benefits and expected results
– Considerable increase in the working envelope (and
consequently part size) in comparison to available laser
1,5m powder-bed market solutions
– Possibility of processing highly reactive metals and alloys (e.g.

Ti6Al4V) with industrial relevant deposition rates (> 0,5 kg/min)

– Simplification of manufacturing chains (time and costs) and
increase of high added-value components’ life time by means
of re-manufacturing
 Research area:
– Additive Manufacturing, High Added-Value Repairs

Página 41
SENAI Innovation Institute for Embedded Systems
Project: ARTI - A Robotic Aircraft for Personal Transportation

 Interested Company(ies):
– Akaer (Sao Jose dos Campos/SP)
 Partner(s):
– Senai Institute for Embedded Systems, Computer Sciences
Dept. (ICMC/USP), Electrical Engineering Dept. (EESC/USP),
Sao Carlos Federal University (UFSCAR), EMBRAPA
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– To develop a flying car capable of full autonomous flight
 Benefits and (Expected) Results
– Explore different kinds of application for:
 Personal/Public transportation;
 Cargo;
 Agribusiness.

 Estimated time for development:

– 10 years: 2 years for proof of concept, 5 years for certifiable
prototype, and 3 years for certified product
Página 43
SENAI Innovation Institute for Embedded Systems
Project: Research on UAV modern concepts

 Partner(s):
– Senai Institute for Embedded Systems, Computer Sciences Dept.
(ICMC/USP), Brazilian Army Technology Centre. (CTEx), Sao Carlos
Federal University (UFSCAR), Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA)
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– To develop modern concepts related to unmanned aerial vehicles
 Benefits and (Expected) Results
– Explore different kinds of application for Defense and Agribusiness
 Research Areas:
– Embedded system for autonomous mission and flight safety
management (MOSA, IFA2S);
– Automatic onboard rerouting
– System-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP)
– Model Based System Engineering
– Cognitive Radios
– Fog Computing
– Service Oriented Architectures

Página 44
SENAI Innovation Institute for Embedded Systems
Project: Low Earth Orbit Satellites

 Interested Company(ies):
– Akaer, Visiona, Equatorial Sistemas, Optoeletrônica,
Aeroeletrônica (AEL), Orbital, CENIC, Fibraforte, Compsis,
Italian Companies (only for remote sensing microsats)
 Partner(s):
– Senai Innovation Institute for Embedded Systems, ITA,
Computer Sciences Dept. (ICMC/USP), Space Research
National Institute (INPE), Brazilian Air Force General Staff
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Develop nano-/micro-satellites for remote sensing and data relay
 Benefits and (Expected) Results
– Explore different kinds of application for:
 City Management, Mineral Exploration, Environment (Pollution,
Firefighting), Defense, Telecommunications, Agribusiness

 Estimated time for development:

– 2-3 years (for each satellite)

Página 45
SENAI Innovation Institute for Virtual Production Systems
Project: Application for Manufacturing using Augmented Reality

 Business Segment Client:

– Aeronautical
 Partner (s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Virtual Production Systems
– SENAI Technology Institute for Automation and Simulation
 Purpose / Value Proposition
– Three-dimensional virtual models to assist the operation of
the sequential steps of the different setups of the "Flex Tooling"
process, also guaranteeing the possibility of inspection at the
end of the assembly process.
 Benefits and Expected Results
– Reduced time in problem analysis
– Best operating practices
– Reduction of costs
 Research area
– Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Página 46
SENAI Innovation Institute for Polymer Engineering
Project: Silic and Nanocellulose Hybrid Aerogel

Weight = 1 g 4 Kg 5,5 Kg  Company Industrial Segment:

Density = 0,06 g/cm3
– Aeronautics, Defense, Aerospace
 Partner(s):
– We are looking for partners
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– High resistance to compression (supports
up to six thousand times its own weight)
– High thermal insulation (best insulator
– Extreme low density (less than 0,06g/cm³)
 Benefits and (Expected) Results
– Can be used as core in sandwich panels

Página 47
SENAI Innovation Institute for Surface Engineering
Project: Devel. of Aerogel-like Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Thermo/Acoustic Insulation

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Aeronautical.
 Partner(s):
– ISI for Surface Engineering, Fapemig, UFMG and Embraer.
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Reduction of noise of the aircrafts produced from engines, structural
components vibration, aerodynamic flow that cause discomfort for
passengers and residents from airport surroundings.
 Benefits and (Expected) Results
– Wide-range acoustical insulation and high thermal resistance of the
aerogels are expected to afford aircrafts:
 Lighter and, by consequence, more economical – in terms of fuel consume;
 Safer, by their thermally insulating and fire resistant properties;
 More comfortable for customers and airport surrounding residents.
– By extension is expected to improve competitiveness of Embraer turning
their aircrafts into more appealing for consumers.
 Research Area:
– Coatings and composites.

Página 48
SENAI Innovation Institute for Mineral Technologies
Project: Biomining - Metal Recovery from Solid Materials with Microorganisms

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Electronic components.
 Partner(s):
– University of São Paulo (USP) and SENAI Innovation Institute
for Polymer Engineering.
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Recovery of valuable metals (copper, gold, titanium, rare
earths etc.) from solid residues using biotechnology process.
– Aeronautical sector: proposal of a 100% aircraft end-of-life
recovery (in partnership with SENAI Polymer Engineering).
 Benefits and (Expected) Results
– Reduce the environmental issues and deposition cost of
electronic wastes;
– Energy and cost efficient process to recovery metals.
 Research Area:
– Waste Management / Biotechnology.
Página 49
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4.1 The SENAI-VINNOVA Joint Call

4.2 Other Cases focusing on the Aeronautical Sector

4.3 Cases focusing on other Industrial Sectors

4.4 SENAI Market Alliance on Advanced Manufacturing

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 50
SENAI Innovation Institute for Production Automation

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Oil & Gas
 Partner(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Production Automation,

 Purpose / Value Proposition

– Autonomous Submarine Robot for the inspection of underwater
installations in the Oil and Gas industry

 Benefits and Expected Results

– Greater effectiveness for the inspection in submarine
installations, dismissing the use of support vessels
 Research area(s)
– Automation, Robotics, Microelectronics, Embedded Systems,
Computer Vision, Sensor Technology, Artificial Intelligence,
Software Engineering

Youtube: “Flatfish Project”

Página 54
SENAI Innovation Institute for Embedded Systems
Project: Inspection of Gas Pipes

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Oil & Gas
 Partner(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Embedded Systems, SENAI
Innovation Institute for Polyer Engineering, UFRGS
 Purpose / Value Proposition
– Robot for cleaning gas pipes.
 Benefits and Expected Results
– Robot pneumatic movement approach.
– Curve detection and robot joint displacement alignment.
– Obstruction detection and cleaning system actuation.
 Research area(s)
– Robotics, Subsea, Polymeric materials.

Página 55
SENAI Innovation Institute for Virtual Production Systems
Project: Integrated Environment of Virtual Product Development

 Business Segment Client:

– Oil & Gas
 Partner (s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Virtual Production Systems
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Development of naval and electrical process simulator for
offshore operational safety improvement
 Benefits and Expected Results
– Reduced time in problem analysis
– Best operating practices
– Reduction of accidents
– Reduction of costs
 Research area(s)
– Augmented Reality, Immersive Environment, Virtual Reality

Página 56
SENAI Innovation Institute for Electrochemistry
Project: Self-healing Automotive Painting

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Automotive
 Partner(s):
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Development of paint with self-healing

 Benefits / Expected Results

– Quick healing
– Multi-layer application
 Research area(s):
– Painting and Corrosion
 Funding model(s):
– SESI SENAI Innovation Call

Página 57
SENAI Innovation Institute for Biomass
Project: Microalgae Reactor for the Production of 3rd Generation Fuel

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Chemical
 Partner(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Biomass, UFRJ, SENAI
Innovation Institute for Renewable Energies
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Model for the scaled-up production of microalgae
 Benefits / Expected Results:
– New photo-bioreactor for microalgae used in the production of
3rd generation fuels
 Research area(s):
– Energy and sustainability
– Efficiency in transforming biomass in fuels
 Funding model(s)
– SESI SENAI Innovation Call
Página 58
SENAI Innovation Institute for Metalmechanics
Project: N-Log – Real Time Control of Farms

 Company Industrial Segment:

– Agribusiness
 Partner(s):
– SENAI Innovation Institute for Metalmechanics, Carmetal,
SENAI Innovation Institute for Embedded Systems
 Objectives / Value Proposition
– Optical sensor based system for identifying the farm health
state and applying fertilizer according to the soil needs
 Benefits / Expected Results:
– Adequate technological development for Brazilian agronomic
conditions, and optimal use of fertilizers
 Research Area(s):
– Precision agriculture, product development, embedded systems
 Funding model(s)
– Senai Innovation Call

Página 59
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4.1 The SENAI-VINNOVA Joint Call

4.2 Other Cases focusing on the Aeronautical Sector

4.3 Cases focusing on other Industrial Sectors

4.4 SENAI Market Alliance on Advanced Manufacturing

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

Página 60
SENAI Market Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing
Indústria + Avançada

Sensoring and P1 P2 P3
• Detailed operation • Optimization of the • Self-manageable,
Prioritized Subtopics

visibility, improving value chain, flexible, safe and

control, quality and integrating suppliers efficient industries
decision taking and clients to the
possibilities production process

Metalmechanics (RS) Embedded Systems (SC)

Manufacturing Systems (SC) Production Automation (BA)

Logistics (BA) ICT (PE)

Virtual Production Systems (RJ) Microelectronics (AM)

Página 61
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5.1 Group for Chemical Technologies

5.2 Group for Materials Processing Technologies

5.3 Group for Electronic and Digital Technologies

5.4 Group for Materials & Structures Technologies

Página 62
SENAI Innovation Institutes’ (ISI) Network

SP ISI for
SP ISI for
and Nano-
RS ISI for RN ISI for
DN ISI for
Polymer Renewable
Engineering Energies
RJ ISI for MG ISI for PR ISI for
MS ISI for
Green Mineral Engineering
Chemistry Processing Structures

PA ISI for MG ISI for

PR ISI for
Mineral Metallurgy and
Technologies Special Alloys

BA ISI for
BA ISI for AM ISI for SC ISI for
Forming and
Logistics Microelectronics Laser Processing
Materials Joining
RS ISI for
RJ ISI for SC ISI for MG ISI for
Virtual Production Embedded Surface
Solutions in
Systems Systems Engineering
PE ISI for
BA ISI for SC ISI for
Information and
Production Manufacturing
Automation Systems
Technologies SP ISI for
MG ISI for
and Micro-
and Systems

Página 63
ISI Technology Groups
4 Established Groups on Top of Base Technologies

Material Processing Technologies (6):

Chemical Technologies (5):
 RS – Integrated Solutions in Metalmechanics
 MS – Biomass
 SP – Advanced Manufacturing & Microfabrication
 PR – Electrochemistry
 SC – Laser Processing
 DN – Biosynthetics
 BA – Forming & Materials Joining
 RJ – Green Chemistry
 SC – Manufacturing Systems
 SP – Biotechnology
Chemistry  MG – Surface Engineering Processing
Group Group
Materials & Structures Technologies (7): Electronic & Digital Technologies (7):
 MG – Metallurgy & Special Alloys  SC – Embedded Systems
 SP – Advanced Materials & Nanocomposites  BA – Production Automation
 RS – Polymer Engineering  PE – Information & Communication Technologies
 MG – Mineral Processing  RJ – Virtual Production Systems
 PA – Mineral Technologies  MG – Electrical Equipment and Systems
 PR – Engineering Structures  AM – Microelectronics
Materials Digital
 RN – Renewable Energies Group  BA – Logistics Group

Página 64
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5.1 Group for Chemical Technologies

5.2 Group for Materials Processing Technologies

5.3 Group for Electronic and Digital Technologies

5.4 Group for Materials & Structures Technologies

Página 65
SENAI Innovation Institutes’ (ISI) Network
Group for Chemical Technologies

SP ISI for
SP ISI for
and Nano-
RS ISI for RN ISI for
DN ISI for
Polymer Renewable
Engineering Energies
RJ ISI for MG ISI for PR ISI for
MS ISI for
Green Mineral Engineering
Chemistry Processing Structures
PA ISI for MG ISI for
PR ISI for
Mineral Metallurgy and
Technologies Special Alloys

BA ISI for
BA ISI for AM ISI for SC ISI for
Forming and
Logistics Microelectronics Laser Processing
Materials Joining
RS ISI for
RJ ISI for SC ISI for MG ISI for
Virtual Production Embedded Surface
Solutions in
Systems Systems Engineering
PE ISI for
BA ISI for SC ISI for
Information and
Production Manufacturing
Automation Systems
Technologies SP ISI for
MG ISI for
and Micro-
and Systems

Página 67
Members of the
Technology Group
Location and Technical Field of SENAI Innovation Institutes
Group for Chemical Technologies


[1] Planning  MS: Biomass
1 2
[4] Operational 1 RJ: Green Chemistry
 2 EMBRAPII 1 RJ: Biosynthetics
 PR: Electrochemistry

SP: Biotechnology

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Group for Chemical Technologies
Technological Competence Portfolio of the Group

 PR ISI for Electrochemistry

– Technological Solutions for Corrosion
– Electrochemical Sensors for Health, Food and Environment
 DN ISI for Biosynthetics
– Development of New Devices for Energy Storage
– Synthetic Biology
– Nanotechnology in Electrochemistry for New Materials
– Chemical Transformation
– Biochemical and Chemical Process Engineering
 RJ ISI for Green Chemistry
– Processes and Fiber Development for the Textile Industry
– Green Analytical Chemistry
– Technologies for Soil and Wastewater Treatment and Water
 MS ISI for Biomass – Chemistry and Sustainability
– Biomass Energy and Sustainability – Petroleum and Petrochemical
– Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering – Extraction of Raw Materials from Renewable Sources
– Use of Waste and Process Engineering
– Development of Product-oriented Materials  SP ISI for Biotechnology
– Cellular Culture
– Protein Purification and Production
– Genetic Engineering (Cloning)
– Biosensors Development

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Solutions in chemical biosynthesis for the production of sustainable products and processes
 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Chemical-based industry, Biofuels, Agrochemistry, Consumer Goods,
Home & Personal Care, Pulp & Paper, Oil & Gas, Civil Construction,
Health, Textile, Transports, Food.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Synthetic Biology;
– Chemical Transformation;
– Biochemical and Chemical Process Engineering;
– Process and Fiber Development for the Textile Industry.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Final installations in planning phase with an area of 3000m².
– Current team: 11 employees (Manager, 6 researchers, 4 undergrads).
– Planned Team: 100 colaborators, among them 30 employees
(researchers, specialists and administrative support) and 70 from clients
and scholarships holders.

Estimated Investments >> BNDES: R$ 57.000.000,00 | TOTAL: R$ 57.000.000,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: November/2017 Location of the Institute: Complexo SENAI-CETIQT
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Solutions in chemical biosynthesis for the production of sustainable products and processes
 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Synthetic Biology
 Development of sustainable carbon-based compounds
 Use of synthetic biology for the production of chemicals and enzymes
 Application of HTS (High Throughput Screening) in the production of chemicals
 Development of DNA sequences to produce chemicals
– Chemical Transformation
 Development of sustainable carbon-based compounds
 Development of new products and chemical processes
 Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
– Chemical and biochemical engineering
 Development and optimization of chemical and biochemical processes
 Process intensification
 Development of downstream processes
 Process modelling & simulation and scale-up projects
 Development of strategies for advanced process control
 Process modeling & simulation for identifying opportunities and setting targets in the chemical industry
 New technologies for reducing use of water and energy in the chemical industry
 Determination of kinectic and thermodinamic data for developing new chemical processes
– Process and Fiber Development for the Textile Industry
 Optimization and development of textile value adding processes
 Sustainable processes and technologies for the textile industry
 Development of chemical and natural fibers applications for textiles
 Development of applications for nonwoven materials
 Product Prototyping and Scale-up Projects

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Biomass processing for innovation and value aggregation

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Sugar and Ethanol Producers, Biofuels and Biodiesel, Chemical Industry,
Pulp and Paper
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Biomass Energy and Sustainability;
– Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering;
– Use of Waste and Process Engineering;
– Development of Product-oriented Materials.
 Infraestructure and Team:
– New building under construction: 4.900 m2 (labs and pilot plant).
– Current staff: 17 researchers and specialists (10 employees + 07
scholarship holders).
– Planned staff: 27 researchers and specialists.
– Cooperation with other institutions, such as EMBRAPA, UEMS, UFMS,

Investments >> DR: R$ 4.739.835,00 | BNDES: R$ 30.109.870,00 | TOTAL: R$ 34.849.705,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: To be defined Location of the Institute: Três Lagoas/MS
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Biomass processing for innovation and value aggregation

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Biomass Energy and Sustainability
 Improved and increased process efficiency for transforming biomass into fuels
 Use and development of technologies for sustainable manufacturing
 Environmental impacts of bio-based production processes
– Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
 Applied enzymology and bio-catalysis
 Scale-up of process for biomass transformation
 Development and optimization of fermentation processes
 Biorefinery and integrated processes
 Submerged and solid fermentation for enzyme production
– Use of Waste and Process Engineering
 Disposal of waste generated in the production of bio-products
 Applications for residual biomass from forestry and agriculture
 Development , optimization and validation of methods for chemicals from biomass
 Chemical processes for converting biomass
– Development of Product-oriented Materials
 Screening and cultivation of microorganisms that are enzyme producers
 Microbial processes for conversion of biomass and byproducts
 Production of various types of sugars via chemical or fermentation process
 Chemicals and monomers of renewable raw materials

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in electrochemistry, materials and nanotechnology

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil and Gas, Energy, Automotive, Furniture, Metalmechanical, Chemical
Industry, Batteries, Mining, Civil Construction, Cosmetics and Perfumery,
Pulp and Paper, Human and Animal Health, Agrobusiness, Food &
Beverage, Environmental, Electroelectronics, Automation and
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Technological Solutions for Corrosion
– Electrochemical Sensors for Health, Food and Environment;
– Development of New Devices for Energy Storage;
– Nanotechnology in Electrochemistry for New Materials.
 Infraestructure and Team:
– New building under construction 9.950 m2.
– Current team: 5 researchers, 2 specialists, 1 PMO, 1 ADM.
– Planned team: 12 researchers and 3 specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 5.000.000,00 | BNDES: R$ 45.107.890,00 | TOTAL: R$ 50.107.890,00

Inauguration of the Institute: September/2013 Location of the Institute: Campus da Indústria
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in electrochemistry, materials and nanotechnology

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Technological solutions for corrosion
 New methodologies for corrosion characterization under extreme
 Resistance to corrosion in new metallic alloys through powder
metallurgy via SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering);
 Coatings and anticorrosive for metallic and non-metallic materials.
– Electrochemical sensors for health, food and environment
 Sensors for recognizing and monitoring environmental conditions and
gas concentration;
 Electrochemical biosensors for health and control of bioprocesses.
– Development of new devices for energy storage
 New batteries (lithium-ion, Metal-Air, fuel cells);
– Nanotechnology in electrochemistry for new materials
 Smart paintings reactive to external chemical aggressions
 Encapsulation of Liquid and Semi-Solid Formulations into Capsules

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in green chemistry applied to industrial research

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, (Petro-)Chemistry, Pharmaceutical/cosmetics, Food and
Beverages, Civil Engineering, Biofuels.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Green Analytical Chemistry;
– Technologies for Soil and Wastewater Treatment and Water Reuse;
– Chemistry and Sustainability;
– Petroleum and Petrochemical;
– Extraction of Raw Materials from Renewable Sources.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– 640m2 area within the IST Environmental facilities.
– Current Team: 1 manager, 1 specialist, 1 analyst e 1 technician.
– Planned team: 10 researchers and 30 analysts.

Investments still under estimation

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: October/2015 Location of the Institute: Complexo IST Ambiental – ISI Química Verde
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in green chemistry applied to industrial research

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Green Analytical Chemistry
 Development, optimization and validation of methodologies
 Green Solvents: Development and applications
– Technologies for Soil and Wastewater Treatment and Water Reuse
 Remediation technologies development
 Oxidative technologies development
 Physicochemical technologies
– Chemistry and Sustainability
 Use and development of technologies for sustainability manufacturing in chemical
and transformation industry
– Petroleum and Petrochemical
 Development of technologies and standards for petroleum characterization
 Development and analytical optimization and process
– Extraction of raw materials from renewable sources
 Supercritical extraction of natural products
 Chemical extraction from microalgae

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Biotechnology innovative solutions

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Health, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Chemical and Defense.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Cellular Culture;
– Protein Purification and Production;
– Genetic Engineering (Cloning);
– Biosensors Development.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Building under construction: 15.000 m².
– Current Team (in recruiting process): 10 researchers and
– Networking with BioBrasil, ABIHPEC and SINDUSFARMA.

Investments still under estimation

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: 2018 Location of the Institute: São Paulo/SP
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Biotechnology innovative solutions

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Cellular Culture
 E.Coli
 Bugs Cells
 Mammals cells
– Protein Purification and Production
 Optimization of gene expression
 Scale up, optimization of process and purification
(Downstream and Upstream)
– Genetic Engineering (Cloning)
 DNA design and construction
 Gene synthesis and optimization of codons
– Biosensors Development
 Researcher and development of bio-receptors

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Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5.1 Group for Chemical Technologies

5.2 Group for Materials Processing Technologies

5.3 Group for Electronic and Digital Technologies

5.4 Group for Materials & Structures Technologies

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SENAI Innovation Institutes’ (ISI) Network
Group for Materials Processing Technologies

SP ISI for
SP ISI for
and Nano-
RS ISI for RN ISI for
DN ISI for
Polymer Renewable
Engineering Energies
RJ ISI for MG ISI for PR ISI for
MS ISI for
Green Mineral Engineering
Chemistry Processing Structures
PA ISI for MG ISI for
PR ISI for
Mineral Metallurgy and
Technologies Special Alloys

BA ISI for
BA ISI for AM ISI for SC ISI for
Forming and
Logistics Microelectronics Laser Processing
Materials Joining
RS ISI for
RJ ISI for SC ISI for MG ISI for
Virtual Production Embedded Surface
Solutions in
Systems Systems Engineering
PE ISI for
BA ISI for SC ISI for
Information and
Production Manufacturing
Automation Systems
Technologies SP ISI for
MG ISI for
and Micro-
and Systems

Página 83
Members of the
Technology Group
Location and Technical Field of SENAI Innovation Institutes
Group for Materials Processing Technologies

6 1
 BA: Forming & Mat. Joining

LEGEND: 1 MG: Surface Engineering

[6] Operational

 SC: Laser Processing 2

 SC: Manufacturing Systems SP: Advanced Manufacturing and Microfabrication

 RS: Integrated Solutions in Metalmechanics

Página 85
Group for Materials Processing Technologies
Technological Competence Portfolio of the Group

 BA ISI for Forming and Materials Joining  SC ISI for Laser Processing
– Materials Technology applied to Forming & Materials Joining – Laser-based Additive Manufacturing
– Materials Forming Processes – Laser-based Surface Treatment
– Materials Joining Processes – Laser-based Joining and Cutting

 MG ISI for Surface Engineering

 SC ISI for Manufacturing Systems
– Development of Surfaces and Coatings by Plasma Technology
and Tribologycal Characterization – Development of Machining Processes
– Development of Surfaces and Coatings by Wet Chemistry and – Development of Products and Automatic Machines
Physical, Chemical and Optical Characterization – Materials Technology applied to Machining Processes

 RS ISI for Integrated Solutions in Metalmechanics

– Machining and Additive Manufacturing Technologies  SP ISI for Advanced Manufacturing & Microfabricat.
– Coordinate Measuring Technologies for Large Volumes – Micro-fabrication Processes and Technologies
– Design and Development of Products
– Integrated Solutions through Digital Manufacturing (Components, Equipments and Machines)
– Interaction Technologies – Micro-production Systems

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions for the production chain in forming and joining of materials
 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, Metallurgy, Automotive, Naval & Offshore, Chemical &
Petrochemical, Metalworking, Health, Renewable Energy and Mining.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Materials Technology applied to Forming & Materials Joining;
– Materials Forming Processes;
– Materials Joining Processes.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building with 7,912 m2, inaugurated in March of 2014.
– Main forming equipments already installed and integrated.
– 13 trainee engineers qualified on a specialization program at SENAI
CIMATEC and working on the master thesis.

Investments >> DR: R$ 3.440.000,00 | BNDES: R$ 16.500.000,00 | TOTAL: R$ 19.940.000,00

Inauguration of the Institute: March/2014 Location of the Institute: Campus SENAI-CIMATEC
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions for the production chain in forming and joining of materials
 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Materials Technology applied to Forming & Materials Joining
 Characterization, evaluation and validation of materials
 Specification, development and manufacture of new materials
– Materials Forming Processes
 Design, simulation and computational modeling of forming processes
 Development and optimization of forming processes
 Tooling development and optimization
 Integrated solutions in forming process
 Automation and control of forming process aiming at quality assurance
– Materials Joining Processes
 Design, simulation and computational modeling of joining processes
 Development and optimization of joining processes
 Conventional welding and non-conventional welding with high power beam
 Welding in solid state (Friction Stir Welding)
 Brazing and hybrid welding
 Adhesives and mechanical joints
 Similar and dissimilar mechanical joints (hybrid)
 Integrated solutions in joining process
 Automation and control of joining process aiming at quality assurance
 Sensors, devices and process for structures monitoring (SHM & POD)

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Surface technology, coatings and plasma technology

 Strategic Market Segments for ISI:
– Oil & Gas, Machinery, Energy, Automotive, Brazilian Glass
Industry, Mining.
 Portfolio Services/Technology Platforms:
– Development of Surfaces and Coatings by Plasma Technology
and Tribologycal Characterization;
– Development of Surfaces and Coatings by Wet Chemistry and
Physical, Chemical and Optical Characterization.
 Infrastructure, Team:
– Building under construction: 1.590m2;
– Current team: 4 PhD, 3 MSc, 7 graduated and technicians and
1 administrative support.

Investments >> DR: R$ 4.387.217,90 | BNDES: R$ 31.159.961,10 | TOTAL: R$ 35.547.179,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for : October/2016 Location of the Institute: Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia SENAI FIEMG
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Surface technology, coatings and plasma technology

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Plasma Technology and Tribologycal Characterization
 Metals: anticorrosive surfaces, wear-resistant, decorative, self-cleaning, anti-
fouling, insulation, biocompatible and antibacterial
 Polymers: hard surfaces, conductive, decorative and biocompatible
 Glasses: Antireflective surfaces, self-cleaning, anti-fog, photochromic,
electrochromic, conductive and decorative
 Development of test benches for evaluation of wear of mechanical components
 Technological solutions aimed at increasing performance, competitiveness,
productivity, reliability and security in the industrial sector
– Wet Chemistry and Physical, Chemical and Optical Characterization
 Metals: Corrosion-resistant surfaces, autorregenerativas, wear-resistant, self-
cleaning, anti-fouling, insulation, biocompatible and antibacterial
 Polymers: surfaces, conductive and biocompatible
 Glass: Anti-reflective surfaces, self-cleaning, anti-fog, photochromic,
electrochromic, conductive
 Waste recovery technologies to develop coatings
 Synthesis and particle modification

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Process innovation, integrated solutions and machine-tools design

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Manufacturers of Machines and Equipments, Tool Manufacturing,
Metallurgic, Oil & Gas, Energy, Aerospacial, Automotive, Agricultural
Machines, Naval, Rail, Leather and Footwear, Furniture and Wood, Civil
Construction and Health.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Machining and Additive Manufacturing Technologies;
– Coordinate Measuring Technologies for Large Volumes;
– Integrated Solutions through Digital Manufacturing;
– Interaction Technologies.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building: 3.195m2.
– Current staff: 7 researchers and specialists.
– Planned staff: 15 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 4.940.085,00 | BNDES: R$ 23.957.415,00 | TOTAL: R$ 28.897.500,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: 2016 (New Building) Location of the Institute: Complexo SENAI CETEMP
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Process innovation, integrated solutions and machine-tools design

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Machining and Additive Manufacturing Technologies
 Analysis and development of machining processes parameters
 Analysis and development of additive manufacturing parameters for polymeric,
metallic and ceramic materials, for prototype and product manufacturing
– Coordinate Measuring Technologies for Large Volumes
 Development of measuring solutions: Portable measuring systems, Spherical
coordinate measuring systems, Triangulation measuring systems
 Integration of measuring systems into the production process (in-line, in-process)
 Dimensional analysis and computational modeling of parts/components/machines
– Integrated Solutions through Digital Manufacturing
 Virtual commissioning of processes
 Simulation of materials and energy flow in manufacturing systems
 Project-oriented simulation of machine components and subsystems
– Interaction Technologies
 Human factors analysis within the interaction between people and components
(correlating aspects of the real world and the digital universe);
 Kinematic simulation for ergonomic and movement analysis;
 Process and product development (Prosthesis and orthesis, sports equipment,
functional prototypes etc.)

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Laser-based materials processing solutions for the industry

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, Energy, Metalmechanical, Aerospace, Naval,
Automotive, Electroelectronics, Dental-medical, Defense.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Laser-based Additive Manufacturing;
– Laser-based Surface Treatment;
– Laser-based Joining and Cutting.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building: 7.980 m2.
– Current team: Diretor, 6 researchers and 7 scholarship holders.
– Planned team: 15 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 364.766,58 | BNDES: R$ 33.697.057,50 | TOTAL: R$ 34.061.824,08

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: Month/Year Location of the Institute: Complexo SENAI Joinville
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Laser-based materials processing solutions for the industry

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Laser-based Additive Manufacturing
 Laser metal deposition – production and repair of components
 Selective laser melting – lightweight, complex and customized parts
 Materials applied to laser-based additive manufacturing
 Hybrid manufacturing
– Laser-based Surface Treatment
 Coating, surface heat treatment, surface alloying tribological tests of
laser-processed surfaces
 Structuring and functionalization of surfaces with pulsed laser
(ms to fs)
 Encapsulation and integration of laser systems/processes
– Laser-based Joining and Cutting
 Laser welding and hybrid laser welding – electric arc
 Laser cutting
 Processing of metallic polymeric and composite materials with small
to high thickness in 2D and 3D
 Encapsulation and integration of laser systems/processes

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Modeling, simulation and manufacturing for systems with high production precision needs
 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Metalmechanical, Metallurgic, Oil & Gas, Energy, Medical
Technology, Aerospace, Automotive, Naval and Railway
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Development of Machining Processes;
– Development of Products and Automatic Machines;
– Materials Technology applied to Machining Processes.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Building: 7.981 m2.
– Current team: 26 researchers and specialists.
– Planned team: 50 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 5.707.991,85 | BNDES: R$ 6.764.478,07 | TOTAL: R$ 12.472.469,92

Inauguration of the Institute: Fevereiro/2014 Location of the Institute: Complexo SENAI Joinville
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Modeling, simulation and manufacturing for systems with high production precision needs
 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Development of Machining Processes
 Development of new hybrid manufacturing technologies
 R&D&I in CAD/CAM/CAE, viability studies, parametrization and failure analysis in
machine tools
 Machining process and production energy efficiency optimization
 Development and analysis of micro-manufacturing processes
– Development of Products and Automatic Machines
 Development of customized machines for integrating productive processes
 Strategic design, modeling and prototyping proof of concepts of products and
 Integrated development of products and hybrid machines
 Advanced prototyping by the combination of distinct manufacturing and 3D printing
 Advanced metrology and compliance of new products and machines to
performance and safety norms
– Materials Technology applied to Machining Processes
 Research and development of materials and coatings using microscopic
techniques, difratometry, mechanical and chemical tests
 Failure analysis and development of destructive / non-destructive tests

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovation for advanced manufacturing and microproduction

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Health, Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Defense, Energy and
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Micro-fabrication Processes and Technologies;
– Design and Development of Products, Equipments and
– Micro-assembly Systems.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Building: 11.790m2.
– Current Team: 7 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 7.000.000,00 | TOTAL: R$ 7.000.000,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: 2017 Location of the Institute: Escola SENAI Paulo Ernesto Tolle
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovation for advanced manufacturing and microproduction

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences :
– Micro-fabrication Processes and Technologies
 Micro-milling, Micro-turning
 Micro-EDM (Electric-Discharge-Machining)
 LASER-ablation and texturing of ceramic, metalic and semi-conductive materials
 Rapid prototyping: Plastic materials (FDM) metals (SLM)
– Design and Development of Products, Equipments and Machines
 Modeling, simulation (FEM), prototyping, manufacturing and testing
 Digitalization and reverse engineering of complex work pieces
 Tridimensional tactile and optical measurement of high complex free form shaped
work pieces (white light interferometry WLI, confocal interferometry)
 Characterization of materials and surfaces (SEM), non-destructive measurement of
workpieces (Computer Tomography) and failure analysis
– Micro-production Systems
 Development of machines and equipment for microfabrication of micro-systems
(automated integration)
 Development of equipment and devices for micro-assembly

Página 98
Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5.1 Group for Chemical Technologies

5.2 Group for Materials Processing Technologies

5.3 Group for Electronic and Digital Technologies

5.4 Group for Materials & Structures Technologies

Página 99
SENAI Innovation Institutes’ (ISI) Network
Group for Electronic & Digital Technologies

SP ISI for
SP ISI for
and Nano-
RS ISI for RN ISI for
DN ISI for
Polymer Renewable
Engineering Energies
RJ ISI for MG ISI for PR ISI for
MS ISI for
Green Mineral Engineering
Chemistry Processing Structures
PA ISI for MG ISI for
PR ISI for
Mineral Metallurgy and
Technologies Special Alloys

BA ISI for
BA ISI for AM ISI for SC ISI for
Forming and
Logistics Microelectronics Laser Processing
Materials Joining
RS ISI for
RJ ISI for SC ISI for MG ISI for
Virtual Production Embedded Surface
Solutions in
Systems Systems Engineering
PE ISI for
BA ISI for SC ISI for
Information and
Production Manufacturing
Automation Systems
Technologies SP ISI for
MG ISI for
and Micro-
and Systems

Página 101
Members of the
Technology Group
Location and Technical Field of SENAI Innovation Institutes
Group for Electronic & Digital Technologies

PE: Information and

Communication Technologies
AM: Microelectronics

1 1
 BA: Production Automation
7 2
 BA: Logistics

MG: Electrical Equipment and Systems

[1] Implementation
[6] Operational 1
 3 EMBRAPII RJ: Virtual Production Systems

 SC: Embedded Systems 1

Página 103
Group for Electronic & Digital Technologies
Technological Competence Portfolio of the Group

 SC ISI for Embedded Systems

– Control and Optimization Systems
 BA ISI for Production Automation
– Signal Processing
– Special and Autonomous Robots
– Communication Systems
– Mechatronic Design
– Verification, Simulation and Quality Management
– Management and Control of Industrial Plants
– Remote Communication and Industrial Networks
 AM ISI for Microelectronics
– Measurement and Data Acquisition Systems
– Systems Design - Sensors
– Electronic Characterization and Reliability Tests
 BA ISI for Logistics – Intelligent Systems - Packaging
– Enterprise Logistics – Sensors applied to Process Monitoring
– Material Handling
– Mobility
 RJ ISI for Virtual Production Systems
– Interactive Intelligent Systems for Virtual Reality
 PE ISI for Information & Commun. Technologies – Systems Mathematical Modeling for Virtual Reality
– Prospective Research of New ICT Technologies – Prototyping and Engineering of Haptic Systems
– Design of New ICT Concepts
– Customized Software-intensive Solutions Development  MG ISI for Electrical Equipment and Systems
– Complex ICT Systems Integration – Laboratory for High Power: up to 2500 MVA
– Laboratory for High Voltage: up to 550 kV
– Laboratory for High Temperature: up to 25 kA

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovation in mechatronic design, product and process prototyping

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, Mobility, Energy, Healthcare, Electronics, Mining.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Special and Autonomous Robots;
– Mechatronic Design;
– Management and Control of Industrial Plants;
– Remote Communication and Industrial Networks;
– Measurement and Data Acquisition Systems.
 Infraestructure and Team:
– Laboratory area: 612m2.
– Current staff: 28 researchers (3 Doctors, 4 Masters).

Investments >> DR: R$ 2.440.000,00 | BNDES: R$ 15.500.000,00 | TOTAL: R$ 17.940.000,00

Inauguration of the Institute: March/2014 Location of the Institute: Campus SENAI-CIMATEC
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovation in mechatronic design, product and process prototyping

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Special and Autonomous Robots
 Specification, simulation and programming of industrial robots
 Customized solutions for robotic manipulators and grippers
 Autonomous robotic systems
 Adaptive and collaborative robotic solutions
– Mechatronic Design
 Product and mechatronic systems development
 Hardware and firmware platforms for mechatronic systems
 Systems for controlling, managing and integrating mechatronic systems
– Management and Control of Industrial Plants
 Specification, design and implementation of systems based on PLCs,
microcontrollers, DSC, PIMS, SCADA systems and human-machine interfaces
 Automated intelligent systems for plant management and control (smart factories)
 Supervisory systems, distributed supply chain and integration with ERP systems
– Remote Communication and Industrial Networks
 Cloud computing for industrial applications
 Network and industrial communication protocols
– Measurement and Data Acquisition Systems
 In-line and in-process automated measurement systems, computer vision
 Data acquisition systems (RFID, NFC, non-electromagnetic)

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovation in Projects, Logistic Operations and Supply Chain Management

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Energy, Electro-Electronics,
Mining, Manufacturing, Agrobusiness, Food & Beverage,
Communication, Mobility, Civil Construction
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Enterprise Logistics;
– Material Handling;
– Mobility.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– ISI Building with 1.760m2.
– Current staff : 18 researchers and specialists.
07 technicians/administrative.
03 scholarship holders.
– Planned staff: 22 researchers and specialists..
02 technicians/administrative.
09 scholarship holders.

Investments >> DR: R$ 5.319.407,64 | BNDES: R$ 0,00 | TOTAL: R$ 5.319.407,64

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: Month/Year Location of the Institute: Campus SENAI-CIMATEC
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovation in Projects, Logistic Operations and Supply Chain Management

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Enterprise Logistics
 Assessment, design, performance evaluation and supply chain management
 Collaborative logistics (CPFR); Integrated logistics; Logistic networks
 Intelligent and autonomous logistics (Modeling and Simulation)
 Big Data solutions applied for Logistics
 Humanitarian logistics (Health Care and Disaster Management)
 Solutions in information visualization to support decision making processes
 Green logistics
– Materials Handling
 Logistics and Lean Production
 Smart layout for industrial facilities, Traceability and inventory management
 Warehouse management systems and Order management (Fulfillment)
 Design for logistics, packing solutions and loading units
– Mobility
 Simulation and optimization of logistic routes and operations
 Intelligent Transportation Systems ; Urban logistics
 Port Operations / Terminals: Loading, Unloading and Automated Picking
 Automated products and features identification
 Integration and synchronization among transportation modals
 Integrated solutions for clustering , routing and cargo tracking

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Software intensive innovative solutions

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, Energy, Automotive, Defense, Agrobusiness, Public Services
(ex. Urban Mobility), Internet of Things.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Prospective Research of New ICT Technologies;
– Design of New ICT Concepts;
– Customized Software-intensive Solutions Development;
– Complex ICT Systems Integration.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Building under construction: 11.076,45m2.
– Current team: 18 researchers and developers.
– Planed team: 81 researchers and developers.
– Institutions and researchers network.

Investments >> DR: R$ 6.796.719,83 | BNDES: R$ 47.923.604,09 | TOTAL: R$ 54.720.323,92

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: March/2018 Location of the Institute: Porto Digital / Complexo SENAI Santo Amaro
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Software intensive innovative solutions

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Prospective Research of New ICT Technologies
 Cloud computing (XaaS)
 Information security
 Big data and data access reliability
 Internet of Everything (e.g. of things: IoT)
– Design of New ICT Concepts
 Connectivity and interoperability
 Security, sharing and privacy
 New technologies/applications development or proof of concept
 Safe Information Management
– Customized Software-intensive Solutions Development
 Software Engineering (theory, methods, platforms, and tools) for
quality and productivity assurance
 Bioinformatics
– Complex ICT Systems Integration
 Systems of systems

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in cyber-physical systems in a time, cost and risk managed manner
 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Energy, Oil & Gas, Telecom, Automation & ICT, Health, Automotive,
Aerospace, Defense.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Control and Optimization Systems;
– Signal Processing;
– Communication Systems;
– Verification, Simulation and Quality Management.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building under construction: 2.150 m2.
– Located in an innovation ecosystem with university labs, research
centers and an incubator for small and medium enterprises.
– In structuring process together with UFSC, UFRGS and SENAI

Investments >> DR: R$ 2.865.982,00 | BNDES: R$ 17.077.476,88 | TOTAL: R$ 19.943.458,88

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: Month/Year Location of the Institute: Phase I - SENAI CTAI / Phase II - Parque Tecnológico Sapiens Parque
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in cyber-physical systems in a time, cost and risk managed manner
 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Control and Optimization Systems
 Design and development of embedded hardware platforms (e.g. PCBs, FPGAs,
PLCs, SoCs)
 Development of embedded operational systems
 Software development for embedded platforms
 Integration of embedded systems and sensors
– Signal Processing
 Control and signal processing for the integration of sensor networks and actuators
 Systems for analysis and visualization of sensor data
– Communication Systems
 Communication protocols for embedded components/systems and sensor
 Driver development for the integration of hardware components
– Verification, Simulation and Quality Management
 Technological viability analysis of embedded systems
 Quality management for the development of embedded solutions
 Verification and simulation of embedded solutions

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Microelectronics in systems and products, sensors and packaging

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Producers of Microelectronic Devices and Intelligent Systems,
Energy, Precision Agriculture, Healthcare, Oil & Gas,
Consumer Goods.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Systems Design - Sensors;
– Electronic Characterization and Reliability Tests;
– Intelligent Systems - Packaging;
– Sensors applied to Process Monitoring.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building under construction: 3.182m2 (430m2 Clean Room
– Current staff: 3 researchers and 3 scholarship holders.
– Planned staff: 23 researchers and specialists.
Investments >> DR: R$ 590.000,00 | BNDES: R$ 33.500.000,00 | TOTAL: R$ 34.090.000,00
Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: December/2016 Location of the Institute: Complexo SENAI Zona Leste Manaus
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Microelectronics in systems and products, sensors and packaging

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Systems Design - Sensors
 Multi-functional sensors, bioelectronics
 Rapid testing of diseases; wearable electronics
 Intelligent sensing systems (self-test, auto-calibration)
– Electronic Characterization and Reliability Tests
 Stress tests (lifetime)
 Material characterization and definition of the packaging type
 System reliability
– Intelligent Systems - Packaging
 Chip / wafer integration scale
 Packaging solution focusing on design and processes
 Integrated electronics with low energy consumption
– Sensors applied to Process Monitoring
 Sensing technologies and autonomous processing
 Image systems and sensors
 Monitoring sensors - Tropical health and natural resources

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions for simulation and process automation in production lines

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, Mining, Automotive, Metallurgy and Entertainment.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Interactive Intelligent Systems for Virtual Reality;
– Systems Mathematical Modeling for Virtual Reality;
– Prototyping and Engineering of Haptic Systems.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building under construction.
– Current Staff: 6 researchers and specialists.
– 6 years of experience (IST for Automation and Simulation) with applied
research for virtual simulation.

Investments still under estimation

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: October/2016 Location of the Institute: Complexo IST Automação – ISI Sistemas Virtuais
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions for simulation and process automation in production lines

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Interactive Intelligent Systems for Virtual Reality
 Process simulation, factory planning, material flow
 Components, assembly and disassembly simulation
 Simulation-based personal training programs
 Innovative solutions for virtual / augmented reality, motion capture, human-machine
interaction and adaptive interfaces
 Ergonomics
 Simulation of vehicles / equipment, impacts, losses, virtual physical compensation
 Virtual manipulation, remote operation
 Motion capture, three-dimensional mapping, immersive 5D simulation, high fidelity 4K,
certification, motion simulation and multi-purpose physics
– Systems Mathematical Modeling for Virtual Reality
 Systems modeling for virtual reality
 Visual and mathematical analysis
 Virtual optimization
– Prototyping and Engineering of Haptic Systems
 Haptic and audio-visual interfaces for simulations, interactive systems and remote
 Autonomous robots for high risk areas and MRO services
 New tracking technologies for logistics applications

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Energy Engineering and network technology

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Electric, Electroelectronics, Oil & Gas, Telecom.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Laboratory for High Power: up to 2500 MVA;
– Laboratory for High Voltage: up to 550 kV;
– Laboratory for High Temperature: up to 25 kA.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Planned building: 75.000 m2 (under construction).
– Planned team 1st phase: 22 researchers and specialists.
– Planned team 2nd phase: 58 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 208.946.807,66 | BNDES: R$ 216.085.469,60 | TOTAL: R$ 425.032.277,26

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: 2019 Location of the Institute: Centro de Desenvolvimento e Inovação da Indústria Eletro-eletrônica
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Energy Engineering and network technology

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Laboratory for High Power: up to 2500 MVA
 Short circuit testing
 Internal and external power arcs
 Manipulation of active, inductive and capacitive charges
 Short duration current testing
– Laboratory for High Voltage: up to 550 kV
 Atmospheric impulse, under industrial frequency voltage (dry
and wet)
 Combined voltages (bias), measurement of partial
discharges, radio-interference, capacitancy, delta tangent
and audible noise
– Laboratory for High Temperature: up to 25 kA
 Temperature raising, thermal cycle testing
 Electrical continuity, overcurrents and electrical durability

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Presentation Topics

1 SENAI in Brazil and Internationally

2 National Network of SENAI Innovation Institutes

3 Modus Operandi and some Figures of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

4 Project Cases of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5 R&D&I Portfolio of the SENAI Innovation Institutes

5.1 Group for Chemical Technologies

5.2 Group for Materials Processing Technologies

5.3 Group for Electronic and Digital Technologies

5.4 Group for Materials & Structures Technologies

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SENAI Innovation Institutes’ (ISI) Network
Group for Materials & Structures Technologies

SP ISI for
SP ISI for
and Nano-
RS ISI for RN ISI for
DN ISI for
Polymer Renewable
Engineering Energies
RJ ISI for MG ISI for PR ISI for
MS ISI for
Green Mineral Engineering
Chemistry Processing Structures

PA ISI for MG ISI for

PR ISI for
Mineral Metallurgy and
Technologies Special Alloys

BA ISI for
BA ISI for AM ISI for SC ISI for
Forming and
Logistics Microelectronics Laser Processing
Materials Joining
RS ISI for
RJ ISI for SC ISI for MG ISI for
Virtual Production Embedded Surface
Solutions in
Systems Systems Engineering
PE ISI for
BA ISI for SC ISI for
Information and
Production Manufacturing
Automation Systems
Technologies SP ISI for
MG ISI for
and Micro-
and Systems

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Members of the
Technology Group
Location and Technical Field of SENAI Innovation Institutes
Group for Materials & Structures Technologies

PA: Mineral Technologies RN: Renewable Energies

7  MG: Metallurgy and Special Alloys
MG: Mineral Processing

[2] Implementation
[5] Operational PR: Engineering Structures 1

SP: Advanced Materials and Nanocomposites


 RS: Polymer Engineering

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Group for Materials & Structures Technologies
Technological Competence Portfolio of the Group

 MG ISI for Metallurgy and Special Alloys

 RN ISI for Renewable Energies
– Development and Optimization of Alloys
– Equipment and Components for Renewable Energies
– Development and Optimization of Metallurgic Processes Generation
 MG ISI for Mineral Processing – Application of Renewable Energies into Industrial Processes
– Mineralogy for Processing (Geometallurgy) – Sustainability in Renewable Energies
– Mineral Processes Development and Optimization  PA ISI for Mineral Technologies
– Scaling Up of Mineral Processing Route – Clean Technologies: Reuse, Recycling and Monitoring of
Waste / Wastewater
 PR ISI for Engineering Structures – Mineral Verticalization: Development of New Products and
– Design and Development of Engineering Structures Processes
– Infrastructure: Modernization / Implementation of New
– Application of New Light Weight Materials
Technologies in the Segment
– Development of Smart Structures & Systems – Security Solutions: Reducing Accidents and Increasing
– Simulation and Computer Modeling Applied to Eng. Structures Reliability
– Development of Methods for Mechanical and Structural  SP ISI for Advanced Materials and Nanocomposites
Characterization – Methodologies for Computational Design, Simulation,
 RS ISI for Polymer Engineering Characterization, Analysis and Prototyping of New Materials;
– Modification of Surfaces and Development of Structural
– Elastomers
– Plastics – Development of Biomaterials and Respective Processes;
– Blends and Composites – Development of Advanced Ceramics and Respective
– Paints Processes;
– Adhesives – Development of Composites & Light Materials and Respective
– Polymeric synthesis

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in metallurgical products and processes

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Oil & Gas, Metallurgy of Steels, Non ferrous alloys producers,
Foundry, Automotive, Aeronautics and Metal-mechanics.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Development and Optimization of Alloys;
– Development and Optimization of Metallurgic Processes.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Existing building under renovation: 1.525m2.
– New Building under construction: 1.038m2.
– Current staff : 09 researchers and specialists.
– Planned staff : 32 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 2.822.222,85 | BNDES: R$ 26.556.185,24 | TOTAL: R$ 29.378.407,74

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: July/2016 Location of the Institute: Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia SENAI FIEMG
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in metallurgical products and processes

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Development and Optimization of Alloys
 Development of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
 Analysis and characterization of alloys
 Computational simulation of alloys
 Pilot scale processing of alloys
 Shape memory alloys
– Development and Optimization of Metallurgic Processes
 Physical simulation of heat treatments
 Development and Optimization of heat treatment processes
 Physical simulation of thermo-mechanical processes

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Materials and components, constructive processes, smart structures

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas, Automotive, Aeronautic, Railway,
Shipbuilding, Metalwork, Machines & Equipment, Chemical Industry,
Pulp & Paper, Civil Construction, Architecture
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Design and Development of Engineering Structures;
– Application of New Light Weight Materials;
– Development of Smart Structures & Systems;
– Simulation and Computer Modeling Applied to Engineering Structures;
– Development of Methods for Mechanical and Structural Characterization.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building under planning.
– Current staff: 1 Director.
– Planned staff: 30 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 4.050.050,00 | BNDES: R$ 39.271.810,00 | TOTAL: R$ 43.321.860,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: March/2017 Location of the Institute: Complexo SENAI Maringá
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Materials and components, constructive processes, smart structures

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Design and Development of Engineering Structures
 Design and analysis of durability, of effects from manufacturing and surface treatment on fatigue crack
growth on components and structures
 Evaluation of dynamic and vibration behavior of engineering structures
 Design and optimization of structures through light weight principles
 Evaluation of adhesive joints for structural applications
– Application of New Light Weight Materials
 Application of reinforced polymeric composites in new structures and for replacing metal structures
 Maintenance and recovery of failures with composite materials
 Development of new constructive methods to reduce construction and delivery time
 Development/application of reinforced light concrete and light structural metal alloys
– Development of Smart Structures and Systems
 Development of solutions for maintenance and management of assets life cycle
 Application of sensors and detection systems for (off-line and real time) control of failures,
maintenance and structural integrity
– Computer Simulation and Modeling Applied to Engineering Structures
 Evaluation of components and structures integrity trough numerical analysis of stress and strain
 Numerical computer analysis applied to fatigue crack propagation
 Simulation and modeling of the dynamic and vibration behavior of engineering structures
– Development of Methods for Mechanical and Structural Characterization
 New methods for mechanical and structural characterization of materials, components and structures
 Evaluation of crack propagation under cyclic loadings and environmental effects
 Assessment of components and structures durability using “Damage Tolerance” methods
 Development of methods for the analysis of composite material failures

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative Solutions in Polymers

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Elastomers, Plastics, Paints, Petrochemical, Chemical, Composites,
Adhesives and Polymeric Product Users.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Elastomers;
– Plastics;
– Blends and Composites;
– Paints;
– Adhesives;
– Polymeric synthesis.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Current building: 7.000m².
– Current staff: 36 employees (13 researchers and specialists).
– Planned staff: 61 employees (18 researchers and specialists).

Investments >> BNDES: R$ 27.789.782,00 | TOTAL: R$ 30.122.061,45

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: August/2016 Location of the Institute: Complexo SENAI CETEPO
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative Solutions in Polymers

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Elastomers
 Formulation and processing technologies
 High performance elastomers, Thermoplastics, Expanded lattice based products
 Renewable raw materials for polymers compositions
 Recycling
– Plastics
 Additives and processing technologies
 Engineering plastics, biocompatible and bio-absorbable plastics
 Treatment and surface modification
 Recycling
– Blends and Composites
 Thermoplastic-elastomer blends
 Thermoplastic/thermoset composites; Fiber reinforced (synthetic, natural, short and long) composites
 Processing technologies; Nanocomposites; Fibers production
– Paints and Adhesives
 Formulation, additives and processing of paints, adhesives and coatings
 Renewable and environment friendly paints & adhesives
 Soundproof, thermal barrier and antimicrobial coatings
 Eco-adhesives, green-adhesives
– Polymer Synthesis
 Polymer synthesis through polycondensation; Polymer synthesis from renewable sources
 Chemical polymer modification
 Elastomers and thermoplastic synthesis

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in renewable energies systems for industrial facilities and residences
 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Producers and Distributors of Electric Power, Oil & Gas,
Machinery and Equipment, Infrastructure.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Equipment and Components for Renewable Energies
– Application of Renewable Energies into Industrial Processes;
– Sustainability in Renewable Energies.
 Infrastructure and Team:
– New building planned with 3.627 m2.
– Team planned: 24 researches / specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 1.523.500,00 | BNDES: R$ 13.694.402,00 | TOTAL: R$ 15.217.902,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: Month/Year Location of the Institute: Natal/RN
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in renewable energies systems for industrial facilities and residences
 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Equipment and Components for Renewable Energies Generation
 Optimization of wind turbine blade aerodynamics
 Development of manufacturing / repair processes (blades)
 Development of non-destructive testing techniques (blades)
 Study and characterization of materials (resins, laminates, composites)
 Development of coatings
– Application of Renewable Energies into Industrial Processes
 Performance optimization of thermal collectors
 Thermal processes (solar: Cogeneration and pre-heating systems)
 Distributed power generation (hybrid solutions for generation)
 Evaluation of equipment for wind / solar / thermal power generation
– Sustainability in Renewable Energies
 Waste management of the renewable energy value chain
 Lifetime expansion of renewable energy generation equipment
 Mapping other sources of Renewable Energies (tidal, waves, ...)

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in products and technologies for the mineral chain

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments :
– Extraction Industry (iron, bauxite, caulim, copper, niobium, fertilizers, ...)
– Transformation Industry (alumina, steel, metal alloys, ...)
– End Users of Minerals (cosmetic industry, civil construction, jewels, ...)
– Services Suppliers (infraestructure & IT, health & safety, ...)

 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:

– Clean Technologies: Reuse, Recycling and Monitoring of Waste / Wastewater;
– Mineral Verticalization: Development of New Products and Processes;
– Infrastructure: Modernization / Implementation of New Technologies in the Segment;
– Security Solutions: Reducing Accidents and Increasing Reliability.

 Infraestrutura, Equipe:
– Unit I in operation in the centre of Belém.
– Expansion project underway with the building area of 3.000 m².
– Current Team: 20 researchers / scholarship holders.
– Planned Team: 40 researchers / scholarship holders after expansion.

Investments >> DR: R$ 11.300.000,00 | BNDES: R$ 38.700.000,00 | TOTAL: R$ 50.000.000,00

Inauguration of the Institute: Novembro/2015 Location of the Institute: Av. Com. Brás de Aguiar, 548, Nazaré - Belém/PA
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions in products and technologies for the mineral chain

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Clean Technologies: Reuse, Recycling and Monitoring of Waste / Wastewater
 Technologies for handling, reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste, liquid and
gaseous effluents
 Solutions for monitoring waste dams and for the disposal of effluents
 Prevention and recovery of degraded areas
– Mineral Verticalization: Development of New Products and Processes
 Direct use of minerals in high value-added products
 Mineral technologies for the value chain: Concentration, sterilization, purification
 Sustainable development: Studies of environmental and socioeconomic impacts
– Infrastructure: Modernization / Implementation of New Technologies in the
 Search for automation / information technology solutions for the mineral chain
 Development and evaluation of the chain with a focus on energy efficiency
 Studies on minerals transportation: Pipelines / conveyor belts, land and port
– Security Solutions: Reducing Accidents and Increasing Reliability
 Improvement of equipments and processes to reduce accidents
 Technologies to increase reliability in the industry and risk prevention

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Research development and innovative solutions in mineral processing

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Minerals and Ores Treatment (metallic, non metallic, industrial, agro-
minerals, including complex, low-grade and ultrafine ores).
– Suppliers of Mining Equipment and Raw Materials for Mineral
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Mineralogy for Processing (Geometallurgy)
– Mineral Processes Development and Optimization
– Scaling Up of Mineral Processing Route
 Infrastructure and Team:
– Renovation of current facilities: 2,350 m2
– Current Staff: 2 PhD, 2 MSc, 2 BSc, 4 Technicians and 10 Laboratory

Investments >> BNDES: R$ 6.395.790 + DR: R$ 5.927.509 | TOTAL: R$ 12.323.299

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: To be confirmed Location of the Institute: Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia SENAI FIEMG
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Research development and innovative solutions in mineral processing

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Mineralogy for Processing (Geometallurgy)
 Mineralogical, chemical and physical characterization
– Mineral Processes Development and Optimization
 Development of new mineral processing routes
 Optimization of mineral processing with a focus on quality and
 Processing of complex and low-grade ores
 Research on dry and ultrafine processing
 Development of processing routes and new inputs for the value chain
 Solutions for minimizing waste and tailings
 Discrete Event Method simulation applied to mineral processing and
 Computational simulation applied to industrial processes in mining
– Scaling Up of Mineral Processing Route
 Research in mineral processing with the use of pilot plant

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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions for new and advanced materials

 ISI Strategic Markets Segments:
– Health, Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics, Packaging, Automotive, Oil & Gas,
Energy, Textile, Machinery, Aviation.
 Service Portfolio / Technology Platforms:
– Methodologies for Computational Design, Simulation, Characterization,
Analysis and Prototyping of New Materials;
– Modification of Surfaces and Development of Structural Adhesives;
– Development of Biomaterials and Respective Processes;
– Development of Advanced Ceramics and Respective Processes;
– Development of Composites & Light Materials and Respective
 Infraestructure and Team:
– Current building: 6.000m².
– Current Team: 08 researchers and specialists.

Investments >> DR: R$ 14.700.000,00 | TOTAL: R$ 14.700.000,00

Inauguration of the Institute Estimated for: Month/Year Location of the Institute: Escola SENAI Mario Amato
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SENAI Innovation Institute for ISI Phase


Innovative solutions for new and advanced materials

 Portfolio of Essential Technological Competences:
– Methodologies for Computational Design, Simulation,
Characterization, Analysis and Prototyping of New Materials
 Performance and processing simulation of micro- and nano-materials
 Development of characterization methodologies for materials changing
– Modification of Surfaces and Development of Structural Adhesives
 Development of adhesives for hybrid parts
 Development of compatibility from dies and reinforcements
 Development of functional additives with hydrophobic and antibacterial effects
– Devel. of Biomaterials and Respective Processes
 Performance optimization of biodegradable polymers
 Production process optimization of biodegradable polymers
– Devel. of Advanced Ceramics and Respective Processes
 Development and optimization of ceramic materials
 Production process optimization of high performance ceramics
 Slip casting process optimization
– Devel. of Composites & Light Materials and Respective Processes
 Development of composites of high performance (carbon fiber, nanoparticles)
 Recycling of high performance materials
 Production process optimization of polymers and composites

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Unity for Innovation & Technology SENAI-DN Core Team for the
SENAI-DN – Management SENAI Innovation Institutes

Marcelo Fabricio Prim Alberto Xavier Pavim

marcelo.prim@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-9251 apavim@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-9979

Fabio Pires José Eduardo Oliveira

fabio.pires@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-9718 jose.oliveira@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-9167
Rosangela Medeiros
rosangela.oliveira@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-8813
Gilliard Castilho de Almeida
gilliard.almeida@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-9705
Larissa de Paiva Silva
larissa.silva@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-9782
Juliana Velasques de Melo Oyama
www.institutos.senai.br juliana.oyama@cni.org.br, +55 61 3317-8310

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