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c h a p t e r

Regulation of Intermediary
Metabolism During
Fasting and Feeding
Ralph A. DeFronzo and Ele Ferrannini

ENERGY METABOLISM,  599 Dynamic Interaction Between Insulin Sensitivity and
GLUCOSE DISTRIBUTION,  600 Insulin Secretion,  610
GLUCOSE METABOLISM: METHODOLOGICAL Effect of Insulin on Hepatic and Peripheral
CONSIDERATIONS, 600 Glucose Metabolism,  612
GLUCOSE METABOLISM: BASAL Intracellular Pathways of Glucose Disposal,  614
(POSTABSORPTIVE) STATE,  601 Free Fatty Acid–Amino Acid–Glucose
Glucose Production,  601 Interactions, 618
Glucose Disposal,  605 Lipid Synthesis,  622
Glucose Cycles,  607 Ketone Metabolism,  623
(POSTPRANDIAL) STATE,  608 Counterregulatory Hormones,  625
Quantitation of Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin
Secretion, 608

• D  uring fasting conditions, the rate of total body glucose uptake is precisely balanced by
endogenous glucose production from the liver (80%) and kidney (20%).
• Following ingestion of a meal, the rise in plasma glucose and insulin, in combination
with activation of the gut factor, combine to suppress endogenous glucose production
and stimulate glucose uptake in liver and muscle.
• Glucose uptake and metabolism following a meal is dependent upon the coordinate
activation of the insulin signal transduction system, glucose transport/phosphorylation,
glycogen synthase, the PDH complex, and the mitochondrial chain.

In the fasting (or postabsorptive) state, the plasma glucose glucose, this fine balance between hepatic glucose produc-
concentration in a healthy adult is maintained within a tion and tissue glucose utilization is disrupted, and main-
very narrow range: 65 to 105 mg/dL (3.6 to 5.8 mmol/L). tenance of normal glucose homeostasis in the fed state is
Under these conditions, insulin-independent tissues, the dependent on four processes that occur simultaneously
brain (50% to 60%), and splanchnic organs (20% to and in a coordinated fashion: (1) in response to hyper-
25%) account for the majority of total body glucose uti- glycemia, insulin secretion is stimulated; (2) the combi-
lization. Muscle, an insulin-dependent tissue, is respon- nation of hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia augments
sible for most of the remaining 20% to 25% of glucose glucose uptake by splanchnic (liver and gut) and periph-
disposal.1,2 The basal rate of tissue glucose uptake is pre- eral (primarily muscle and fat) tissues; (3) both insulin
cisely matched to the rate of glucose output by the liver; in and hyperglycemia suppress hepatic glucose production;
fact, fasting endogenous glucose release is best correlated (4) insulin inhibits lipolysis in adipocytes, and the
with body fat-free mass. After the ingestion or infusion of reduction in plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentration

enhances muscle glucose uptake and facilitates the sup- If this fat were completely mobilized and o ­ xidized, it
pression of hepatic glucose production.3 Glucose uptake would provide about 110,000 kcal. Assuming an average
by fat cells accounts for <10% of an ingested or infused metabolic rate of 2000 kcal/day, this would be sufficient
glucose load in a lean adult in whom fat mass averages to sustain the body’s energy needs for 55 days. In addi-
25% of body weight in women and 15% in men. Adi- tion to its abundance, fat is a more efficient energy source
pose tissue glucose uptake can increase to 15% to 20% of than either glycogen or protein, because 9.5 kcal is gen-
ingested glucose in the obese subject. In this chapter, we erated for every gram of fat that is completely oxidized.
review the whole-body and cellular mechanisms by which The comparable energy value for glycogen and protein
pancreatic hormones (insulin and glucagon) regulate the is 4 kcal/g. Moreover, fat is a less cumbersome storage
normal trafficking of substrates between the splanchnic form of energy because it exists in a nearly anhydrous
tissues (liver and gastrointestinal tract) and the glucose- form in the adipocyte, whereas each gram of glycogen
utilizing organs in the fed and fasting conditions. and protein requires approximately 3 g of water. From
these considerations, it is obvious that the caloric den-
sity of adipose tissue (∼8.5 kcal/g of fat) is much greater
ENERGY METABOLISM than the caloric density of either glycogen or protein
All living organisms require a constant generation of (∼1 kcal/g). Viewed in another way, if one were to replace
energy to maintain viability. In humans, this energy the amount of energy stored in fat with an equivalent
comes in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), amount of energy in the form of glycogen or protein,
which is derived from the oxidation of foodstuffs. Because the body weight of our hypothetical 70-kg man would
humans feed intermittently, it is necessary to build up a expand to 160 kg. This has major adaptive disadvantages
sufficient energy reservoir that will be adequate to supply for a species that depends on mobility for survival.
a constant input of metabolic fuels for oxidation during Because the major storage form of energy in the body
interfeeding periods. To accomplish this, the body has is fat, but the brain and other neural tissues have an obli-
developed an intricate metabolic network with multiple gate need for glucose, the body must have a readily avail-
checks and balances—hormonal, neural, and substrate— able form of carbohydrate. This is provided by glycogen.
which ensure a steady supply of metabolic fuels to the In a 70-kg man, approximately 80 g of carbohydrate is
tissues. This is particularly crucial for the brain and other stored as liver glycogen and 400 g as muscle glycogen.4
neural tissues that use glucose exclusively as their energy Because muscle does not contain glucose-6-phosphatase
source (except under unusual conditions of prolonged (G6Pase), it cannot generate free glucose for transporta-
fasting, when ketone bodies can substitute in part for glu- tion to other tissues. However, glycogenolysis in muscle
cose). Because of the obligate dependence of the brain on can provide a readily available source of glucose for local
glucose and because of the intermittent feeding behavior needs in response to acute muscular activity. In addi-
of humans, they must ingest more calories than necessary tion, muscle-derived lactate, pyruvate, and alanine can be
for immediate energy use and store the excess calories in transported via the blood to the liver, where they are used
body depots, which can be mobilized efficiently at a later for gluconeogenesis during starvation or prolonged exer-
time for use by the tissues of the body. cise. In contrast to muscle, the liver contains all the neces-
From the quantitative standpoint, fat represents the sary enzymatic machinery to produce free glucose from
major energy source in the body (Table 35-1). An adult glycogen and to synthesize new glucose from gluconeo-
of ideal body weight (70 kg) possesses approximately genesis precursors. Thus, for short-term metabolic needs,
12 kg of triglyceride, which is stored within adipose tissue.4 liver glycogen represents the principal carbohydrate res-
ervoir for the energy needs of the brain. As can be seen in
Table 35-1, the amount of energy contained in circulating
TABLE 35-1  Tissue and Circulating Energy glucose is quite small.
Content Provided by the Three Major Fuels: Fat, Glycogen metabolism is controlled by a cascade of
Carbohydrate, and Protein reversible phosphorylation-dephosphorylation reactions
that ultimately converge on the more proximal enzymes
Fuel Mass (g) Energy (kcal) that catalyze glycogen synthesis (glycogen synthase) and
Tissue Depots glycogen degradation (glycogen phosphorylase). Both the
synthesis and breakdown of glycogen are regulated by
Adipose Triglyceride 12,000 110,000
Muscle Protein 6,000 24,000
complex, interacting mechanisms involving substrates as
Muscle Glycogen 400 1,600 well as hormones and neural inputs. In subsequent sec-
tions of this chapter, we review some key aspects of the
control of glycogen metabolism.
Blood Glucose 20 80 From a theoretical standpoint, protein also represents a
Blood Fatty acids 0.3 3 large reservoir of energy. A 70-kg man possesses approxi-
Blood Triglycerides 3 30
Blood Ketones 0.2 0.8 mately 6 kg of protein, with a potential energy value of
Blood Amino acids 6 24 24,000 kcal.4 However, each protein in the body has a
specific function—for example, an integral constituent of
Data from Ruderman NB, Tornheim K, Goodman MN. Fuel
­homeostasis and intermediary metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and cell membranes and organelles, an enzyme, a contractile
protein. In: Becker KL, ed. Principles and practice of endocrinology element such as actin or myosin, or a specific transporter of
and metabolism. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1992: 1054-1064. some essential nutrient, element, or vitamin. An excessive

breakdown of protein would lead to the disruption of nor- GLUCOSE METABOLISM: METHODOLOGICAL
mal cell function and eventually to death. Therefore, the
body has developed a complex metabolic and hormonal
response to fasting that minimizes proteolysis and release Because both RBCs and plasma transport glucose, the
of amino acids. Thus when fasting is prolonged beyond total amount of the sugar reaching any given organ is the
2 to 3 days, there is a major shift from carbohydrate to fat product of the arterial whole-blood glucose concentra-
and ketone body utilization. After 1 to 2 weeks of star- tion times the total blood flow to that organ. Similarly,
vation, the rates of gluconeogenesis and glucose utiliza- the total amount of glucose leaving a body region is the
tion are markedly reduced, and ketone bodies become an product of whole-blood glucose level in the venous efflu-
important substrate for the energy needs of the brain and ent times the blood flow rate. From this, it follows that
other neuronal tissues. However, the brain always main- the net balance of glucose movement across a body region
tains a need for some glucose. Acetone, which is formed by is given by the product of blood flow and the arterio-
the nonenzymatic decarboxylation of acetoacetic acid, can venous whole-blood glucose concentration difference, or
serve as a gluconeogenic precursor by being converted to the Fick principle (Fig. 35-1). It should be emphasized
pyruvaldehyde in the liver or to 1,2-propanediol in extra- that the use of plasma flow rates and plasma glucose con-
hepatic tissues. The rise in circulating blood ketone levels centration systematically underestimates the net organ
also provides a signal to the muscle to inhibit protein catab- balance of glucose (and, for that matter, of any substance
olism, thus sparing amino acids for vital cell functions. that is transported in plasma as well as in RBCs, e.g.,
lactate, some amino acids). Because the plasma flow
GLUCOSE DISTRIBUTION is less than the blood flow by an amount equal to the
hematocrit (∼40%), whereas the plasma glucose concen-
As a metabolic substrate, carbohydrate is present in organ- tration is higher than whole-blood glucose by only 15%
isms in its simple monomeric form, α-D-glucopyranose, (0.6 × 1.15 = 0.69), this will lead to a 31% underestima-
and as a branched polymer of α-glucose, namely, glyco- tion of the net organ balance.
gen. Disaccharides of glucose include lactose, maltose, In muscle, which does not contain G6Pase, the net
and sucrose, but these are quantitatively less important. organ balance is equivalent to the amount of glucose
In normal fasting subjects, glucose circulates in plasma that is taken up and metabolized. In the liver, however,
water at a basal concentration that ranges from 65 to there can be simultaneous uptake and release (from
100 mg/dL (3.6 to 5.6 mmol/L). After a meal, the plasma hepatic glycogen stores or gluconeogenesis). By com-
glucose concentration in healthy individuals does not bining the organ balance technique with tracer glucose
exceed 160 to 180 mg/dL (8.9 to 10 mmol/L). Circulat- (labeled with radioactive, e.g., tritium [3H], or stable
ing plasma glucose is in rapid equilibration with the red isotopes, e.g., deuterium [2H]), one can calculate the
blood cell (RBC) glucose concentration.5 A non–insulin- uptake of glucose by an organ bed according to the
regulatable transporter effects the facilitated diffusion of following equation7:
glucose from plasma water into the RBC.6 Because of the Uptake = (FE) (Blood flow) (Arterial glucose concentration)
abundance of this transporter in RBCs, glucose diffuses
very rapidly across RBC membranes, with an estimated where FE is the fractional extraction of tracer glu-
equilibration time of only 4 seconds. After its transport cose—calculated as (A* – V*)/A*—and A*—and V* rep-
into the cell, the rate of glucose utilization via glycoly- resent the radioactivity of labeled glucose (or the tracer/
sis has been estimated to be approximately 25 μmol/ tracee ratio in the case of stable isotope tracers) in the
min or 6 μmol/min per square meter of diffusion surface artery and vein, respectively. If one knows the net bal-
(each RBC is 7 μm in diameter and 2 μm thick; a total ance of glucose (or any other substrate) across an organ
RBC mass of 2 to 3 × 1013 cells exposes a surface area of bed and the unidirectional uptake, one can calculate the
∼4 m2).5 Because this rate is ∼17,000 times slower than release of glucose (or any other substrate) according to
the rate of glucose transport into the erythrocyte, the glu- the following relationship (see Fig. 35-1):
cose concentration will, in general, be the same in plasma Net balance = Uptake ‐ Release
and erythrocyte water. Plasma proteins comprise some
8% of plasma volume, whereas RBC proteins and ghosts
occupy ∼38% of the packed RBC volume (which, in turn, Net balance = uptake-release
= (flow)(A-V)
averages 40% of the total blood volume). Thus, 20%
(i.e., 0.38 × 0.4 + 0.08 × 0.6 = 0.2) of the total blood Release (R)
volume is inaccessible to glucose. It follows that glucose Inflow = F × A Outflow = F × V
concentration should be identical in plasma and RBC
water under most circumstances and that a blood water Organ
glucose concentration of 90 mg/dL (5.0 mmol/L) trans-
lates into a plasma glucose concentration of 83 mg/dL
(4.6 mmol/L) and a whole-blood glucose concentration of Uptake (U)
72 mg/dL (4.0 mmol/L), that is, a 15% systematic differ-
Figure 35-1  Schematic representation of substrate (e.g., glucose)
ence between plasma and whole-blood glucose concentra- e­ xchange across an organ (e.g., the liver) that both irreversibly removes
tion under typical conditions of hematocrit, proteinemia, the substrate and adds it to the systemic circulation. A, Arterial concen-
and erythrocyte volume. tration; F, blood flow; V, venous concentration.

By employing the catheter technique to measure the net after an overnight (10 to 14 hours) fast. For most indi-
organ balance of glucose in combination with tracer glu- viduals, this time represents the longest period of fasting
cose, much information can be gained about the interorgan in everyday life. For the rest of the day, most people are
exchange of glucose and other substrates, as well as the met- more or less in the fed state. Maintenance of the fasting
abolic pathways involved in the regulation of glucose utiliza- plasma glucose concentration is primarily the responsibil-
tion. The use of a glucose tracer also allows one to measure ity of the liver.9,10 The liver provides glucose for all tis-
whole-body glucose (or other substrates) turnover.8 Because sues of the body, either by breaking down its own stores
of its simplicity, the isotope dilution method has become of glycogen or by synthesizing glucose from gluconeo-
popular among clinical investigators and has generated genic precursors, of which the most important are lac-
large amounts of information. It therefore warrants a brief tate, pyruvate, glycerol, alanine, and other gluconeogenic
description here; a more detailed explanation of the tracer amino acids. The central role of the liver in providing a
technique, as applied to glucose turnover measurement, can constant supply of glucose to the body is related to the
be found in Reference 8. The choice of a tracer is dictated presence of G6Pase, which catalyzes the conversion of
by cost, ease of measurement, and safety (radiation burden glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) to glucose within the hepa-
in the case of radioactively labeled tracers). The tracer can tocyte. Although a number of tissues, including muscle
be administered as a pulse injection or constant intrave- and adipocytes, possess the enzymatic machinery neces-
nous infusion, depending on the type of information that sary to degrade glycogen and synthesize G6P from lactate
is desired. For metabolic studies, a primed continuous infu- and amino acids, they either completely lack or possess
sion usually is employed. When both the tracee (i.e., cold too little of the key enzyme, G6Pase, to release significant
glucose) and tracer (e.g., radiolabeled glucose) are in steady amounts of free glucose into the circulation. The kidney,
state, the glucose turnover rate (milligrams per minute) is like the liver, also possesses the necessary enzymatic appa-
simply calculated by dividing the tracer infusion rate by ratus to produce glucose via the gluconeogenic pathway
the equilibrium plasma glucose-specific activity. In normal and to release it into the circulation. In normal subjects
healthy subjects, equilibrium represents the time (usually ∼2 after an overnight fast, the kidney contributes ∼10% of
hours after starting the tracer infusion) when unchanging total body glucose production.11 During prolonged star-
plasma tracer and tracee concentrations indicate that glu- vation and metabolic acidosis, renal gluconeogenesis is
cose specific activity has become uniform throughout its enhanced and may contribute as much as 25% of basal
distribution space. The calculation of the turnover rate as glucose production. Unlike the liver, the major gluconeo-
described previously (infusion rate/plasma specific activity) genic precursor for the kidney is glutamine, and renal glu-
is not based on any assumptions and can be used to quan- cose synthesis is coupled with ammoniagenesis.
titate glucose turnover in the postabsorptive state. When Under postabsorptive conditions, glucose output in
non–steady-state conditions apply, this approach cannot be healthy adults averages 140 mg/min (778 μmol/min) or
used. Such is the case after glucose ingestion or infusion. 2.0 mg/min per kg of body weight (11 μmol/min per
Practical ways to circumvent this problem, however, have kilogram) in a 70-kg individual (Fig. 35-2). The varia-
been developed. Their common rationale is provided by the tion around this mean is significant (20% to 30%), with
theory that the degree and rate of change in glucose-specific an unknown contribution of genetic and environmental
activity are the principal factors that affect non–steady-state factors. Little information is available concerning how
analysis of isotope data. The larger the swings in glucose- much the fasting glucose output varies as a consequence
specific activity are, the more uncertain is the estimation of of changes in dietary habits, caloric intake, or physi-
the actual rates of glucose appearance and disappearance cal fitness. Intrafamilial covariance of this physiologic
from plasma data. All the formal models that have been
proposed to represent the glucose system become progres-
sively weaker as plasma glucose–specific activity is allowed
to fluctuate freely. Therefore, one of two strategies can be
employed. Either the tracer administration is repeated when Other
the glucose system has reached a new, reasonably steady Glycogenolysis
state, or tracer glucose infusion rates can be adjusted empiri-

cally to “clamp” the plasma glucose–specific activity con-

stant close to the basal level. In both cases, the aim is to 1.0 Glucose
minimize the changes in glucose-specific activity, thereby Oxidation
?? Glycerol (2%)
meeting the conditions under which steady-state equations
can be used reliably. Therefore, in reporting results of glu- Pyruvate (1%)
Lactate (16%) Splanchnic
cose turnover obtained under non–steady-state conditions, glucose uptake
Amino acids (6%)
we will make some selection of available data. 0
Endogenous Total body
production uptake
Figure 35-2  Hepatic glucose production and tissue glucose uptake in
Glucose Production the postabsorptive state in healthy subjects. See text for a more detailed
discussion. (Reproduced from DeFronzo RA. Pathogenesis of type 2
By convention, the basal or postabsorptive state is defined diabetes: metabolic and molecular implications for identifying diabetes
as the metabolic condition that prevails in the morning genes. Diabetes Rev. 1997;5:177-269.)

variable also is undetermined. Under standard nutri- (glycerol and amino acids) from peripheral tissues
tional conditions, the normal liver contains approxi- (adipocytes and muscle) to the liver, and this further
mately 80 g of glycogen (see Table 35-1), and during reduces hepatic glucose output. In its capacity as the
fasting, liver glycogen stores decline at a rate of approx- inhibitory signal for glucose release, insulin is greatly
imately 110 mg/min (611 μmol/min) or 8% per hour. favored by the anatomic connection between the pan-
From this, it follows that hepatic glycogen depots would creas and the liver. Because the pancreatic vein is a
become empty after approximately 12 hours. Because tributary of the portal vein, insulin, which is secreted
fasting can be prolonged well beyond 12 hours, it is by the β-cells, reaches the liver in fasting humans at a
obvious that gluconeogenesis must progressively replace concentration that is three to four times higher than the
glycogenolysis as the fast continues.12 In animals, the peripheral (arterial) concentration (see Chapter 32).
basal rate of glucose turnover is considerably higher This steep portosystemic gradient is maintained by
than in humans—for example, dogs (3.6 mg/min per the high rate of insulin degradation by hepatic tissues
kilogram) and rats (7.2 mg/min per kilogram)—and the (fractional insulin extraction = 50%). Consequently, a
limited capacity of the liver to store glycogen confers an small secretory stimulus to the β-cells will dispropor-
increasing role to gluconeogenesis for the maintenance tionately raise the portal insulin concentration, thereby
of basal glycemia. This limitation on glycogen accumu- selectively acting on glucose production rather than
lation has an anatomic basis, because stuffing the cyto- enhancing peripheral glucose utilization. In addition,
plasm with glycogen granules impairs cellular functions via the general circulation, pancreatic insulin release is
and results in liver damage, as seen in patients with potentiated by a number of gastrointestinal hormones
glycogen storage diseases. In healthy subjects, after a (e.g., mostly by glucose-dependent insulinotropic poly-
10- to 12-hour overnight fast, gluconeogenesis accounts peptide and glucagon-like peptide-1, with possible
for approximately 50% of total hepatic glucose release contributions from secretin, cholecystokinin, pancreo-
(see Fig. 35-2).12 The substrates for this de novo glu- zymin, and others, which are also released in response
cose synthesis remain somewhat elusive. Circulating to meal ingestion).14 Therefore, anatomic and physi-
lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, alanine, and other gluco- ologic connections that comprise the gut-liver-pancreas
neogenic amino acids are natural candidate precursors axis ensure that the primary station for the handling of
and have been shown to transfer their carbons to newly foodstuff, the liver, is under close control by a nearby,
synthesized glucose molecules, as documented by the well-informed unit, the β-cell.
incorporation of labeled lactate into glucose, that is, the Conversely, small decrements in the peripheral plasma
Cori cycle. However, transsplanchnic catheterization in insulin concentration, as little as 1 to 2 μU/mL, lead to an
humans has shown that the net uptake of known circu- increase in hepatic glucose production.15 This highly sensi-
lating gluconeogenic precursors (lactate, pyruvate, glyc- tive interaction between the liver and insulin plays a criti-
erol, amino acids) can account for only 15% to 20% of cal role in the maintenance of basal glucose levels when
total endogenous glucose production.13 The discrepancy fasting is prolonged. As glycogen stores become depleted,
between radioisotopic estimates of basal gluconeogenic there is a small decrease in the arterial glucose concentra-
rate and accountable circulating precursors suggests that tion, which in turn leads to a decline in pancreatic insulin
the bloodborne substrates may not be the only source of secretion and stimulation of glucagon release. The resul-
gluconeogenic precursors. Within the splanchnic area, tant hypoinsulinemia removes the constraint on lipolysis,
the intestine returns 10% to 20% of its glucose uptake and plasma FFA levels rise. By mass action, FFAs enhance
to the liver as lactate, but this fills only part of the gap. It their own uptake by all cells in the body, including liver and
has been suggested that intrahepatic proteolysis and/or muscle. Enhanced FFA oxidation by the hepatocytes pro-
lipolysis (i.e., glycerol) could provide ample amounts of vides an energy source to drive gluconeogenesis, and the end
gluconeogenic precursors in addition to those entering
from the systemic circulation. Regulation of hepatic glucose production
The regulation of basal hepatic glucose production is
controlled by the sum of multiple neural, hormonal, and
Decrease Increase
metabolic stimuli, some stimulatory and others inhibi-


tory.9,10 Figure 35-3 portrays the control system as a


simple balance between inhibition and stimulation. Insu-


-1 +2
lin and glucagon provide the primary hormonal signals 0 +1 FFA
that regulate the production of glucose by the liver under Cortisol
postabsorptive conditions. Of the two, the action of insu- Glucagon
lin normally predominates. Hepatic glucose production is Insulin Epinephrine
exquisitely sensitive to very small fluctuations in the cir-
Hyperglycemia Growth hormone
culating plasma insulin concentration. Increments in the
plasma insulin concentration of as little as 5 to 10 μU/mL Parasympathetic Sympathetic
cause a marked, rapid suppression of glycogenolysis and
a decline in hepatic glucose output, whereas inhibition of
Figure 35-3  Balance of factors that regulate hepatic glucose produc-
gluconeogenesis is less sensitive.10 tion. Stimulatory factors are shown by the positive numbers to the right;
By restraining lipolysis and proteolysis, insulin also inhibitory factors, of which insulin is dominant, are shown by the nega-
reduces the delivery of potential glucose precursors tive numbers to the left.

product of beta oxidation, acetyl-CoA, stimulates the first The counterregulatory hormones (glucagon, ­epinephrine,
committed enzyme, pyruvate carboxylase, in the gluconeo- growth hormone, cortisol, thyroid hormones) all are capa-
genic pathway (Fig. 35-4).1,2 The combination of hypoinsu- ble of offsetting the action of insulin on the liver and work
linemia, hypoglycemia, and increased FFA and amino acid by stimulating both glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.16
supply also stimulates hepatic gluconeogenesis. In peripheral Glucagon plays a major role in the tonic support of basal
tissues, enhanced FFA and ketone oxidation spare glucose hepatic glucose release, and experimental suppression of
usage (Randle cycle; see subsequent discussion), thereby endogenous glucagon secretion with preservation of basal
minimizing the need for carbohydrate as an energy source.1,2 insulin levels in humans and animals causes a 30% to 40%
Another important consequence of the fasting-related decline in hepatic glucose production.17 This suppression
decline in plasma insulin concentration is the stimula- of glucose production involves both the glycogenolytic and
tion of proteolysis.15 This augments the outflow of amino gluconeogenic pathways. Using insulin secretion rate (as
acids, especially alanine, which accounts for approximately reconstructed from C-peptide deconvolution analysis), and
50% of total α-amino nitrogen release. The predominance estimates of hepatic plasma flow and glucagon clearance,
of alanine in the amino acid efflux from muscle cannot be it has been possible to calculate the pre-hepatic insulin-to-
explained by its presence in cellular proteins, of which ala- glucagon molar concentration ratio.18 As depicted in F ­ igure
nine accounts for only 7% to 10%. The major source of 35-5, in the fasting state insulin is 5 to 10 times more abun-
alanine outflow from muscle during starvation is derived dant in prehepatic plasma than glucagon; this molar ratio
from the transamination of glucose-derived (from muscle rises ∼fivefold during the first hour following the inges-
glycogen and circulating glucose) pyruvate. The branched- tion of a mixed meal, and its time-course closely resembles
chain amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine) provide the that of plasma glucose levels. This time pattern is typically
amino groups for muscle alanine synthesis. The alanine that altered in patients with type 2 diabetes, in whom the initial
is released from muscle is transported via the bloodstream rise in the insulin-to-glucagon ratio is blunted.18 The pre-
to the liver, where it is converted to glucose, thus completing cise quantitative contribution of the other counterregula-
the glucose-alanine cycle (see Fig. 35-4).13 The glucose-lac- tory hormones to the maintenance of basal glucose output
tate cycle (Cori cycle) also provides an important source of under normal conditions of fasting has not been assessed.
three-carbon skeletons for gluconeogenesis during fasting.15 However, it is likely that they (i.e., epinephrine, cortisol, and
Insulinopenia enhances the breakdown of glycogen and growth hormone) also exert a tonic effect on hepatic glucose
leads to accumulation of pyruvate. Because the Krebs cycle production in the postabsorptive state, and the withdrawal
has been inhibited by the accelerated rate of FFA oxidation of insulin (i.e., hypoinsulinemia) that occurs with prolonged
(Randle cycle), the pyruvate can either be transaminated to fasting allows their stimulatory effect on glycogenolysis and
alanine (glucose-alanine cycle) or converted to lactate and gluconeogenesis to occur unopposed. The net result of their
released into the circulation, where it is carried to the liver unopposed action is an increase in hepatic glucose and renal
and synthesized into glucose (glucose-lactate cycle). From output.
the quantitative standpoint, approximately twice as many During more pronounced hypoglycemia, as may occur
carbon skeletons are recycled to glucose via the Cori cycle with insulin administration, all the counterregulatory
compared with the alanine cycle. hormones are released and act synergistically to restore
normoglycemia.16 However, they do so with different
dose-response kinetics and time courses. Glucagon and
↓ Insulin
Protein +
↑ Alanine
↑ Lactate 40
Pre-hepatic insulin/glucagon

↑ FFA Glucose

↓ Insulin 30
Pyruvate T2D
(molar ratio)

+ ↑ Glycerol PC + Acetyl CoA
TG 20
↑ FFA 10 Controls
Figure 35-4  In the fasting state, the decrease in basal plasma insulin
concentration removes the inhibitory effect of the hormone on lipolysis
and plasma glycerol, and FFA levels increase. In the hepatocyte, en- 0
hanced delivery of FFA, in combination with a decreased insulin/glu- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
cagon ratio, stimulates beta oxidation, leading to the accumulation of
Time (min)
acetyl-CoA. Increased acetyl-CoA, by inhibiting pyruvate dehydroge-
nase and stimulating pyruvate carboxylase in the liver, shuttles pyruvate Figure 35-5  Estimated pre-hepatic insulin-to-glucagon molar concen-
into the gluconeogenic pathway. Hypoinsulinemia also stimulates pro- tration ratio in nondiabetic subjects in the basal postabsorptive state
teolysis in muscle and the enhanced delivery of alanine, other gluconeo- and during the absorption of a mixed meal. The shaded area represents
genic amino acids, glycerol, and lactate from peripheral tissues, thereby mean ± SEM; the red dotted line is the mean value in a group of obese
providing the substrates for accelerated hepatic gluconeogenesis. AA, patients with type 2 diabetes. (Redrawn from data in Camastra S, Mus-
Amino acids; FFA, free fatty acids; GN, gluconeogenic; OAA, oxalo- celli E, Gastaldelli A, et al. Long-term effects of bariatric surgery on
acetic acid; PC, pyruvate carboxylase; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; meal disposal and β-cell function in diabetic and nondiabetic patients,
PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; TG, triglyceride. Diabetes. 2013;62:3709-3717.)

catecholamines act rapidly, whereas cortisol, growth hor- maintaining basal insulinemia, is as effective as insulin in
mone, and thyroid hormones (in that order) are involved suppressing hepatic glucose production. More impressive is
in the long-range control of hepatic glucose release. Small, the observation that hyperglycemia in the presence of hypo-
acute increases in plasma glucagon and epinephrine con- insulinemia (hyperglycemic clamp with somatostatin) causes
centrations markedly stimulate both glycogenolysis and a greater than 50% suppression of hepatic glucose release
gluconeogenesis. Acute elevations in plasma cortisol, (see Fig. 35-6). Conversely, hypoglycemia by itself provides
growth hormone, and thyroid hormones have no stimu- a trigger to increase hepatic glucose release. During insulin-
latory effect on total hepatic glucose release. However, induced hypoglycemia in humans and animals, an increase
both cortisol and growth hormone have been shown to in plasma glucose occurs even when the counterregulatory
markedly potentiate the effects of epinephrine and gluca- hormonal response is inhibited (glucose autoregulation).
gon on hepatic glucose release. Recent studies suggest that this effect of hypoglycemia is
In addition to hormonal regulation, the central ner- mediated via glucose sensors in the hypothalamic region of
vous system has an important role in the maintenance of the brain, which activate hepatic glycogenolysis via sympa-
hepatic glucose production.19 Both parasympathetic and thetic connections to the liver.21
sympathetic fibers reach the liver via the splanchnic nerves, Altered substrate delivery to the liver also influences
thereby supplying autonomic neural modulation of both glucose release by the liver. In nondiabetic humans, it is
glucose production and uptake. In animals, parasympa- difficult to demonstrate a detectable increase in hepatic
thetic stimulation restrains glycogenolysis and enhances glucose production by infusing large quantities of glyc-
glycogen synthesis, whereas activation of the sympathetic erol, lactate, or a mixture of amino acids, as long as
fibers innervating the liver stimulates glucose output via there occurs a physiologic increase in plasma insulin
potentiation of both glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. concentration to balance out such gluconeogenic push.
In humans, the influence of the sympathetic nervous sys- However, even though total hepatic glucose output does
tem on hepatic glucose metabolism can be demonstrated not increase, there is a marked stimulation of gluconeo-
under conditions of acute stimulation, but the contribution genesis that is precisely counterbalanced by an inhibition
of the autonomic nervous system to the maintenance of of glycogenolysis. The increased provision of gluconeo-
basal hepatic glucose production remains undetermined. genic precursors leads to an increase in the intrahepatic
A number of metabolic signals play an important role in formation of G6P, but the eventual fate of this interme-
the control of hepatic glucose production in the postabsorp- diate is glycogen rather than free glucose, because the
tive state.9,10,20 Hyperglycemia per se inhibits liver glucose rate-limiting enzyme for glucose production, G6Pase, is
output. In normal adults, hyperglycemia and hyperinsu- not simultaneously activated. FFAs play an important
linemia occur concurrently, and in combination they pro- role in setting the level of hepatic glucose production.
vide a potent stimulus to suppress hepatic glucose release. Only the odd-chain FFAs (i.e., propionate) can donate
As shown in Fig. 35-6, physiologic hyperglycemia (main- their carbon atoms to oxaloacetate in the tricarboxylic
tained using the hyperglycemic clamp technique), while acid cycle and thus directly contribute to net gluconeo-
genesis. Most physiologic FFAs are of even chain, and
8 although they can exchange their carbon moieties with
tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, they do not con-
4 tribute to de novo glucose synthesis. Nonetheless, when
the perfusion medium of isolated rat liver is enriched
(µmol/min per kg)

0 with oleate or palmitate, new glucose formation from

lactate or pyruvate is enhanced. The biochemical mech-
−4 anisms involved in this stimulation of gluconeogenesis
have been well worked out.22 The products of FFA oxi-
−8 Hyperglycemia dation, citrate and acetyl-CoA, activate the key enzymes
that control gluconeogenesis, pyruvate carboxylase,
−12 +
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and G6Pase. In
+ +
Fasting Low ins. Basal ins. High ins. addition, elevated plasma FFA concentrations in vivo
−16 are usually accompanied by raised glycerol levels
because both result from the hydrolysis of triglycerides
Figure 35-6 Splanchnic glucose uptake (blue columns) and hepatic
glucose production (green columns) in healthy subjects under four (see Fig. 35-4). Therefore, accelerated lipolysis supplies
­experimental conditions: overnight fast; hyperglycemia (+125 mg/dL) both the stimulus (FFA), the substrate (glycerol), and
with somatostatin blockade of endogenous insulin release (Low Ins.); the energy source (ATP) to drive gluconeogenesis. In
hyperglycemia (+125 mg/dL) with somatostatin plus insulin replace- isolated hepatocytes, FFAs in micromolar amounts also
ment to maintain the fasting insulin concentration constant (Basal Ins.);
hyperglycemia (+125 mg/dL) with endogenous insulin (55 μU/mL) re-
have been shown to inhibit glycogen synthase. This sug-
lease. Note that hyperglycemia per se inhibits hepatic glucose produc- gests that an additional interaction of FFA metabolism
tion and that hyperglycemia acts synergistically with insulin to inhibit with hepatic glucose production may be at the level of
liver glucose output. In contrast, hyperglycemia stimulates glucose up- glycogen metabolism. In healthy volunteers, short-term
take to approximately the same extent in the presence of low, basal, infusion of triglycerides (with heparin to activate lipo-
or high insulin, that is, mostly by mass action. (Drawn from data in
DeFronzo RA, Ferrannini E, Hendler R, et al. Regulation of splanchnic protein lipase) increases the plasma FFA concentration,
and peripheral glucose uptake by insulin and hyperglycemia in man. leading to the stimulation of hepatic glucose output
Diabetes. 1983;32:35-45.) under conditions (i.e., hyperglycemia and insulinopenia

Figure 35-7  Schematic representation of organ glucose metabolism and blood flow in the basal (or postabsorptive) state. Average data compiled
for healthy adults from the literature are indicated. Periphery encompasses all tissues other than the liver, gut, kidneys, brain, and heart; gut includes
organs (i.e., spleen, pancreas) draining their blood supply into the portal circulation. Organ blood flow is shown in mL/min, and glucose fluxes are
shown in mmol/min or μmol/min). CA, Carotid arteries; HA, hepatic artery; HV, hepatic vein; MA, mesenteric arteries; PV, portal vein; RV, renal
veins; VA, vertebral artery. (Redrawn from Ferrannini E, DeFronzo RA. Insulin actions in vivo: glucose metabolism. In: DeFronzo RA, Ferrannini E,
Keen H, Zimmet P, eds. International textbook of diabetes mellitus. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons; 2004: 277-318.)

induced by somatostatin plus glucose infusion) that catheterization studies performed in combination with
mimic the diabetic state.23 A large part of this effect can glucose tracers and indirect calorimetry.25 By collat-
be reproduced by infusing, under the same experimen- ing the available information, the organ circulation
tal circumstances, glycerol alone. On the other hand, model depicted in Figure 35-7 can be constructed.5 In
when endogenous insulin is allowed to increase or when this synthesis, steady-state interorgan exchanges of glu-
exogenous insulin is administered, the stimulatory effect cose, tissue blood flow, and regional glucose gradients
of triglyceride infusion to increase the plasma FFA con- are calculated based on a rate of hepatic glucose pro-
centration on hepatic glucose release is easily overcome. duction of 140 mg/min (778 μmol/min). For a 70-kg
In summary, the long-chain FFAs can regulate hepatic man, this equals 2.0 mg/min per kilogram or 11 μmol/
glucose production both by acting on the key enzymes min per kilogram. In the postabsorptive state, approxi-
of gluconeogenesis (through buildup of the products of mately 70% of basal glucose disposal takes place in
FFA oxidation) and by virtue of the substrate push of insulin-independent tissues (brain, liver, kidney, intes-
glycerol. This regulatory loop is operative particularly tine, RBCs). Of these, the brain predominates and
when insulin secretion is not stimulated (i.e., in the basal accounts for almost half of the total hepatic glucose
state). Conversely, studies in both animals and humans production. The liver plus gastrointestinal (splanchnic)
have documented that a significant part of the suppres- tissues account for an additional 20%. It also can be
sive action of insulin on hepatic glucose production is appreciated that the fractional extraction of glucose
mediated via the hormone’s antilipolytic effect on adi- (as defined earlier) is quite low everywhere in the body
pocytes.10,24 If the plasma FFA concentration is main- (ranging from 1.0% to 3.5%) except in the brain (9%)
tained during insulin infusion, the inhibitory effect of (Table 35-2). Because skeletal muscle represents 40%
physiologic hyperinsulinemia on hepatic glucose pro- of total body weight and receives 16% of the cardiac
duction is impaired. output, one can calculate that muscle accounts for one
third of the overall glucose disposal in the basal state
Glucose Disposal (i.e., ∼245 μmol/min or 44 mg/min) (see Fig. 35-7).1,2,5
In the basal (postabsorptive) state, the rate of whole- As shown in Table 35-2, the muscle glucose clearance
body glucose disposal equals the rate of hepatic glu- averages 1.3 mL/min per kilogram of tissue. Glucose
cose production, and the plasma glucose concentration clearance is a useful metabolic concept and is defined
remains approximately constant.1,2 Information about as the amount of plasma that is completely cleared of
the contribution of individual organs and tissues to glucose in a given period; as such, it provides an index
total glucose uptake has been obtained in regional of the efficiency of tissue glucose removal. In the rank

TABLE 35-2  Regional Glucose Disposal in the TABLE 35-3  Classification of Main Glucose
Basal State Transporters and Their Couplers in Various Tissues

Clearance* Organ Transporter Coupler Classification

Blood Flow Uptake (mL/min
Organ Weight (kg) (L/min) (μmol/min) Extraction per kg) Brain GLUT-1 HKI Glucose dependent
Erythrocyte GLUT-1 HKI Glucose dependent
Brain 1.2 0.85 385 9.1 64 Adipocyte GLUT-4 HKII Insulin dependent
Liver 1.5 1.50 110 2.3 15 Muscle GLUT-4 HKII Insulin dependent
Kidneys 0.28 1.10 20 1.9 15 Liver GLUT-2 HKIVL Glucose sensor
Heart 0.3 0.25 20 1.7 13 β-cell GLUT-2 HKIVB Glucose sensor
Gut 5.0 1.20 60 1.0 20.4 Gut SGLT-1 GLUT-1 Sodium dependent
Muscle 28.0 1.05 245 3.5 1.3 Kidney SGLT-2 GLUT-2 Sodium dependent
*Organ clearance rate divided by organ weight. GLUT, Glucose transporter; HK, hexokinase; SGLT, sodium-glucose

of efficiency of tissue glucose clearance in the basal

state, resting muscle is last, being 10 times less active concentration above fasting levels (i.e., >5 mmol/L) will
than the liver and 50 times less avid than the brain. It necessarily lead to a decline in brain glucose clearance
is noteworthy that tissues (brain, liver, kidneys) that because the transporter saturates at approximately 3
have a high glucose clearance in the basal state are mmol/L. Moreover, because under postabsorptive con-
insulin independent. Increasing the plasma insulin con- ditions the brain is responsible for approximately half
centration above fasting values has no effect on glucose of the total body glucose disposal (see later), it follows
clearance by these tissues (i.e., brain, liver, kidneys), that an increase in fasting plasma glucose concentra-
whereas in muscle, glucose clearance increases by a tion (with or without an increase in plasma insulin)
factor of 10 or greater over the physiologic range of will be associated with a decline in whole-body glucose
insulin concentrations. The intermediate position of clearance.
heart muscle in the list is accounted for by its constant A totally distinct (from the physiologic standpoint)
working state. GLUT, GLUT-2, is present in liver and pancreatic β-cells.26
These organ-specific glucose clearance characteris- It has a high Km (∼15 to 20 mmol/L), and, as a conse-
tics (see Table 35-2) represent the physiologic equiva- quence, the free glucose concentration in cells express-
lent of the type and abundance of facilitative glucose ing this transporter increases in direct proportion to the
transporters (GLUTs, encoded by the SLC2A gene) the increase in plasma glucose concentration. This character-
various tissues express (Table 35-3).26 They also help istic allows these cells to behave as “glucose ­sensors.”1,2
to define the concept of an insulin-independent tissue. As the ambient glucose concentration increases, more
Thus, in tissues in which an increase in the plasma glucose enters the β-cell, which responds by appropri-
insulin concentration does not accelerate the glucose ately augmenting its secretion of insulin, whereas the liver
clearance, the GLUT is not responsive to acute changes reads the rising plasma glucose level and decreases its
in the plasma insulin concentration. At present, several output of glucose. As a corollary of this, an increase in
GLUT isoforms have been isolated.26 A ubiquitously the plasma glucose concentration is associated with a pro-
expressed, non–insulin-regulatable GLUT (GLUT-1) portional increase in glucose uptake by these tissues with
effects facilitated glucose transport in RBCs. The abun- an unchanging glucose clearance. Because GLUT-2 does
dance of this transporter in RBCs ensures rapid dif- not respond to insulin, hyperinsulinemia is not associated
fusion of glucose across the RBC membrane, and this with an increase in hepatic or β-cell glucose clearance.
characteristic confers on RBCs an important role in It is noteworthy that each GLUT is associated with a
the interorgan exchange of glucose. The same GLUT-1 specific hexokinase, which has a Km that parallels that
transporter is present in the endothelial cells lining of its associated GLUT.27 For liver and β-cells, the phos-
the blood vessels of the brain. Because of its low Km phorylating enzyme is hexokinase IV or glucokinase. Its
(∼1 mmol/L), it saturates at plasma glucose concentra- high Km constant has led investigators to propose glu-
tions well below the normal fasting plasma glucose con- cokinase as the β-cell sensor. Consistent with this, recent
centration (∼5 mmol/L), thereby ensuring a constant studies have demonstrated that some forms of maturity-
flux of glucose into brain cells. This is an important onset diabetes of the young (MODY) are associated with
adaptive mechanism that provides the cerebral tissues mutations in the glucokinase gene, and the physiologic
an adequate supply of fuel, even in the face of hypo- counterpart of this is a defect in insulin secretion (see
glycemia. Another unique feature of GLUT-1 is its low Chapter 38). Insulin-sensitive tissues, such as skeletal
Vmax (∼3 mmol/L). This protects the brain against acute muscle and adipocytes, express GLUT-4 and its physio-
fluid shifts and cerebral edema that otherwise would logic coupler, hexokinase II. GLUT-4 has a Km constant
accompany hyperglycemia. Thus, GLUT-1 is well suited of approximately 5 mmol/L, which is close to that of
for its physiologic function, especially in the individual the plasma glucose concentration. In the basal state, the
with insulin-dependent diabetes in whom wide swings majority of GLUT-4 transporters are not located in the
in plasma glucose concentration (from hypoglycemia to plasma membrane but reside in vesicles within the cell.
hyperglycemia) are common. Another important corol- After exposure to insulin, the concentration of GLUT-4 in
lary of GLUT-1 is that an increase in plasma glucose the plasma membrane of adipocytes and muscle increases

markedly, and there is a reciprocal decline in the intra- TABLE 35-4  Indirect Calorimetry: Calculation
cellular GLUT-4 pool.28 Insulin not only enhances their of Carbohydrate and Lipid Oxidation and Energy
translocation and insertion into the plasma membrane Expenditure
but also augments their intrinsic activity. Thus, muscle
glucose clearance increases markedly, tenfold or greater, Net carbohydrate oxidation 25.3 × VCO2 – 17.8 × VO2 –
in response to increments in plasma insulin concentration μmol/min) 16.0 • N
within the physiologic range.1,2,29 GLUT-3 is the major Net lipid oxidation μmol/min) 6.5 × (VO2 – VCO2) – 7.5 × N
neuronal transporter in brain tissues. Another family of Energy expenditure (kJ/min) 0.0164 × VO2 + 0.0046 ×
VCO2 – 0.014 × N
glucose transporters, the sodium-glucose co-transporters
(SGLTs), participate in the process of glucose absorption N, Urinary nonprotein nitrogen excretion (in mg/min); VCO2, carbon
in several tissues.30 SGLT-2, a low-affinity, high-capacity ­dioxide production (in mL/min); VO2, oxygen consumption (in mL/min).
member of the family encoded by the SLC5A2 gene, is
expressed at high levels in the S1-S2 segment of the proxi- which preferentially derive their metabolic energy from
mal renal tubule, where it affects the bulk of reabsorption the oxidation of FFAs and other lipids under postab-
of filtered glucose. This isoform couples with the activity sorptive conditions. Skeletal muscle, for example, has a
of GLUT-2 (expressed on the basolateral membrane) to respiratory quotient of 0.75 and relies on fat oxidation
extrude glucose from the intracellular space to the inter- for the production of 80% of the energy that it needs in
stitium and bloodstream. Mutations in SLC5A2 (as in the resting state. Thus, the basal state is characterized
familial renal glycosuria) or pharmacologic inhibition of by parsimonious use of glucose as a metabolic fuel.15
SLGT2 are associated with marked glycosuria.31 SGLT- Moreover, the glucose is selectively channeled to organs
1, a high-affinity, low-capacity co-transporter encoded that cannot rely on alternative energy sources. In the
by the SLC5A1 gene, is predominantly expressed on the postabsorptive state, more than half of the total energy
brush border membrane of enterocytes, where it affects production is generated via oxidation of fat, of which
absorption of glucose and galactose through coupling there are plentiful stores (see Table 35-1). Insulin is the
with GLUT-1 (see Table 35-3). These transporters play a principal regulator that determines the metabolic mix of
crucial role in glucose homeostasis by regulating its entry fuels in the basal state. A small decrement in the circu-
into the body and preventing its loss via the kidney. lating hormone level releases the brake on lipolysis, and
The intracellular disposition of transported glucose the plasma FFA concentration increases, thereby allow-
can be studied in vivo by using glucose tracers and then ing fat to override glucose in the competition between
measuring the appearance of the label in specific meta- the two substrates. Although these very small changes in
bolic products such as lactate (i.e., anaerobic glycolysis) plasma insulin concentration are sufficient to promote
and carbon dioxide (i.e., complete oxidation).8 These a shift in fuel metabolism from carbohydrate to fat, the
techniques, even when correctly applied, provide only plasma insulin level is still sufficiently elevated to main-
estimates of the metabolic fate of plasma glucose. For tain glucose transport and metabolism in target tissues at
example, should glycogen in muscle be oxidized directly, minimal rates and to restrain protein breakdown, which
the plasma glucose–specific activity would miss it com- contributes only ∼15% to basal energy metabolism.15
pletely because plasma glucose does not equilibrate with The role that counterregulatory hormones (glucagon,
the intracellular free-glucose pool. To circumvent this epinephrine, cortisol, growth hormone, thyroid hor-
problem, investigators have employed indirect calorim- mones) play in basal glucose uptake is less well defined
etry, which measures total carbon dioxide production but probably centers on the maintenance of lipolysis,
from all carbohydrate sources, both intracellular and because all the insulin antagonistic hormones are more
extracellular.32 Although indirect calorimetry depends or less potent lipolytic stimuli.
on a number of assumptions, these are reasonable and
have been largely validated. Moreover, this technique is Glucose Cycles
easy to apply and noninvasive. Indirect calorimetry also After entry of glucose into the cell through a specific
provides a good estimate of the rate of energy expendi- GLUT, the sugar does not necessarily follow a direct path
ture and complements information obtained by tracer to its eventual fate, be it glycogen, lactate, carbon diox-
methods. In the basal state and under ordinary nutri- ide, or pentoses. Rather, it may in part reach its destina-
tional circumstances, oxygen consumption averages 250 tion via a number of circuitous routes that have become
mL/min, whereas carbon dioxide production is 200 mL/ known as futile cycles. A metabolic futile cycle is one in
min—that is, the whole-body respiratory quotient equals which a precursor is converted into a product by a for-
0.8 (respiratory quotient = carbon dioxide production/ ward reaction and then resynthesized to the precursor. In
oxygen consumption). From the equations depicted in such a reaction, there is no net product accumulation, but
Table 35-4, whole-body carbohydrate oxidation can be energy (ATP) is used. There are multiple examples of such
estimated to account for approximately 60% of total futile cycles in the glucose metabolic pathway.33 The first
glucose uptake in the postabsorptive state.25 Because involves the conversion of glucose to G6P by glucokinase
the brain uses 46% of the total glucose turnover (see and its subsequent reconversion to intracellular free glu-
Table 35-2), and because essentially all brain glucose cose by G6Pase in the liver. Each turn of this cycle uses
uptake is accounted for by oxidation, it follows that one molecule of ATP. Another example of a futile cycle
three fourths (i.e., 46/0.6 or 77%) of basal glucose oxi- is represented by the conversion of G6P to fructose-6-­
dation occurs in the brain. Little is left for other tissues, phosphate and back through the phosphoglucoisomerase

reaction. Perhaps the best-studied futile cycle that is in the distribution of the three major dietary constituents.
under the control of insulin is the conversion of fruc- The rate of absorption of dietary carbohydrates is mark-
tose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate in the edly influenced by their chemical form (refined sugars ver-
liver. The reverse reaction is regulated by fructose-1,6-­ sus complex carbohydrates) and by the composition of the
bisphosphatase, whereas the forward reaction is catalyzed meal. Protein and fat, in particular, retard gastric empty-
by phosphofructokinase (PFK). The latter enzyme is con- ing and delay carbohydrate absorption. Furthermore, the
trolled by the energy status of the cell and key intracellu- disposition of dietary carbohydrates is indirectly affected
lar metabolites. High levels of ATP, acidosis, and citrate by the dietary fat and protein content to the extent that
inhibit PFK, whereas ADP and alkalosis stimulate PFK. these latter (1) compete with glucose as substrates in
The most potent activator of PFK is fructose-2,6-bispho- muscle, (2) impair the suppression of hepatic glucose
sphate, whose synthesis is stimulated by the enzyme fruc- production by providing gluconeogenic precursors, and
tose-2,6-bisphosphate kinase. This latter enzyme is under (3) alter the balance of glucoregulatory hormones (FFAs
the control of insulin, and the PFK step, therefore, rep- and some amino acids are insulin secretagogues, whereas
resents an important regulatory control point for insulin most amino acids stimulate glucagon secretion).
action.34 The rate-limiting factor for the absorption of glucose
In general terms, whenever bidirectional flux through is gastric emptying, which is influenced by meal compo-
a metabolic pathway is simultaneously operative, there sition and shows wide interindividual variation. Gastric
exists a cycle, regardless of the number of intermediate emptying is determined by the integration of motor activ-
reactions and regardless of whether one or more tissues ity of the stomach and upper small intestine, controlled
are involved. In the examples cited previously, the cycles by electrical slow waves generated by the interstitial cells
occurred within individual cells. However, cycles also can of Cajal. The chyme is pumped across the pylorus in a
exist between organs. In this regard, lipolysis in adipose pulsatile manner. The entire process of transfer of gastric
tissue followed by partial reesterification of FFAs in the contents to the gut is regulated primarily by inhibitory
liver is a complete cycle. Another important cycle is the feedback arising from the interaction of nutrients with
breakdown of proteins in the liver or other tissues. The the small intestine, and modulated by both stimulation
glucose-alanine and glucose-lactate (Cori) loops13 also of the vagus nerve and the secretion of gut hormones,
represent important cycles (see previous discussion) that including glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), glucose-
provide conservation of carbon skeletons and transfer of dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), cholecysto-
α-amino groups between muscle and liver. kinin (CCK), and peptide YY (PYY).35 The dynamics of
The negative connotation of futility has traditionally gastric emptying are a strong determinant of the shape of
been reserved for those cycles that go on in the same cell. the oral glucose tolerance curve. Once glucose enters the
These cycles are, however, anything but futile. As ele- small intestine, it is rapidly transported by specific trans-
gantly discussed by Newsholme and Leech,33 a metabolic port systems (mainly, SGLT-1) that are sodium depen-
cycle with a reverberating internal loop provides the best dent.36 Sodium is transported from the intestinal lumen
kinetic stratagem to maintain the enzymes of a dormant into the epithelial cell down a favorable sodium gradient.
pathway at a minimum of activity, while at the same time Both sodium and glucose are bound to the transporter,
ensuring a high sensitivity gain for rapid amplification of and cellular entry of sodium brings with it glucose, which
incoming signals. The ATP cost of these cycles is itself then exits via the GLUT-1 present in the basolateral
a means of increasing the efficiency of energy dissipa- membrane. For glucose transport to continue, sodium
tion. The fact that the activity of these cycles is under also must be pumped out via the basolateral membrane to
hormonal control (e.g., catecholamines, glucagon, and maintain the favorable sodium gradient for sodium entry
thyroid hormones enhance the cycling rate) establishes from the lumen. This active step is efficiently carried out
a mechanism for rapid modulation. In this way, these by a Na+/K+-ATPase pump. This coupled system, which
cycles become components of facultative thermogenesis. effectively and rapidly transports glucose from the intes-
Equally important, the operation of these futile or sub- tinal lumen into the interstitial fluid, has a high capacity
strate cycles allows the generation of metabolic interme- and is independent of insulin. SGLT activity and glucose
diates that can modulate the activities of key enzymes and sensing on the luminal surface of chemosensitive entero-
allow allosteric regulation. endocrine cells (e.g., L and K cells) mediate the release of
gastrointestinal hormones (e.g., GLP-1, GIP) by glucose
GLUCOSE METABOLISM: FED (as well as nonmetabolizable sugars) in a dose-dependent
manner.37 Vagal afferent activity, triggered by a number
(POSTPRANDIAL) STATE of enteroendocrine hormones including GLP-1 and GIP,
The fed state refers to the period of active nutrient provides a further level of control of glucose entry into
absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and lasts until the bloodstream.
the plasma insulin concentration and glucose metabolism
have returned to basal values. In normal humans, car- Quantitation of Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Secretion
bohydrates are ingested with lipids and protein (i.e., a Because of the difficulties involved in following the gas-
mixed meal). In the typical diet, carbohydrates comprise trointestinal absorption of glucose and the continuously
approximately 50% of the caloric contents, with fat and changing plasma glucose and insulin concentrations, the
protein contributing about 35% and 15%, respectively. regulation of glucose homeostasis during the fed state has
However, there is considerable interindividual variation classically been investigated using intravenous glucose,

which can be administered in formats that are more technique has the following advantages: 1) Any desired
suitable for formal analysis. The most detailed informa- combination of plasma glucose and insulin levels can
tion concerning glucose utilization by the whole body, be achieved and maintained; 2) the time course of insu-
organs, and specific intracellular pathways has come lin action can be determined with a time resolution of
from studies employing the insulin/glucose clamp tech- approximately 10 minutes; 3) other techniques, such as
nique38 in combination with indirect calorimetry, iso- tracer glucose infusion, indirect calorimetry, limb cath-
tope turnover methodology, and limb (forearm and leg) eterization, magnetic resonance imaging/spectroscopy,
catheterization. Because the insulin-glucose clamp tech- and muscle biopsy, can be combined with the clamp pro-
nique has become the reference method for the study of tocol; 4) because hypoglycemia is avoided, the release of
glucose metabolism, this procedure is described briefly. counterregulatory hormones (which antagonize insulin
The euglycemic insulin version of the clamp technique is action) is prevented, and one can derive a pure measure
shown in Figure 35-8. An exogenous infusion of regular of tissue sensitivity to insulin; 5) the interaction of other
insulin is started at time zero and is given as a prim- hormones or substrates with insulin action can be quan-
ing dose followed by a constant infusion (usually at a titated by simultaneously infusing them during a clamp
rate of 1 mU/min per kilogram or 40 mU/min per square study; 6) the achievement of constant or nearly constant
meter of body surface area or 240 pmol/min per square levels of insulin, glucose, tracer glucose-specific activ-
meter). Such an infusion quickly establishes a hyperinsu- ity (or enrichment), and glucose metabolic rate allows
linemic plateau of approximately 70 to 80 μU/mL. A few one to make quantitative measurements under steady-
minutes after starting the insulin, an infusion of 20% state conditions and thus avoid interpretive problems
glucose is begun. Based on the plasma glucose concen- encountered when plasma glucose and insulin concen-
tration, which is measured every 5 to 10 minutes, and trations and glucose flux rates are constantly changing
using the negative feedback principle, the glucose infu- (i.e., during an oral glucose tolerance test or intravenous
sion rate is adjusted periodically to maintain the plasma glucose tolerance test). The hyperglycemic version of
glucose concentration constant at basal level. In response the glucose clamp is depicted in Figure 35-9.38 In this
to the hyperinsulinemic stimulus, there is an initial delay procedure, the plasma glucose concentration is acutely
in the onset of insulin-stimulated glucose disposal that increased by a priming infusion of glucose that is admin-
lasts approximately 15 to 20 minutes.38 After this delay, istered in a logarithmically decreasing manner over
there is a rapid increase in glucose utilization from 20 to 15 minutes. Thereafter, the plasma glucose concentra-
80 minutes, and this reaches a near–steady-state value tion is clamped at the designed plateau by periodically
of 5 to 10 mg/min per kilogram of body weight (27 to adjusting an exogenous glucose infusion as described in
54 μmol/min per kilogram) during the last 40 minutes the euglycemic version. The hyperglycemic step evokes
of the insulin clamp in healthy young subjects. Because an endogenous insulin response that is typically biphasic.
endogenous glucose production is completely or nearly During the initial 10 minutes, there is an early burst of
completely (>90%) suppressed by insulin, and the plasma insulin release that is followed by a gradual, continuous
glucose concentration is clamped at the basal level, the increase in the plasma insulin concentration. The initial
rate of exogenous glucose infusion must equal the rate of (0 to 10 minutes) peak of insulin represents the release of
glucose uptake by all tissues of the body and provides a preformed hormone that is stored within β-cell granules.
quantitative measure of the amount of glucose metabo- The late (10 to 120 minutes) phase, which is believed
lized (M). In insulin-resistant conditions (e.g., obesity to represent the release of insulin packaged in immature
and type 2 diabetes mellitus1,2), hepatic glucose produc- granules or newly synthesized insulin, lasts until the glu-
tion (measured with radiolabeled glucose or a stable cose stimulus is withdrawn. By analogy with the euglyce-
isotope of glucose) is incompletely suppressed and must mic insulin clamp counterpart, the hyperglycemic clamp
be added to the rate of exogenous glucose infusion to also provides a quantitative measure of the total amount
obtain the true rate of total body glucose utilization. The of glucose taken up and metabolized (M) by the body in
higher the glucose metabolic rate (M), the more sensitive response to the combined stimuli of endogenous hyper-
the individual is to insulin. The euglycemic insulin clamp insulinemia plus hyperglycemia.

6 60
80 48
Glucose infusion rate

Insulin (µU/mL)

Glucose infusion rate

Glucose (mM)

80 10
Insulin (µU/ml)
Glucose (mM)

4 36
(µmol/min kg)

(µmol/min kg)

40 24
2 ‘M’ 40 5
12 ‘M’ 12
0 0 0
0 60 80 0 60 120
Time (min) Time (min)
Figure 35-8  Schematic representation of the euglycemic insulin clamp Figure 35-9  Schematic representation of the hyperglycemic clamp
technique. See text for a detailed description. technique. See text for a detailed description.

One disadvantage of the hyperglycemic clamp or any declines with age,41 in part because of the age-related
study in which glucose is administered intravenously is increase in adiposity.42 More importantly, within the
the inability to examine the effect of incretins on insulin normal population insulin sensitivity ranges widely.
secretion.14 Thus, when glucose is administered orally, the Among young, healthy, normal, glucose-tolerant subjects,
insulin response is significantly greater than when the same insulin-mediated glucose disposal varies up to eightfold.43
arterial glucose profile is created by intravenous glucose A number of factors are known to influence insulin sen-
administration (Fig. 35-10). This phenomenon is generally sitivity (see Chapters 36, 40, and 43). In addition to
known as the incretin effect. The size of the incretin effect age, adipose tissue mass, fat topography, and degree of
has been shown to be directly related to the strength of the physical fitness all are powerful determinants of insulin-
oral stimulus; thus, ascending doses of oral glucose induce mediated glucose disposal.1,2 Increased total body fat
progressively larger incretin effects in the healthy subject.39 content and especially increased visceral fat,3 as well as
A defective incretin effect has been demonstrated in nondia- decreased VO2max,44 are associated with impaired insulin
betic obese subjects as well as in subjects with type 2 dia- action. Increased metabolites of triglyceride and FFAs
betes.40 Among gastrointestinal hormones, GLP-1 and GIP (fatty acylcoenzyme A, diacylglycerol, and ceramide)
contribute to the incretin effect significantly because of their within muscle and liver cells are associated with insulin
ability to potentiate glucose-induced insulin secretion.14,39 resistance in these organs.3 Diet composition (increased
fat and reduced carbohydrate) also has been shown to
Dynamic Interaction Between Insulin Sensitivity and impair insulin sensitivity. However, even when these factors
Insulin Secretion are taken into account, one cannot fully explain the wide
In normal, healthy individuals, the euglycemic insulin variability in insulin sensitivity among healthy adult indi-
clamp technique has demonstrated that insulin sensitivity viduals.43 Studies in whites, Pima Indians, and Mexican
Americans1,2,45 have demonstrated that genetic factors
play an important role in the distribution of insulin sensi-
10 tivity (as measured by the glucose disposal rate during a
euglycemic insulin clamp).
Plasma glucose

Glucose homeostasis results from a fine balance

between tissue sensitivity to insulin and insulin secre-

tion.46 This implies that the β cell must be able to sense
the defect in insulin action and precisely augment its
secretion of insulin to offset the insulin resistance. In fact,
4 insulin resistance is neither necessary nor sufficient to
–30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 cause dysglycemia so long as the β-cell functional reserve
is large enough to cope even with severe insulin resistance.
1000 The typical case is the morbidly obese subject with normal
glucose tolerance, in whom insulin output can be tenfold
800 Oral
higher than in lean individuals43 and decrease to near-
Plasma insulin

normal levels following major weight loss.47 β-cell dys-


function, on the other hand, is necessary and sufficient
to produce hyperglycemia; type 1 diabetes is the proto-
200 type of primary β-cell failure. In recent years, clinically
IV significant advances have also been made in the area of
–30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 in vivo β-cell function.48 First, it has been recognized
that absolute insulin secretion (whether fasting or post-
meal) reflects the set-point of β-cell secretory function
600 (i.e., secretory capacity) of which insulin resistance and
presumably β-cell mass are positive determinants. However,
Secretion rate

400 the strongest determinant of glucose tolerance is the abi­

lity of the secretory machinery to rapidly and adequately
cope with the acute changes in glucose induced by feeding.
This aspect of β-cell function, called glucose sensitivity,
is largely independent of insulin resistance. Recent stud-
0 ies serve to emphasize the importance of this dynamic
–30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 interaction between insulin sensitivity and insulin secre-
Time (min) tion.49,50 In these studies, both insulin sensitivity (by the
Figure 35-10  The incretin effect: Following oral glucose (75 g) admin- euglycemic insulin clamp technique) and β-cell function
istration (full line) and isoglycemic intravenous glucose infusion (top) in (by mathematical modeling of C-peptide concentra-
the same nondiabetic subjects, plasma insulin concentrations (middle) tions51) were measured in lean and obese subjects with
and insulin secretion rates (bottom) are markedly potentiated with the and without type 2 diabetes. As shown in Figure 35-11,
oral as compared to the IV route of administration. Plots are mean ±
SEM. (Redrawn from Muscelli E, Mari A, Casolaro A, et al. Separate in nondiabetic subjects, both fasting insulin secretion
impact of obesity and glucose tolerance on the incretin effect in normal and total insulin output in response to an oral glucose
subjects and type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes. 2008;57:1340-1348.) tolerance test (OGTT) are inversely related to insulin

Figure 35-12 Relationship between plasma glucose concentrations

measured 2 hours following the ingestion of 75 g of glucose (abscis-
sae) and total insulin output (top), insulin sensitivity (middle), and β-cell
glucose sensitivity (bottom) in different groups of subjects: from left to
Figure 35-11  Reciprocal relationship between insulin sensitivity (mea- right, lean nondiabetic controls, obese nondiabetic subjects by tertile of
sured by the euglycemic insulin clamp technique38) and insulin secre- 2-hour plasma glucose levels, IGT subjects, and patients with overt type
tion (as reconstructed by the C-peptide deconvolution technique51) in 2 diabetes by quartile of 2-hour plasma glucose levels. IGT, Impaired
the fasting state (top) and in response to a 75-g oral glucose load over glucose tolerance. (Redrawn from Ferrannini E, Gastaldelli A, Miyazaki
2 hours (bottom) in lean, nondiabetic subjects (rightmost symbols), in Y, et al. Beta-cell function in subjects spanning the range from normal
obese nondiabetic subjects (split into tertiles of 2-hour plasma glucose glucose tolerance to overt diabetes: a new analysis. J Clin Endocrinol
concentrations (middle symbols), and in subjects with impaired glu- Metab. 2005;90:493-500.)
cose tolerance (IGT) (leftmost symbols). (Redrawn from Ferrannini E,
Gastaldelli A, Miyazaki Y, et al. Beta-cell function in subjects spanning
the range from normal glucose tolerance to overt diabetes: a new analy-
sis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:493-500.) is continuously and linearly related to the 2-hour plasma
glucose concentration in a reciprocal fashion throughout
the range from low-normal to very high (Fig. 35-13), con-
sensitivity. When including type 2 diabetic patients with firming that β-cell glucose sensing is a critical determinant
progressively worse glycemic control, the relation of of glucose tolerance. The separate quantitative contribu-
the different parameters of glucose metabolism to glu- tion of insulin sensitivity and β-cell glucose sensitivity to
cose tolerance is strikingly different (Fig. 35-12). Insulin glucose tolerance (as the 2-hour plasma glucose level) is
output shows a biphasic time pattern, initially increas- shown in Figure 35-14, which also illustrates the com-
ing as glucose tolerance deteriorates, to eventually fall plex, nonlinear interaction of these two main physiologic
below normal values in severe diabetes. Insulin sensitiv- determinants of glucose tolerance.
ity drops by 35% in the passage between lean and obese Recent genomewide scan association analyses in dia-
nondiabetic subjects (first two dots to the left of the pan- betic52 and nondiabetic cohorts53 have consistently iden-
els) and continues to fall slowly in the transition from tified common mutations in genes more or less directly
the following two tertiles of glucose tolerance, through related to β-cell function (see Chapter 40). Although the
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), to progressively more risk conferred by such variants is small, it is conceivable
severe hyperglycemia. In contrast, β-cell glucose sensitiv- that individuals carrying one or, more likely, several of
ity declines monotonically in parallel with progressively these gene polymorphisms start with an inherently poor
higher 2-hour plasma glucose concentrations. Thus, indi- β-cell glucose sensitivity, which may be compounded by
viduals in the highest tertile of what would be consid- a degree of “essential” insulin resistance. Obesity and
ered to represent normal glucose tolerance (i.e., 2-hour insulin resistance initially provide compensation by rais-
plasma = 120 to 139 mg/dL) have lost 50% of β-cell glu- ing the secretory set-point; eventually, however, aging
cose sensitivity, whereas IGT individuals have lost 65% and glucose toxicity—even that engendered by slight
of β-cell function (see Fig. 35-12). Log-transformation of chronic elevations in plasma glucose levels—wear out
these variables demonstrates that the glucose sensitivity β-cells (especially intrinsically defective β-cells), leading to

Normal range

β-cell Glucose sensitivity

Insulin output


Time (years)
Figure 35-13  Continuous, inverse association between β-cell glucose Figure 35-15  Schematic representation of the natural history of type 2
sensitivity and insulin sensitivity (individual data from Fig. 35-11). Note
diabetes. Shaded areas represent the normal ranges for insulin resistance
the logarithmic scale for both parameters. (Redrawn from Ferrannini E,
(top), β-cell function (middle), and plasma glucose concentrations (bot-
Gastaldelli A, Miyazaki Y, et al. Beta-cell function in subjects spanning
tom). Insulin resistance may start from values close to the upper limit
the range from normal glucose tolerance to overt diabetes: a new analy-
of normal in predisposed individuals (indicated by the star) and worsen
sis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:493-500.)
under the pressure of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Insulin output
(dotted line) initially increases to cope with the ensuing insulin resis-
tance and obesity. β-cell glucose sensitivity, however, may initially be
close to the lower limit of normal in genetically predisposed individuals
(double star) and declines continually thereafter. Plasma glucose con-
centrations creep up slowly through the prediabetic phase, eventually to
rise rather rapidly into the diabetic range.
25 25
2-h plasma glucose (mmol/l)

20 20
Hepatic glucose production

15 15 12

10 10
5 5
0 0

ity -40 0 40 80 120
Insu se Time (min)
lin r
e o se le)
(qu sistan luc rti Figure 35-16  Time course for suppression of hepatic glucose produc-
artil ce ll g (qua
e) β -ce tion in healthy adults during a euglycemic insulin clamp. (Redrawn
from Cobelli C, Mari A, Ferrannini E. The non-steady-state problem:
Figure 35-14 Independent contribution of insulin resistance and error analysis of Steele’s model and developments for glucose kinetics.
β-cell glucose insensitivity to glucose tolerance (as the 2-hour plasma Am J Physiol. 1987;252:E679-E687.)
glucose level following a standard 75-g oral glucose tolerance test) in
subjects spanning the range from normal glucose tolerance to overt dia-
betes (data as in Figs. 35-11 and 35-12). (Redrawn from Ferrannini E, by peripheral tissues, primarily muscle; 3) stimulate
Gastaldelli A, Miyazaki Y, et al. Beta-cell function in subjects spanning
the range from normal glucose tolerance to overt diabetes: a new analy-
glucose uptake by the liver; and 4) inhibit lipolysis and
sis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:493-500.) reduce the plasma FFA concentration.1,2 The decrease in
circulating plasma FFA levels plays an important role in
enhancing the suppression of hepatic glucose production
diabetes. This paradigm of the evolution of hyperglyce- and augmenting muscle glucose uptake in response to a
mia from normoglycemia under the separate pressures of physiologic increase in plasma insulin concentration.3
insulin resistance and β-cell glucose sensitivity, schema- Using the euglycemic insulin clamp technique, insulin
tized in Figure 35-15, is supported by longitudinal studies can be shown to exert a potent suppressive action on
in nondiabetic humans.54,55 hepatic glucose production such that portal insulin con-
centrations of less than 100 μU/mL completely abolish glu-
Effect of Insulin on Hepatic and Peripheral cose entry into the circulation.9,19,56 Figure 35-16 shows
Glucose Metabolism the typical time course for suppression of endogenous
The maintenance of normal glucose homeostasis requires (hepatic) glucose production after an acute increase in
the closely coordinated effects of insulin and hyperglycemia plasma insulin to levels of 60 to 70 μU/mL in healthy
to simultaneously 1) suppress endogenous (primarily subjects.57 Dose-response curves relating the calculated por-
hepatic) glucose production; 2) stimulate glucose uptake tal plasma insulin concentration to inhibition of hepatic

glucose production (Fig. 35-17) indicate a half-maximal (0.5 mg/min per kilogram) glucose uptake are unaf-
effect at a level of approximately 30 μU/mL, correspond- fected by insulin infusion.1,2 White adipose tissue in adult
ing to an increment in the portal insulin concentration humans, though insulin-sensitive, has traditionally been
of only 5 to 10 μU/mL.19,56 These results indicate the considered to be relatively inert and to contribute only
exquisite sensitivity of the liver to very small increments a very small percentage of whole-body glucose disposal.
in the circulating plasma insulin concentration. Note that However, more recent studies60 combining the euglyce-
in its capacity of a glucose-producing organ, the liver is mic insulin clamp technique with 18Fluoro-deoxyglucose
extremely sensitive to insulin, whereas the ability of insulin (18FDG) administration and positron-emitting tomogra-
to augment hepatic glucose uptake under conditions of phy (PET) scanning of adipose depots (identified by mag-
euglycemia is quite modest. In the presence of hypergly- netic resonance imaging [MRI]) have demonstrated that
cemia, insulin has a small stimulatory effect on hepatic adipose tissue is metabolically very active despite carry-
glucose uptake.58,59 Hyperglycemia, induced by intra- ing large, inert lipid droplets (70% to 90% by weight).
venous glucose administration, strongly synergizes this Thus, under clamp conditions, glucose uptake per unit
inhibitory action of insulin on hepatic glucose production tissue weight in subcutaneous adipose tissue in abdomi-
(see Fig. 35-6). Under euglycemic conditions, the apparent nal and femoral depots is roughly one third of muscle
maximal stimulation is approximately 15 mg/min per glucose uptake, and fat mass contributes an estimated
kilogram (∼80 μmol/min per kilogram) in healthy adult 10% of whole-body glucose uptake. Of note, visceral
subjects and occurs with plasma insulin concentrations fat depots are even more insulin sensitive than subcuta-
of approximately 250 μU/mL; the half-maximal stimula- neous fat60; moreover, in obese individuals, fat behaves
tion of glucose uptake occurs with a plasma insulin con- as a metabolic sink for glucose, and its contribution to
centration of 70 to 110 μU/mL. A dose-response curve whole-body glucose disposal rises to 15% to 20%. In any
of similar shape is derived when progressively higher event, muscle represents the primary tissue responsible for
insulin doses are infused locally into the forearm or leg insulin-mediated glucose uptake under euglycemic condi-
tissues, approximately 70% of which consists of skeletal tions.25 When hyperglycemia (plasma glucose raised from
muscle. By extrapolating from forearm or leg muscle to 90 to 180 mg/dL) is superimposed on the same level of
total body muscle mass, it can be estimated that with pre- hyperinsulinemia (70 to 80 μU/mL), a doubling of whole-
vailing peripheral plasma insulin concentrations in the body glucose utilization occurs (Fig. 35-19); consequently,
high physiologic range (60 to 90 μU/mL), approximately glucose clearance remains unchanged. As can be seen in
70% of total glucose disposal occurs in muscle tissue.25 Figure 35-18, essentially all the additional increase in
Obviously, this percentage increases further with progres- glucose disposal above that observed under euglycemic
sively higher insulin levels, because the contribution of conditions occurs in muscle. In the presence of hypergly-
insulin-independent tissues declines. By combining the cemia, insulin has a small stimulatory effect on hepatic
insulin clamp technique (plasma insulin concentration, glucose uptake, which amounts to approximately 10% of
70 to 80 μU/mL) with leg and hepatic vein catheteriza- the whole-body glucose disposal.59
tion, a composite picture of whole-body glucose disposal The regulation of glucose production and utilization
can be generated (Fig. 35-18). Brain (1.2 mg/min per kilo- by insulin is dependent on both the hormone concentra-
gram) and splanchnic (liver plus gastrointestinal tissues) tion and time. At any given insulin concentration, there
is a finite period before the effect of the hormone is seen
and reaches its maximum. Such onset time is the sum
15 of a circulatory delay (delivery of insulin from arterial
2.0 blood to cell surface membrane) and a cellular lag (insulin
Total glucose disposal

12 receptor binding and effector activation). Similarly, insu-

lin’s effect on glucose metabolism remains for some time

production (µmol/min-kg)

9 (offset) after the circulating concentration has returned to
Hepatic glucose

6 Splanchnic
3 0.5
Glucose metabolism

0 0 4
2 10 30 50 100 300 500 1000 1700
Plasma insulin conc (µU/ml) 2

Figure 35-17  Dose-response relationship between the plasma insulin

concentration (note the log scale) versus hepatic glucose production and Brain
whole-body glucose uptake in healthy subjects studied with the euglyce-
mic insulin clamp technique. The insulin concentrations are peripheral Figure 35-18  Summary of tissue glucose disposal during a euglyce-
levels in the case of total glucose uptake and portal levels in the case of mic (90 mg/dL) hyperinsulinemic (+80 μU/mL) clamp in healthy sub-
hepatic glucose production. (Reproduced from DeFronzo RA, Ferran- jects. (Reproduced from DeFronzo RA: Lilly lecture. The triumvirate:
nini E, Hendler R, et al. Regulation of splanchnic and peripheral glucose β-cell, muscle, liver: a collusion responsible for NIDDM. Diabetes.
uptake by insulin and hyperglycemia in man. Diabetes. 1983;32:35-45.) 1988;37:667-687, 1988.)

basal levels. Figure 35-20 shows the activation and deac- skeletal muscle; see Table 35-1) and to anatomic differ-
tivation times of insulin calculated at euglycemia over a ences between liver capillaries (which are fenestrated) and
wide range of plasma hormone levels (as high as 1000 muscle capillaries (which are not fenestrated).
μU/mL).61 With the reservations inherent in the analy- Intracellular Pathways of Glucose Disposal
sis of non–steady-state tracer data, the results shown
in Figure 35-20 provide evidence that activation and Overview
deactivation are inversely related to one another. Thus By combining indirect calorimetry with dose-response
at higher plasma insulin concentrations, the hormone’s studies using the euglycemic insulin clamp technique, it
effect is more rapid in onset and takes longer to wane. has been possible to quantitate the two major compo-
From the physiologic standpoint, it also is noteworthy nents of whole-body glucose disposal, that is, glucose
that the relationship between onset and offset time is dif- oxidation and nonoxidative glucose disposal.1,2,62 The
ferent for the liver (suppression of glucose release) and latter primarily (>90%) represents glycogen synthesis, the
for peripheral tissues (stimulation of glucose uptake). At remainder being accounted for by anaerobic metabolism,
any insulin dose, the liver is activated more rapidly, and that is, net lactate production. Figure 35-21 shows that
the effect persists longer. The more rapid onset of action the dose-response curves relating glucose oxidation and
in the liver may be related to the shorter diffusion time nonoxidative glucose disposal (glycogen synthesis) to the
of bloodborne substances into highly perfused organs plasma insulin concentration both retain the sigmoidal
(1 mL/min per gram of tissue in the liver versus a cor- shape of the curve for whole-body glucose uptake, but
responding value of 0.04 mL/min per gram in resting with distinctly different dose kinetics. Thus, glucose oxi-
dation is more sensitive (lower half maximum) but satu-
rates earlier (lower maximum) than glycogen synthesis;
the latter behaves as a pathway with low sensitivity and
Splanchnic high capacity. Skeletal muscle has been identified as the
Glucose metabolism (mg/kg-min)

predominant site of insulin-mediated net glycogen syn-

12 thesis.63 However, the increment in carbohydrate oxida-
tion that follows systemic insulin administration occurs
in muscle as well as other tissues (probably the liver) in
an approximate ratio of 1 to 2 (oxidation to glycogen
synthesis). With the use of nuclear magnetic resonance
Muscle spectroscopy, one can directly quantitate muscle glycogen
synthesis. The time course of insulin-stimulated muscle
4 glycogen formation (Fig. 35-22) closely follows the time
course of nonoxidative glucose uptake by the whole
body.63 By extrapolation from leg muscle to whole-body
Brain muscle, one can account for the great majority (∼90%) of
0 nonoxidative glucose disposal as muscle glycogen forma-
Figure 35-19  Summary of tissue glucose disposal during a hyperglyce- tion. Under physiologic conditions of hyperinsulinemia,
mic (180 mg/dL) hyperinsulinemic (80 μU/mL) clamp. approximately two thirds of G6P is converted to glycogen
and one third enters glycolysis.25,63 Of the glucose that
enters the glycolytic pathway, the majority (80% to 90%) is

Figure 35-20  Relationships between activation and deactivation times

for stimulation of peripheral glucose uptake and inhibition of hepat-
ic glucose production during three insulin infusion rates: 15 mU/m2 Figure 35-21  Dose-response relationship between the plasma insulin
per minute (blue circles), 40 mU/m2 per minute (green triangles), and concentration and total body glucose uptake, glucose oxidation, and
120 mU/m2 per minute (yellow squares). (Reconstructed from Prager R, nonoxidative glucose disposal in healthy subjects during a euglycemic
Wallace P, Olefsky JM. In vivo kinetics of insulin action on peripheral insulin clamp. (Drawn from Thiebaud D, Jacot E, DeFronzo RA, et al.
glucose disposal and hepatic output in normal and obese ­subjects. J Clin The effect of graded doses of insulin on total glucose uptake, glucose
Invest. 1986;78:472-481.) oxidation, and glucose storage in man. Diabetes. 1983;31:957-963.)

Figure 35-24  Schematic representation of the insulin receptor and the

cascade of intracellular signaling molecules that have been implicated in
Figure 35-22  Time course of stimulation of muscle glycogen forma- insulin action. See text for a more detailed discussion. GLUT, Glucose
tion by combined hyperinsulinemia (100 μU/mL) and hyperglycemia transporter; MAP, mitogen-activated protein; PI-3-Kinase, phosphati-
(200 mg/dL) in healthy subjects as determined by nuclear magnetic res- dylinositol kinase; SNAP, soluble NSF attachment 23-kD protein; SYN,
onance spectroscopy. (Redrawn from Shulman GI, Rothman DL, Jue T, syntaxin; VAMP, vesicle-associated membrane.
et al. Quantitation of muscle glycogen synthesis in normal subjects and
subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes by 13C nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy. N Engl J Med. 1990;322:223-228.)
(PDH) (which regulate glycolysis and glucose oxidation,
Insulin Receptor/Insulin Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
transport unit The insulin receptor is a glycoprotein consisting of
two α subunits and two β subunits linked by disulfide
bonds2,65-67 (see Chapter 33 and Fig. 35-24). The α sub-
Glucose unit of the insulin receptor is entirely extracellular and
contains the insulin-binding domain. The β subunit has
Glucose-6-P an extracellular domain, a transcellular domain, and an
Glycogen Pyruvate intracellular domain that express insulin-stimulated kinase
synthase dehydrogenase
activity directed toward its own tyrosine residues. Insulin
receptor phosphorylation of the β subunit, with subse-
Glycogen Oxidation
quent activation of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase, rep-
resents the first step in the action of insulin on glucose
Figure 35-23  Schematic representation of glucose transport, glucose metabolism. Mutagenesis experiments have shown that
phosphorylation, and the intracellular partitioning of glucose into insulin receptors devoid of tyrosine kinase activity are
its two major metabolic pathways: glucose oxidation and glycogen completely ineffective in mediating insulin stimulation
of cellular metabolism. Similarly, mutagenesis of any of
the three major phosphorylation sites (at residues 1158,
oxidized in the Krebs cycle to carbon dioxide and water, 1163, and 1162) impairs the insulin receptor kinase acti­
and the remainder is converted to lactate.64 vity, and this is associated with a marked decrease in the
For insulin to exert its biological effects on glucose acute metabolic and growth-promoting effects of insulin.
metabolism, it must first bind to specific receptors that
are present on the cell surface of all insulin target tissues2 Insulin Receptor Signal Transduction
(see Chapter 33). After insulin has bound to and acti- After activation, insulin receptor tyrosine kinase phos-
vated its receptor, second messengers are generated, and phorylates specific intracellular proteins, of which at
these second messengers initiate a series of events invol­ least nine have been identified (see Chapter 33 and Fig.
ving a cascade of phosphorylation-dephosphorylation 35-24).65 Four of these belong to the family of insulin-
reactions2,65-67 that eventually result in the stimulation receptor substrate (IRS) proteins: IRS-1, IRS-2, IRS-3,
of intracellular glucose metabolism. The initial step in IRS-4 (the others include Shc, Cbl, Gab-1, p60[dok], and
glucose metabolism involves activation of the glucose APS). In muscle, IRS-1 serves as the major docking protein
transport system, leading to influx of glucose into insu- that interacts with the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase
lin target tissues, primarily muscle (Fig. 35-23).2,6,28,68 and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in regions con-
The free glucose that has entered the cell is subsequently taining amino acid sequence motifs (YXXM or YMXM)
metabolized by a series of enzymatic steps that are under which, when phosphorylated, serve as recognition sites for
the control of insulin. Of these, the most important are proteins containing src-homology 2 (SH2) domains.68,69
glucose phosphorylation (catalyzed by hexokinase), gly- Mutation of these specific tyrosines severely impairs the
cogen synthase (which controls glycogen synthesis), and ability of insulin to stimulate glycogen and DNA synthesis,
phosphofructokinase (PFK) and pyruvate dehydrogenase establishing the important role of IRS-1 in insulin signal

Ca++ Cyclic AMP
– –
+ +
Synthase Protein
Kinase Kinase Phosphorylase

Glycogen Glycogen Glycogen Glycogen

Synthase Synthase Phosphorylase Phosphorylase
(inactive) (active) (active) (inactive)

Phosphatase Phosphatase

+ +
Insulin Glucose Insulin

Figure 35-25  Schematic representation of the control of glycogen synthesis and breakdown. Sites of insulin regulation are indicated. See text
for a detailed discussion. Cyclic AMP, Cyclic adenosine monophosphate; G1P, glucose 1-phosphate; G6P, glucose 6-phosphate; UDPG, uridine-
diphosphate glucose.

transduction. In liver, IRS-2 serves as the primary dock- triglyceride synthesis by increasing the transcription fac-
ing protein that undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation and tor steroid regulatory element-binding protein (SRBP)-
mediates the effect of insulin on hepatic glucose pro- 1c, and this lipogenic effect of insulin also appears to be
duction, gluconeogenesis, and glycogen formation. In mediated via the PI-3-kinase pathway.65
adipocytes, Cb1 represents another substrate that is phos- Other proteins with SH2 domains, including the
phorylated after its interaction with the insulin receptor adapter protein Grb2 and Shc, also interact with IRS-1
tyrosine kinase and is required for stimulation of GLUT-4 and become phosphorylated after exposure to insu-
translocation. Phosphorylation of Cb1 occurs when the lin.65,66,69 Grb2 and She serve to link IRS-1/IRS-2 to the
CAP/Cb1 complex associates with flotillin in caveolae, or mitogen-activated protein signaling pathway (see Fig.
lipid rafts, containing insulin receptors.70 35-24), which plays an important role in the generation
In muscle, the phosphorylated tyrosine residues on of transcription factors.65,69 After the interaction between
IRS-1 mediate an association between the SH2 domains IRS-1/IRS-2 and Grb2 and She, Ras is activated, leading to
of the 85-kD regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinosi- the stepwise activation of Raf, mitogen-activated protein
tol-3-kinase (PI-3-kinase), leading to activation of the kinase (MEK), and extracellular signal-regulated kinase.
enzyme65-67,69 (see Fig. 35-24). PI-3-kinase is a heterodi- Activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase then trans-
meric enzyme composed of an 85-kD regulatory subunit locates into the nucleus of the cell, where it catalyzes the
and a 110-kD catalytic subunit. The latter catalyzes the phosphorylation of transcription factors that promote
3’-phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) in the cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation.565,66,69,72,73
plasma membrane glycolipids, thereby converting PI- Blockade of the MEK pathway prevents the stimulation
4,5-bisphosphate to PI-3,4,5-triphosphate and PI-4-phos- of cell growth by insulin but has no effect on the metabolic
phate to PI-3,4 biphosphate. PI-(3,4,5)-P3 and PI-(3,4)-P2 actions of the hormone.
lead to the stimulation of glucose transport. Activation of Under anabolic conditions, insulin stimulates glycogen
PI-3-kinase by phosphorylated IRS-1 also leads to activa- synthesis by simultaneously activating glycogen synthase
tion of glycogen synthase65,69 via a process that involves and inhibiting glycogen phosphorylase74-76 (Fig. 35-25).
activation of protein kinase B/Akt and subsequent inhibi- The effect of insulin is mediated via the PI-3-kinase path-
tion of kinases such as GSK-3 and activation of protein way, which inactivates kinases such as glycogen synthase
phosphatase-1 (PP-1). Inhibitors of PI-3-kinase impair kinase-3 and activates phosphatases, particularly PP-1. It
glucose transport by interfering with the translocation of is believed that PP-1 is the primary regulator of glyco-
GLUT-4 from their intracellular location and block the gen metabolism.74-76 In skeletal muscle, PP-1 associates
activation of glycogen synthase and hexokinase (HK)-II with a specific glycogen-binding regulatory subunit, caus-
expression.28,65-69 The action of insulin to increase protein ing dephosphorylation (activation) of glycogen synthase.
synthesis and inhibit protein degradation also is mediated PP-1 also phosphorylates (inactivates) glycogen phos-
by PI-3-kinase and involves the activation of mTOR.71 phorylase. The precise steps that link insulin receptor
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) controls the tyrosine kinase/PI-3-kinase activation to stimulation of
translation machinery by phosphorylation and activation PP-1 have yet to be defined. Some evidence suggests that
of p70 ribosomal S6 kinase [p70(rsk)] and phosphoryla- p90 ribosomal S6-kinase may be involved in the activa-
tion of initiation factors.71 Insulin also promotes hepatic tion of glycogen synthase.65 Akt also has been shown to

phosphorylate and thus inactivate GSK-3. This decreases the addition of insulin. It has a low Km (∼1 mmol/L) and
glycogen synthase phosphorylation, leading to activation is well suited for its function, which is to mediate basal
of the enzyme. A number of studies have convincingly glucose uptake. It is found in association with HK-I.79-
demonstrated that inhibitors of PI-3-kinase inhibit gly- 81 GLUT-2 predominates in the liver and pancreatic β

cogen synthase and abolish glycogen synthesis.65,66 From cells, where it is found in association with a specific HK,
the physiologic standpoint, it makes sense that activa- HK-IV79-82 In the β cell, HK-IV is referred to as glucoki-
tion of glucose transport and glycogen synthase should nase.82 GLUT-2 has a high Km (15 to 20 mmol/L); as a
be linked to the same signaling mechanism to provide a consequence, the glucose concentration in cells express-
coordinated and efficient stimulation of intracellular glucose ing this transporter increases in direct proportion to the
metabolism. increase in plasma glucose concentration. This characte­
ristic allows these cells to respond as glucose sensors. In
Glucose Transport summary, each tissue has a specific GLUT and associated
Activation of the insulin signal transduction system in HK that allow it uniquely to carry out its specialized func-
insulin target tissues leads to the stimulation of glucose tion to maintain whole-body glucose economy.
transport. The effect of insulin is brought about by the
translocation of a large intracellular pool of GLUTs (asso- Glucose Phosphorylation
ciated with low-density microsomes) to the plasma mem- Glucose phosphorylation and glucose transport are
brane.2,6,28,68 There are five major, different facilitative tightly coupled phenomena. Isoenzymes of HK (HKI
GLUTs with distinctive tissue distributions6,68,77,78 (see to HKIV) catalyze the first committed intracellular step
Table 35-3). GLUT-4, the insulin-regulatable transporter, of glucose metabolism, the conversion of glucose to
is found in insulin-sensitive tissues (muscle and adipo- G6P79-82 (see Table 35-3). HKI, HKII, and HKIII are
cytes), has a Km of approximately 5 mmol/L, which is single-chain peptides that have a number of properties in
close to that of the plasma glucose concentration, and is common, including a very high affinity for glucose and
associated with HKII.79-81 In adipocytes and muscle, its product inhibition by G6P. HKIV, also called glucoki-
concentration in the plasma membrane increases markedly nase, has a lower affinity for glucose and is not inhibited
after exposure to insulin, and this increase is associated by G6P. Glucokinase (HKIVB) is the glucose sensor in
with a reciprocal decline in the intracellular GLUT-4 pool. the β cell, whereas HKIVL plays an important role in the
Acute physiologic hyperinsulinemia does not increase the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism. In both rat and
total number of GLUT-4 transporters in muscle, even human,80,83 skeletal muscle HKII transcription is regu-
though several studies have demonstrated an increase in lated by insulin. HKI also is present in human skeletal
muscle GLUT-4 mRNA. Using a novel isotopic dilution muscle but is not regulated by insulin. In response to
technique, the in vivo dose-response curve for the action physiologic euglycemic hyperinsulinemia, HKII cytosolic
of insulin on glucose transport in human forearm skeletal activity, protein content, and mRNA levels increase by
muscle has been described (Fig. 35-26). GLUT-1 repre- 50% to 200% in healthy subjects,83 and this is associated
sents the predominant GLUT in the insulin-independent with the translocation of HKII from the cytosol to the
tissues (brain and erythrocytes) but is also found in mus- mitochondria.84 In contrast, insulin has no effect on HKI
cle and adipocytes. It is located primarily in the plasma activity, protein content, or mRNA levels.
membrane, where its concentration changes little after
Glycogen Synthesis
After glucose enters the cell and is phosphorylated, it can
40 either be converted to glycogen or enter the glycolytic
pathway. Of the glucose that enters the glycolytic path-
Transport rate constants (min-1)

Kin way, approximately 90% is oxidized. In the low physi-

30 ologic range of plasma insulin concentrations, glycogen
synthesis and glucose oxidation are of approximately
equal quantitative importance. With increasing plasma
20 insulin concentrations, glycogen synthesis becomes pre-
Kout dominant.56,62 If the rate of glucose oxidation is sub-
tracted from the rate of whole-body insulin-mediated
glucose disposal (determined from the insulin clamp), the
difference represents nonoxidative glucose disposal (or
glucose storage), which primarily reflects glycogen syn-
thesis.1,2,63 Glucose conversion to lipid accounts for less
10 100 1000 10000
than 5% of total glucose disposal,85 and 5% to 10% of
Plasma insulin (pM) the glucose taken up by muscle is released as lactate.64
Figure 35-26  Insulin action on glucose transport. Insulin dose-re- Using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spectros-
sponse curve for inward (Kin) and outward (Kout) rate constants for the copy and measuring insulin-stimulated incorporation
transmembrane transport of 3-O-methyl-glucose in forearm skeletal of [1H,13C]-glucose into muscle glycogen,63 the rate of
muscle at different plasma insulin concentrations. * P < 0.05 versus bas-
al; ** P < 0.01 versus basal. (Reproduced from Bonadonna RC, Cobelli nonoxidative glucose disposal (glucose storage) has been
C, Saccomani MP et al. Glucose transport in human skeletal muscle: the shown to correlate closely with the rate of glycogen syn-
in vivo response to insulin. Diabetes. 1993;42:191-198, 1993.) thesis (see Fig. 35-22).

Glycogen synthase is the key insulin-regulated Figure 35-28, plasma FFA concentrations decline steeply
enzyme that controls the rate of muscle glycogen for- in response to small increments in circulating insulin
mation.74-76,86-88 Insulin enhances glycogen synthase levels under conditions of euglycemia. This decrease is the
activity by stimulating a cascade of phosphorylation-­ result of a drastic reduction in the rate of FFA appearance
dephosphorylation reactions74,75,88 (see the section enti- into the circulation. The concomitant decline in plasma
tled “Insulin Receptor Signal Transduction”), which glycerol concentration is consistent with in vitro studies
ultimately lead to the activation of PP-1 (also called gly- and indicates that lipolysis is inhibited. The consequence
cogen synthase phosphatase).87,88 The regulatory subunit of the reduced availability of FFA is a parallel reduction
(G) of PP-1 has two serine phosphorylation sites, called in both FFA oxidation and nonoxidative FFA disposal,
site 1 and site 2. Phosphorylation of site 2 by cyclic ade- that is, reesterification (Fig. 35-29). The inverse patterns
nosine monophosphate-dependent kinase (PKA) inac- of change in glucose disposal and oxidation on the one
tivates PP-1, while phosphorylation of site 1 by insulin hand, and lipid utilization on the other, introduce the
activates PP-1, leading to the stimulation of glycogen important concept of substrate competition. Glucose and
synthase.88,89 Phosphorylation of site 1 of PP-1 by insu-
lin in muscle is catalyzed by insulin-stimulated protein
kinase-1, which is part of a family of serine/threonine
protein kinases termed ribosomal S6-kinases. Because
of their central role in muscle glycogen formation, and
because impaired insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis
is a characteristic defect in patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus, considerable attention has been focused on the
three enzymes—glycogen synthase, PP-1, and insulin-
stimulated protein kinase-1—in the pathogenesis of insu-
lin resistance in individuals with type 2 diabetes. The
effect of insulin on glycogen synthase gene transcription
and translation in vivo has been studied by employing the
euglycemic insulin clamp in combination with muscle
biopsies. Most studies83 have shown that insulin does not
increase glycogen synthase mRNA or protein expression
in human muscle in vivo. Rather, insulin converts the Figure 35-27  Schematic representation of the control of pyruvate
inactive (phosphorylated) form of glycogen synthase to ­dehydrogenase. Sites of insulin regulation are shown. See text for a
­detailed discussion. NAD+, oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-
the active (dephosphorylated) form of the enzyme.74-76,86 tide; NADH, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; PDH, pyru-
vate dehydrogenase.
Glycolysis/Glucose Oxidation
Glucose oxidation accounts for approximately 90% of
total glycolytic flux, while anaerobic glycolysis accounts
for the other 10%.64 Two enzymes, PFK and PDH, play
Plasma FFA

central roles in the regulation of glycolysis and glucose

oxidation, respectively. PFK represents a key functional 500
step in control of glycolysis.90 Insulin does not exert any
direct effect on this enzyme, which is primarily regulated
by the energy (ATP) and fuel (citrate, acetyl-CoA) status 0
of the cell. However, insulin indirectly stimulates PFK by
increasing fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, a potent activator of
PFK. Insulin has no effect on muscle PFK activity, mRNA
levels, or protein content in nondiabetic individuals.91
FFA turnover

Insulin also regulates flux through glycolysis by increas-
ing the activity of the multienzyme complex, PDH.34,90
This enzyme is activated by insulin, which stimulates
PDH-phosphatase, thus converting the enzyme from its 100
inactive phosphorylated form to its active dephosphory-
lated form (Fig. 35-27). The PDH complex enzyme also
is inhibited by its products, acetyl-CoA and reduced nico- 0
0 50 100 200
tinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).
Plasma insulin (µU/mL)
Free Fatty Acid–Amino Acid–Glucose Interactions Figure 35-28  Dose-response relationship between the plasma insulin
A major part of insulin’s stimulatory action on glucose concentration and plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentration (top) and
metabolism is indirect and is mediated via changes in sub- rate of plasma FFA turnover (bottom) in healthy subjects during euglyce-
mic insulin clamp studies. (Reproduced from Groop LC, Bonadonna RC,
strate metabolism. In contrast to the hormone’s stimu- Del Prato S, et al. Glucose and free fatty acid metabolism in non–in-
latory effect on glucose utilization, insulin is a powerful sulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: evidence for multiple sites of insulin
inhibitor of lipolysis and lipid oxidation.56 As shown in resistance. J Clin Invest/ 1989;84:205-213.)

long-chain FFAs are the first and best-known example enzyme for triglyceride synthesis. These combined effects
of substrate competition in insulin-dependent tissues.92 limit the release of FFAs into the bloodstream. In addi-
Physiologically, the increases in plasma glucose (by mass tion, the glucose-induced increase in plasma insulin
action) and insulin (stimulation of glucose transport) concentration quickly inhibits lipolysis by stimulating
concentrations increase the rate of glucose uptake into hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipocyte, and this further
fat cells. The resultant increase in intracellular α-glycerol reduces the supply of lipid substrates to the oxidative
phosphate generated during the stimulation of glycolysis machinery in muscle and liver. A decrease in FFA oxi-
supplies the substrate for augmented reesterification of dation by these tissues causes a reciprocal stimulation of
tissue FFAs, while at the same time insulin stimulates glucose oxidation and glycogen synthesis by reversal of
α-glycerol phosphate acyltransferase, the rate-limiting the Randle cycle in muscle (see later) and inhibition of
gluconeogenesis in the liver.
The glucose-mediated inhibition of FFA metabolism
100 is counterbalanced by an FFA-mediated inhibition of
FFA oxidation

glucose metabolism, creating an FFA–glucose substrate

interaction known as the Randle cycle.92 When their
50 plasma concentration is elevated, by mass action FFAs
are transported into muscle and liver cells by simple dif-
fusion across the membrane. The intracellular free FFA
concentration is maintained low by a specific FFA-bind-
200 ing protein, and this ensures a favorable transport gradi-
ent. Once inside the cell, FFAs are transported into the
FFA metabolism

mitochondria, where they undergo beta oxidation (Fig.

100 35-30). Before entering the mitochondria, the long-chain
fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, and palmi-
toleic) are first activated to their acyl-CoA derivative
0 by the appropriate acyl-CoA synthetase. Because the
0 50 100 200 inner mitochondrial membrane is not permeable to the
Plasma insulin (µU/mL) fatty-acyl-CoA, a specific transport system is necessary
Figure 35-29  Dose-response relationship between the plasma insulin to transport the fatty-acyl derivative into the mitochon-
concentration versus the rate of whole-body free fatty acid (FFA) oxida- dria (see Fig. 35-30).93 The enzyme carnitine acyltrans-
tion (top) and the rate of nonoxidative FFA disposal, that is, reesteri- ferase-1 in the outer membrane transfers the cytosolic
fication (bottom) in healthy subjects during euglycemic insulin clamp fatty acyl-CoA to carnitine, and the resulting fatty-acyl
studies. (Reproduced from Groop LC, Bonadonna RC, Del Prato S
et al. Glucose and free fatty acid metabolism in non-insulin-dependent
carnitine derivative is transported through the mitochon-
diabetes mellitus: evidence for multiple sites of insulin resistance. J Clin drial membrane. At the inner mitochondrial membrane,
Invest. 1989;84:205-213.) carnitine acyltransferase 2, the rate-limiting enzyme for

Figure 35-30  Free fatty acid (FFA) and ketone body metabolism in the liver. After transport into the hepatocyte, FFAs are activated to their acyl-
CoA derivative. Depending on the hormonal, metabolic, and energy status of the cell, the fatty acyl-CoA moiety is either transported into the mito-
chondrion and oxidized or synthesized into triglyceride. Malonyl-CoA, which is a potent inhibitor of carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1, plays a pivotal
role in the switch from FFA oxidation to lipid synthesis. Insulin enhances the formation of malonyl-CoA by stimulating acetyl-CoA-carboxylase.
Insulin also favors triglyceride synthesis by inhibiting triacylglycerol lipase, the rate-limiting step for lipolysis. ATP, Adenosine triphosphate; CAT,
carnitine acyltransferase; TAG, triacylglycerol.

beta oxidation, catalyzes the transfer of the fatty-acyl unit According to the FFA-glucose cycle originally pro-
from fatty-acyl carnitine back to CoA, and the fatty acyl- posed 5 decades ago by Randle and colleagues,92 the
CoA then undergoes beta oxidation with the resultant increase in FFA oxidation restrains glucose oxidation
generation of acetyl-CoA. in muscle by altering the redox potential of the cell and
As beta oxidation proceeds, acetyl-CoA accumulates inhibiting key glycolytic enzymes. The excessive FFA
within the cell and becomes a powerful inhibitor of the oxidation, in addition to causing the intracellular accu-
PDH enzyme complex (Fig. 35-31).92,93 In addition, the mulation of acetyl-CoA (a potent inhibitor of PDH) and
accelerated rate of FFA oxidation consumes nicotinic increasing the NADH/NAD ratio (causing a slowing of
adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and generates NADH. This the Krebs cycle), results in the accumulation of citrate,
shift in redox potential further inhibits PDH and impairs a powerful inhibitor of PFK. Randle and colleagues pro-
the Krebs cycle. Fatty acyl-CoA derivatives also have posed that inhibition of PFK caused product inhibition of
been shown to inhibit glycogen synthase in muscle and the early steps involved in glucose metabolism, leading to
liver94,95 (see Fig. 35-31). In healthy humans, a physio-
logic elevation in the plasma FFA concentration (created
by Intralipid/heparin infusion) stimulates FFA oxidation
and inhibits both glucose oxidation and glucose storage
(glycogen synthesis),23,96 thus providing experimental
validation of the Randle cycle. In nondiabetic subjects,
a physiologic increment in the plasma insulin level
(+100 μU/mL) causes a 50% to 60% decline in plasma
FFA concentration and a parallel decline in lipid oxida-
tion (Fig. 35-32). Infusion of Intralipid during the insulin
clamp, to maintain or increase the plasma FFA level (see
Fig. 35-32), inhibits insulin-mediated stimulation of both
glucose oxidation and glucose storage (glycogen synthe-
sis) (Fig. 35-33). These data demonstrate that the Randle
cycle operates in vivo in humans in response to physi-
ologic changes in the plasma FFA concentration. The
inhibitory effect of elevated plasma FFA levels is observed
at all plasma insulin concentrations, spawning the physi-
ologic and pharmacologic range.96 The inhibitory effect
of an acute increase in plasma FFA concentration on Figure 35-32  Plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentration and total
body lipid oxidation (measured by indirect calorimetry) in the basal
muscle glucose metabolism is time dependent. Thus the state and during a 100-μU/mL euglycemic insulin clamp performed
earliest (within 2 hours) observed abnormality is a defect with and without Intralipid (IL) infusion. Intralipid was infused at two
in glucose oxidation, as would be predicted by operation rates to maintain (low IL infusion) or increase (high IL infusion) the
of the Randle cycle.92 This is followed (between 2 and basal plasma FFA concentration. The high-dose Intralipid infusion rate
maintained the rate of total body lipid oxidation constant at the basal
3 hours) by defects in glucose transport and phosphoryla- value. (Reproduced from Thiebaud D, DeFronzo RA, Jacot E, et al. Ef-
tion and eventually (after 3 to 4 hours) by impaired gly- fect of long-chain triglyceride infusion on glucose metabolism in man.
cogen synthesis.3,97 Metabolism, 1982;21:1128-1136.)

Figure 35-31  Schematic representation of

the intracellular biochemical and molecular
events that are inhibited by fatty acyl-CoAs
and their intracellular metabolites. See text
for a more detailed discussion. AcCoA,
Acyl-CoA; F6P, fructose-6-phosphate; FA-
CoA, fatty acyl-CoA; FFA, free fatty acid;
G1P, glucose-1-phosphate; G6P, glucose-
6-phosphate; GLUT, glucose transporter;
HK, hexokinase; NAD, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase;
PFK, phosphofructokinase; PI3K, phosphati-
dylinositol kinase; UDP, uridine diphosphate.

Figure 35-33  Inhibitory effect of Intralipid (IL) infusion and enhanced

lipid oxidation on insulin-mediated rates of glucose oxidation and non-
oxidative glucose disposal. (See legend to Fig. 35-31 for description of Figure 35-34  Net glucose, lactate, and pyruvate balances across the
the experimental protocol.) (Reproduced from Thiebaud D, DeFronzo human forearm of healthy subjects in the fasting state (30 to 0 minutes)
RA, Jacot E, et al. Effect of long-chain triglyceride infusion on glucose and during a 100-minute intraarterial insulin infusion calculated to in-
metabolism in man. Metabolism. 1982;21:1128-1136.) crease the local insulin concentration by approximately 120 μU/mL.
(Reproduced from Natali A, Buzzigoli G, Taddei S et al. Effects of in-
sulin on hemodynamics and metabolism in human forearm. Diabetes.
the accumulation of G6P, which in turn inhibited HKII.
The block in glucose phosphorylation caused a buildup of
intracellular free glucose, which restrained glucose trans- phosphorylation with subsequent inhibition of IRS-1
port into the cell via GLUT-4. The resultant decrease in tyrosine phosphorylation. In human muscle, elevated
glucose transport, in turn, resulted in impaired glycogen plasma FFA levels inhibit insulin-stimulated tyrosine
synthesis. This sequence of events by which accelerated phosphorylation of IRS-1, the association of the p85
plasma FFA oxidation inhibits muscle glucose transport, subunit of PI 3-kinase with IRS-1, and activation of PI
glucose oxidation, and glycogen synthesis is now referred 3-kinase98,102 (see Fig. 35-31). Direct effects of long-
to as the Randle cycle.92 It should be noted that the same chain fatty acyl-CoAs to inhibit glucose transport, glu-
scenario would ensue if the FFA were derived from tri- cose phosphorylation, and glycogen synthase also have
glycerides stored in muscle or from plasma.96 been demonstrated in muscle (see Fig. 35-32). Last,
The original description of the Randle cycle was formu- increased muscle ceramide levels (secondary to increased
lated based on experiments performed in rat diaphragm long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs) interfere with glucose trans-
and heart muscle.92 More recent studies performed in port and inhibit glycogen synthase in muscle via multiple
human skeletal muscle implicate mechanisms in addition mechanisms involving alterations in a variety of intracel-
to those originally proposed by Randle and colleagues, in lular lipid-signaling molecules that exert their inhibitory
the FFA-induced insulin resistance. Several groups98 have effects on multiple steps of glucose metabolism (insulin
failed to observe an increase in G6P, or in muscle citrate signal transduction system, glucose transport, glucose
levels, or an inhibition of PFK, when insulin-stimulated phosphorylation, glycogen synthase, PDH, Krebs cycle).
glucose metabolism was inhibited by a lipid infusion to The extent to which insulin action in target tissues is
increase the plasma FFA concentration. Thus, although direct rather than mediated by shifts in substrate sup-
increased FFA/lipid and decreased glucose oxidation are ply can be appreciated by comparing systemic with local
closely coupled, as originally demonstrated by Randle and insulin administration. When infused intraarterially into
colleagues, mechanisms other than product (i.e., elevated the human forearm, insulin does not alter the circulat-
intracellular G6P and free glucose concentrations) inhi- ing substrate supply, in that neither FFA nor glucose
bition of the early steps of glucose metabolism must be concentrations change in the arterial blood recirculating
invoked to explain the defects in glucose transport, glucose to the forearm tissues. Under these conditions, insulin
phosphorylation, and glycogen synthesis (see Fig. 35-31). stimulates forearm glucose uptake and lactate release in a
Studies in humans and animals have shown a strong time-dependent manner (Fig. 35-34) but does not induce
negative correlation between insulin-stimulated glucose any detectable change in the local respiratory quotient
metabolism and increased intramuscular lipid pools, (0.76) in the blood draining the forearm tissues.103 This
including triglyceride, diacylglycerol, ceramides, and observation indicates that the forearm tissues, and the
long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs.3,99-101 An acute increase in muscle in particular, continue to rely mostly on lipid oxi-
the plasma FFA concentration leads to an increase in dation for energy production, and that the vast majority
muscle fatty acyl-CoA and diacylglycerol concentrations. of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is channeled to gly-
Both long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs and diacylglyc- cogen. In contrast, when comparable hyperinsulinemia is
erol activate protein kinase C-θ, which increases serine created by systemic infusion of insulin while maintaining

by hepatocytes, leading to accelerated lipid oxidation

and accumulation of acetyl-CoA. The increased concen-
tration of acetyl-CoA stimulates pyruvate carboxylase,
the rate-limiting enzyme in gluconeogenesis, as well as
G6Pase, the rate-controlling enzyme for glucose release
from the hepatocyte (see Fig. 35-35). 2) The increased
rate of FFA oxidation provides a continuing source of
energy (in the form of ATP) and reduced nucleotides
(NADH) to drive gluconeogenesis. The net result is an
enhanced flux of three carbon precursors from pyru-
vate to oxaloacetate and thus into the gluconeogenic
pathway. Finally, it should be noted that an increase in
plasma FFA concentration need not be associated with
an increase in hepatic glucose production, even though
gluconeogenesis is enhanced. This is especially true in
nondiabetic subjects in whom, except under very unique
Figure 35-35  Schematic representation of the regulation of hepatic experimental conditions, elevation of the plasma FFA
glucose production and hepatic gluconeogenesis. Sites of stimulation of level rarely leads to an accelerated rate of hepatic glucose
free fatty acids are shown by the asterisk. See text for a more detailed
discussion. PEP, Phosphoenolpyruvate. output, because the stimulation of hepatic gluconeogen-
esis by FFA is precisely offset by an inhibition of glycoge-
nolysis, thereby yielding no net change in hepatic glucose
euglycemia, the leg respiratory quotient increases from production. This hepatic autoregulation in response to
0.74 to almost 1.00, that is, glucose oxidation increases, FFA infusion is similar to that observed during the infu-
whereas lipid oxidation is markedly reduced. In sum- sion of gluconeogenic precursors.108 Thus, in dogs and
mary, the direct effects of insulin are to promote glucose nondiabetic humans, intravenous administration of ala-
transport and phosphorylation, glycolysis, and glycogen nine, lactate, and glycerol augments gluconeogenesis but
synthesis; the stimulatory effect of the hormone on glu- fails to increase total hepatic glucose production because
cose oxidation is both direct and indirect, the latter being of a reciprocal decline in glycogenolysis. The situation
mediated by a fall in lipid availability. in insulin-resistant states, such as obesity and diabetes,
The liver plays a central role in the regulation of glucose appears to be different. Here, FFA infusion impairs the
metabolism.1,2,9,10,104 After ingestion of a carbohydrate suppression of hepatic glucose production by insulin and
meal, it is essential that the liver suppress its basal rate in some instances may actually elevate the basal rate of
of glucose production. In addition, the liver ultimately hepatic glucose production.109,110
takes up approximately one third of the glucose in the Amino acids also can enter into a substrate competi-
carbohydrate meal. Collectively, suppression of hepatic tion cycle with glucose, although somewhat less effec-
glucose production and augmentation of hepatic glucose tively than FFAs.111 Increased amino acid provision
uptake account for approximately half of the mainte- enhances glucose production under conditions of insu-
nance of plasma glucose homeostasis after ingestion of lin deficiency or resistance and limits glucose utilization
a carbohydrate meal. The regulation of hepatic glucose in the insulinized state. Furthermore, an increase in the
production is controlled by a number of factors (see Fig. plasma FFA concentration exerts a hypoaminoacidemic
35-3), of which insulin (inhibits hepatic glucose produc- effect in humans.112 In summary, each of the three major
tion) and glucagon and FFA (stimulate hepatic glucose substrates (i.e., glucose, FFAs, amino acids), if present in
production) are the most important. In vitro studies have excessive amounts (whether by endogenous production
demonstrated that plasma FFA are potent stimulators of or exogenous administration), can lower the level of the
hepatic glucose production and do so by increasing the other two by stimulating insulin release. In this situa-
activity of pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyru- tion, glucose metabolism obviously is favored because it
vate carboxykinase, the rate-limiting enzymes for gluco- is a much more potent insulin secretagogue than fat or
neogenesis.105 FFAs also enhance the activity of G6Pase, amino acids. In addition, multiple substrate effects (not
the enzyme that ultimately controls the release of glucose mediated by insulin) participate in the regulation of the
by the liver106 (Fig. 35-35). substrates themselves: high FFA and amino acid concen-
In normal subjects, an acute physiologic increase in trations increase glucose, whereas a high FFA concentra-
plasma FFA concentration stimulates gluconeogenesis, tion lowers the amino acid levels. The net result is the
whereas a decrease in plasma FFA concentration reduces creation of a glucose-FFA-amino acid cycle in which each
gluconeogenesis.107 A significant portion (as much as member of the triad influences its fellow members both
25%) of the suppressive effect of insulin on hepatic directly and indirectly through the stimulation of insulin
glucose production is mediated via inhibition of lipoly- secretion (Fig. 35-36).
sis and a reduction in circulating plasma FFA concen-
tration.10,24 The relationship between increased plasma Lipid Synthesis
FFA concentration, FFA oxidation, and hepatic glucose In addition to its potent restraining effect on lipoly-
production can be explained as follows: 1) Increased sis and inhibition of FFA oxidation, the increase in
plasma FFA levels, by mass action, augment FFA uptake plasma insulin concentration that occurs in the fed

Ketone Metabolism
Ketones are formed in the liver from the oxidation of
− + FFA, and their synthesis is tightly regulated by the cir-
culating levels of insulin and glucagon as well as malo-
− −
nyl-CoA. In the fed state, insulin levels rise, lipolysis is
inhibited, and intracellular malonyl-CoA levels rise93 (see
Chapter 46). This latter key intermediate inhibits carni-
tine acyltransferase-1, thus favoring triglyceride synthe-
sis and retarding fatty acid oxidation and ketone body
− formation. Conversely, in the starved or diabetic state,
plasma insulin levels decline and glucagon increases. The
decrease in insulin-to-glucagon ratio is associated with a
+ decrease in malonyl-CoA concentration, and fatty acid
Figure 35-36  The glucose–free fatty acid–amino acid cycle. Because oxidation and ketogenesis are favored (see Fig. 35-31).
glucose, free fatty acids (FFAs), and amino acids are all insulin secreto- With the exception of the liver, most tissues can oxidize
gogues, isolated increases of each of them lower the circulating levels of ketone bodies. Their utilization by peripheral tissues,
the other two via hyperinsulinemia (inner ring). By substrate competi- including muscle, is primarily regulated by their plasma
tion (outer ring), an increased supply of either FFAs or amino acids will
spare glucose. In addition, FFAs have a hypoaminoacidemic effect of concentration. Ketone bodies represent a major fuel for
their own. See text for a detailed discussion. (Reproduced from Ferran- muscle during prolonged fasting, once their circulating
nini E, DeFronzo RA. Insulin actions in vivo: glucose metabolism. In blood levels increase to 1 to 3 mmol/L. Reversal of the
DeFronzo RA, Ferrannini E, Keen H, Zimmet P, eds. International text- reduced insulin-to-glucagon ratio after feeding rapidly
book of diabetes mellitus. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons; 2004:
inhibits ketogenesis, and the associated decline in plasma
ketone levels abolishes ketone utilization by peripheral
state stimulates fatty acid synthesis and storage as tri-
acylglycerols in adipose depots throughout the body. Oral Glucose
As discussed previously, these fat stores are mobilized At any given point in time, the glycemic response to an
during conditions of fasting and serve as an important exogenous glucose load represents the balance between
metabolic fuel for skeletal muscle, heart, kidney, liver, the rate of glucose appearance in the systemic circulation
and other organs. In addition to its important role in from all sources (i.e., ingested glucose entering via the
lipid synthesis, insulin also enhances cholesterol for- gastrointestinal tract and endogenous glucose produc-
mation and cholesterol ester storage and promotes tion) and the rate at which glucose is disposed of by all
phospholipid metabolism. tissues in the body.104,113 Oral glucose appearance in the
In humans, adipose tissue and the liver represent the systemic circulation depends on 1) the rate at which the
primary sites of fatty acid synthesis. Insulin augments gastric contents are passed on to the small intestine; 2)
fatty acid synthesis in these tissues primarily by acti- the rate of intestinal glucose absorption; 3) the extent of
vating acetyl-CoA carboxylase33 (see Chapter 43). This gut glucose utilization; 4) the degree of hepatic glucose
enzyme converts acetyl-CoA in the cytosol to malonyl- trapping; 5) the dynamics of glucose transfer through the
CoA (see Fig. 35-30). Insulin directly activates acetyl- gut, liver, and posthepatic circulation to the right heart;
CoA carboxylase by increasing its phosphorylation state and 6) the rate of systemic plasma glucose clearance. The
and enhancing its synthesis. Insulin also indirectly acts contribution of endogenous glucose production to the
on the enzyme by increasing the supply of citrate, which glycemic response to feeding depends on the extent and
activates acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and by stimulating the rate of change of hepatic glucose release. Initially, dispo-
pentose phosphate cycle, thus providing the necessary sition of an ingested glucose load depends on changes in
reducing equivalents (NADH) for fat biosynthesis. Insu- the pattern of hormonal stimuli and substrate availabil-
lin also phosphorylates, thereby activating, ATP-citrate ity. Because it represents a summation phenomenon, the
lyase, the step immediately preceding that catalyzed by response to oral glucose explores the whole of glucose
acetyl-CoA carboxylase (see Fig. 35-30).33 The increase tolerance, not the individual contribution of the various
in cytosolic malonyl-CoA concentration simultaneously components. As discussed previously in this chapter, the
activates fatty acid synthase and binds to carnitine pal- rate-limiting step in the transfer of ingested glucose from
mitoyl transferase-1, inactivating the enzyme and inhibit- the stomach to the liver is the rate of gastric emptying.
ing fatty acid oxidation.93 The net result is an enhanced This depends on the volume, temperature, osmolarity,
availability of fatty acyl-CoA for triglyceride synthesis. and sodium content of the glucose solution when glucose
Insulin appears to have little effect on any of the enzymes alone is ingested. Glucose absorption through the intesti-
involved in triacylglycerol synthesis. This is in marked nal epithelial cells is rapid, efficient, and well in excess of
contrast to insulin’s powerful inhibitory action on triacyl- ordinary needs. Glucose utilization by intestinal tissues is
glycerol lipase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the regulation small when glucose is presented from the vascular side,
of lipolysis.93 In addition to the stimulatory effect of insu- that is, when there is no oral glucose (see Table 35-2).
lin on triglyceride synthesis, the hormone also appears to The major fuels used by the gastrointestinal tissues in
enhance cholesterol formation through an effect exerted the postabsorptive state are FFA and glutamine. In the
on hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase. presence of glucose at high concentrations on the luminal

side, it appears that gut glucose metabolism increases 75 g glucose

in response to the increased energy needs for absorp- 60
tion; the quantitative aspects of this stimulation of gut

glucose utilization remain undetermined in the human.

Oral glucose
The possibility also exists that systemic hyperglycemia 40
and/or hyperinsulinemia may impede intestinal glucose 30
absorption. 20
Glucose uptake by the liver is stimulated by portal
hyperglycemia (see later),9,10,114 and this has a major
impact on hepatic glucose release. The traversal of glu- 0
cose through the hepatic space is relatively quick, and this –30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
is unlikely to introduce a significant delay in the systemic
appearance of oral glucose. In summary, the dynamics 12
of oral glucose appearance are essentially determined by

Glucose clearance
gastric emptying, whereas intestinal transport, transit
across the gastrointestinal mucosa into the portal blood,
and transhepatic passage together introduce only a small 6
time delay. Stated otherwise, if neither gastrointestinal 4
nor liver tissues used glucose, the time course of oral glu- 2
cose appearance in the systemic circulation would follow
that of gastric emptying, with a time shift of a few min- 0
utes. For this reason, the gastric transfer step represents a –30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
major component of the shape of the glycemic response to
glucose. Figure 35-37 shows the pattern of appearance of 18
Endogenous glucose
ingested glucose in healthy individuals, as reconstructed 15
by a double tracer technique.104 Glucose appearance in 12
the systemic circulation peaks within 30 to 45 minutes, 9
declines slowly thereafter, but remains significantly above
zero at 180 minutes after glucose ingestion. At least 4 to
5 hours are necessary for the complete absorption of an 3
oral glucose load, and this is further prolonged by the 0
presence of fat and protein in the meal. Fig. 35-37 also –30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
shows the time course of suppression of endogenous glu- Time (min)
cose release by oral glucose. A sustained nadir is reached
between 60 and 120 minutes, and this is followed by Figure 35-37  Glucose turnover after glucose ingestion. The rate of
appearance of the oral glucose load (top), the rate of whole-body glu-
a slow return to the fasting rate; however, hepatic glu- cose clearance (middle), and the rate of endogenous (hepatic) glucose
cose production is still significantly inhibited 180 min- production (bottom) are shown after the ingestion of 75-g glucose in
utes after the glucose challenge. Overall suppression of healthy adults. Plots are mean ± SEM. (Redrawn from data in Bonuc-
hepatic glucose production during the 3- to 4-hour period celli S, Muscelli E, Gastaldelli A, et al. Improved glucose tolerance to se-
quential glucose loading (Staub-Traugott effect): size and mechanisms.
after glucose ingestion averages 50%. This is surprisingly Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2009;297:E532-E537, 2009.)
less than what would be expected based on the com-
bined portal hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia (see
Fig. 35-6). Because circulating levels of insulin antago- perturbations induced by oral glucose extend beyond the
nistic hormones (except norepinephrine) do not change time that it takes for the plasma glucose concentration to
after oral glucose, it is likely that activation of the sym- return to its preingestion level. Figure 35-38 depicts the
pathetic nervous system, and specifically those nerves time-course of oral and endogenous glucose appearance
innervating the liver, keeps liver glucose outflow open.19 observed in nondiabetic individuals and in type 2 diabetic
The resemblance of oral glucose appearance rate to the patients when the same glucose load as in the standard
plasma glucose curve is readily evident, especially during OGTT (see Fig. 35-37) is mixed with protein and fat.18
the first 60 to 90 minutes. Less appreciated is the fact that The shape of the oral absorption curve is similar—if
absorption is still incomplete 3 to 4 hours after ingestion. somewhat slower—to that of oral glucose alone, with
After a lag of approximately 30 minutes, plasma glucose substantial oral glucose still appearing in the systemic cir-
clearance is stimulated by 50% to 100% throughout culation at the end of 5 hours; suppression of endogenous
the period of observation. Hyperglycemia (mass action glucose release is marked and protracted despite the rise
effect of glucose to promote its own uptake) contributes in plasma glucagon levels elicited by protein (see Fig.
more to whole-body glucose disposal during the first half 35-5). In diabetic subjects, on the other hand, oral glucose
hour; thereafter, hyperinsulinemia provides the predomi- appearance is similar to controls, but endogenous glucose
nant stimulus. Oral glucose also elicits a marked vasodi- production shows a significantly lower degree of suppres-
lation of the splanchnic vascular bed, and this regional sion between 60 and 160 minutes after ingestion, in line
increase in splanchnic blood flow persists for at least 4 with the blunted rise in the estimated prehepatic insulin-
hours. Thus, both the metabolic and the hemodynamic to-glucagon molar concentration ratio (see Fig. 35-5).18

Mixed meal over 3.5 hours rather than swallowed in one bolus gen-
erates the same overall glucose curve but a 50% smaller
30 endogenous insulin response. Last, the route of glucose
25 administration exerts an important influence on the met-

abolic fate of glucose in that the portosystemic glucose

Oral glucose

20 T2D Controls concentration gradient per se enhances hepatic glucose

15 uptake independently of portal glycemia and total glu-
cose delivery to the liver.10 In humans, the oral route of
10 glucose administration also has been shown to enhance
5 splanchnic (hepatic) glucose uptake.114,117 Recent studies
also have shown that the liver takes up glucose in pro-
portion to delivery.118
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 After glucose ingestion, glucose oxidation in the
brain continues unabated during the absorptive period.
10 Approximately 50% of the glucose that is taken up by
peripheral tissues (muscle) is oxidized, and the remainder
Endogenous glucose

is stored as muscle glycogen or as lactate in the lactate

pool. During absorption from the gastrointestinal tract,
7 lactate release by the intestinal tissues into the portal vein
6 is markedly increased. It has been estimated that approxi-
5 mately 5% of the ingested glucose load is converted into
three carbon precursors (lactate, pyruvate, and alanine)
that are passed on to the liver and synthesized into glyco-
3 gen via the indirect pathway of gluconeogenesis. Because
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 the lactate concentration in the hepatic vein also increases
Time (min) after glucose ingestion, it follows that the sum of hepatic
lactate production and gut lactate formation must exceed
Figure 35-38  Rate of appearance of glucose (75-g) in a mixed meal
(top) and the corresponding rate of endogenous glucose production hepatic lactate extraction. Liver glycogen formation dur-
(bottom) in healthy subjects. Note that oral glucose is still appearing ing absorption of oral glucose occurs both directly from
at the end of 5 hours after meal ingestion while endogenous glucose glucose and indirectly via gluconeogenesis.118 The rela-
production is still suppressed. Shaded areas are mean ± SEM. The red tive contributions of the direct (from glucose) versus indi-
dotted line is the mean value of a group of obese patients with type 2
diabetes (see also Fig. 35-5). (Redrawn from data in Camastra S, Mus-
rect (from gluconeogenic precursors) pathway to hepatic
celli E, Gastaldelli A, et al. Long-term effects of bariatric surgery on glycogen synthesis in humans remain uncertain owing to
meal disposal and β-cell function in diabetic and nondiabetic patients. methodological difficulties. However, current data sug-
Diabetes. 2013;62:3709-3717, 2013.) gest that gluconeogenesis participates in liver glycogen
repletion to a much lesser extent in humans than in rats.

The tissue destination of absorbed glucose has been Counterregulatory Hormones

the subject of intense investigation. Although the liver A review of the role of the insulin counterregulatory hor-
was classically reputed to be responsible for the even- mones (glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol, growth hormone,
tual disposal of the majority of an oral glucose load, and thyroid hormones) and their roles in intermediary
more recent studies that have employed the hepatic vein metabolism is beyond the scope of this chapter, and the
catheter technique in combination with radioisotope reader is referred to Chapter 47 and reference 16. The most
methodology have demonstrated that peripheral tis- important role of the counterregulatory hormones is in the
sues dispose of approximately two thirds of the ingested defense against hypoglycemia. Glucagon and epinephrine
glucose, whereas the splanchnic tissues account for the play an important role in the acute recovery from hypogly-
remaining one third.115,116 However, it must be remem- cemia by stimulating both glycogenolysis and gluconeogen-
bered that the splanchnic tissues (i.e., liver) also contrib- esis. When hypoglycemia is prolonged, cortisol and growth
ute to glucose conservation by reducing their output of hormone contribute to the restoration of normoglycemia
glucose. When this amount of glucose is added to that by impairing the tissue’s ability to respond to insulin. Epi-
which is taken up by the liver, it can be seen that splanch- nephrine also is a potent peripheral insulin antagonist.
nic (hepatic) and peripheral tissues contribute approxi- Except for glucagon (whose concentration increases dur-
mately equally to the maintenance of normal glucose ing fasting, leading to a stimulation of hepatic glucose
homeostasis. Obviously, these approximate proportions production primarily by augmenting gluconeogenesis), it
vary according to the period during which the study is unclear what role if any these insulin antagonistic hor-
is conducted, as well as with the nature of individual mones play in glucoregulation during the transition from
responses to glucose ingestion. A robust insulin secretory the fed to the fasted state. More likely, these counterregu-
response directs more posthepatic glucose to the periph- latory hormones contribute to the mobilization of com-
eral tissues, whereas a large increase in splanchnic blood petitive substrates, especially FFAs, from adipose depots
flow channels the delivery of incoming sugar to the liver. to the liver and muscle, where they serve as an important
In humans, for example, a glucose drink sipped slowly energy source. Circulating levels of these counterregulatory

hormones (except glucagon) do not increase during fast- •

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ing. Rather, the plasma insulin concentration declines in graphic citations as well as the ability to take notes,
response to the decrease in blood glucose, and the resultant highlight important content, search the full text, and
hypoinsulinemia leaves the lipolytic and ketogenic activi- more, visit  
ties of the counterregulatory hormones unopposed, thus
facilitating the shift from glucose to FFA metabolism.
25. DeFronzo RA, Jacot E, Jequier E, et al. The effect of insulin on
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