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Improve Learning
 Underlining
 Make your study notes
 Mind mapping
 Flash Card Studies
 Case Studies
 Quizzes
 Brain storming
 Mnemonic Rules
 Organizing your Study
 Drawing
 Gather all of your studying materials
 Clean the study space
 Stick to routine
 Find study pattern
 Set study goal
 Study with short breaks
 Allow for some time to worry
 Physical exercise
 Relaxation exercise
 Breathing
 Smile and Laugh
 Time management
 Social support
 Seek help
 Life style modification
 Nutrition
 Cognitive Coping Strategies
 Reframing
 Challenging negative thinking
 Positive self talk
 Count to ten
 Cost –Benefit analysis
 Reducing uncertainty
 Using Imagery/ visualization
Inter personal Relation
 Give yourself to others
 Practice Generosity
 Treasure and protect your friendship
 Keep your romance alive
 Love other sacrificially
 Listen to people
 Empathy
 Facial expression
 Honesty with tract
 Tone of voice
 Do not share all your secrets with your friends
 Stay away from nasty politics
Behavior Management Technique
 Be Mindful of your own reaction
 Maintain rational detachment
 Be attentive
 Use positive self talk
 Recognize your limits
 Debrief
Sexual Abuse Counseling
Helping Survivors Live Life

At Living Life Counseling , believe the path to healing from abuse involves
having clients go through a sexual abuse counseling process consisting of:

 Telling their story

 Believing it happened
 Believing the abuse was NOT their fault
 Dealing with and processing their anger
 Understanding how the abuse affected their lives
 Grieving their losses
 Correcting dysfunctional behaviors stemming from the

Family Therapy Techniques

Circular Questioning: The same question is asked of each
family member.
Reframing: The problem must be put into solvable, behavioral
terms, be referenced as a family problem and not just the
problem of one family member, and be put into positive terms.
Giving Directives: Creating or selecting an intervention that
will impact the presenting problem
Ordeals: An ordeal is a behavior that is more obnoxious,
frustrating, and time consuming than the behavior that is
considered the symptom. When the symptom behavior occurs,
the family performs the ordeal.
Rituals: Symbolic acts that help the family move. (e.g. burying a
box that contains family anger.)
Ambiguous Assignments: Helps break down linear thinking and
causes the family to be more creative in problem solving.
Family Sculpting: Examines power and closeness in a family by
asking each family member to physically arrange all other
family members in order of relationships.
Genogram: Gives a picture of three or more generations (like a
family tree) and notes important family dynamics, rules,
patterns, mental health issues, etc.
Reenactment: Asking the family to act out a situation rather
than describe it verbally.

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