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1. To import
import log
log fle (s), Go to File→ Import →Import Drive Test Data
fle (s),

2. Ater
ter clic
clicking “ Import Drive Test Data  “, the Window below pops p.
3. !lick on  Sele!t Data Format " #$$ Files% to "dd log fles
#. $rowse to where the log fles "re kept on the s%stem "nd click on ope&

&. Ater selecting d"t" orm"t "nd fles "dded, fll the ollowing' “ Tar'et Pro(e!t , “Tar'et
$ataset , "nd "lso select “ Import !o&)'*ratio& e.g. G*+nl%+-e"lt (Also reer to
the sn"p dmp below). !lick on “ Import "ter "ll confgr"tions h"d been selected.
. n the /ro0ect list, imported log fles "re displ"%ed "s shown below

. 3ight4click on the -"t"set +TD, O*t$oor "nd select “ Ope& Pro(e!t% to displ"% logs on
*"p 5iew.

6. 7e8t is to combine the logfles (i more th"n one log) b% cre"ting " !omposite -"t"et. To
combine the log fles, right4 click Composite "nd select Create-E$it Stati! Composite
DataSet . (/le"se fnd sn"p dmp below).
9. Window below pops4p. !lick on “ e/ to gi:e " !omposite 7"me "nd click on “ O0%.

1;.-r"g "nd drop the log fles %o wish to combine to the right nder Mem1er o2 'ro*p.
11.!lick on “ Save% "nd close the window
12.To import cell re. Go to File→Import→Import et/or Co&)'*ratio&.

1<. De)&e tar'et pro(e!t  "nd Sele!t et/or Co&)'*ratio& Format . =indl% note th"t
the recogni>e orm"t is in ?.8ml or ?.cel.
1#.$rowse to where the log fle is s":ed on %or s%stem "nd click on “ Import%.

1&.elect “ Cells% t"b to :iew the imported cell re (/le"se see sn"p dmp below).

1.To displ"% the imported sites in *"p 5iew, right4click on “ Sites% "nd select Se&$ To Map
1.To l"bel the displ"%ed sites, right4click on the imported cell re "nd select “ E$it Vie/
Optio&s. (/le"se see sn"p dmp below).

16.!lick on Site 4a1el  T"b "nd highlight@!heck ite+- ("s shown below). !lick on #ppl5 "nd
O0 .
19.To displ"% ign"l strength, 38 B"lit% etc., drop down the !omposite CT!D fle "nd select
the ollowing' G* 3ecei:ed ign"l Ee:el →38Ee:b (d$m) 4.er:er. right4click on
38Ee:b (d$m) 4.er:er "nd select Se&$ to Map Vie/.  To displ"% 38 F"l, go to GSM
Re!eive$ Si'&al 6*alit5 →R76*al S*1. 3ight4click on 38 F"l b "nd send to m"p
:iew. ollow the s"me step or F.

2;.n"p dmp below shows the displ"%ed 38Ee: b. o c"n cop% the displ"%ed 38Ee: b%
right4clicking on the m"p "nd select !op%.
21.To remo:e the displ"%ed 38Ee: on the m"p in order to displ"% "nother H:ent, right4click on
the m"p "nd select Dataset→ Remove C*rves →GSM Re!eive$ Si'&al 4evel8
R74evS*1 9$Bm: ;.Server
22.To gener"te report, right4click on !omposite -"t"set fle CT!ID "nd select “ Ge&erate
2<.elect Sample Report < GSM Voi!e  ( "n"l%>ing 2G) "nd click Ge&erate Report
"mple o 3eport shown below

2#.Also %o c"n select #!!epta&!e Report T5pe Demo < GSM  ( "n"l%>ing 2G) "nd click
Gener"te 3eport.
"mple o Accept"nce 3eport shown below.

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