Common Literature Terms: Definition Glossary

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Synopsis: A brief summary or general survey of something, especially in

literature works.
Setting: A time and loction of which a story takes place.
Characters: The person and his characteristics in a work of fiction.
Characteristics: The method a writer uses to communicate
information about characters to readers.
Protagonist: The central character or leading figure in poetry, narrative
novel or any other story.
Antagonist: The character or group of characters which stand opposing
the protagonist.
Plot: The sequence of events happens in a story or play.
Conflict: The opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and
makes the plot.
Theme: The central idea or belief/ the “universal truth” that the author
is trying to communicate.
Values/ Moral Values: The judgement made by the reader on which
the actions are right or wrong based on certain virtues, qualities and
Point of View: The angle of which the story is told.
Symbolic Interpretation (symbolism): the practice of
representing things through symbols or f investing things with a symbolic
meaning of character.
Language: A register or dialect of a language that is used in literary
*Simile: a figure of speech that males comparison, showing similarities
between two different things.
*Metaphor: a comparison in which one thing is said to be another
(ussualy something unrelated)
Personification: human qualities are given to animals, or non- living
objects or ideas.
Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims that are not meant to be
taken in literal meaning.
Style: manner of expression; how a speaker or writer says what he says.
*NOTE: In simile, there is ALWAYS the use of “like” or “as” when representing in literary
works. While metaphor DOES NOT USE the words “like” or “as”.

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