Listening Task I

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Listening Task I

a. Listen to the three parts of the text. Write A in the first column, next to the sentence if
it relates to that part. Write B if a sentence belongs to part B of the text. Write C in the
first column, in the box in front of the sentence if it belongs to this part. There are
four sentences related to each part. There are two extras.
b. Listen to the whole text again and number the sentences according to the sequence in
which they occur. Use the second column for this.

Hoseason called the boys.

The boys helped the captain.
The ship spun.
Mr. Raich called the boys.
Hoseason appreciated Alan.
The ship rubbed against the rocks.
The ship turned on its side.
The boys had their breakfast.
They sailed along the coast of Scotland.
The ship was saved.
Alan didn’t want to die by drowning.
Torran Rocks were in front of the ship.
The row – boat was launched.
Alan gave a button to the boy.

(The Kidnapped, TROLL Illustrated Classics. Pg. 23 to 25.)

c. Answer the questions.

i. Whose button did Alan give to the boy?
ii. What destiny was decided for the ship?
iii. What was the name of the ship?
d. How would the buttons help the boy?
e. Why do you think Alan and the boy drew their weapons while talking to Mr. Riach?
f. Why did Hoseason ask Alan and the boy to help him save the ship?
g. What do we know about the boy’s past from the text?
h. Rewrite the story in your own words. Use your imagination and write an interesting
ending for the violent journey as well.
Listening Text I:
Part ‘A’:
The night passed uneventfully, and Alan and I sat down to breakfast about six o’clock the
next morning. We made good company for each other. At one point, Alan took a knife
from the table, cut off one of the silver buttons on his coat and gave it to me.
“I got these from my father,” he said, “and I want you to keep one for last night’s work.
Wherever you go and show this button, the friends of Alan Breck will help you.”
After a time, we heard Mr. Riach calling us. Alan and I went out on deck with our
weapons drawn and sat at some distance from Mr. Riach and the captain to discuss what
we would do now. It was agreed that Hoseason would sail the ship back to Glasgow, in
Scotland. There he could get some men to replace his dead and injured crew and Alan and
I could depart in safety.
As soon as a wind came up, we set out, making our way along the coast of Scotland.
After the horrors I had seen, it seemed like an uneventful journey – but the adventure was
far from over.
Part ‘B’:
One evening, Hoseason called Alan and me to come out on deck. He seemed very
worried. The wind was blowing hard, but the sky was clear. It was not a bad night for
sailing and I wondered why the captain was so concerned. Then I heard a low, roaring
sound and saw the sea rise like a fountain in several laces around us.
“They’re reefs,” Alan said.
“Aye,” Hoseason agreed, “and if I’d known they were here, I’d never have sailed into
“These are the Torran Rocks,” Alan said. “I believe I’ve heard it is clearer along the
“Then that’s where we shall sail. Will you stay and help me pilot us through them?”
Alan agreed, and the two of us took our places by the captain. The moon shone down as
bright as day, which made the sight of our danger all the more alarming. The captain
paced nervously about the deck and Alan was very pale. “This is not the sort of death I
fancy,” he said to me.
Part ‘C’:
The tide was strong along the land and it was all the men could do to keep the ‘Covenant’
on her course. Sometimes, a reef would loom up in our path and the ship would barely be
turned in time.
We made our way slowly through the reefs and finally caught sight of clear water ahead.
“You have saved the ship,” Haseason said to Alan. But he spoke too soon. The tide
caught the boat and pushed her around into the wind. She spun around like a top and the
next moment struck a reef with such force that we were all thrown flat on the deck.
I was on my feet in a minute. The waves broke high over the ship, sweeping over the
deck. We could hear the ship grinding against the reef; it seemed she would soon break
into pieces.
I ran over to help the men untie one small rowboats that lay on the deck. We had the boat
nearly ready to be launched when someone shouted, “hold on!” in a voice full of terror.
A great wave lifted the ship straight up and tipped her sideways. Whether the cry was too
late or my grip too weak, I do not know. The sudden tilting of the ship threw me clean
over the rail and into the sea.

(The Kidnapped, TROLL Illustrated Classics. Pg. 23 to 25.)

Listening Task I
a. The recipes of making ‘Steam-Baked Meat Pies’ and ‘Soft Chinese Meat Cakes’
have got mixed up. Listen carefully to the two recipes. Write ‘SB’ in the first
column, next to the sentence that relate to ‘Steam-Baked Meat Pies’, write ‘SC’ if
a sentence belongs to ‘Soft Chinese Meat Cakes’ and write both if it relates to
both the recipes. There are 7 sentences related to ‘Steam-Baked Meat Pies’ and 10
related to ‘Soft Chinese Meat Cakes’. 2 sentences are related to both.
b. Listen to the two recipes again and number the sentences to put both the recipes in
the correct sequence. Use the columns headed ‘SB’ and ‘SC’ for each of the

Fry green onion and garlic.
Bring opposite ends together and make pleats to join.
Make pleats in the centre to seal.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly to make the filling.
Take 1 ½ teaspoon of the filling.
Mix the ingredients and rub to make it soft.
Serve warm.
Add the sauce and then the meat pieces.
Dot with water to seal well.
Cover with cloth and leave for ten minutes.
Place it in the centre of the pie shell.
Shape dough into a thick roll.
Sift the flour and baking powder together.
Cook over high heat in a small amount of cooking oil.
Cut in twelve pieces and press each with hand.
Pour some water and cook till the water dries.
Dissolve cornstarch.
Make into crescent shape.
Steam over high heat for ten minutes.
Listening Text II:
Soft Chinese Meat Cakes
1. Sift together flour and baking powder. Add sugar, margarine, vinegar and water and
mix thoroughly with hand until soft. Place damp cloth over the dough and let stand 10
2. Fry minced green onion and garlic in 3 tablespoons hot oil. Mix in the sauce and
bring to boil. Add meat pieces and dissolve cornstarch to thicken. Let cool.
3. Place dough on board dusted with flour and shape into thick roll. Using knife, cut into
12 portions. Place cut side up on board and press surface with hand to make round
wrapping about 3 inches in diameter.
4. When meat filling is cool, put 1 tablespoon in centre of each wrapping; wrap and seal
carefully making some pleats in centre.
5. Place each cake on small piece of wax paper to prevent sticking to steamer. Steam
quickly over high heat for 10 minutes. Remove to plate and serve warm.

Steam-Baked Meat Pies:

1. Thoroughly mix ground meat, soy sauce, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, Chinese
cabbage, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, green onion and ginger to make the filling.
2. Place about 1 ½ teaspoons of filling in the centre of each pie shell. Bring opposite
edges together, making pleats on one edge. Seal well by dotting with water, if
necessary, and make into crescent shapes.
3. Heat small amount of cooking oil in skillet and place pies, pleated side up, in two
lines. Cook over high heat, quickly browning bottom side. Pour hot water into skillet
to a depth of about ½ inch. Cover skillet again with plate turned upside down. Turn
skillet over on plate to have browned side up for serving.
4. Serve warm with soy sauce, mustard, vinegar and hot sauce.

Hatano, S. (1981), ‘Home Style Chinese Cooking’, Tokyo Japan, Shufunotomo Co.
Listening Task II:
Listen to the recipes once again and tick the ingredients and the utensils needed for each
dish. Cross out the ones that will not be needed.

‘Steam-Baked Meat Pies’ ‘Soft Chinese Meat Cakes’

Material: Material:
knife cloth
towel tablespoon
bowl knife
teaspoon sift
fork bowls
frying pan pan
skillet board
rolling pin knife
cup wax paper
knife cup
cloth steamer
wax paper plate
plate fork
Ingredients: Ingredients:
ground meat flour
corn starch cream
sesame oil baking powder
cabbage sugar
monosodium glutamate margarine
soy sauce vinegar
cheese tomato
mushrooms green onions
bamboo shoots garlic
yeast oil
green onion meat
flour beef pieces
ginger cornstarch
oil sauce
water water

Now write any one of the recipes in your own words so that your mother can follow it,
and make the dish for you.

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