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arrt-#q fi-+a frffr Hrra

(Established by the Life lnsurance Corporation Act, 1956)

*q-q eam< (Fnq qf6d) (Edffir ET+T qf6d)

EIig :fiar d1tqr i+,Tq (tdq il-+ uren iaqq 6,6 rpn t) * +ia ia.-* qI rri,{fir q cqif6r gqrrr rrd frlin ?ri6 ii r+aa aq irqqr Ti'j l,rq ri'kqq nrq 6:+r I -io !.i6 gq.rE
I|.itE"nisqlftaqitfi{er*'rcir{rirlT{qtf;,.rqEz.Edisfi{iq]6rir;lpE{qfii1irar,r.:]I{larqia-qfr+{rArfiqr.r<afrqraqrfair't+c?afrrr 4rid
* rg{r' lz fmar * qH drq 6 5c ! nfu a, 'ai5a1q ar aar +,,i rR qlr :i,** qftnn } qfuerFr+ni an aE fika aftn dr +,?ra .rg {i r"+a ar, qpi rra dr'4a
+a +r rir ;. iirra + riimr rqTsr t-T< z.i ,I,. .iFrl,rl, a iT{ ,na a .irrn +-.n
:in qT.izrn {z }iiqa A-,{ ara } fu qa qfiirfi 5r* gt|wrr q1 CFc ,T{ G gftarii * a:irq Elii :ip qz ir ffirrr airr+r ri11 furrq apr qffi qr :ifut ,-4-5 qE 1'5
qfa-ft a 1p1 q6 7.rir 'irqr

THE LIFE INSUHANCE CORPOFATION OF INDIA (hereinafter called 'the Corporation") having received a Proposat and Declaration and the first premium from the proposer and the

or persons claiming payment and ofthe cotrectness ofthe Age ofthe Lile Assurecl slated in the proposal ii not previously admitled.

placed on the Policy by the Corporation shall be deemed part oithe policy.

dTfu6-r/SCHEDULE QTrsr tErqiilq/ B RANCH OFFTC E

clldrtsg[, rBEDrtntEqq iltruqqH{q Eqrilqq{
dtuq'iltpr61trfr Sfuq{fuemtu doffirr. gnotifdfu ?aflf+qqfrw ysq{sqdftfr
Pollcy No,, Dato ot laHe Tdm Md Sum lnslalmcnt Prsmium Payabt€
Due Dale
CommEncomont Pr€mium Paylng AlEu16d
and Mode n' Rs Proposal llo. A Date
ol ComreMemoni ol Rl.l Bs.
Dat6 T6.m ol Paymert

*qr qfqf{qq qrrz ai qm az t dfi'rd qliqq qh Nominoe Und€r SEclion 39 ot the lnsuranco Ac1, 1 938. qq fdft
Oat6 ol Eirth

6frEqfn*1 qrl
gRlns, qt{ fffi ak 6r dtl dh cil Nam€ and Addr€ss of Proposer snd Lit€ Assured
Age of Life Assured
WhetherAge Admitted

@,g 61 61q
Eala slLast Payment

fcqtr*cIA q{ffi dhvatffittqt fnm**qldir

PE/rn€nEb be madeandBr€nts onlh6 trappsdrgotrvtrirl
t. Oq !t'lelsggred sgliving, theDrcmi.-uti!-p3JnS,
Sum Alsured logetherwith

,4 on Ld916g*qPd s, oeatitetore tre erd ol

: ttB olatoj, Fqirium FeylngTsrm,
fie .. Sum Assured together with
: . : :. accrued bonus

tal rirna qf* Trdn qcfi + air *'un gq tm w

S. On Life Assurcds,death,after tho €ild of ths

qiqrfiffifr&r qrilFlfi ql sqzF- qq{<flT ql Eirqr 3r]'triT4q 1938 st qr{ 39 6 3iillq 3qm rrfrd qffi 3l{qr T{ qqriurd qfird
ser{sr- qI -:rq nqrfu+'viaffqdi sT er lrEit f!-6 3rqi' qe-qr- 3rq+ q-{q sq qflq{ir + :ia-rh rq nftr o toq qrq

Towhom Sum Assured Payable

rier s'ffi qrqrcfi t3Tqi sidhiq 6H 6j'yqr"rql lrq arqr I
The Proposer or his Assignees or Nominees underSection 39 of the lnsutance Act, 1938 or proving Executors or Adminlstratrors
or other Legal Representatives who should take out representation to his Estate or limited to the morieys payable under this poticy
from any Court of any State or territorV of the Unim of lndia.
frFr-qq qsri B1 srqfq tdi{a a{fuq ffiR $Irr+H 6t ftfq a-+ qr gqfr qtqrrF-+' Ei
Period during which premium payatlle Till the stipulated date of Last Pavmeni
tq Tq ETi ils
.Ieath of the I ife Assrrrp.l
frf{qq 5rrflr 6{i q11 iTftrq' 11 Fltrfd ?q ]-ffE 6I
Dates when premium payable On the stioulatdd due date in
h*q crdqn
Special Provisions
'l-'('* S-*S

firq 4i3i-r t
3qffi qrgE vnor qrqirq mmr fu;i rp. i
un*o on u"nut or tnu 1 c
and to which all communications relating to the policy should be addressed:

f({i+ r Date :
qTqffl ,/ Examineci

ififust {ET Tabte No. : 149

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