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Int J Mech Mater Des

DOI 10.1007/s10999-014-9260-3

A higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

for analysis of functionally graded materials
Trung-Kien Nguyen

Received: 11 December 2013 / Accepted: 10 May 2014

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract This paper presents a new higher-order 1 Introduction

hyperbolic shear deformation theory for analysis of
functionally graded plates. In this theory, the trans- Functionally graded material (FGM) is an advanced
verse shear stresses account for a hyperbolic distribu- composite material whose compositions vary accord-
tion and satisfy the free-traction boundary conditions ing to the required performance. It is produced by a
on the top and bottom surfaces of the plate. By making continuously graded variation of the volume fractions
a further assumption, the present theory contains only of the constituents (Koizumi 1997), the FGM is thus
four unknowns and its governing equations is there- suitable for various applications, such as thermal
fore reduced. Equations of motion are derived from coatings of barrier for ceramic engines, gas turbines,
Hamilton’s principle and Navier-type analytical solu- nuclear fusions, optical thin layers, biomaterial elec-
tions for simply-supported plates are compared with tronics, etc.
the existing solutions to verify the validity of the In recent years, many functionally graded (FG)
developed theory. The material properties are contin- plate structures which have been applied for engi-
uously varied through the plate thickness by the neering fields led to the development of various plate
power-law and exponential form. Numerical results theories to accurately predict the bending, buckling
are obtained to investigate the effects of the power-law and vibration behaviors of FG plates (Jha et al. 2013).
index and side-to-thickness ratio on the deflections, The classical plate theory (CPT) known as the simplest
stresses, critical buckling load and natural frequencies. one which neglects the transverse shear deformation
effect (Feldman and Aboudi 1997; Javaheri and
Keywords Functionally graded plates  Eslami 2002; Mahdavian 2009; Mohammadi et al.
Bending  Buckling  Vibration 2010; Chen et al. 2006; Baferani et al. 2011) gives only
convenable results for thin FG plates. For FG thick and
moderately thick plates, the first-order shear defor-
mation theory (FSDT) has been used (Praveen and
Reddy 1998; Croce and Venini 2004; Efraim and
Eisenberger 2007; Zhao et al. 2009a, b; Hosseini-
T.-K. Nguyen (&) Hashemi et al. 2011; Naderi and Saidi 2010). In a such
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, approach, in-plane displacements are linearly varied in
University of Technical Education Ho Chi Minh City, 1
the thickness and require a shear correction factor to
Vo Van Ngan Street, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam correct the unrealistic variation of the transverse shear
e-mail: stresses and shear strains through the thickness.

T.-K. Nguyen

Alternatively, higher-order shear deformation theories

(HSDTs) with higher-order variations of displace-
ments have been developed for FG plates (Reddy
2000; Pradyumna and Bandyopadhyay 2008; Jha et al.
2013; Neves et al. 2012, 2012, 2013; Reddy 2011;
Talha and Singh 2010; Zenkour 2006, 2013; Chen
et al. 2009; Mantari and Soares 2012, 2013; Matsu-
naga 2008; Thai 2013), they can predict more accurate
the behaviors of moderate and thick FG plates, and no
shear correction factors are required. However prac- Fig. 1 Geometry of a functionally graded plate
tically, some of these HSDTs are computational costs
distribution in the thickness direction without taking
because of number of additional variables introduced
into account the microstructure, whereas the second
to the theory (Pradyumna and Bandyopadhyay 2008;
one takes into account the microstructure with ideal-
Jha et al. 2013; Neves et al. 2012, 2012, 2013; Reddy
ized geometries. Practically however, in both models,
2011; Talha and Singh 2010). As a consequence, a
FG plates are first homogenized with their effective
simple higher-order shear deformation theory pro-
moduli such as Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio,
posed in this paper is necessary.
mass density..., etc, and then their effective properties
This paper aims to develop a simple higher-order
are derived from homogeneous plate theories. The
shear deformation theory for bending, free vibration
continuous model is most used to study the FGM,
and buckling analysis of FG plates. By making a
among the approximation of Voigt Hill (1952) is
further assumption to the existing higher-order shear
widely used by its simplification. The works of Reiter
deformation theory, the present theory contains only
and Dvorak (1997, 1998) showed that the Mori–
four unknowns and its governing equations is there-
Tanaka’s scheme Benveniste (1987) is convenient for
fore reduced. Hamilton’s principle is used to derive
estimating the effective material properties of FGM,
equations of motion and Navier-type analytical solu-
especially in the matrix-inclusion region. In practice,
tions for simply-supported plates are compared with
the Mori–Tanaka’s scheme is more complicated than
the existing solutions to verify the validity of the
Voigt’s model. It should be noted that these estima-
developed theory. The material properties are contin-
tions based on bounds are efficient if the material
uously varied through the plate thickness by the
contrast of constituents is not too large. Many more
power-law and exponential form. Numerical results
approximations of the effective elastic material prop-
are obtained to investigate the effects of the power-law
erties can be found in Gasik (1998). In this paper,
index and side-to-thickness ratio on the deflections,
material properties through the thickness are estimated
stresses, critical buckling load and natural frequencies.
by two homogenization schemes: power-law form and
exponential form. For power-law form, the effective
material properties of FG plates are expressed by
2 Theoretical formulation
Reddy (2000):
Consider a FG plate as shown in Fig. 1 having the PðzÞ ¼ ðPc  Pm ÞVc þ Pm ; ð1Þ
thickness h, length a and width b, and boundaries with
where Pc and Pm are the Young’s moduli (E),
a suitable regularity. The FG plate is constituted by a
Poisson’s ratio (m) and mass density (q) of ceramic
mixture of ceramic and metal components whose
and metal materials located at the top and bottom
material properties vary through the plate thickness
according to the volume fractions of the constituents. surfaces, respectively. The volume fraction of ceramic
material Vc is given as follows:
2.1 Effective material properties of FG plates 2z þ h p
Vc ðzÞ ¼ ; ð2Þ
The effective elastic material properties of FGMs can
be estimated by continuous model and discrete model. where p is the power-law index, which is positive and
The first model assumes a continuous material z 2 ½ h2 ; h2. Distribution of ceramic material through

Higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

3z 6
f ðzÞ ¼ sinh1  z pffiffiffiffiffi : ð6Þ
p=10 h h 13
It can be seen that the displacement field in Eq. (5)
contains only four unknowns (u0 ; v0 ; w0 ; u). The strain
field associated with the displacement field in Eq. (5)

p=1 are written under following compact form:
−0.2  ¼ 0 þ zjb þ f js ð7aÞ
−0.3 c ¼ gc0 ; ð7bÞ
−0.4 p=0.1

where g ¼ df =dz, 0 , jb , js , and c0 are membrane
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
strains, curvatures and transverse shear strains, respec-
Volume fraction V
tively. They are related to the displacement field in
Fig. 2 Volume fraction of ceramic material Eq. (5) as follows:
 0 0 0  ou0 ov0 ou0 ov0
 ¼ xx yy cxy ¼ þ ;
the plate thickness is displayed in Fig. 2. Moreover, ox oy oy ox
the effective Young’s modulus of FG plates can be  
 b b b  o2 w0 o2 w0 o2 w0
directly calculated according to the exponential law j ¼ jxx jyy jxy ¼   2 2 ;
ox2 oy oxoy
(Zenkour 2007):  
  o2 u o2 u o2 u
js ¼ jsxx jsyy jsxy ¼    2
EðzÞ ¼ E0 epðz=hþ0:5Þ ; ð3Þ ox2 oy2 oxoy
where E0 is Young’s modulus of homogeneous ð8aÞ
material. For vibration analysis, the mass density at ( ) ( ou )
c0xz ox
location z is varied with respect to the power-law form c0 ¼ ¼ ou ð8bÞ
Eq. (3). oy

2.2 Kinematics and strains

The linear constitutive relations of the FG plates are
written as:
The displacement field of the HSDT can be written as: 8 9 2 38 9
> rxx => C11 C12 0 > xx >
< < =
uðx; y; zÞ ¼ u0 ðx; yÞ  z ow 6 7
ox þ f ðzÞhx ðx; yÞ
ryy ¼ 4 C12 C22 0 5 yy ð9aÞ
vðx; y; zÞ ¼ v0 ðx; yÞ  z oy þ f ðzÞhy ðx; yÞ ð4Þ >
: >
; : >
> ;
rxy 0 0 C66 cxy
wðx; y; zÞ ¼ w0 ðx; yÞ; ( ) " #( )
rxz C55 0 cxz
where u0 ; v0 ; w0 , hx , hy are five unknown displace- ¼ ð9bÞ
ments of the midplane of the plate, f ðzÞ represents ryz 0 C44 cyz
shape function defining the distribution of the trans-
verse shear strains and stresses along the thickness. By
assuming that hx ¼ ouðx; yÞ=ox and hy ¼ EðzÞ
C11 ðzÞ ¼ C22 ðzÞ ¼ ; C12 ðzÞ ¼ mðzÞC11 ðzÞ
ouðx; yÞ=oy (Thai et al. 2014), the displacement 1  mðzÞ2
field of the present theory can be rewritten in a simpler ð10aÞ
form as:
uðx; y; zÞ ¼ u0 ðx; yÞ  z ow ou C44 ðzÞ ¼ C55 ðzÞ ¼ C66 ðzÞ ¼ ð10bÞ
ox  f ðzÞ ox
2ð1 þ mðzÞÞ
ow0 ou ð5Þ
vðx; y; zÞ ¼ v0 ðx; yÞ  z oy  f ðzÞ oy
2.3 Equations of motion
wðx; y; zÞ ¼ w0 ðx; yÞ;
where the shape function f ðzÞ is chosen according to Hamilton’s principle is herein used to derive the
Grover et al. (2013) as: equations of motion:

T.-K. Nguyen

ZT 2
0 o w0
0 o w0
0 o w0
N ¼ Nxx þ 2Nxy þ Nyy
0¼ ðdU þ dV  dKÞ dt; ð11Þ ox 2 oxoy oy2
The variation of kinetic energy is determined by:
where dU, dV, dK are the variations of strain energy,
Z Zh=2
work done, and kinetic energy of the plate, respec-
tively. The variation of strain energy is calculated by: dK ¼ ðud
_ u_ þ vd
_ v_ þ wd
_ wÞqðzÞ
_ dA dz
V h=2
Z Zh=2 Z 

dU ¼ rxx dxx þ ryy dyy þ rxy dcxy ¼ I0 ðu_ 0 du_ 0 þ v_0 dv_0 þ w_ 0 dw_ 0 Þ
A h=2 A

þrxz dcxz þ ryz dcyz dA dz odw_ 0 ow_ 0 odw_ 0 ow_ 0
Z  I1 u_ 0 þ du_ 0 þ v_0 þ dv_0
odu0 2 2 ox ox oy oy
b o dw0 s o du  
¼ Nxx  Mxx  M xx
ox ox2 ox2 ow_ 0 odw_ 0 ow_ 0 odw_ 0
A þ I2 þ
2 2
ox ox oy oy
odv0 b o dw0 s o du  
þNyy  Myy  M yy odu_ ou_ odu_ ou_
oy oy2 oy2  J1 u_ 0 þ du_ 0 þ v_0 þ dv_0
  2 ox ox oy oy
odu0 odv0 b o dw0   
þ Nxy þ  2Mxy ou_ odu_ ou_ odu_ ow_ 0 odu_
oy ox oxoy þ K2 þ þ J2
2 ox ox oy oy ox ox
s o du odu odu 
2Mxy þ Qx þ Qy dA; ð12Þ ou_ odw_ 0 ow_ 0 odu_ ou_ odw_ 0
oxoy ox oy þ þ þ dA;
ox ox oy oy oy oy
where N, M, and Q are the stress resultants defined by: ð15Þ
Zh=2 where the dot-superscript convention indicates the
ðNxx ; Nyy ; Nxy Þ ¼ ðrxx ; ryy ; rxy Þ dz ð13aÞ differentiation with respect to the time variable t, qðzÞ
h=2 is the mass density, and the inertia terms Ii , Ji , Ki are
expressed by:
b b b
ðMxx ; Myy ; Mxy Þ ¼ z ðrxx ; ryy ; rxy Þ dz ð13bÞ Zh=2
h=2 ðI0 ; I1 ; I2 Þ ¼ ð1; z; z2 ÞqðzÞdz ð16aÞ
s s s
ðMxx ; Myy ; Mxy Þ ¼ f ðrxx ; ryy ; rxy Þ dz ð13cÞ Zh=2
h=2 ðJ1 ; J2 ; K2 Þ ¼ ðf ; zf ; f 2 ÞqðzÞdz ð16bÞ
ðQx ; Qy Þ ¼ gðrxz ; ryz Þ dz ð13dÞ Substituting Eqs. (12), (14), and (15) into Eq. (11),
h=2 integrating by parts, and collecting the coefficients of
du0 , dv0 , dw0 ; du; the following equations of motion
The variation of work done by in-plane and transverse are obtained:
loads is given by:
Z Z oNxx oNxy ow€0 ou

dV ¼  Ndw  0 dA  qdw0 dA; du0 : þ ¼ I0 u€0  I1  J1 ð17aÞ
ð14Þ ox oy ox ox
oNxy oNyy ow€0 ou

dv0 : þ ¼ I0 v€0  I1  J1 ð17bÞ
where ox oy oy oy

Higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

o2 Mxx
b o2 Mxy
o2 u0 o2 u0 o2 v 0
dw0 : þ 2 þ þ N þ q A11 2
þ A66 2 þ ðA12 þ A66 Þ
ox2 oxoy oy2 ox oy oxoy
o€u0 o€ v0 o3 w0 o3 w0 3
€ 0 þ I1
¼ I0 w þ  I2 r2 w
€ 0  J2 r2 u
€ s o u
ox oy  B11  ðB 12 þ 2B 66 Þ  B 11
ox3 oxoy2 ox3
ð17cÞ 3
o u ow€0 ou

 ðBs12 þ 2Bs66 Þ ¼ I0 u€0  I1  J1
o2 Mxx
s o2 Mxys
oQx oQy oxoy2 ox ox
du : 2
þ 2 þ 2
þ þ ð23aÞ
ox oxoy oy ox oy
u0 o€ v0
¼ J1 þ  J2 r w2 2
€0  K2 r u;
€ ð17dÞ o2 v 0 o2 v 0 o2 u0 o3 w0
ox oy A22 þ A 66 þ ðA 12 þ A 66 Þ  B 22
oy2 ox2 oxoy oy3
where r2 ¼ o2 =ox2 þ o2 =oy2 is the Laplacian opera- o3 w 0 3
s o u
tor in two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.  ðB12 þ 2B66 Þ  B 22
ox2 oy oy3
Substituting Eq. (7a) into Eq. (9a) and the subsequent o3 u ow€0 ou

results into Eqs. (13a), (13b) and (13c), the stress  ðBs12 þ 2Bs66 Þ 2
¼ I0 v€0  I1  J1
ox oy oy oy
resultants are obtained in terms of strains as following
compact form: ð23bÞ
8 9 2 38 0 9
< N >
> = A B Bs > < > = o3 u0 o3 u0 o3 v0
6 7 B11 þ ðB 12 þ 2B 66 Þ þ ðB 12 þ 2B 66 Þ
M b ¼ 4 B D Ds 5 jb ð18Þ ox3 oxoy2 ox2 oy
: s>
> ; s s
> >
s : s;
o v0 4
o w0 4
o w0
M B D H j þ B22 3  D11 4  D22 4  2ðD12
oy ox oy
where A; B; D; Bs ; Ds ; Hs are the stiffnesses of the FG o4 w0 o 4
u o4 u
þ 2D66 Þ 2 2  Ds11 4  Ds22 4  2ðDs12
plate given by: ox oy ox oy
Zh=2 s o4 u 
þ 2D66 Þ 2 2 þ NðwÞ þq
s s s
ðA; B; D;B ; D ; H Þ ¼ ð1; z; z2 ; f; zf; f 2 ÞCðzÞdz ox oy 
u0 o€ v0
h=2 € 0 þ I1
¼ I0 w þ  I2 r2 w
€0  J2 r2 u €
ox oy
Similarly, using Eqs. (7b), (9b) and (13d), the 3 3
transverse shear forces can be calculated from the o u0 o u0 o3 v0
Bs11 þ ðB s
12 þ 2B s
66 Þ þ ðB s
12 þ 2B s
66 Þ
constitutive equations as: ox3 oxoy2 ox2 oy
3 4 4
  s ( 0 ) o v0 o w0
þ Bs22 3  Ds11 4  Ds22 4  2ðDs12
o w0
Qx A55 0 cxz oy ox oy
¼ ð20Þ
Qy 0 A44 s c0yz o 4
w0 o 2
u o2 u 4
s o u
þ 2Ds66 Þ 2 2 þ As55 2 þ As44 2  H11
ox oy ox oy ox4
or in a compact form as: 4 4
s s ou s o u
 2ðH12 þ 2H66 Þ 2 2  H22
Q ¼ A s c0 ; ð21Þ  ox oy oy4
o€ u0 o€ v0
where the shear stiffnesses As of the FG plate are ¼ J1 þ  J2 r2 w €0  K2 r2 u €
ox oy
defined by:
Zh=2 Zh=2
As44 ¼ As55 ¼ g2 ðzÞC44 ðzÞdz ¼ g2 ðzÞC55 ðzÞdz 2.4 Analytical solution for simply-supported FG
h=2 h=2 plates
The Navier solution procedure is used to obtain the
By substituting Eqs. (18) and (21) into Eq. (17a–17d), analytical solutions for which the displacement func-
the equations of motion can be expressed in terms of tions are expressed as product of undetermined
displacements (u0 ;v0 ; w0 ; u) as follows: coefficients and known trigonometric functions to

T.-K. Nguyen

satisfy the governing equations and boundary k11 ¼ A11 k2 þ A66 l2 ; k12 ¼ ðA12 þ A66 Þkl;
k13 ¼ B11 k3  ðB12 þ 2B66 Þkl2
1 X
X 1
k14 ¼ Bs11 k3  ðBs12 þ 2Bs66 Þkl2 ;
u0 ðx; y; tÞ ¼ u0mn cos kx sin ly eixt ð24aÞ
m¼1 n¼1 k22 ¼ A66 k2 þ A22 l2 ;
1 X
X 1 k23 ¼ B22 l3  ðB12 þ 2B66 Þk2 l
v0 ðx; y; tÞ ¼ v0mn sin kx cos ly eixt ð24bÞ k24 ¼ Bs22 l3  ðBs12 þ 2Bs66 Þk2 l;
m¼1 n¼1
k33 ¼ D11 k4 þ 2ðD12 þ 2D66 Þk2 l2 þ D22 l4
1 X
X 1
w0 ðx; y; tÞ ¼ x0mn sin kx sin ly eixt ð24cÞ k34 ¼ Ds11 k4 þ 2ðDs12 þ 2Ds66 Þk2 l2 þ Ds22 l4 ð27Þ
s 4
m¼1 n¼1
k44 ¼ H11 s
k þ 2ðH12 þ s
2H66 Þk2 l2 þ s 4
H22 l
1 X
X 1 s 2 s 2
þA55 k þ A44 l
uðx; y; tÞ ¼ y0mn sin kx sin ly eixt ; ð24dÞ
m¼1 n¼1 m11 ¼ m22 ¼ I0 ; m13 ¼ kI1 ; m14 ¼ kJ1 ;
where k ¼ mp=a, l ¼ np=b, xis the frequency of free m23 ¼ lI1 ; m24 ¼ lJ1
vibration of the plate, i ¼ 1 the imaginary unit. m33 ¼ I0 þ I2 ðk2 þ l2 Þ; m34 ¼ J2 ðk2 þ l2 Þ;
The transverse load q is also expanded in the double- m44 ¼ K2 ðk2 þ l2 Þ
Fourier sine series as: a ¼ N0 ðk2 þ cl2 Þ

1 X
1 Eq. (26) is a general form for bending, buckling and
qðx; yÞ ¼ qmn sin kx sin ly ; ð25Þ free vibration analysis of FG plates under in-plane and
m¼1 n¼1 transverse loads. In order to solve bending problem,
where qmn = q0 for sinusoidally distributed load. the in-plane compressive load N0 and mass matrix M
Assuming that the plate is subjected to in-plane are set to zeros. Moreover, the stability problem can be
compressive loads of form: Nxx 0 0
¼ N0 , Nyy ¼ cN0 carried out by neglecting the mass matrix and
0 transverse load while the free vibration problem is
(here c is non-dimensional load parameter), Nxy ¼ 0.
achieved by omitting the transverse load.
Substituting Eqs. (24a–24d) and (25) into Eq. (23a–
23d) and collecting the displacements and acceleration
for any values of m and n, the following problem is
3 Numerical examples
Consider a simply supported FG rectangular plate with
02 3
k11 k12 k13 k14 in-plane lengths, a and b in the x and y directions,
B6 k k22 k23 k24 7 respectively (Fig. 1). FG plates made of three material
B6 12 7
B6 7 combinations of metal and ceramic: Al/ZrO2 , Al/
@4 k13 k23 k33 þ a k34 5
Al2 O3 and Al/SiC are considered. Their material
k14 k24 k34 k44
2 3 18 0 9
m11 0 m13 m14 > umn >
> >
6 0
6 m22 m23 m24 7C v0mn =
7 C <
x2 6 7C ð26Þ Table 1 Material properties of metal and ceramic
4 m13 m23 m33 m34 5A> >
> x0 > >
: mn ; Material Young’s Mass density Poisson’s
m14 m24 m34 m44 y0mn
8 9 modulus (kg/m3 ) ratio
> 0 > (GPa)
> >
< 0 > =
¼ ; Aluminum (Al) 70 2,702 0.3
> qmn >
> > Zirconia (ZrO2 ) 151 3,000 0.3
: >
0 Alumina (Al2 O3 ) 380 3,800 0.3
Silicon carbide (SiC) 420 3,210 0.3

Higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

properties are given in Table 1. A number of h a b
numerical examples are analyzed in the sequel to rxx ðzÞ ¼ rxx ; ; z ;
q0 a 2 2
verify the accuracy of present study and investigate h
effects of the power-law index and side-to-thickness rxy ðzÞ ¼ rxz ð0; 0; zÞ; ð29Þ
q0 a
ratio on the deflections, stresses, natural frequencies  
h b
and critical buckling loads of FG plates. Unless rxz ðzÞ ¼ rxz 0; ; z
q0 a 2
special mention, the effective material properties are
calculated by the power-law form (Eq. (3)). For Ncr a2 Ncr a2
N^cr ¼ ; Ncr ¼ ð30Þ
convenience, the following non-dimensional param- 2
D11  B11 =A11 Em h 3
eters are used: rffiffiffiffiffi r ffiffiffiffiffi
qc xa2 qc
x^ ¼ xh ¼
;x ;
Ec h Ec
    sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð31Þ
100Ec h3 b 10Ec h3 a b xab 12ð1  m2c Þqc
u ¼ ¼
u 0; ;z ; w w ; ð28Þ b ¼ 2
q0 a4 2 q0 a4 2 2 p h Ec

Table 2 Comparison of the nondimensional stress and displacements of Al/Al2 O3 square plates (a/h = 10)
p Theory u w rxx ðh=3Þ rxy ðh=3Þ rxz ðh=6Þ

1 Quasi-3D Carrera et al. (2008) 0.6436 0.5875 1.5062 0.6081 0.2510

Quasi-3D Wu and Chiu (2011) 0.6436 0.5876 1.5061 0.6112 0.2511
SSDT Zenkour (2006) 0.6626 0.5889 1.4894 0.6110 0.2622
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 0.6398 0.5880 1.4888 0.6109 0.2566
TSDT Wu and Li (2010) 0.6414 0.5890 1.4898 0.6111 0.2599
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.6414 0.5890 1.4898 0.6111 0.2608
Present 0.6401 0.5883 1.4892 0.6110 0.2552
2 Quasi-3D Carrera et al. (2008) 0.9012 0.7570 1.4147 0.5421 0.2496
Quasi-3D Wu and Chiu (2011) 0.9013 0.7571 1.4133 0.5436 0.2495
SSDT Zenkour (2006) 0.9281 0.7573 1.3954 0.5441 0.2763
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 0.8957 0.7564 1.3940 0.5438 0.2741
TSDT Wu and Li (2010) 0.8984 0.7573 1.3960 0.5442 0.2721
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.8984 0.7573 1.3960 0.5442 0.2737
Present 0.8961 0.7567 1.3947 0.5439 0.2721
4 Quasi-3D Carrera et al. (2008) 1.0541 0.8823 1.1985 0.5666 0.2362
Quasi-3D Wu and Chiu (2011) 1.0541 0.8823 1.1841 0.5671 0.2362
SSDT Zenkour (2006) 1.0941 0.8819 1.1783 0.5667 0.2580
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 1.0457 0.8814 1.1755 0.5662 0.2623
TSDT Wu and Li (2010) 1.0502 0.8815 1.1794 0.5669 0.2519
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 1.0502 0.8815 1.1794 0.5669 0.2537
Present 1.0466 0.8818 1.1766 0.5664 0.2593
8 Quasi-3D Carrera et al. (2008) 1.0830 0.9738 0.9687 0.5879 0.2262
Quasi-3D Wu and Chiu (2011) 1.0830 0.9739 0.9622 0.5883 0.2261
SSDT Zenkour (2006) 1.1340 0.9750 0.9466 0.5856 0.2121
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 1.0709 0.9737 0.9431 0.5850 0.2140
TSDT Wu and Li (2010) 1.0763 0.9747 0.9477 0.5858 0.2087
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 1.0763 0.9746 0.9477 0.5858 0.2088
Present 1.0719 0.9744 0.9444 0.5852 0.2117

T.-K. Nguyen

3.1 Results of bending analysis plane and transverse shear stresses of Al/Al2 O3 plates
under sinusoidal loads are calculated in Tables 2, 3.
Example 1 The purpose of the first example is to The present results are compared with those predicted
verify the validity of the present theory in predicting by different shear deformation theories: third-order
the bending behaviors. The center deflections, in- shear deformation plate theory (TSDT), sinusoidal

 of Al/Al2 O3 square plates with material distribution according to the

Table 3 Comparison of the nondimensional deflection (w)
exponential form
a/h b/a Theory Power-law index
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 1.5

2 1 3D Zenkour (2007) 0.5769 0.5247 0.4766 0.4324 0.3727 0.2890

Quasi-3D Zenkour (2007) 0.5731 0.5181 0.4679 0.4222 0.3612 0.2771
Quasi-3D Mantari and Soares (2012) 0.5776 0.5222 0.4716 0.4255 0.3640 0.2792
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 0.6363 0.5752 0.5195 0.4687 0.4018 0.3079
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.6362 0.5751 0.5194 0.4687 0.4011 0.3079
Present 0.6211 0.5615 0.5073 0.4579 0.3921 0.3014
2 3D Zenkour (2007) 1.1944 1.0859 0.9864 0.8952 0.7727 0.6017
Quasi-3D Zenkour (2007) 1.1880 1.0740 0.9701 0.8755 0.7494 0.5758
Quasi-3D Mantari and Soares (2012) 1.1938 1.0790 0.9748 0.8797 0.7530 0.5785
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 1.2776 1.1553 1.0441 0.9431 0.8093 0.6238
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 1.2775 1.1553 1.0441 0.9431 0.8086 0.6238
Present 1.2569 1.1367 1.0275 0.9284 0.7965 0.6153
3 3D Zenkour (2007) 1.4430 1.3116 1.1913 1.0812 0.9334 0.7275
Quasi-3D Zenkour (2007) 1.4354 1.2977 1.1722 1.0580 0.9057 0.6962
Quasi-3D Mantari and Soares (2012) 1.4419 1.3035 1.1774 1.0626 0.9096 0.6991
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 1.5341 1.3874 1.2540 1.1329 0.9725 0.7506
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 1.5340 1.3873 1.2540 1.1329 0.9719 0.7506
Present 1.5115 1.3671 1.2360 1.1169 0.9587 0.7414
4 1 3D Zenkour (2007) 0.3490 0.3168 0.2875 0.2608 0.2253 0.1805
Quasi-3D Zenkour (2007) 0.3475 0.3142 0.2839 0.2563 0.2196 0.1692
Quasi-3D Mantari and Soares (2012) 0.3486 0.3152 0.2848 0.2571 0.2203 0.1697
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 0.3602 0.3259 0.2949 0.2668 0.2295 0.1785
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.3602 0.3259 0.2949 0.2668 0.2295 0.1785
Present 0.3575 0.3235 0.2927 0.2649 0.2280 0.1775
2 3D Zenkour (2007) 0.8153 0.7395 0.6708 0.6085 0.5257 0.4120
Quasi-3D Zenkour (2007) 0.8120 0.7343 0.6635 0.5992 0.5136 0.3962
Quasi-3D Mantari and Soares (2012) 0.8145 0.7365 0.6655 0.6009 0.5151 0.3973
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 0.8325 0.7534 0.6819 0.6173 0.5319 0.4150
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.8325 0.7534 0.6819 0.6173 0.5319 0.4150
Present 0.8285 0.7498 0.6787 0.6145 0.5296 0.4135
3 3D Zenkour (2007) 1.0134 0.9190 0.8335 0.7561 0.6533 0.5121
Quasi-3D Zenkour (2007) 1.0094 0.9127 0.8248 0.7449 0.6385 0.4927
Quasi-3D Mantari and Soares (2012) 1.0124 0.9155 0.8272 0.7470 0.6404 0.4941
HSDT Mantari et al. (2012) 1.0325 0.9345 0.8459 0.7659 0.6601 0.5154
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 1.0325 0.9345 0.8459 0.7659 0.6601 0.5154
Present 1.0281 0.9305 0.8424 0.7628 0.6576 0.5137

Higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

0.5 0.5

0.4 p=0 0.4 p=0

p=0.5 p=0.5
0.3 0.3
p=1 p=1
0.2 p=5 0.2 p=5
p=10 p=10
0.1 p=20 0.1

0 0

−0.1 −0.1

−0.2 −0.2

−0.3 −0.3

−0.4 −0.4

−0.5 −0.5
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 −2 0 2 4 6 8
ū σ̄xx
(a) u)
In-plane displacement (¯ (b) σxx )
In-plane stress (¯

0.5 0.5
p=0 p=0
0.4 p=0.5 0.4 p=0.5
0.3 p=1 0.3 p=1
p=5 p=5
0.2 p=10 0.2 p=10
p=20 p=20
0.1 0.1


0 0

−0.1 −0.1

−0.2 −0.2

−0.3 −0.3

−0.4 −0.4

−0.5 −0.5
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
σ̄xy σ̄xz

(c) σxy )
In-plane shear stress (¯ (d) Transverse shear stress (σ̄xz )

Fig. 3 Variation of displacement and stresses through the thickness of Al/Al2 O3 square plates (a/h = 10)

shear deformation plate theory (SSDT), hyperbolic

shear deformable plate theory (HSDT), and quasi-3D
ones which included both transverse shear and normal
deformations. It is observed that the agreements of the
obtained results with those reported by Zenkour (2006)

(SSDT), Thai and Kim (2013) and Mantari et al. (2012)

(HSDT), Wu and Li (2010) (TSDT) are found for both
power-law and exponential form. Moreover in many
20 cases, the present solutions are better predictions with
15 50
40 quasi-3D ones than TSDT, SSDT and HSDT ones. The
p 5 20 variations of in-plane displacement, in-plane and out-of-
10 a/h
0 2 plane stresses through the thickness of Al/Al2 O3 square
Fig. 4 Effect of the side-to-thickness ratio a=h and power-law plate are displayed in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the
 of Al/Al2 O3
index p on the nondimensional center deflection (w) maximum axial stress increases with p while it appears
square plates minimum compressive stresses located inside of the

T.-K. Nguyen

22 6

Nondimensional fundamental frequency

Nondimensional natural frequencies

20 m=1, n=1
m=1, n=2
18 m=2, n=2

12 4

3.5 p=0
8 p=0.5
3 p=1
6 p=5
2.5 p=10
2 2
0 5 10 15 20 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
p a/h
(a) a/h=10 (b)
 of Al/Al2 O3 square plates
Fig. 5 Effect of the power-law index p and side-to-thickness ratio a=h on on the natural frequency (x)

plate for some values of p (p  1). The maximum shear

stress is located at the mid-plane for homogeneous
plates and tends to lightly move to the upper surface
5 with respect to p, that is asymmetric characteristic of
FGM through the plate thickness. A 3D interaction

diagram of the power-law index p, side-to-thickness

3 ratio a=h and center deflection w is plotted in Fig. 4. It
is noted from this figure that the center deflection
20 increases with p and decreases with an increase of a=h.
15 50
10 30
p 20
10 a/h
3.2 Results of vibration and buckling analysis
Fig. 6 Effect of the side-to-thickness ratio a=h and power-law
index p on the nondimensional fundamental frequency (x)  of Example 2 This example aims to demonstrate the
Al/Al2 O3 square plates accurate of the present theory in predicting the free

 of Al/ZrO2 square plates

Table 4 Comparison of the nondimensional fundamental frequency (b)
a/h Theory Power-law index

0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10

2 3D Uymaz and Aydogdu (2007) 1.2589 1.2296 1.2049 1.1484 1.0913 1.0344 0.9777 0.9507
Present 1.2571 1.2259 1.2010 1.1443 1.0882 1.0325 0.9771 0.9540
5 3D Uymaz and Aydogdu (2007) 1.7748 1.7262 1.6881 1.6031 1.4764 1.4628 1.4106 1.3711
Present 1.7723 1.7241 1.6850 1.6003 1.5245 1.4629 1.4084 1.3726
10 3D Uymaz and Aydogdu (2007) 1.9339 1.8788 1.8357 1.7406 1.6583 1.5968 1.5491 1.5066
Present 1.9330 1.8783 1.8342 1.7402 1.6593 1.5994 1.5500 1.5095
20 3D Uymaz and Aydogdu (2007) 1.9570 1.9261 1.8788 1.7832 1.6999 1.6401 1.5937 1.5491
Present 1.9824 1.9257 1.8799 1.7830 1.7006 1.6417 1.5945 1.5524
50 3D Uymaz and Aydogdu (2007) 1.9974 1.9390 1.8920 1.7944 1.7117 1.6522 1.6062 1.5620
Present 1.9971 1.9398 1.8935 1.7957 1.7129 1.6544 1.6079 1.5653
100 3D Uymaz and Aydogdu (2007) 1.9974 1.9416 1.8920 1.7972 1.7117 1.6552 1.6062 1.5652
Present 1.9993 1.9418 1.8955 1.7975 1.7147 1.6562 1.6098 1.5671

Higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

9 7

Nondimensional critical buckling load

Nondimensional critical buckling load

8 p=0
γ=1 6
7 γ=−1

5 4

4 p=1
3 p=10
1 1
0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
p a/h
(a) a/h=5 (b) γ = 1
Fig. 7 Effect of the power-law index p and side-to-thickness ratio a=h on the critical buckling load (Ncr ) of Al/Al2 O3 rectangular plates
(a/b = 0.5)

vibration behavior of Al/Al2 O3 and Al/ZrO2 plates. plane loads are considered: uniaxial compression
Table 4 presents the comparison of the fundamental (c=0), biaxial compressions (c=1) and axial compres-
frequency of Al/ZrO2 square plates derived from the sion and tension (c=-1). It should be noted that the
present study and 3D plate model Uymaz and stretching-bending coupling exists in FG plates due to
Aydogdu (2007). It can be seen that the obtained the variation of material properties through the
results agree very well with 3D solution. Effects of the thickness. This coupling produces deflection and
power-law index, side-to-thickness ratio and aspect bending moments when the plate is subjected to in-
ratio are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. They are plane compressive loads. Hence, the bifurcation-type
compared with solutions of FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi buckling will not occur Liew et al. (2003); Qatu and
et al. (2011), TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011), Leissa (1993). However, for movable-edge plate, the
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) and quasi-3D Matsunaga bifurcation-type buckling occurs when the in-plane
(2008). It is observed that the present results are again loads are applied at the neutral surface (Naderi and
found more close in many cases to 3D-quasi plate Saidi 2010; Aydogdu 2008). Therefore, the buckling
model than SSDT, TSDT and HSDT. The variation of analysis is presented herein for the FG plate subjected
natural frequencies in terms of the power-law index to in-plane loads acting on the neutral surface (Thai
and side-to-thickness ratio is plotted in Fig. 5. It can be and Vo 2013). The obtained results are given in Tables
seen from this figure that the natural frequencies 7 and 8. It is clear that the results of present study again
decrease with the increase of the power-law index. It is agree well with previous solutions FSDT Mohammadi
due to the fact that a higher value of p corresponds to et al. (2010), HSDT Bodaghi and Saidi (2010) and
lower value of volume fraction of the ceramic phase, HSDT Thai and Choi (2012). Figure 7 shows the
and thus makes the plates become the softer ones. critical buckling loads of rectangular plates with
Figure 5b shows that with an increase of the side-to- respect to the power-law index. It is observed from
thickness ratio, the shear deformation effect becomes this figure that they decrease with the increase of the
very effective in a relatively large region (b=h  30). power-law index, and increase with the side-to-
A 3D interaction diagram of the power-law index, thickness ratio up to the point b=h ¼ 30 from which
side-to-thickness ratio and fundamental frequency is the curves become flatter.
also presented in Fig. 6.
Example 4 The last example presents the lowest
load-frequency curves (Fig. 8) for both homogeneous
Example 3 The next example investigates buckling and FG rectangular plates (a=b ¼ 0:5). It can be seen
responses of Al/Al2 O3 and SiC plates, three types of in- that all fundamental frequencies diminish as in-plane

T.-K. Nguyen

^ of Al/Al2 O3 square plates

Table 5 Comparison of the first three nondimensional frequencies (x)
a/h Mode (m,n) Theory Power-law index
0 0.5 1 4 10

5 1(1,1) Quasi-3D Matsunaga (2008) 0.2121 0.1819 0.1640 0.1383 0.1306

TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.2113 0.1807 0.1631 0.1378 0.1301
FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.2112 0.1805 0.1631 0.1397 0.1324
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.2113 0.1807 0.1631 0.1378 0.1301
Present 0.2117 0.1810 0.1634 0.1378 0.1303
2(1,2) Quasi-3D Matsunaga (2008) 0.4658 0.4040 0.3644 0.3000 0.2790
TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.4623 0.3989 0.3607 0.2980 0.2771
FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.4618 0.3978 0.3604 0.3049 0.2856
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.4623 0.3989 0.3607 0.2980 0.2771
Present 0.4645 0.4004 0.3622 0.2981 0.2783
3(2,2) TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.6688 0.5803 0.5254 0.4284 0.3948
FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.6676 0.5779 0.5245 0.4405 0.4097
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.6688 0.5803 0.5254 0.4284 0.3948
Present 0.6734 0.5836 0.5286 0.4291 0.3974
10 1(1,1) Quasi-3D Matsunaga (2008) 0.0578 0.0492 0.0443 0.0381 0.0364
TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.0577 0.0490 0.0442 0.0381 0.0364
FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.0577 0.0490 0.0442 0.0382 0.0366
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.0577 0.0490 0.0442 0.0381 0.0364
Present 0.0577 0.0490 0.0442 0.0381 0.0364
2(1,2) Quasi-3D Matsunaga (2008) 0.1381 0.1180 0.1063 0.0905 0.0859
TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.1377 0.1174 0.1059 0.0903 0.0856
FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.1376 0.1173 0.1059 0.0911 0.0867
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.1377 0.1174 0.1059 0.0903 0.0856
Present 0.1379 0.1175 0.1060 0.0902 0.0857
3(2,2) TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.2113 0.1807 0.1631 0.1378 0.1301
FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.2112 0.1805 0.1631 0.1397 0.1324
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.2113 0.1807 0.1631 0.1378 0.1301
Present 0.2117 0.1810 0.1634 0.1378 0.1303
20 1(1,1) TSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.0148 0.0125 0.0113 0.0098 0.0094
FSDT Hosseini-Hashemi et al. (2011) 0.0148 0.0125 0.0113 0.0098 0.0094
HSDT Thai and Kim (2013) 0.0148 0.0125 0.0113 0.0098 0.0094
Present 0.0148 0.0125 0.0113 0.0098 0.0094
2(1,2) Present 0.0365 0.0310 0.0279 0.0241 0.0231
3(2,2) Present 0.0577 0.0490 0.0442 0.0381 0.0364

loads change from tension to compression. In com- However, this order is changed in tension region. It
pression region (Ncr [ 0), the fundamental frequen- is from load-frequency curves that the critical buck-
cies are the largest for the plates under uniaxial ling loads can be determined indirectly by vibration
compression and tension (c ¼ 1) and the smallest for analysis through load-frequency curves, which corre-
ones under biaxial compressive load (c ¼ 1). sponds to zero natural frequencies.

Higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

 of Al/Al2 O3 square plates

Table 6 Nondimensional natural frequencies (x)
a/b a/h Mode (m,n) Theory Power-law index
0 0.5 1 2 5 10

0.5 5 1 (1,1) Present 3.4464 2.9380 2.6509 2.3971 2.2260 2.1432

2 (1,2) Present 5.2932 4.5258 4.0860 3.6859 3.3919 3.2574
3 (2,2) Present 11.6113 10.0109 9.0538 8.1181 7.2951 6.9568
10 1 (1,1) Present 3.6533 3.0996 2.7946 2.5371 2.3911 2.3118
2 (1,2) Present 5.7731 4.9031 4.4216 4.0105 3.7671 3.6388
3 (2,2) Present 13.7855 11.7519 10.6036 9.5884 8.9042 8.5729
20 1 (1,1) Present 3.7127 3.1455 2.8355 2.5773 2.4401 2.3622
2 (1,2) Present 5.9209 5.0176 4.5234 4.1104 3.8880 3.7629
3 (2,2) Present 14.6131 12.3983 11.1785 10.1482 9.5645 9.2471
1 5 1 (1,1) Present 5.2932 4.5258 4.0860 3.6859 3.3919 3.2574
2 (1,2) Present 11.6113 10.0109 9.0538 8.1181 7.2951 6.9568
3 (2,2) Present 16.8351 14.5888 13.2140 11.8101 10.4647 9.9360
10 1 (1,1) Present 5.7731 4.9031 4.4216 4.0105 3.7671 3.6388
2 (1,2) Present 13.7855 11.7519 10.6036 9.5884 8.9042 8.5729
3 (2,2) Present 21.1728 18.1033 16.3438 14.7435 13.5677 13.0296
20 1 (1,1) Present 5.9209 5.0176 4.5234 4.1104 3.8880 3.7629
2 (1,2) Present 14.6131 12.3983 11.1785 10.1482 9.5645 9.2471
3 (2,2) Present 23.0925 19.6126 17.6865 16.0419 15.0685 14.5550

4.5 3

4 γ=0 γ=0
γ=1 2.5 γ=1
3.5 γ=−1 γ=−1
3 2




1.5 1


0 0
−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
N̄cr N̄cr
(a) p=0 (b) p=10
Fig. 8 Effect of in-plane loads on the nondimensional fundamental frequency of Al/Al2 O3 rectangular plates (a/b = 0.5, a/h = 10)

4 Conclusions hyperbolic distribution of transverse shear stress, and

satisfies the traction-free boundary conditions on the
A higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate top and bottom surfaces of the plate without using
model for analysis of functionally graded plates has shear correction factor. The proposed theory contains
been proposed in this paper. The theory accounts for only four unknowns and equations of motion are

T.-K. Nguyen

Table 7 Comparison of the critical buckling load (N^cr ) of Al/SiC square plates (a/h = 10)
c Theory Power-law index p
0 0.5 1 2 5 10

0 Present 37.4215 37.6650 37.7560 37.6327 36.8862 36.5934

FSDT Mohammadi et al. (2010) 37.3708 – 37.7132 37.7089 – –
HSDT Bodaghi and Saidi (2010) 37.3714 – 37.7172 37.5765 – –
HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 37.3721 – 37.7143 37.6042 – –
1 Present 18.7107 18.8325 18.8780 18.8163 18.4431 18.2967
FSDT Mohammadi et al. (2010) 18.6854 – 18.8566 18.8545 – –
HSDT Bodaghi and Saidi (2010) 18.6860 – 18.8571 18.8020 – –
HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 18.6861 – 18.8572 18.8021 – –
-1 Present 72.3281 73.4526 73.8426 73.2827 69.9876 68.7244
FSDT Mohammadi et al. (2010) 72.0834 – 73.6307 73.6112 – –
HSDT Bodaghi and Saidi (2010) 72.2275 – 73.6645 73.1587 – –
HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 72.0983 – 73.6437 73.1436 – –

Table 8 Comparison of the critical buckling load (Ncr ) of Al/Al2 O3 plates

c a/b a/h Theory Power-law index p
0 0.5 1 2 5 10

0 0.5 5 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 6.7203 4.4235 3.4164 2.6451 2.1484 1.9213
Present 6.7417 4.4343 3.4257 2.6503 2.1459 1.9260
10 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 7.4053 4.8206 3.7111 2.8897 2.4165 2.1896
Present 7.4115 4.8225 3.7137 2.8911 2.4155 2.1911
20 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 7.5993 4.9315 3.7930 2.9582 2.4944 2.2690
Present 7.6009 4.9307 3.7937 2.9585 2.4942 2.2695
1 5 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 16.0211 10.6254 8.2245 6.3432 5.0531 4.4807
Present 16.1003 10.6670 8.2597 6.3631 5.0459 4.4981
10 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 18.5785 12.1229 9.3391 7.2631 6.0353 5.4528
Present 18.6030 12.1317 9.3496 7.2687 6.0316 5.4587
20 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 19.3528 12.5668 9.6675 7.5371 6.3448 5.7668
Present 19.3593 12.5652 9.6702 7.5386 6.3437 5.7689
1 0.5 5 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 5.3762 3.5388 2.7331 2.1161 1.7187 1.5370
Present 5.3934 3.5475 2.7406 2.1202 1.7167 1.5408
10 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 5.9243 3.8565 2.9689 2.3117 1.9332 1.7517
Present 5.9292 3.8580 2.9710 2.3129 1.9324 1.7529
20 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 6.0794 3.9452 3.0344 2.3665 1.9955 1.8152
Present 6.0807 3.9445 3.0350 2.3668 1.9953 1.8156
1 5 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 8.0105 5.3127 4.1122 3.1716 2.5265 2.2403
Present 8.0501 5.3335 4.1299 3.1815 2.5230 2.2491
10 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 9.2893 6.0615 4.6696 3.6315 3.0177 2.7264
Present 9.3015 6.0659 4.6748 3.6344 3.0158 2.7293
20 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 9.6764 6.2834 4.8337 3.7686 3.1724 2.8834
Present 9.6796 6.2826 4.8351 3.7693 3.1718 2.8844

Higher-order hyperbolic shear deformation plate model

Table 8 continued
c a/b a/h Theory Power-law index p
0 0.5 1 2 5 10

-1 0.5 5 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 8.9604 5.8980 4.5551 3.5268 2.8646 2.5617
Present 8.9890 5.9124 4.5676 3.5337 2.8612 2.5679
10 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 9.8738 6.4275 4.9481 3.8529 3.2219 2.9195
Present 9.8820 6.4299 4.9516 3.8548 3.2206 2.9214
20 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 10.1324 6.5753 5.0574 3.9442 3.3259 3.0253
Present 10.1345 6.5742 5.0583 3.9447 3.3255 3.0260
1 5 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 26.2058 17.7704 13.8486 10.5589 7.9590 6.8970
Presenta 26.4999 17.9424 13.9872 10.6421 7.9571 6.9626
10 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 35.8416 23.5920 18.2206 14.1073 11.4583 10.2468
Presenta 35.9559 23.6497 18.2704 14.1349 11.4447 10.2717
20 HSDT Thai and Choi (2012) 39.4951 25.7100 19.7925 15.4115 12.8878 11.6779
Presenta 39.5280 25.7197 19.8065 15.4190 12.8824 11.6857
Critical buckling occurs at (m; n) = (2,1)

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