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Mathematics in the Modern World
Math 1
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The college shall primarily train and develop individuals with strong ethical foundation based on truth, justice, and equality, and shall advanced specialized instruction in arts and
sciences, literature, philosophy, and technology, besides the promotion of scientific and technological researches.


Academic Competence and Model of Excellence for sustainable countrywide development


SAPC Shall endeavor to commit himself to:

1. Train and develop the learners on the four- Pillars of education, namely,
* learning to know
* learning to do
* learning to live in peace and harmony
*learning to be
2. Attain quality assurance through program accreditation.
3. Advance the knowledge and skills in science and technology, literature, philosophy, and art
And sciences.
4. Enhance the knowledge and skills in scientific research.


Saint Albert Polytechnic College Builds Great Leaders of Tomorrow

Department: BS-Crim

Course Description:
This course deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life.

The course begins with introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns (in nature and the environment ) and as an application of inductive and deduct
reasoning. by exploring these topics, students are encourage to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a set of formulas but as a source of aesthetics patterns
of nature , for example. and a rich language in itself ( and of science ) governed by logic and reasoning.

The course then proceeds to survey ways in which Mathematics provides a tool for understanding and dealing with various aspects of present day living, such as managing personal
finances, making social choices, appreciating geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security, and living limited resources fairly. These aspects will
provide opportunities for actually doing mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the various dimensions of mathematics as a way of knowing , and test the students
understanding and capacity. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)

General Objective
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Discuss and argue the nature of mathematics , what it is, how it is expressed, represented, and used .
2. Use different types of reasoning to justify and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical concepts.
3. Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics.

4. Use variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data;
5. Analyze codes and coding schemes used for identification, privacy, and security purposes;
6. Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, health and medicine, business, environment, arts, and design, and recreation.

1. Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
2. Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human endeavors.
Unit Credits: 3 units

Desired Learning Learning Content/Subject Matter References Teaching Assessment Resources Time Table
Outcomes (DLO) Learning (Observable Support
Delivery Achievement Materials
At the end of the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. identify patterns in nature 1. The nature of mathematics or mathematics in 1. natures numbers by
and regulaties in the world. nature. Ian Stewart Lecture Seat work Visual Aids 6 hours
2. articulate the importance - Mathematiics in our world Reporting Board work Book
of mathematics in one's life. - Patterns and numbers in nature in the world: the snow 2. modeling patterns in Actual Quizzes
3. argue about the nature of flake and honeycomb : tiger's stripes and hyena's spots; the natural world by
mathematics what it is, how the sunflowers; the snail's shell , flower petals; the John A. Adam or A
it is expressed , worlds population. Mathematical nature
walk, or any book of
represented, and used
the same level, intent
4. express appreciation for
and approach.
mathematics as a human

5. Discuss the language , 2. Mathematical Language and Symbols Learning the language
symbols and conventions of - like any language, mathematics has its own symbols of of mathematics. Lecture Seat work Book, visual aids 6 hours
mathematics mathematics as a language in order that they may be Language and Learning Reporting Board work
6. Explain the nature of able to read and write mathematics texts and across the Disciplines. Actual Quizzes
mathematics as a language. communicate ideas with precision and conciseness.
7. Perform operations on - conventions in the mathematical language.
mathematical - four basic concepts sets, functions, relations, binary
8. Acknowledge that operations.
mathematics is a useful
9. Use different types of 3. Problem Solving and Reasoning What is mathematics
reasoning to justify - Mathematics is not just about number; much of it is really?R. Hersch Lecture Seat work
statements and aguments problem solving and reasoning. Reporting Board work Book, visual aids 6 hours
made about mathematics -inductive and Deductive reasoning Mathematics Discussion Quizzes
and mathematical concepts. - intuition, proof, and certainty excursions R. Aufmann.
10. Write clear clear and Hence, dissuade students from merely
logicalproofs attempting to solve and encourage them instead
11. solve problems involving to complete their solutions . Avoid giving
patterns and recreational problems that do not have known solutions.
problems following polya's Such problems are not for this course.
four steps.
12. Organizes one's
methods and approaches
for proving and solving

13. Use a variety of Mathematics as a (tool part 1) Mathetical excursion 3rd

statistical tools to process - statistical tools derived from mathematics are useful edition by Aufmann et al Lecture Seat work Visual Aidss 6 hours
and manage numerical data. in processing and managing numerical data in order to Practical Odessy by Reporting Board work
14. Use the methods of describe a phenomenom and predict values. Johnson & mowry Discussion Quizzes
Math in our world by
linear regressions and - data gathering and organizing data,
Sobecki, Bluman, &
correlations to predict the representing data using graphs and charts ;
value of a variable given interpreting organized data
certain conditions - Measures of central tendency ; mean, median,
15. advocate the use of mode, weighted mean
statistical data in making - measures of relative positions ; Z-scores ,
important decisions Percentiles, quartiles and box and whiskers plots
- probabilities and normal distributions
- linear regressions and correlations least-
squares linear correlation.
16. Apply geometric Mathematics as a (tool part 2)
concepts, especially Geometric designs Lecture Seat work
isometries in describing and geometry can help enhance one's artistic prowess as Reporting Board work Book, visual aids 6 hours
creating designs well as enrich one's own culture. Discussion Quizzes
17. contribute to the Recognizing and analyzing geometric shapes
enrichment of the filipino transformation
culture and arts uwing patterns and diagrams
concepts in geometry. designs, arts and culture

18. using coding schemes to 11.Codes Requires for all

encode and decode core idea. The utility of mathematics goes beyond the practical purposes, Lecture Seatwork Visual Aidss 6 hours
different types of mundane mathematics enables the development of introduction to Reporting Board work
information , privaacy , and codes and ciphers that are useful to individuals and to contemporary Discussion Quizzes
security purposes. society mathematics .
Binary Codes
19. exemplify honesty and integers and computers
integrity when using codes logic and computer addition
for security puposes. text data
errors and error correction
error detecting codes
repetition and hamming codes
20. Use mathematical 111. Linear programming Johnson and mowry,
concepts and tools in other ch.12 Lecture Seat work
areas such as in finance, Linear Inequalities Reporting Board work Book, visual aids 6 hours
voting, logic, business, geometry of linear programming Discussion Quizzes
networks and systems. simplex method

21. support the use of 1V The mathematics of finance Aufman et al., Chapter
mathematics in various 11 Lecture Seat work Visual Aids 6 hours
aspects and endeavors in simple and compound interest Reporting Board work
life. credit cards and consumer loans Discussion Quizzes
stocks, bonds and mutual funds
home ownership
Aufman et al., Chapter
VII. The mathematics graphs
graphs and euler circuits
weighted graphs
eules formula
graph coloring Aufman et al., Chapter
VII. Mathematical Systems

Modular Arithmetic
Group Theory
Prepared: Checked:


Subject Teacher Program Head

NOTED: Approved:


Vice President for Academic College Dean

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