Hebrew: רשׁע Transliteration: ‛âshar Pronunciation: aw-shar' Definition: A primitive root; properly to accumulate; chiefly (specifically) to grow (causatively make) rich

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Topic 2: Diligent Hands

Proposition: To fight laziness and encourage everyone to live a godly life thru diligence

*Ask some to share their fasting experience

*Ask 1 or 2 to recite Psalm 27:4


Proverbs is filled with verses that contrast the godly (righteous) person with the wicked. These
statements are not intended to apply universally to all people in every situation.

Proverbs 10:3 NASB

The LORD will not allow the righteous (godly) to hunger, But He will reject the craving of the wicked.

Solomon presents a contrasting relationship between a godly and wicked person. We often associate
“godliness” to being “like God” or being a perfect being. As followers of Christ, we have been given the
power of the Holy Spirit to help us live a godly life, peter says.

2 Peter 1:3 NIV

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who
called us by his own glory and goodness.

Through our knowledge of him we can live a life of godliness. Our main goal as disciples, as a lifegroup
is-- Christ-likeness (godliness) and everything is just an overflow of that goal: number of disciples, great
worship, excellent prayer life, no-skip devotion, excellent grades, dream job, families and an attitude like

Solomon then set another contrasting image between two hands so that we can identify godliness and

Proverbs 10:4 NASB

[4] Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, But the hand of the diligent makes rich.

Negligent Hand, Diligent Hand..

Negligent means - Lazy, failing to take proper care in doing something.

Diligent means - Industrious, having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's

work or duties.

The word rich here in hebrew is ashar means; to grow

This is not about material wealth but to grow and live a godly life.

Hebrew: ‫עׁשר‬
Transliteration: ‛âshar
Pronunciation: aw-shar'
Definition: A primitive root; properly to accumulate; chiefly (specifically) to grow
(causatively make) rich
To grow is to live a godly life, a godly life makes a diligent man.

Let us compare and identify ourselves if we our living a godly life.

The Diligent The Lazy Proverb Verses

(make them read each

Become rich Are soon poor 10:4

Gather their crops early Sleep during harvest 10:5

Have plenty of food Chase fantasies 12:11

Will become leaders Will become slaves 12:24

Make good use of resources Waste good resources 12:27

Will prosper Want much but get little 13:4

Bring profit Experience poverty 14:23

Path is open Path is blocked 15:19

Stay awake and have food to spare Love sleep and grow poor 20:13

Make careful plans Make hasty shortcuts 21:5

No excuses Are full of excuses for not 22:13


Sleeps early and rises up on time Sleep too much, which leads to 24:30-34

Reap abundance through hard work Experience poverty because of 28:19


As Bishop Hall says:

“Our Idle Days are satan's busy days.”

-Bishop Hall
Laziness breeds idleness, idleness makes our enemy more productive making us less productive, stagnant
believers of Christ.

 Madaming nahuhuli sa devotion kasi tinamad na magsulat binasa na lang.

 Madaming walang mentee kasi hindi na naghahanap.
 Iilan lang kapag lifegroup kasi na-neglect ng mag invite
 Parang gathering na lang ng believers ang sunday at wala ng pumapasok na firstimers kasi konti
na ang diligent hands na naghahatak sa kanila sa loob.

As peter says, our knowledge of Christ enables us to live a godly life.. A life growing, flourishing, thru
our diligent hands. .

The Challenge of being a Christian is not to acquire more knowledge about kay Lord, it is the applied
action in our everyday life is.

Life Hacks
In what area of your life are you having a hard time living a godly life? Can you identify this with
the comparison between a diligent and a lazy hand?

Life Application

1. With your accountability partner, give some solution on how you can overcome laziness
specifically on what you have shared.
2. Pray for each other

-Leader prays -pray for diligent hands, deliver every spirit of laziness.

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