Ap Lit Novel Save The Fallen

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Save the Fallen 

Chapter 1 
Eric is very sick and he needs help from his friends. When Eric and his 
family were waiting for the doctor to come with the results, they were talking 
about all of the good times that they all had shared together. There were 
countless “you remember when’s.” The family believed nothing could be done to 
help Eric. When the doctor had finally come into the room with the results, the 
family was scared for Eric. Eric didn’t really care for the results because he was 
tired of everything. Eric strongly believes the world that he lives in is filled with 
hate and despair and that the world isn’t really worth living in. The only thing 
that Eric would feel is sad because he would no longer see his friends and 
family anymore. Eric spent most of his youth indoors playing video games. He 
didn’t have a lot of friends growing up.  
Chapter 2 
There’s one person that has been his friend for many years ever since 
Eric was 10 years old. He met one of his best friends at Jefferson Park for 
summer camp. The person that he met was named Dan. During the summer 
camp program, they played Yu-Gi-Oh a lot when they were eating and 
sometimes during their pool time. They didn’t go to the same school growing up 
so they only saw each other for a month of the year. When Eric and Dan were 
like 13-15, they started playing video games together. They played a bunch of 
games like Call of Duty, Fifa, Rocket League and so on. Eric was a year older 
than his friend so Dan kind of looked up towards Eric and asked him questions 
about high school since he was nervous. Just like middle school, they didn’t go 
to the same high school but the schools were about 20 minutes away by car. 
They talked about a lot of things like school, games, girls and other things. 
When Eric was in his third year of high school, Dan started to hang out with 
some of his friends from high school. Eric didn’t like most of Dan’s friends so 
they started to split apart for a while. Dan wasn’t the only person that Eric was 
really close too. 
Chapter 3 
Eric made a new friend in high school. There wasn’t a real best friend 
from his school until his second year at school. Eric had a group of friends but 
they didn’t have a lot of the same classes and had different lunch periods 
because Eric was in band class during his freshman year. His sophomore year 
is when he started making real friends from his school. He met a person named 
Iann. Iann was in the group of friends Eric was in. Iann had finally gotten a 
PlayStation 4 and him and Eric started to play games together. Eric introduced 
Iann to Dan online because they all liked Call of Duty. They would play against 
other people online for fun. They liked to play like the pros and super 
competitive. Eric got a lot closer to Iann through games because it would be 
either Eric and Iann or Dan would be there. When Dan wasn’t there, Iann and 
Eric would talk about a lot of things. They would talk about things going on in 
school such as homework, people, etc. They also talked about things like 
music/songs. Music was important to both dearly. To them, music was 
something that can express someone's inner feelings. They talked about the 
hip-hop genre of music. Rappers like Lil Uzi Vert, XXXTentacion, Juice WRLD, 
etc were inspirations towards them. Iann had made a few songs of his own. He 
would find a beat online and record over the beat. After a while, Eric got 
motivated to make songs like Iann. They have made a few songs together that 
they are really proud of. Eric was working on dropping an album before he got 
sick. Iann is on most of the songs in the album. Eric was going to call it “It 
Wasn’t Me.” The title was very important to Eric as that was the first few words 
to break his heart for the first time. They both see music as a way to of 
expressing themselves and to let off steam. Iann and Eric met one of their best 
friends while playing Call of Duty. 
Chapter 4 
Iann and Eric were playing Call of Duty with Eric had met with Dan a 
few years prior. They were playing Gamebattles (competitive Call of Duty) on 
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. The person that they were playing with was a 
dude named Eddy. Eddy was cool but he had his own competitive team for the 
game. There was a person named Tyler on the team. Eddy hit his teammate, 
Tyler, up to play some Call of Duty Gamebattles with himself, Iann, and Eric. 
Tyler agreed to play with the two people he didn’t know at all. They played for a 
few hours and had won a good about of Gamebattles. One day, Eddy couldn’t 
hop on so Eric went on Twitter to look for Eddy’s teammates' twitter and then 
proceeded to chat and talk about what time to get on order to play. Eric, Iann, 
and Tyler would play some Gamebattles for a while. Whenever Eddy wasn’t 
playing with his team, Eric would hit Tyler up to play. Eric and Iann 
introduced Tyler to Dan so that they can play a 4v4 instead of a 3v3 because it 
was a lot for fun to play with more people. After playing together for a week or 
two, they started to talk a little more to get to know each other. Eric, Iann, and 
Dan learned that Tyler lived in St.Louis, MI and was eighteen at the time. All 
four of them talked about things like Call of Duty, music, people and anything 
else. Eric, Iann, and Dan started playing with Tyler back in February of 2017 
and stopped around November/December of 2017. Eric, Iann, and Tyler had 
become best friends. Dan was a quiet person and wasn’t really comfortable 
with telling us about his life a lot (which we understood) but we couldn’t really 
connect with him like we did with each other because he didn’t tell us a lot. 
When the new Call of Duty came out in 2018 they all stopped playing together. 
Tyler had gotten a new girlfriend (we can call her K), Iann wanted to take a 
break because the new Call of Duty game wasn’t as fun as the older one. 
Chapter 5 
Eric had a brother named Joshua. Joshua was actually Eric’s half 
brother by having the same father. As a child, the brothers weren’t that close 
because of the age difference. Josh was born in 1994 so he’s 7 years older than 
Eric. They both had different interests. Josh grew up in a not so good 
neighborhood down on the Southside with his mom while Eric lived on the 
Northside with his parents. They had completely different childhoods as Josh 
was told to go inside the house when the street lights turned on while Eric was 
able to walk around his neighborhood while it was dark. Eric was never allowed 
to go to Josh’s house to stay for the weekend because of where the 
neighborhood was. Josh was allowed to visit Eric every two weeks because that 
is what the parents decided so that they could see each other. Josh was 
someone that Eric looked up to growing up. Even though they were both very 
different from each other and had very different interests, they were still 
brothers and loved each other. When both of them were older, they started 
getting a lot closer because Josh knew that Eric had grown up and wasn’t the 
same child he was back then. They talk about things such as music and video 
games but they talked about topics that were way more serious such as living 
options and job options for when high school was over.  
Chapter 6 
Eric was in a hospital located in a small town named Salty Springs. Eric 
was told he was in critical condition and that he didn’t have much longer to 
live. His friends asked the doctor if there was anything they could do to help 
“Is there anything we can do for him?” said Iann. 
“Actually there is… but you might not make it in time before he passes.” Said 
the doctor. 
“ANYTHING!” said Dan. 
“You have to go all the way to another town called Snobby Shores.” 
“What’s in Snobby Shores Doc?” said Iann. 
“It’s not what’s in Snobby, it’s whos in Snobby. You see, there is only one thing 
that can help Eric and it is impossible to produce with the current technology 
we have.” the Doctor explained. 
“So who do we have to look for at Snobby Shores?” Iann asked. 
“We’re not that sure because that’s what Eric was saying while he was under 
heavy medication and doesn’t want to tell us any more than what he already 
“There has to be something else you can do… YOU CAN’T JUST LET HIM 
“I’m sorry, the only thing we can do is stall the inevitable. There’s nothing we 
can do to stop what you fear into becoming an actual reality. We’ve done all 
that we can. I say we have about a week before we lose him and no more, so 
time is precious. If I were you, I would just spend the last few days he has with 
him” The doctor says uncomfortably as he proceeds to walk out of the room. 
Everyone is shocked at what they just heard and take time to process 
Chapter 7 
An hour later as all of Eric’s friends are in the same room.  
“We can’t just do nothing, right? We have to go to this Snobby Shores place 
and find this person in order to save Eric,” said Dan.  
“But we don’t even know who to look for,” Iann said. 
“Let’s just ask him, ” Dan said with a face suggesting they should’ve done that 
“Seriously? Were you not paying attention that whole time? Did you not hear 
what the doctor said? He said that Eric doesn’t want to tell anyone anything.” 
Josh says furiously. 
“Well, then what should we do?” Dan asks. 
Everyone leaves Eric at the hospital with his parents in order to talk about 
what to do for his situation. They talked all night and they think they have a 
plan to save Eric. The next morning Iann, Dan, and Josh went to the hospital 
to question Eric in order to find out what they should be looking for. 
“Eric,” said Josh “what do you know about Snobby Shores?” Eric's heartbeat 
went faster when he heard that place be named and is curious where Josh was 
going with the questions. 
“I know it’s far… real far… so far it would take you a day to get there by car.” 
“How do you know that?” Josh asked. Eric starts to stutter like Jimmy from 
South Park. 
“My f-f-f-friends have been there and told me.” Eric’s heartbeat starts beating 
faster and Josh sees the heart monitor behind Eric’s bed and knows when Eric 
is lying because the monitor tells if his heartbeat is increasing in speed. 
“Do you know anyone whos in Snobby Shores right now?” 
“N-n-n-o why?” 
“Are you lying” 
“NO!! W-W-What’s with all the questions? 
“We’re just trying to help you.” Josh starts to cry. “We don’t want to lose you 
but it feels like you’re trying to leave us… is that what you want?” As Josh tries 
to wipes the tears off his face with his sweater. 
“Of course not but there’s nothing you can do. Did the doctor not tell you?” 
“Yes, but he also told us more. Why do you think we’re asking you about 
Snobby Shores? The doctor told us you were mumbling while you were asleep 
and you were saying Snobby Shores.” 
Eric’s heartbeat is fast enough to raise suspicion on what’s going on with him 
and his health. The doctor runs in the room to find that Eric is sweating from 
being questioned as if he was being interrogated. The doctor asks everyone to 
leave Eric in the room by himself so he can calm down. Five minutes later, the 
doctor comes out of Eric’s room and asks Josh, Dan, and Iann what was going 
on while he was with other patients. 
“Sorry Doc, we were just trying to find out a little more about Snobby Shores 
and whos there,” Iann said apologetically. 
“Thanks, because of you we had to put Eric under some medication to calm 
him down. You guys can go in there but just don’t let there be another reason 
for me to come back like that again. Okay?” 
“Thanks, Doc,” Iann said. 
Everyone gets in the room and see Eric just sitting down feeling a little woozy 
from the medicine. The medicine that Eric took has a similar effect to the 
laughing gas that dentists use and his brother decides to take advantage of 
that and proceed to ask Eric questions. 
“Hey Eric, do you remember anything that happened earlier?” 
“No...everything just seems like a blur.” 
“What do you think about Snobby Shores?” 
“It’s a cool place.” 
“Do you know anyone in Snobby Shores?” 
“Yeah… yeah, I do.” 
“Rebecca?” Josh asked surprisingly “Who the hell is Rebecca?” 
“My girlfriend… sorry my EX-girlfriend,” Eric said in a dark way. 
“Girlfriend? I didn’t know you had a… off topic. Do you have her number so we 
can contact her?” 
“Contact her? Why do you wanna contact her?” Eric asked while still on 
“To help you of course. 
“Oh you’re such a good brother but no. I got rid of anything that reminded me 
of her when we broke up a while ago.” 
“Damn it” 
Josh walks out of the room furious because he does not know what to do in 
order to help his brother. 
Chapter 8 
While Josh is outside of the room, Dan starts to text Tyler just to let him 
know what is going on with Eric. Dan tells Tyler that they need to find someone 
named Rebecca in Snobby Shores in order to help save Eric's life.  
Twenty minutes later Dan gets Iann and Josh together and is on a 
facetime call with Tyler. Dan thinks that Tyler might be able to help. 
“Hey, so I heard you guys need to find someone Snobby Shores huh?” 
“Yeah! You know how to find Rebecca?” Josh responded quickly. 
“Well I don’t know Rebecca personally but I have a buddy who lives in Snobby 
Shores and he might know how to find this Rebecca person.” 
“Oh wow thank you, Tyler. You just gave us a chance to help save my brother. 
So where can we find your friend?” 
“Well he’s been off the grid for a few months now but last I heard, he was 
working in a supermarket. His name is Flynn.” 
“Thank you so much, dude. We're gonna head out to Snobby soon.” 
Alright, dude, I’ll talk to you later and let me know if everything goes smoothly.” 
They both hang up the phone. 
“Wait, what do you mean we’re going to Snobby? Dan asked. 
“We’re going to Snobby Shores. I’m about to book a flight that leaves tomorrow 
at 3 AM so we need to make sure that we’re ready for the flight. Go home and 
prepare, both of you. Because when we get there, we’re going to the motel to 
drop off our things and then we’re going to the supermarket to find Tyler's 
friend, Flynn.” 
Everyone leaves the hospital in order to get ready for the trip they are 
about to go on to save someone closest to them all. 
Chapter 9 
Everyone meets at the airport about two hours before the plane leaves 
and they wait until it’s time to leave. After the two-hour wait, the plane leaves 
takes off and they are set and ready. Snobby Shores wasn’t that big of a town 
so they did not have their own airport. Everyone had to land at an airport an 
hour away from Snobby Shores and then take a taxi. When they got to Snobby 
Shores, they dropped off their belongings to the motel room that Josh had 
purchased the night before. After they drop off their stuff, they start looking 
around town for the supermarket Tyler had told them about. Iann found the 
supermarket fifteen minutes after everyone split up and contacted both Josh 
and Dan to tell them where it was so they can look for Flynn. They all meet up 
and enter the supermarket and split up once again asking workers if they know 
where Flynn was. After five minutes of searching through the store, all three of 
them have been told that Flynn had the day off of work. The three go to the 
back of the store to find the manager's office and want to ask him a couple of 
questions regarding Flynn’s location.  
“Do you know where Flynn is? Dan asked the manager in a scared kind of 
“No, I haven't. He’s off both today and tomorrow.” 
“Sorry, but we can’t wait until then. Can you tell us where Flynn stays at? It’s 
very important as someone’s life depends on it.” 
“I’m afraid I can’t disclose personal information like that with anyone that just 
walks in the store asking for my worker's location. What if you wanted to do 
something to harm him? 
“But we don’t want to harm Flynn. Flynn is actually going to be helping us look 
for someone in town.” 
“I’m not sure if I believe you.” 
Like my friend said, someone’s life depends on Flynn.” Josh says ticked off. 
After thinking hard about it, the manager decides to tell them where 
Flynn was living. They all leave the supermarket a little happier than when 
they walked in because they are one step closer to finding Rebecca and helping 
Chapter 10 
Iann, Josh, and Dan pull up to Flynn’s house to see that the light is on 
inside and proceed to walk up to the house and ring the doorbell. Nobody 
comes to the door so they ring the doorbell again, and again, and again. They 
figured that Flynn must’ve been out and decided to wait for him to come home 
from whatever he was doing. After an hour and a half, Flynn parks his car in 
his garage and sees three men waiting for him at his front porch. He walks up 
to them to find out what they want. 
“Is there something I can do for you guys?” 
Iann responds first, “Yeah, hi, our friend Tyler says that you might be able to 
help us find someone.” 
“OOOHHHHH you’re the ones that Tyler was telling me about. With your friend 
in the hospi… sorry, didn’t mean to bring it up.” 
“It’s okay. Do you know where we can find Rebecca?” Josh asks calmly. 
“Let’s see, Rebecca...Rebecca...Rebecca. I feel like I’ve heard that name before.” 
“Please take your time,” said Dan.  
“Do you guys wanna come in while I think of where she can be?” 
“That would be nice, thank you.” 
Five minutes later while they are all sitting down inside of Flynn’s home, 
Flynn remembers who Rebecca is and tells the three when they could find her. 
“She’s only about five minutes away. You have to go down a couple of blocks 
south and then make a left at the stop sign and she should be there in a 
burgundy kind of house.” 
“Thanks so much, Flynn, we really owe you one,” Dan says with gratitude. 
They follow the directions that Flynn gave them but it takes a little longer 
because they have never been to Snobby and don’t know the area. They find 
the stop sign that Flynn was telling them about and turn left at it. A lot of the 
houses looked alike but each was different. Most of the houses were different 
colors. There were red houses, yellow houses, etc. When they found the house 
they were looking for they all felt happy that they were so close.  
Chapter 11 
Josh, Dan, and Iann stepped up to the door and looked at each other 
smiling before ringing the doorbell. When the doorbell rang, it took about two 
minutes before someone had come out. They were worried that nobody was 
gonna open the doors until someone arrived later. When the door opens they 
see a woman holding a baby with a cigarette in between her index and middle 
fingers. Everyone is surprised and start to think about some of the possibilities 
that could be true. 
“What do y'all want?” says the lady at the door. 
“Sorry but we’re looking for a Rebecca.” 
“That’s me.” 
“Oh, well hi, my name is Josh and these are my friends. We need you to come 
back with us to a town called Salty Springs.” 
“What do you need me for?” 
“Well you see, my brother Eric has beco…” 
“Did you just say Eric?” Rebecca interrupted. “I haven’t heard that name in a 
long time.” 
“How do you two know each other if I may ask?” 
“Well, we were dating for about a year until I made one of the biggest mistakes 
of my life and started cheating on him with someone. 
“And this baby is?” 
“It’s not Eric’s. I’ve already checked. Sorry, I interrupted you earlier. What were 
you saying about Eric?” 
“Yeah well, he’s become sick and only has about a few days left to live.” 
Rebecca starts to cry with the baby still in her arms and the cigarette 
still between her fingers. Iann pulls up the chair that was sitting on Rebecca’s 
front porch for her to sit down and to relax. 
“Does he ever mention me?” 
“I’m not gonna lie to you. Yesterday was the first time I’ve ever heard of you. He 
was under some medication and probably won’t remember telling us about you 
two being a couple. He didn’t tell us how you two broke up though. Can I ask if 
you are still with the father of this child?” 
“The father left. He didn’t want to take responsibility for the child and raise it. 
One day I woke up to him missing from his side of the bed. I’ve never gotten a 
phone call, email, letter, text, none of that. To hell with that bastard.” 
“I’m sorry to hear this.” 
“It’s okay. Why do I need to come to Salty Springs? Is Eric there right now?” 
“Yeah, he is. When we asked him about Snobby Shores he said your name and 
not much else. The doctor said that there was something that the technology 
the hospital had couldn’t produce what Eric needed in order to survive and 
that we needed to come here and find you. Do you have something that can 
help us save Eric?” 
“Yeah gimme like two minutes.” Rebecca goes into her house to start looking 
for the thing that can help Eric. She comes back outside with a pill in her 
hand. “Here give this to Eric as soon as you can.” 
“What is it?” 
“It’s a different type of medicine you won’t find in another hospital within the 
country. Make sure he gets this.” 
“Do you wanna come with? I mean like he said your name for a reason. Maybe 
he still has some feelings left over for you. Maybe he realized that he would lose 
everything that he loved and you are apart of the things that he loves within 
this world.” 
“I don’t know because whos gonna take care of my child?” 
“I will if you want,” says Dan. “I just want to see Eric happy and I know that he 
would be happy if you were there to help support him.” 
“Are you sure that it’s not a problem? 
“No, it’s fine. I’m great with children. My cousins let me hold their children all 
the time and they never cry... most of the time.” 
“Well, let's go then. Let's go save Eric.” 
Chapter 12 
Three days after the doctor had told everyone about Eric and his 
condition, Josh, Dan, Iann, and Rebecca with her baby come back to Salty 
Springs. They wait a day to go back to the hospital so they can let Rebecca and 
her baby settle in and relax. Josh gets a text from his dad. 
Josh immediately goes to get Rebecca and the pill that she had so she can give 
it to Eric. They drive to the hospital as fast as they can. When they get to the 
hospital forty-five minutes later, they see that Eric’s parents are outside of his 
“WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE IS HE? IS HE OKAY? Josh asks in a panic. 
“They’re doing the best they can to keep him with us.” his Dad said. 
Josh looks at Rebecca and then motions her to go inside of his room to give 
him the pill.  
“Go on. Go in there and save him. He’ll be happy to see you.” Josh says. 
“Thank you so much for this chance.” Rebecca turns around to the door and 
slowly walks forward. She opens the door and everyone outside can see Eric 
stand up from the sight of seeing his first ever true love. Rebecca’s face is filled 
with tears from seeing someone she hurt so badly after so long. She wipes the 
tears off her face and lets out a giant smile for everyone to see. Rebecca slowly 
walks in the room and before the door closes she looks at Josh once again and 
mouths “Thank you.” The door slowly closes behind her as she walks. 

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