Bhadra IAS Academy: 1.the People of India Agitated Against The Arrival of Arrival of Simon Commission Because

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Bhadra IAS Academy

1.The people of India agitated against the arrival of arrival of Simon

Commission because:
A. Indians never wanted the review of working of Simon Comission.
B. Simon Commission recommended the abolition of Dyarchy in the provinces.
C.There was no Indian member in the Simon Commission.
D.The Simon Commission supported the partition of the country.
Ans: C
Indians agitated against the Simon Commission as soon as the Commission arrived
in India, with the slogan ‘Simon, Go Back.’ Indians were agitated because there
was no Indian member in the Commission that would decide on the fate of Indians.
While it criticised Dyarchy, it was done much later.

2. Quit India Movement was launched in response to-

A. Cripps’ Mission
B.Simon Commission Report
C.Cabinet Mission Proposal
D.Wavel Plan
Ans: A
After the failure of Cripps’ Proposal (March, 1942), Gandhi launched Quit India
Movement on 8th August, 1942. Congress did not accept Cripps’ Mission because
it virtually allowed the provinces not to follow the Constitution to be constituted.
Cabinet Mission came to India in 1946 and was accepted by Congress. Wavel Plan
was (1945) was offered much after the Quit India Movement was launched. Simon
Commission arrived in India in 1927.

3. The demand of Tebhaga Peasant Movement of Bengal was for:

A.The reduction of share of crop for landlord to be reduced from half to one-third.
B. the grant of ownership of land to peasant as they were actual cultivators. - 8638391721 1
C. uprooting of the zamindary system altogether.
D. Writing off the peasants’ debt
Ans: A
Tebhaga movement was a peasant agitation in Bengal in 1946-47, led by Kissan
Sabha (Peasant front of Communist Party of India). This was against landlords
who collected half of crops produced by sharecroppers. They demanded that the
peasants would give only one-third of the produce. Police suppressed the
movement at the request of landlords or Jotedars.

4. What was the reason of Mahatma Gandhi for organising Satyagraha in

1. The administration did not suspend land revenue in spite of drought
2. The administration proposed to introduce Permanent Settlement in
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: A
Mahatma Gandhi launched Kheda Satyagraha because peasants were suffering
since there was drought situation but they had to par revenue. There was no
proposal for Permanent Settlement. Permanent Settlement was introduced by Lord
Cornwallis in 1793. It was prevalent in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Varanasi.

5. The most important contribution of Dadabhai Nourojee in Indian politics

1.Exposed economic exploitation of India by the British.
2. Interpreted the ancient Indian text and exuded confidence among Indians.
3. Stressed the eradication of all social evils before anything else.
Select te correct answer using the following codes:
A.1 only
B.2 only
C. 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: A - 8638391721 2
Dadabhai Nourojee exposed the economic exploitation of India by the British
Authority through his work ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in India.’ For Nourojee,
getting rid of British rule was the first priority, which was the root of all evils.

6. Which of the following party/parties were founded by B R Ambedkar?

1. Independent Labour Party.
2. All India Scheduled Caste Federation.
3. Peasants and Workers’ Party of India.
Select the correct answer using the codes:
A.1 and 2
B.2 and 3
C.1 and 3
D.1, 2 and 3
Ans: A
Peasants’ and Workers’ Party of India was founded by Keshavrao Jedhe,
Shankarrao More, Nana Patil and others.

7. Mahatma Gandhi observed fast unto death mainly because:

A. Round Table Conference failed to satisfy the aspirations of Indians.
B. Congress and Muslim League had differences of opinion.
C. Ramsay McDonald announced Comunal Award.
D. None of A, B or C
Ans: C
Ramsay McDonald announced Communal Award in 1932 to give representationon
communal lines.Under Communal Award, certain constituencies were reserved for
Muslims, Depressed Classes, women, Zamindars etc. To protest against this,
Gandhi went on to fast. As a result, Poona Pact happened.

8. Annie Besant was:

1. responsible for Home Rule Movement
2. the founder of Theosophical Society
3. Once the President of Indian National Congress.
B.2 and 3
C.1 and 3
D. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: C - 8638391721 3
Theosophical Society was established by Colonel Olcott and Madam Blavatski.
Annie Besant was president of Calcutta Session of Indian National Congress in
1917. Besant along with B G Tilak started Home Rule Movement.

9. With reference to Indian History, the members of Constituent Assembly

from the provinces were:
A. directly elected by people from provinces.
B. nominated by Indian National Congress and Muslim League.
C. Elected by Members of Provincial Legislative Assemblies.
D. Selected by the Government on the basis of Constitutional expertise.
Ans: C
The members of Constituent Assembly were elected by members of Provincial
Legislative Assemblyand not directly by people from the provinces.

10. The Ghadar was a:

A. Revolutionary association of Indians headquartered in San Francisco
B. Nationalist Organization operated from Singapore.
C. Militant organization operated from Berlin
D. Communist Movement in India
Ans: A
Ghadar Party was a revolutionary association founded by some Indians residing
abroad. It was headquartered in San Francisco. Sohan Singh Bhakna, Lala
Hardayal, Kartar Singh Sarabha were some of the most prominent founder
members of the organization. Ghadar issued a weekly newspaper called Ghadar,
which carried the masthead Angrezi Raj ka Dushman. The aim of the organization
was to free India from the British through revolutionary means.

11. Redcliff Committee was appointed to:

A. To solve the problems of minorities in India
B.Give effect to Independence Bill
C.delimit the boundaries of India and Pakistan
D.enquire into the riots of Bengal
Ans: C
Redcliff Committee was appointed to delimit the boundaries between India and
Pakistan, particularly in Punjab and Bengal provinces under the chairmanship of
Sir Redcliff. As a result, the line of partition is called Redcliff Line. - 8638391721 4
12. Lahore Session of Indian National Congress is significant because-
1.The Congress passed a resolution demanding complete Independence.
2.The rift between moderates and extremists got resolved
3.a resolution was passed rejecting two nation theory.
Select correct answer using given code:
B.1 and 2
C.1 and 3
Ans: A
Lahore Session of Indian National Congress happened in 1929 under the
presidentship of J L Nehru. In this session, the resolution of Poorna Swaraj or
complete Independence was adopted. It was also decided that 26th January, 1930
would be celebrated as independence day. The rift between moderates and
extremists was resolved in Lucknow pact of 1916. There was no resolution
rejecting two nation theory in this session.

13.The Rowlatt Act aimed at:

A. Compulsory economic support to war effort.
B. imprisonment without trial
C.suppression of Khilafat movement
D.imposition of restriction on freedom of press.
Ans: B
The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime Act of 1919, popularly known as
Rowlatt Act or Black Act indefinitely extended the emergency measures of
preventive indefinite detention, incarceration without trial and judicial review
enacted in Defence of India Act, 1915. As a result, Rowlatt Satyagraha grew up
against the same.

14.The partition of Bengal made by Lord Curzon lasted until-

A. Until first World War when Indian troops were required by the British
B.King George V abrogated the partition at Royal Durbar held in Delhi in 1911.
C. Gandhi launched his Civil Disobedience Movement.
D. Partition of India when East Bengal became East Pakistan.
Ans: B
In Dilli Durbar of 1911, two important announcements were made- abrogation of
partition of Bengal and shifting of capital from Calcutta to Delhi. King George V - 8638391721 5
himself was present in the Durbar. During that period, Lord Hardinge was the

15.What was/were the object/objects of proclamation of Queen

1. to disclaim any intention to annex the princely states.
2. to place Indian administration under the crown
3.To regulate East India Company’s trade with India.
Select correct answer using the codes:
A.1 and 2
B.2 only
C.1 and 3
D.1, 2 and 3
Ans: A
Government of India Act,1858 was passed just after Sepoy mutiny of 1857.
Through this Act, theadministration of India was transferred from Company to the
British Crown, thereby heralding theend of Company rule in India. It also made it
also made it clear that the British crown had nointention of annexing the princely
states. They can keep their independent status provided theywould accept the
British suzereignty.

16. Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct about Brahmo

Samaj? opposed idolatry.
2. It denied the need of a priestly class for interpreting the religious texts. popularised the doctrine that Vedas are infallible.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
B.1 and 2
C.3 only
D.1,2 and 3
Ans: B
Brahma Samajists have no faith in any scripture as an infallible authority. Nor do
they believe in caste and casteism. It opposed idolatry and polytheism. As such, it
was quite a reformist organization. It was established by Raja Rammohan Roy in
1828. - 8638391721 6
17. With reference to colonial India, ‘Home charges’ formed an important
part of drain of wealth.
Which of the following funds constituted ‘Home Charges’?
1.Funds used to support India Office in London.
2.Funds used to pay salary and pension of personnel engaged in India.
3.Funds used for waging war outside India.
Select correct answer:
B.1 and 2
C.2 and 3
D.1, 2 and 3
Ans: B
Home Charges included money which colonial India contributed to administration,
maintenance ofarmy, war expenses, pensions to retired officers and other expenses
accrued by Britain towards maintaining her colony. War outside India was not
included in Home charges.

18. Ilbert Bill controversy was related to-

A. Imposition of restriction on Indians to carry certain arms
B.Imposition of restrictions on newspaper and magazine published in vernacular
C.power of Indian judge with regard to trial of European
D.None of the above
Ans: C
Ilbert Bill is a Bill introduced in 1883 during the Viceroyship of Lord Ripon. The
Bill proposed to allow senior Indian magistrate to preside over cases involving
British subjects in India. This generated a huge controversy as Europeans would
never like to be tried by an Indian judge. Therefore, the Bill was withdrawn.
However, it was passed in 1884 in a compromised and truncated version.

19. Consider the facts about Mahatma Gandhi:

1. Gandhi came to India in January, 1917after decade of stay abroad.
2. Gandhi went to South Africa as a lawyer and became a leader of Indian
community there.
3. it was in South Africa that Gandhi first forged the distinctive technique of
non-violent protest
called Satyagraha.
Select the correct answer using the following codes: - 8638391721 7
A.1 and 2
B.2 and 3
C.1 and 3
D. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: B
India came back to India on 9th January, 1915. This day is celebrated as Pravasi
Bharatiya Divas.

20. Which is not correct about Swadeshi Movement?

A. swadeshi movement had broadened its appeal among the middle class people.
B. It had broadened its appeal among lawyer communities.
C. Swadeshi movement had thrown up some towering leaders like ‘ Lal, Bal and
Pal,’ the alliteration conveying all-India character of the movement.
D. Swadeshi movement leaders advocated militant opposition to colonial rule.
However, some moderates would prefer gradual and persuasive path.
Ans: B
Swadeshi movement had its appeal not only among the lawyer class but also
others. Middle class people participated in the movement in large number. At the
suggestion of Robindranath Tagore, Raksha Bandhan was celebrated on that day.
Students and women also participated in the movement. Many boycotted the
schools, colleges and universities run by the Britisn. National Education Council
was set up to provide education o national line.

21. Consider the following about Non-cooperation Movement:

1. Chauri Choura incident happened during the Non-cooperation movement.
2. Khilafat Andolan also coincided with Non-cooperation Movement.
Select the correct answer:
A.1 only
B.2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None of the above
Ans: C
Non-cooperation movement happened from 1920 to 1922.In a place called Chauri
Choura of UP, some protesters set fire on a police station on 5th February of 1922.
As a result, 22 policemen died. Gandhi revoked the movement because of
violence. - 8638391721 8
Khilafat Andolan started after World War I with the demand that Khilafat is
reinstated. This movement coincided with Non-cooperation movement.

22. Consider the following statements about Khilafat movement:

1. The demand of Khilafat movement was to reinstate the Turkish Khilafat
who was respected bymuslims.
2. Mohammad ali Jauhar and shoukat Ali Jauhar were two important leaders
of Khilafat Andolan
3. Khilafat movement saw conflict between Hindus and Muslims.
Select the correct answer:
A.1 only
B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3
D. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: B
The main demand of Khilafat was to reinstate Turkish Khilafat who was deposed
after the World WarI because it was with the Axis power who got defeated in the
war. Mohammad Ali Jouhar and Shaukat Ali Jouhar were two important leaders of
Khilafat Andolan. Khilafat brought Hindus and Muslims together. 1920-22
witnessed heyday of Hindu-Muslim unity. Hindu-Muslim Ki Joy was a slogan in

23. Gandhi was the president of Indian National Congress in which session?
A. Belgaum
B. Gaya
C. Tripuri
D. Lucknow
Ans: A
The Belgaum session of Indian National Congress was the only session in which
Gandhi was the president. It was 39th session of Indian National Congress.

24. Arrange the following in order:

1 August Offer
2. Poona Pact
3. Third Round Table Conference
Select correct answer:
B.2-3-1 - 8638391721 9
Ans: C
Poona pact was signed on 24 September of 1932. When Communal Award was
declared after 2ndRound Table Conference, Gandhi went on fast unto death. As a
result Ambedkar and Gandhi signed a pact, known as Poona pact. After Poona
pact, 3rd Round Table Conference happened. August Offer was proposed in
August of 1940. It was rejected by Congress. J L Nehru called it “as dead as a

25. Who founded Ramakrishna Mission?

A.Swami Dayananda Saraswati
B.Raja rammohan roy
C. Swami Vivekananda
D. Colonel Olcott and Madam Blavatski
Ans: C
Ramakrishna Mission, named after Ramakrishna Paramhansa is a socio-religious
organization. This was founded by Ramakrishna’s chief disciple Swami
Vivekananda. The organization advocated selfless service to humanity.
Swami Dayananda Saraswati was the founder of Arya Samaj Madam Blavatski
and Colonel Olcott were founders of Theosophical Society. - 8638391721 10

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